Tianji mountain range, Azure Dragon Reading clan.

"My lord, are you leaving now? Don't you stay longer?"

Redding Bell successfully refining God Sovereign and has entered the ranks of God Sovereign , But even so, when facing Chu Bei, he was still extremely respectful.

Chu Bei shook the head: "The father of the discipline of this seat has been dead for many years, so it is time to resurrect him."

"Resurrect the dead?!"

"Master, you...you said that my father can be resurrected! Just like you did when you resurrected Beibei father?"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Redding Bell and Linley were shocked at the same time, especially It is the latter who has a deep joy in addition to surprise.

"They are different in nature. Beibei’s father died not long ago, and his soul has just entered the underworld, so he can gather his soul as a teacher. But your father has been dead for many years, even as a teacher. Go to the underworld." Chu Bei looked at Linley and said indifferently.

"Underworld?" Linley frowned, and with a bewildered tone barely fell, Chu Bei took him out of hell.


The four highest planes, Heaven Realm.

"Master Orloff, you must be the master for us! God Sovereign violates the agreement set by you and the other three rules Sovereign!"

A huge circle that releases holy breath Inside the shaped building, Luke God Sovereign stood respectfully in front of a white haired old man.

This white haired old man is the best powerhouse of Heaven Realm, Destiny Sovereign!

"What happened."

Orloff stroked his beard and looked at Luke God Sovereign in front of him, browsing frowned.

"Bayer, have you ever heard of it?" Luke asked.

"A newly promoted God Sovereign is also a lucky one." Destiny Sovereign Orloff nodded.

"He was killed, killed by a Middle God. We didn't provoke this Middle God, he was the first to intervene in our business." Luke added more energy and jealousy to the Chaos Sea about Chu Bei's story was told to Orloff.

I don't know where the news of Luke came from, but I know that Chu Bei is from the Magnolia continent and is still the leader of a party.

"The Lord of All Heavens Store? It's weird. God Sovereign clearly doesn't have such a person, but he has the strength of the mid-level God Sovereign." Destiny Sovereign Orloff frowned and fell into thinking.

Four supreme planes, God World of life.

"Lord Life Sovereign, please must you punish the guy who violated the God Sovereign agreement!" This is a God Sovereign who befriended Luke, standing respectfully behind a black clothed woman.

"If he really violated the rules as you said, then we will naturally give you an explanation." The black clothed woman said calmly.

Four supreme planes, hell.

"Master Destruction Sovereign, this is how it happened. I don't know how you think about it?" Deep in Muya continent, a red-clothed man moved towards a man who was wrapped in black air. Bowed.

"Let’s take a look at what the other three say first, after all, this mid-level God Sovereign can be regarded as helping Four Divine Beasts clan, and this Four Divine Beasts clan is on my site again." Destruction Sovereign Faintly sighed: "But if he really violates the rules, I am afraid I will not be able to protect him."

The four highest planes, the underworld.

"haha, interesting, really interesting! In these boring endless years, finally waiting for something interesting!" In the gloomy castle, a pretty girl with red hair sat in the first place, her face It is full of happiness, and it seems that the mind is not mature yet.

"Master Death Sovereign, since you already know about this, the little one will retreat first." After a Thunder Element God Sovereign glanced at the pretty girl with fear, he couldn't wait to move towards Gu Go outside the fort.

"Hehe, I really want to see what this mid-level God Sovereign of unknown origin looks like." The pretty red-haired girl rubbed her palms with a look of expectation on her face.

At this moment, a low and majestic sound filled with majesty floated on the four supreme planes and the seven element gods plane.

"The Lord of All Heavens Store, three hours later, God Sovereign will be judged on the penalty table!"

This voice seems to contain endless power. In an instant, It fills every corner of the big plane.

"This...this is the voice of Destiny Sovereign!"

"Master of All Heavens Store? Who is this person? Why have I never heard of it!"

"God Sovereign penalty table? Could it be said that the owner of the All Heavens Store is a God Sovereign! And God Sovereign who made a mistake!"

"Don’t you know? The owner of the All Heavens Store is The middle-ranked God Sovereign, he disregarded the agreement set by the four major rules of Sovereign, and killed the lower God Sovereign Bayer in the Hell and Chaos Sea!"

"Bayer, I have heard of it, but I got it recently. God Sovereign has entered the ranks of God Sovereign. But why I’ve never heard of this middle God Sovereign All Heavens Store owner? After all, there are so many God Sovereigns."

"Control that Many, why don't you hurry to the God Sovereign penalty table! Going late, there is no place in the front row."

"You said, will the owner of All Heavens Store not go? "

"Impossible! No one dared to disobey the four rules of Sovereign yet!"


Chu Bei beheaded Bayer God Sovereign, soon It spread to all the great gods plane.

This is the first to get news, naturally the four rules of Sovereign, followed by the other seven Sovereign. Then, there are a lot of God Sovereign and High God, Middle God, Low God.

At the same time as the news spread, tens of thousands of gods went to the God Sovereign penalty station of Heaven Realm through the plane Transmission Formation.

Light God plane.

"The Lord of All Heavens Store? Is he destroying the Holy Church on the Magnolia continent!" On a huge jade stone, Radiant Sovereign Augusta looked heavy.

"Master Sovereign, you said that the four master Sovereign rules, will they sentence the owner of the All Heavens Store to death?" A Twelve-Winged Angel stood respectfully next to Augusta.

"No matter what the four of them decide, this owner of All Heavens Store must die!" Radiant Sovereign narrowed his eyes, and the killing intent appeared in his eyes.

The highest plane hell, the mountain range of heavenly sacrifices.

All the High Gods in the Four Divine Beasts clan are gathered together, and the leader is the Clan Leader of the four clans.

"Bell, how is it good now? My lord, in order to save us, he actually put himself in a dangerous situation. If the four rules of Sovereign really want to give the lord to death, what can I do!" Black Clan Leaders of Tortoise, Vermilion Bird and White Tiger Three clan looked towards Redding Bell.

Since Redding Bell became God Sovereign, he has become the leader of Four Divine Beasts clan.

"I have been ranked God Sovereign, even in front of the four rules of Sovereign, I have a place to speak. At the trial, I will elaborate on this matter and ask the four rules of Sovereign to forgive the adults. After that, Redding Bell looked towards the direction of Heaven Realm.

"Let's go with you! If there are too many people, the rule Sovereign may leave a way out." A group of High Gods including the other three Sovereigns followed Redding Bell behind.

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