The highest plane, the underworld.

Holy Mountain undead.

This is a tens of thousands of meters high mountain full of white bones. The whole mountain can be seen everywhere white bones.

Looking intently, on the top of the mountain, there is a dark and simple castle shrouded in black mist.

In front of the quaint castle, there are two huge Transmission Formation.

The Transmission Formation in the east is responsible for attracting people from other planes. Newcomers to the underworld like that material plane will pass this Transmission Formation. The Transmission Formation to the west is responsible for transmitting people in hell to other planes.

Normally, very few people set foot on the Transmission Formation on the west side; but today it is uncharacteristically, and there are long queues.

Not only that, the breath of these people in line is extremely strong, and the weakest is actually Middle God.

"These adults must all go to Heaven Realm. If I had enough dark stones, it would be great. Then I can also go to the judgment stand of Heaven Realm. Let’s join in the fun and take a look. See who is the owner of the All Heavens Store."

"Hey, it's impossible in this life. Let's guide newcomers obediently and honestly."

The newcomer Low God looked at the Middle God and High God queuing with envy.

"Master, they are all talking about you."

The void rippled, Linley leaned out and pointed at the gods below opened the mouth and said.

Chu Bei laughed, Destiny Sovereign's roar increased his reputation a lot.

"Master, do you want to go to this trial stand? Listening to what they say, the four rules of Sovereign seem to be very strong! Or after you save my father, let's return directly to the Magnolia continent Right." Linley said again, allowing some worry in his words.

"Such a lively thing, how could the teacher be absent."

Chu Bei's face was playful, and then he slapped the demon responsible for teleportation below. array.

hong long!

With a loud noise, the Middle God and High God who were waiting in line were all startled and looked up towards Chu Bei.

"Who!" The gods frowned.

"This Transmission Formation has been modified by this seat, you no longer need to wait in line." With a smile, Chu Bei disappeared into the perception of the gods as he walked with Linley .

"Have any of you seen him? Also, what he just said, is it true or false!" Looking at the direction of Chu Bei's disappearance, the gods looked suspicious.

"Really...really, there is no limit on the number of teleporters!"

"My God, who is he! There is such a means!"

Soon, the Transmission Formation all around in front of the castle heard the shocked voices of the gods.


"Master, this is our destination this time, is the Nether Mountain in your mouth!" Far away from the sky, Linley pointed to the front with excitement.

This is a mountain rising into the sky, and the mountain is filled with a faint azure light. At first glance, it looks like an azure mountain, but when you look carefully, you will find that the azure light is constantly flickering and changing, sometimes purple, sometimes blue, and sometimes black, which is extremely strange.

"Yes, it's here." Chu Bei put his hands behind behind, the voice fell, and he took Linley into the Nether Mountain.

Nether Mountain.

The highest mountain in the underworld, it is one million metres high and a radius of over ten thousand miles.

Looking at it, the three-color clouds and mists of Nether Mountain are lingering, and the Heaven and Earth chains that are naturally formed on the surface of the clouds are winding the mountains. According to reports, Heaven and Earth chains cannot be touched, and those who touch them ten deaths without life.


With a wave of his hand, Chu Bei cut open the Heaven and Earth chains, and directly led Linley to the depths of the Nether Mountain.

"Look! Someone is here again!"

"Are the two of you here running on the Nether Fruit?"

"This mountain danger lurks on Every side, since we have a chance to meet each other, let’s go together."


In Chu Bei, Linley had just fallen into a mountain forest with three men flying. After coming over, each of them looked vigilant.

【Task 5 is released, the host gets the Nether Tree. 】

Suddenly, the system tone sounded abruptly in Chu Bei's mind.

"My friend, your strength is not what it seems to be, right?"

At this moment, one of the three men with long silver hair in a shawl looked very feminine. youth tentatively opened the mouth and said. In his perception, one of these two people is only Level 9 Warrior, and the other has no divine force fluctuations.

"As you can see on the surface, do you think we can come here alive?" Chu Bei smiled.

"That's true, should we just get together?" The silver-haired youth, who seemed to be the leader of the three, sent out an invitation again.

"What was the nether fruit in your mouth earlier?" Chu Bei looked at the three Middle Gods in front of him, judging from the name, he was the nether tree in this line mission.

"Didn't you come for Nether Fruit?" The silver-haired youth's face changed.

"Not before, now it is." Chu Bei said with a smile.

Hearing this, the silver-haired youth twitched the corners of his mouth: "That's all, it’s okay to tell you. This nether fruit, but the treasure in the nether mountain. Anyone who gets the nether fruit and eats it will Become a High God. At the same time, you will receive a reception from God Sovereign and become a God Sovereign messenger! It is said that this God Sovereign is still the most powerful one in the underworld, Death Sovereign!"

"Death Sovereign It seems a bit of an impression." After listening to the words of the silver-haired youth, the corners of Chu Bei's mouth became curved.

"Since the Nether Fruit is so powerful, why are there so few people looking for in this mountain?" Linley's face rose to allow some confusion.

"Let’s not talk about danger lurks on every side in this mountain. There are not many people who dare to come. After three more hours, the Four Rules Sovereign will judge the Lord of All Heavens Store. They all I went to the show. We didn't have enough coins, so we continued to stay here to try one's luck." The silver-haired youth said.

"It turned out to be like this. Then do you know where the Nether Fruit is?"

"This Nether Fruit is erratic, but it is said that his energy fluctuation is..."

The dialogue between Linley and the silver-haired youth is not over yet, all around the space fluctuates, and then the scene changes.

"Is that that?" At this moment, Chu Bei's voice sounded.


The silver-haired youth and his companions were taken aback for a moment. After seeing the location of the mountain at the moment, their pupils suddenly shrank, eyebrows. There was a deep consternation.

They couldn't believe that they appeared on the top of the mountain from the mountainside with just a breath of effort!

This Nether Mountain is very strange, there is a layer of Formation on the mountainside, even the ordinary High God can hardly break it. For this reason, there are very few people who have been to the top of Nether Mountain.

The silver-haired youth three took a deep breath, and just as they calmed down their excitement and looked towards the front, their expressions became distorted again and became even more exaggerated: "You...Nether fruit!"

"I'm not dreaming! It's really a Nether Fruit! We found it!" After exclaiming, the three silver-haired youths started to carnival in excitement.

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