"Why? Scared?" Chu Bei smiled at Death Sovereign.

"What if you are both Sovereign!"

Looking at Chu Bei's playful expression, Death Sovereign's face became heavier and heavier, then he yelled and folded his hands. , Shook it suddenly.

next moment, just listen to the buzzing of the void in front of Death Sovereign, and then a large amount of red light emerges, outrageously condensing into a long sword.

There are countless magnificent magic patterns shining on the surface of the sword body, a skeleton pattern is engraved on the hilt, and the tip of the sword is bounced with black rays of light, releasing fierce breath.

"This breath is...it is the supreme God Sovereign device!"

"It turns out that Lord Sovereign's supreme God Sovereign device is a sword, which is offensive!"

"Master Sovereign has been forced by the lord of All Heavens Store to use the supreme God Sovereign device? In this way, the strength of the lord of All Heavens Store has already surpassed those of the elemental god Sovereign. !"

"Really ridiculous! Who has circulated that the master of All Heavens Store is the middle-ranked God Sovereign? But having said that, since Lord Sovereign has used the Supreme God Sovereign machine, this battle should also end. !"


I noticed the breath on the red sword that appeared in front of Death Sovereign. The six major God Sovereign's expressions were startled, and it was only on that sword. The breath actually gave them an urge to worship, this is definitely not the power that God Sovereign can possess!


Chu Bei glanced at the red sword, and the corner of his mouth was drawn with a radian. Through this sword, he can probably guess the so-called cultivation realm of the four supreme God Sovereign.

"The same Sovereign, I know your cultivation is not easy! Say it again, hand over the color float, and spare you undying!"

Death Sovereign reached out and grasped the hilt of the sword in an instant , Her imposing manner climbed wildly again.

Chu Bei shrugged, his attitude is very obvious.

"You asked for it!"

Dreary cold voice fell, Death Sovereign's silhouette moved, and bloody black wings danced on the back. Its stature spun up abruptly, and a tornado formed by blood mist was instantly raised around it all around.

At the same time, the red long sword in his hand danced regularly, and the void collapsed everywhere he passed.

One after another slender black lightning flashes on the surface of the sword body. Lightning and red blood mist are intertwined and blended, and finally gathered at the tip of the sword.

"Death God sing!"

The cold and indifferent scream of Death Sovereign from the scarlet tornado, while a dazzling red sword fiercely moved towards Chu in the tornado. Bei swept away.

Until the point of the sword, countless sword images have arrived in front of Chu Bei.

Every time the sword image is superimposed on a layer, the aggressive momentum will raise one point. When all the sword images were superimposed and finally merged with the tip of the sword, the brilliant black scarlet rays of light erupted around Chu Bei, imposing manner monstrously.


In the sound of the explosion that pierced the sky, the battlefield on that side was flooded with blood-colored rays of light, like a crimson ocean.

The gods of the underworld, including the six God Sovereigns, stared at the battlefield in a daze, but they could only see Death Sovereign holding a bright red sword with rays of light, not All Heavens. Master of Store.

"Is the Lord of All Heavens Store defeated?"

"That is Supreme Divine Artifact, and it was shot by Death Sovereign, not to mention it is offensive!"

"Also, if under Supreme Divine Artifact, the owner of All Heavens Store is undying, then it is abnormal!"

"It's just a pity, one hidden for thousands of years How did the Sovereign die!"

"Whoever asked him to provoke someone is not good, he must provoke the rule Sovereign. They all have Supreme Divine Artifact by their side."


In the battlefield, the bloody ocean has not yet dissipated, and the six God Sovereigns of the underworld seem to have seen the end of this battle.


Hearing the words of the six great God Sovereigns, Linley's face was a little pale, he raised his fists, and immediately shouted in the direction moved towards the battlefield.

Looking intently, Linley's eyes were already covered with blood.

"Disciple, don't worry. This is enough, and it is far from hurting to be a teacher."

Just as Linley's anxious shouts came out, the battlefield of the mysterious space In the middle, Chu Bei's laughing joke sounded throughout the underworld.

Hearing the sound, the faces of the gods of the underworld changed drastically. Before they could let out a sound of consternation, the bloody ocean in the battlefield collapsed with a sneer, turning into a rain of light and disappearing.

next moment, a huge iron lump phantom is horizontal, and in front of the iron lump, there is a silhouette of Chu Bei suspended!

At this moment, Chu Bei's smile gradually began to converge, and then the breath of the whole person also changed, as if he was serious. He stood there quietly, like the king between Heaven and Earth. Not moving, but with a terrifying power.

"It's time to end."

The indifferent voice fell, and Chu Bei's body was slowly submerged in the iron lump phantom, becoming one with the latter.

Followingly, two strands of red glow shot out from the iron bumps, and at the same time there was a deep voice in the mouth.

This time, it is no longer a pure sonic attack. There are also strands of Golden thread ring of light. These thread ring of light are interlaced and interwoven in the shape of a'meter'.

The gods of the underworld, including the six God Sovereigns, supported them for less than half a second, and immediately mobilized divine force to block their ear holes. But even so, their Divine Soul was still trembling, as if it would leave the body at any time.


In the buzzing sound, the threaded ring of light appeared above Death Sovereign's head for an instant, and it was suppressed.

"You are okay!"

Death Sovereign looked at Chu Bei in disbelief. She did her best with the sword just now, without any reservation.

But even so, the opponent survived under Supreme Divine Artifact, and he was still unharmed.

If it weren't for the power of the long sword in her hand, she would have some doubts whether the sword just failed to gain momentum, or if it was missed.

Looking at the'meter'-shaped thread ring of light overhead, Death Sovereign frowned, the red sword in his hand dances again, and then raises upwards with a sword.

Of course, as soon as she pierced her sword and the tip of the sword touched the threaded ring of light, her face changed, and there was a surprise in her eyes, and then she was surprised at the mutation. In the end it became a kind of fear.

At the moment of the collision, she suddenly found that the connection between herself and Supreme Divine Artifact had been cut off inexplicably!


A metal trembling sounded, several threaded ring of light wrapped around the red sword, and with a chuckle, she was snatched from Death Sovereign's hands. come.

"Return...Give me back!"

Supreme Divine Artifact let go, and Death Sovereign's voice was obviously louder, allowing some panic, as if the greatest guarantee had been taken away.

Her silhouette flashed, and at the same time she reached out and grabbed the hilt of the red sword.

However, before she touched the hilt, the remaining threaded ring of light was suppressed.

"My body...how could it..."

Suddenly, Death Sovereign let out a panic sound, and a chill in his heart.

At this moment, she is already not in Supreme Divine Artifact, because her body is imprisoned without knowing it!

She never thought that she would be imprisoned!

She is one of the four rules of Sovereign, the most Powerhouse in the underworld!

Even the most powerful Destiny Sovereign Orloff in the rule of Sovereign, it is absolutely impossible to imprison her body.

But right now, this owner of All Heavens Store actually did it!

At this moment, she no longer dared to speculate on the strength of the owner of the All Heavens Store, because the other party is absolutely above Sovereign, including the rules of Sovereign!

Looking at the suppressed ring of light above her head, it was the first time that she felt death so close.

Seeing that the overlapping ring of light was about to fall on Death Sovereign, she took a deep breath as if she had made some kind of extremely painful and difficult decision.

hong long!

Under the gaze of countless gods in the underworld, the threaded ring of light engulfed Death Sovereign's body and exploded, and countless pieces of meat splashed into the battlefield.

At the same time, the iron lump phantom fused with Chu Bei once again made a sound of Sound of Great Dao, which spread to Nine Heavens, directly shattering the void of the battlefield and spreading to the entire underworld continent.

In this great sound of terrifying energy, the six God Sovereigns who bear the brunt suddenly trembled, their expressions were extremely distorted, and their hideous expressions seemed to have been greatly devastated.

The gods of the underworld are holding heads with painful hands, wailing endlessly, and few people can stand still.

Sound of Great Dao disappeared. When they recovered a bit and looked towards the battlefield again, their expressions froze suddenly, eyes suddenly shrank.

One of the four rules of Sovereign, Death Sovereign, the most Powerhouse in the underworld, is dead!

In the battlefield, there are no more scarlet rays of light, and the Supreme Divine Artifact also fell into Chu Bei's hands.

Chu Bei did not leave the battlefield. He seemed to have noticed something, staring at the exploded minced meat.

I saw these pieces of meat lit up with dim dazzling light, and then began to gather with each other, and after a while they turned back to Death Sovereign.

However, compared with before, the Death Sovereign at this moment is extremely weak, and it is no different from the lamb to be slaughtered in front of Chu Bei.

"I escaped the killing of this seat, Interesting."

Chu Bei looked at Death Sovereign with interest. The other party is worthy of being the most Powerhouse in the underworld, and he actually holds There is a terrifying divine ability, but the divine ability also consumes almost 90% of the power that's all.

"Who are you...Who are you..."

Death Sovereign spits out blood, muttering in his mouth, his eyes are locked on Chu Bei, and his eyes are full of thick Strong unwillingness, more puzzled.

She can’t understand why this appears out of thin air such a powerful terrifying existence! The strength is still above her!

In her opinion, even Destiny Sovereign is not the opponent of the Lord of All Heavens Store!

Perhaps, only the four Supreme Gods of illusory can defeat each other.

Thinking of this, Death Sovereign frowned, cry out in surprise: "Are you...Are you Supreme God?"

"Do you remember what I said before, Cultivation Along the way, you are still far from the end. It’s just that this narrow world limits your horizons. Only when you jump out of the plane you know, can you truly understand what is in the wider world there are people more talented than oneself!"

Chu Bei shook the head: "Since you have escaped this seat with a killer move, then this seat will save you from death."

"Look! Lord Sovereign she She's not dead, she's alive!"

"Looking at her appearance, she is no longer able to fight, she is still defeated after all."

"It's crazy Now! What is the origin of that mysterious person!"


Looking at the resurrected Death Sovereign, the gods of the underworld were stunned, came back to his senses, and came back to his senses. happy.

As for the six God Sovereigns above the original Nether Mountain, they looked at each other in blank dismay with a strange color between their eyebrows, and the eyes that looked towards Chu Bei again became more and more flooded terrified look.

Supreme God!

This is the definition given by Death Sovereign to the owner of All Heavens Store!

If the lower God Sovereign, the middle God Sovereign, or the elemental God Sovereign say so, they will snort disdainfully.

But it is Death Sovereign which is one of the four rules of Sovereign, the invincible existence under Supreme God!

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