
"How could this happen!"

Looking at the huge face with distorted expression in the trunk of the Nether Fruit Tree , The dark red big snake was frightened and stupefied, standing in a daze as if petrified.

The silver-haired youth three in the distance were also shocked. The three of them seemed to have lost their souls, their mouths wide open, and they were silent.

They can't believe what they are witnessing!

That was a God Sovereign who was hit back and forth by the other two trees. Judging from the screams, he seemed to be suffering from pain.

Although Linley had just seen Chu Bei kill Bayer God Sovereign not long ago, waves still appeared on his face at the moment.


As the word Chu Bei fell, Tree of Enlightenment and Enlightenment Tree bloomed at the same time, and disappeared with a bang with the Netherworld Fruit Tree.

[The host takes the Nether Fruit Tree, the mission is completed]

Listening to the system sound, Chu Bei smiled indifferently, and there is another old tree in his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

To be precise, this should still be a sapling, completely different from the previous ghost tree.

The dark red big snake finally reacted, and after looking at Chu Bei in fear, the split open space moved towards an old castle higher on the top of the mountain and flew away.

"My lord, that God Sovereign..."

The three silver-haired youth flew back to Chu Bei's side, becoming extremely restrained, and tentatively asking Nether Fruit The whereabouts of the tree.

"This seat is predestined with you, and these three fruits will be given to you." Chu Bei waved his hand casually, and the three nether fruits flew to the silver-haired youth.

The silver-haired youth three were taken aback for a moment, and when they reacted, they quickly moved towards Chu Bei and bowed, their voices were extremely excited: "Many...many thanks, sir!"

Can Dang When they thanked them and raised their heads, Chu Bei and Linley had disappeared.


Nether Mountain, the top of the mountain.

In a gloomy castle, the void ripples and two figures descend slowly.

"Master, it's so gloomy here."

As soon as Linley landed in the castle, he couldn't help but shudder, and there was an inexplicable chill in his heart.

I looked around, the material of this castle is all purple black, and the icy wall releases a chilly breath.

With a wave of Chu Bei's sleeve robe, the dazzling golden glow instantly flooded the castle, and the gloomy chill disappeared. Linley just felt a warm stream spread over his body, which was extremely refreshing.


Suddenly, a cold, crisp sound rang through the castle.

Linley and Beibei immediately followed the sound, and saw a delicate throne at the end of the purple red carpet, which was a pure black throne.

On the throne sat a woman in a purple robe, embroidered with patterns of branches, vines, and silver snakes. She has long red hair like blood, a delicate face, and her special eyes, which seem to be thrilling with lightning.

"Death Sovereign is a woman!"

Looking at the pretty red-haired girl on the throne, Linley couldn't help exclaiming.

"Bold! See Lord Sovereign, how dare you not kneel!"

Huo Ran, a low scream came, and it turned out that there were three standing on each side of the pretty red-haired girl. silhouette.

When one of the white-haired man heard Linley's words, his face immediately sank, and he waved his hand and slapped it with a palm.

In the palm of his palm, there are horrible breath fluctuations, let alone Linley, even if the powerful High God meets this palm, the soul flew away and scattered.

Because the Six Paths silhouette who is staying beside the red-haired girl at the moment are all God Sovereign of the underworld!


Linley only felt that the blood flow throughout his body stopped, but when he saw that the palm print was about to strike on his body, a more terrifying rippling giant palm emerged from him.

With a dull sound, the ripples like giant palm crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood annihilated the palm prints made by the white-haired man.

The ripples giant palm continued to sweep forward, and in an instant it came to the white-haired man.

The white-haired man frowned, clenching his fist to meet him without hesitation.

weng weng weng!

The castle trembled, and the weird floating light shrouded all around the walls. The white-haired man flew out and hit the wall fiercely. If it weren't for the shrouded light, I'm afraid the entire castle would have turned into fly ash under this palm.


In an instant, except for the pretty red-haired girl, God Sovereign all showed expressions of astonishment, staring at Chu Bei in disbelief.

"who the hell are you!"

The white-haired man flew back to the side of the pretty red-haired girl, the horrible breath was a bit disordered, and looked towards Chu Bei again Allow some dread in his eyes.

When they arrive at this realm, they can probably judge the opponent’s cultivation realm as soon as they make a move.

Although he cannot be sure of the person's body cultivator, he is sure that the opponent is definitely a God Sovereign, and he is still a God Sovereign whose strength is far above him!

"This seat, the lord of All Heavens Store."

Chu Bei stood with his hands in his hands, looking at the pretty red-haired girl and God Sovereign beside him very calmly.


"You are the owner of the All Heavens Store who killed Bayer in hell!"

"You are not going to Heaven Realm Judgment stand, how come here!"


Hearing Chu Bei's words, the God Sovereigns in the underworld were stunned, and they said one after another, with surprise in their words. different.

Especially the white-haired man who shot earlier, his face becomes more and more ugly. If at first he knew the identity of the other party, he wouldn't do it.

After all, although the lower God Sovereign and the middle God Sovereign are both God Sovereign, the difference in strength between them is one Heaven, one Earth, and there is an insurmountable gap.

"It's really Interesting. I didn't expect to see you as a little fellow in advance."

On the throne, the pretty red-haired girl who seems to be only 16 or 17 years old is very interested Looking at Chu Bei: "You have something to do with me?"

"I need you to resurrect someone." Chu Bei looked directly at Death Sovereign and said calmly.

"You don't have an attitude of asking for help." Death Sovereign looked at Chu Bei with a playful look.

"No, you can assume that this seat is ordering you. If you don't want to, then this seat will take the heart of the underworld and do it yourself." Chu Bei is extremely calm, with a smile on his mouth. meaning.

"Arrogant! Do you know who you are talking to?" Upon hearing Chu Bei's words, Death Sovereign, who was still smiling, suddenly became cold and his brows condensed.

At this moment, the temperature inside the castle dropped sharply again, and the chill permeated.

The six God Sovereigns beside Death Sovereign trembled suddenly, and each of them was scared into silence.

"You only have one minute to think about it."

Meeting Death Sovereign's cold gaze, Chu Bei didn't see the slightest fear on his face, and he still had a peaceful expression.

"Good, good, good! No one has ever dared to talk to me like this!"

Death Sovereign got up from the throne and suddenly burst into laughter. Made cold and severe.

The God Sovereigns of the underworld looked at each other and moved away from Death Sovereign. They knew the temper of Death Sovereign very well. Although she is laughing, there is a strong killing intent behind the laughter.

More importantly, once the Death Sovereign gets angry, it will not consider that many. Maybe they will also be affected.

"Master Sovereign, no...not good! Life God Sovereign she...she was killed!" At this moment, a hurried voice broke the tension in the castle.

Next moment, a red glow swept into the castle. It was a dark red snake. As he fell from the sky, he turned into a red-clothed man, kneeling down in front of Death Sovereign.

"What did you say! Caifu was killed!"

When he heard the words of the red-clothed man, Death Sovereign's face suddenly became heavy.

next moment, a mist of Darkness spread from his body, instantly filling the entire castle.

hong long!

With a loud noise, under the monstrous killing intent of Death Sovereign, the original imposing manner of the magnificent castle burst open, and the sky was full of rubble.

A crowd of God Sovereigns in the underworld skyrocketed, hovering immediately above the Nether Mountain, looking at the ruins below, sighing faintly.

At this time, they dare not speak out, after all, the Death Sovereign has already begun to run away.

As for Chu Bei, when Death Sovereign produced a killing intent on him, he picked up the power of Xiaohei.

When the flying rocks fell in the direction where he and Linley were, they were stunned by Power of Primal Chaos within one meter.

"Who killed it!"

Death Sovereign Divine Consciousness instantly enveloped the entire Nether Mountain. After indeed unable to feel the breath of the God Sovereign, the scream resounded through the sky.

If God Sovereign in the underworld was killed, she would not have lost self-control in this way, but the one who was killed was a life God Sovereign representing Life Sovereign.

Faced with Death Sovereign’s question, the red-clothed man transformed by the dark red serpent immediately fell to his knees, lowered his head and said in fear: "It’s a youth who seems to be in his twenties. Man, he doesn’t have any divine force breath fluctuations, but he is extremely powerful. In front of him, God Sovereign simply has no resistance."

Listening to the words of the red-clothed man, Death Sovereign’s His gaze was cast on Chu Bei's body again, and the killing intent had become a substance, directly cutting the void. one after another The crack spread like a spider web.

"You killed Caifu!"

Death Sovereign clenched her fists, the void of her all around shattered, and a huge black gap emerged, just a glance It is inexplicable heart palpitations.

Hearing the sound, the red-clothed shiver coldly raised his head and turned around. When he saw Chu Bei with a smile on his mouth, he jumped up: "Master Sovereign, it’s him, it’s him, that’s He killed God Sovereign!"

"What a noisy guy."

Chu Bei glanced at the red-clothed man, casually flicks with the finger, peng sound, red -The clothed man shot directly into the dark gap behind Death Sovereign.

"Does the color float in your mouth refer to the nether tree?"

After flying the red-clothed man, Chu Bei calmly looked at Death Sovereign and said: "Don't worry, she's fine. It's just that she will follow this seat in the future."

"Where is she!"

Death Sovereign screamed, behind the billowing black mist , Formed a lance in the surging, and shot towards Chu Bei with the sound of breaking through the air.

The black mist shrouded where lance passes, like a rolling river moved towards all around.

The black clothed man and the five other underworld God Sovereign did not hesitate at all, and immediately hid in the void to avoid the shrouded black mist.

Obviously, there is terrifying energy in these black mists. Even black clothed man and other God Sovereign must face it carefully.


However, the lance condensed from the essence of the black mist was directly shattered by the opponent's fist when it was less than half a meter away from Chu Bei.

With a loud roar, under the aftermath of terrifying, the huge Nether Mountain split into two directly, and the split part seemed to be cut off by an Emperor Treasure.

Look at the location of Chu Bei and the mountains behind it, but there is no damage at all, it seems that it is simply not affected by the black mist lance.

"Heike, how do I feel that he is much stronger than you! If it is you, can you take the blow from Sovereign so calmly? He is really just a mid-level God Sovereign?" After the black clothed man glanced at Chu Bei, he turned his head and looked towards the black clothed man beside him.

"His strength is above me. I am afraid he has reached the level of God Sovereign." The black clothed man condensed his eyebrows with a very serious expression.

"What? High-ranking God Sovereign!"

"Isn't that the same as Sovereign!"

"This Sovereign is only eleven people, he How could it have the strength of Sovereign!"


The words of the black clothed man immediately shook the other five God Sovereigns, showing strange expressions one by one.

"I said, you only have one minute of thinking time. Now, the time is up."

Suddenly, a voice without the slightest emotion came out from Chu Bei's mouth : "Since you are unwilling to actively help this seat, then this seat can only take your heart of the underworld, and experience it for yourself."

The voice fell, Chu Bei's body vacated, facing Death Sovereign.

Subsequently, a terrifying wave no less than Death Sovereign swept through Chu Bei, the terrifying breath shattered the dark clouds in the sky, and the Nether Mountain below collapsed directly.

In the huge forest, tens of thousands of ominous beast birds fled in panic, screaming continuously.

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