"It... can it even block the attack of God Sovereign!"

Looking at the undamaged golden beam in front of me, I recalled the previous Bayer In the shot scene, Four Divine Beasts clan’s Powerhouse came back to his senses from a trance, and then took a deep breath one by one, leaving only the color of consternation on his face.

"Who the hell! Hides the head and shrink the tail, what's the point!"

Bayer once again shouted, but this time his expression is obviously more heavy. Lust, sullen in the rant.

Blood Peak and Luke did not make a sound, but they were still looking all around, perceiving the hidden breath fluctuations all around in the sky.

"Listen to my advice, the grievances between your eight major clan and Four Divine Beasts clan will be wiped out."

At this moment, a majestic and majestic one is revealed. The sound reverberated above the Chaos Sea, clearly reaching the ears of everyone in the field.

The voice fell, Chu Bei took Linley and appeared on the battlefield. Behind him was followed by a gang of Baruch, Hahneman, and the others who had become numb.

"It's... it's him!"

"Haha, it turned out to be an adult!"

Just when Chu Bei appeared on the battlefield, it was caught by the Golden beam There were two different exclamations in the enveloped Four Divine Beasts clan.

The first wave of exclamations came from Azure Dragon Redding clan. The exclamation of the second wave came from Black Tortoise Bowen Clan.

"Tafeng, do you know this adult?"

Azure Dragon Reading clan Clan Leader immediately asked.

"Hundred Valley, what is going on!"

Black Tortoise UBM clan also asked immediately.

"Master Clan Leader, I haven’t had time to tell you that there is another descendant from the Baruch lineage of the Magnolia continent. He is called Linley, who has just successfully recognized his ancestors. And that person is with Linley. The one who came here seemed to be Linley’s mentor.” Tafeng immediately replied to Azure Dragon Clan Clan Leader.

"Master Clan Leader, we were chased by Bayer Clan’s three High Gods before, and he rescued us and killed those three High Gods. Moreover, his discipline seems to be thunder Ding Clan’s people.” The descendants of Black Tortoise called Baigu also immediately replied.

After listening to the answers of future generations, the two Clan Leaders looked at each other. For a while, they didn't know what to say, but looked at Chu Bei respectfully.

"Who are you! How dare you intervene in the affairs between our eight clan and Four Divine Beasts clan!"

Bayer looked at Chu Bei and pointed out his finger Golden beam not far away.

"When is the injustice reported? From now on, everyone minds their own business." Chu Bei put his hands behind his back and smiled at Bayer.

"Why have I never seen you?" Luke flew to Bayer's side and looked at Chu Bei with a confused face.

Judging from the other party's methods, it is obviously not High God Great Perfection, but there are so many God Sovereigns, but he never knew there was such a person in front of him.

"You have only lived for a few epochs. Isn't it normal that you haven't seen this seat?" Chu Bei glanced at Luke lightly.

"Now no matter who you are, as long as you dare to be nosy, then you are against me, Bayer!"

Bayer stared coldly at Chu Bei, coldly snorted, below it The chaotic sea rolled up, and huge waves rushed into the sky.

"Your cultivation is not easy, so leave now. This Four Divine Beasts clan, this seat is in Baoding. Don't do anything that you regret." Chu Bei sighed, his voice was threatening. .

"Arrogant words!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Bayer's face changed on the spot, and a killing intent appeared in his eyes.

The cry of drreary ice-cold fell, and a dark green-colored long sword appeared in Bayer's hand. This was a God Sovereign device.

Holding a dark green long sword in hand, Bayer without the slightest hesitation swept towards Chu Bei, pierced out with a sword, pointing directly at the latter's head!

In an instant, the long sword that condenses the power of God Sovereign releases a terrifying sword glow!

hong long long!

A sword stabbed out, and the sky collapsed and tsunami.

"Is this the power of God Sovereign?"

"Too terrifying!"

Four Divine Beasts clan looked horrified, staring blankly at the front At the moment Bayer took out the sword, the flow of divine force in their bodies became stagnant inexplicably, difficult to mobilize, and was vigorously suppressed.

"This strength is far from enough."

However, in the face of this terrifying matchless sword, Chu Bei looks very calm and collected, and his face can't help but There was no fear, even a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth.

In fact, this is also true. The breath fluctuations revealed by the lower God Sovereign like Bayer, when replaced with the realm in Perfect World, are probably equivalent to Escape Peak, which is far from Supreme. Heat.

And Chu Bei, without using the power of the system, its own cultivation realm is already Level 17 Peak, the Supreme Realm in the equivalent to Perfect World.

A Supreme playing an Evading Oneness Realm, what is the difference between this and playing?


Chu Bei flicks with the finger, a lightsaber flew out from the fingertips, tracing a beautiful track, and easily resisted Bayer's dark green long sword .


In an instant, Bayer’s stature stopped, then frowned, the dark green long sword in his hand trembled, and layer after layer of terrifying power on the sword followed one after another .


Some completely unprepared Bayers can hardly remove the heavy power like the waves. Their body trembles suddenly, causing blood to infiltrate, and the mouth is also ejected. Great a mouthful of blood.

Next moment, Bayer flew upside down, and the space within a thousand miles around completely collapsed, and a large terrifying hole appeared, and he himself was directly plunged into the turbulence of the space.

The aftermath of horror spread, and the Chaos Sea below boiled directly. All the creatures in the sea died, instantly turning into dust, leaving no residue.

"How...how is it possible!"

"How can Bayer God Sovereign be at a disadvantage!"

"It must be Bayer God Sovereign who underestimated the enemy!"


The Warrior of Eight Clan looked at the turbulent gaps in the sky, his pupils shrank suddenly, his face was extremely ugly.

On the contrary, Warrior of Four Divine Beasts clan looked excited and looked at Chu Bei's silhouette admiringly.

They dare not imagine that the seemingly inattentive random blow of the other party even knocked God Sovereign Bayer into the air!

"Luke, if you also want to make a move, let me accompany you in the trick." Perceiving Luke, who was climbing in the imposing manner, Blood Peak let out a sneer and fought for each other.

"Hehe, that's not necessary."

Luke's breath converges, as if he has noticed something, and then said: "Maybe Bayer alone can deal with this guy of unknown origin. That's it."

hong long long!

Just as Luke's voice fell, a huge crack suddenly cracked above Chu Bei's head.

In the cracks, dark clouds are rolling, and thunder is densely covered.

Bayer, who had been smashed into the turbulence of the space before, appeared again, but the dark green long sword in his hand was replaced with a javelin surrounded by a lot of lightning, which is also a God Sovereign device. And it is a powerful Thunder Element God Sovereign device!


Bayer fell from the sky, his eyes were cold, the javelin in his hand was thrown violently, and the tip of the spear went straight to the center of Chu Bei's head. Wherever he went, there was only a faint energy fluctuation, and it was obvious that the spear attack power had been condensed to the extreme.

"It's really a stubborn!"

At this moment, the smile on Chu Bei's face disappeared, replaced by heavy.

Sen Han's indifferent six syllables spit out from his mouth, such as Nine Heavens thunder sound, which sounded in the sky.

After that, his backhand without raising his head was moved towards the top of his head and waved away. During the wave of his hand, his arm was covered with a layer of Golden dragon scales.

hong long!

Chu Bei punched the javelin, and in the sound of the explosion, the latter instantly turned into numerous fragments and splashed away.

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