"Amazing arrogance!"

Death Sovereign stared at Chu Bei coldly, the coldly shouted voice filled with thick killing intent just fell, heavily black The fog once again diffused around itself.

Different from before, the black mist at this time is still mixed with blood, and it covers a wide range, almost covering most of the underworld behind her, and there are crackle terrifying explosions in the air from time to time.

next moment, a huge to boundless purple phantom was formed behind Death Sovereign. She stood between Heaven and Earth, as if she had lived for endless years.

"My God! Look at the sky, this...this is what happened!"

In an instant, most of the underworld is like a blood black ocean. The air was full of pungent blood.

At this moment, all the gods on the continent of the underworld unanimously raised their eyes and looked towards the sky.

When the bloody black mist pressed down, the faces of the gods were instantly pale, and their bodies felt a biting cold inexplicably.

This is not the real temperature change, but the chill brought by the murderous aura, which quickly invades their bodies and makes their heart palpitations.

"That...that's Death Sovereign!"

"My God! Who caused her?"

"Fortunately, this one Murderous aura is not aimed at us, otherwise the consequences are really hard to imagine!"


In the underworld, the divine force in the crazy operation of the gods is doing all they can to resist When the murderous aura in the bloody black mist above invaded, a second huge to extreme silhouette appeared in the sky.

"The leader, it's... it's him!"

"Why did he get into Death Sovereign? Could it be because he took the Nether Fruit Tree!"

"Then we got the nether fruit, will Lord Sovereign find us again?"


As soon as the second huge silhouette appeared, the underworld The continent gods caused an uproar.

Especially the three men headed by the silver-haired youth who were gifted by Chu Bei to Netherguo, were even more embarrassed.

"This world is much bigger than you think. Don't think that you have cultivated to the end. If you really have such an idea, I am afraid you will never get out of it."

Chu Bei put his hands around his chest, calm and collected watching Death Sovereign, that peaceful appearance was not affected by the bloody black mist all around.

"Hand over Caifu and keep your corpse!"

Death Sovereign was not in the mood to pay attention to what Chu Bei said, her voice did not have a trace of mood swings, only endless coldness And chill.

After all, countless mysterious symbols appeared on Death Sovereign's skin, and a magic pattern in the shape of a sickle penetrated between the eyebrows on the forehead. Behind it, a pair of huge scarlet wings were born out of thin air.

long long long!

Death Sovereign's wings vibrated, and the bloody glow was suddenly released in the void gap behind her, and her silhouette came to Chu Bei in an instant.

Afterwards, under the attention of the six great God Sovereigns, Death Sovereign's two claw-like hands with blood-red long armour plunged into Chu Bei's chest.

At the same time, the rushing Yellow Springs Water appeared under its feet, and the biting cold spread instantly, which was breathtaking.

Chu Bei remain unmoved, the transfer of the power of Xiao Hei is above a great realm of the opponent.

Even if Death Sovereign is strong, he has absolute confidence in suppressing the opponent.

Seeing that Death Sovereign's hands were about to touch Chu Bei, I saw Chu Bei clenched his fists, and all around the fists appeared an unusual form of chaos intertwined.


Chu Bei squeezed his fist and greeted Death Sovereign's claws in a simple and rude manner.

hong long!

The fists intersect.

There was another shocking noise.

At the collision, the void collapsed.

The terrifying aftermath of waves dissipated, and the six closest God Sovereigns were the first to bear the brunt. They hadn't reacted one by one. The blood surged in the chest, and the blood spewed out from the mouth.

As for Linley, because of the protection of Chu Bei, there is no harm.

"He actually blocked Lord Sovereign's melee attack!"

"Could it be that he is really Sovereign too! Otherwise, how could he accept Lord Sovereign's attack? But what he has hidden is too deep, right? Which Sovereign has not survived for thousands of years!"

"No...no! Not only blocked it, but he also shook Master Sovereign back!"



After the God Sovereign of the six underworlds stabilized the stature, he was taken aback for a moment. After he came back to his senses, his gaze again looked towards Chu Bei was filled with terror. .

On the battlefield, after the incomparable horror collision, the original void has collapsed. Chu Bei and Death Sovereign seem to appear in a mysterious space that is beyond the underworld.

At the moment, Chu Bei's fist has been retracted, and he stands in place, never retreating half a point. On the contrary, Death Sovereign flew upside down like a cannonball.

"Why...how could this happen! Lord Death Sovereign was actually defeated!"

"It must be Lord Sovereign who underestimated the enemy! He is the most Powerhouse in our underworld, the four rules One of Sovereign!"

"But even if Lord Sovereign didn't try her best, her attack is not something that ordinary God Sovereign can take! After all, what is the origin of the person who played against Lord Sovereign? !"

"Could it be that he is also Sovereign? Is the elemental god Sovereign?"

"Impossible! I have seen eleven Sovereigns, but no one looks like him Same."


Just as the gods of the underworld were discussing Chu Bei's strength, Death Sovereign's blood and purple wings, like sharp blades, slammed towards the rear with a wave . After using the reverse thrust to stabilize the stature, he leaned forward and swept towards Chu Bei again.

This time, Death Sovereign puts his hands away, his body is sideways, and his left leg is brought up in a flowing motion.

A red robe is hunting, spurring a rolling thunder, carrying terrifying purple rays of light, appearing above Chu Bei’s head in flashes, and then smashing down, like a giant axe Falling from the sky.

Faced with another attack from Death Sovereign, Chu Bei's expression from start to finish remained calm.

Chu Bei didn’t even look at the flying kick kicked by Death Sovereign, and pointed like a sword. After traversing a graceful arc in the air, a huge dragon head opened a huge mouth to greet him. .

hong long!

Another loud noise.

The dragon head and the scarlet legs are intertwined, and the sound of chi chi is endless.

The attack was blocked again, and Death Sovereign flapped its wings and landed in the original position.

This time, she did not rush to do it, but looked at Chu Bei again with cold eyes, frowning, and it is not difficult to see a little dignity in her expression.

The two potential attacks have failed, which is enough to make her face the person in front of her.

Especially when I saw the calm and composed appearance of the other person, I couldn't help but feel shocked.

"Master Sovereign stopped! Could it be said that Death Sovereign really can't hold this person!"

"From the two collisions just now, Master Sovereign does seem to be in Downwind."

"Now it’s hard to say which one wins and which one is weak. After all, the reason why the four rules of Sovereign surpass other Sovereigns is because they have the supreme God Sovereign device!"

"Yes, the Supreme God Sovereign device, that is the Divine Item given by the Supreme God Sovereign!"

"Although the two attacks against Lord Sovereign failed, if she uses the Supreme God Sovereign device, she must The battle between them will be over in an instant."

"Anyway, after this battle, this man is destined to stay in the underworld forever! I just don’t know where he angered him. Lord Sovereign."


The six God Sovereigns including the white-haired man and the gods of the underworld, after seeing Death Sovereign's successive defeats, they all sucked in A breath of cold air, the gaze looked towards Chu Bei again was stranger.

As for Linley, only fanaticism is left in his eyes.

Death Sovereign, has the title of the most Powerhouse in the underworld. You don't need to think about the strength to know how terrifying it is!

But even with such a powerful existence, it still doesn't have any advantage in front of the Master.

The bloody black mist that enveloped the entire underworld released by Death Sovereign has no effect on Chu Bei at all. These black mists are not even close to Chu Bei, they are all around shrouded by his Power of Primal Chaos retreated.

"Sure enough, I have some strength, no wonder you dare to talk to me like this!"

Death Sovereign's eyes locked on Chu Bei, and from her words, she clearly recognized the power of Chu Bei.

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