"Isn't Supreme God the rule of Heaven and Earth, can anyone really cultivate to that kind of illusory realm?"

"If he really has Supreme God Isn’t the so-called God Sovereign trial for the Lord of All Heavens Store just a joke!”

The six great God Sovereigns in the underworld seemed to have thought of something, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Be detached from this world? Don’t you belong to this thousands of planes!"

In the battlefield, Death Sovereign seemed to capture something from Chu Bei’s words, his face was shocked change.

"This seat has always been clicked until the end, and you can explore the rest."

The voice with a smile fell, Chu Bei flicks with the finger, that handle Supreme Divine Artifact flew to Linley.

After that, he reached out and moved towards Death Sovereign and shook.

next moment, a terrifying divine glow in the palm of Chu Bei swept Death Sovereign's body, and a scarlet-like object of the human heart flew out of the latter's body.

The heart of the underworld, the core of the underworld, is the materialization of the laws of Heaven and Earth that control the operation of the underworld.

Through the heart of the underworld, you can easily detect any person who forms an undead after death.

"Master, did you give me this sword? Also, are you ready to resurrect my father?" Linley turned into a Five Clawed Golden Dragon, soaring into the sky and flying to Chu Bei's body beside.

He grasped the Supreme Divine Artifact and looked at the heart of the underworld in front of Chu Bei, his body trembling, his expression extremely excited.

Chu Bei moved towards Linley nodded, and then reached out his handprints on the heart of the underworld.

weng weng!

In an instant, the heart of the underworld uttered a low whistle, bursting out billions of threads of bloody glow, covering the entire underworld in an instant.

"Is he coming to the underworld for the purpose of resurrecting the dead!"

"Which undead in our underworld actually needs this kind of existence to resurrect!"

The gods of the underworld gradually understood Chu Bei's purpose, and exclaimed one by one.


Ling Realm, north Ashbel wasteland.

In addition to the gloomy skeletons and zombies, there are also a group of floating undead on wasteland.

Wang wisps of bloody glow shrouded, and the abnormal creatures on the wasteland screamed painfully, only one undead looked up towards the sky.

To be precise, he is no longer an undead, his physical body is breeding, and soon he becomes a flesh and blood person.

"What's wrong with me? Is it resurrected and restored the memory of my previous life."

"Can I return to the Magnolia continent?"

"My sons, Linley and Wharton, are they okay now?"


The memory of the past life is restored, and this silhouette has no emotional expression change. It got complicated, and then there was more nostalgia in the empty eyes, and a kind of unwilling hatred.

He cares about his children, and he still wants to avenge his wife.

He is Linley's father-Hogg!


At this moment, a ray of red glow fell with a strong wind, and Hogg Divine Soul trembled. When it came back to his senses again, Heaven and Earth turning upside occurred in the scenery all around. The change of down.


Hogg's body trembled, and the corners of his mouth trembled when he turned to see Linley.

"Child, it's you, I never thought I could see you again..." Hogg immediately hugged Linley.

"Sir Father, it is the Master who has resurrected you from Senior."

Linley has red eyes and said: "Mother's revenge, Master, he also avenged us."


Hearing what Linley said, Hogg immediately puffed, and moved towards Chu Bei knelt down fiercely and raised his head: "many thanks, sir!"

The four words are sonorous and powerful, in the air Wafting.

"Get up, you father and son get together, let's talk more." Chu Bei nodded, waving his hand to hold up Hogg.

"Master, since you can resurrect father, can you also resurrect mother?" Linley took a deep breath, looking at Chu Bei expectantly.

Almost at the same time, Hogg complexion changed, his eyes were firmly locked on Chu Bei, and his expression was extremely nervous.

Chu Bei shook the head: "Your mother is different from your father. She is not in the underworld."

"Not in the underworld?"

Linley repeats first Once again, then his face suddenly darkened: "Master, you...Did you mean that my mother and her Divine Soul disappeared?"

The Hogg on the side looked like dead gray and kept sighing.

"Being a teacher means that your mother is not dead yet, so she doesn't need to be resurrected for the teacher." Chu Bei threw the heart of the underworld to Death Sovereign and continued.

"What? My mother (wife) is not dead!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Linley and Hogg's gray faces were instantly overwhelmed with joy, father and Son was extremely excited.

"You will see her soon." Chu Bei nodded again.

"Then this Heaven Realm, do you still want to go?" Death Sovereign seemed to have thought of something, looking towards Chu Bei opened the mouth and said, the title in his mouth was obviously more respectful.

"Go, of course! How can this seat be absent from such an interesting thing? Even more how, this seat is still the protagonist this time." A smile was drawn at the corner of Chu Bei's mouth.

Hearing this, Death Sovereign shook the head, with a long sigh.


Heaven Realm, Youxin Island.

The so-called Youxin Island, it is not floating on the sea, but hanging in the sky.

Although its shape is similar to that of an island, its area is so large that it can even be described as a small continent.

Looking at it, this suspended island all around, flying all kinds of rare Divine Birds, in various unusual forms.

At this moment, on the seven Transmission Formation not far from the island, several silhouettes appear from time to time.

As soon as these silhouettes left the Transmission Formation, they rushed towards Youxin Island one by one, vying to get ahead, as if they were afraid that they were a step slower than others.

Look at the central area of ​​Youxin Island again, it is a silhouette of tens of thousands.

These silhouettes, each breath is extremely powerful, even the lowest cultivation realm is Middle God.

Of course, although the positions of these gods have a certain degree of first-come, first-come, in fact, they are mainly based on their strength.

Normally, there will not be so many people on Youxin Island. The reason why today is abnormal is because the four rules of Sovereign are to discuss the killing of Bayer God Sovereign by All Heavens Store Sect Master. Finally, Give corresponding punishments.

There is a circular high platform above the Central Region of Youxin Island.

The high platform has eight horns, and each corner has a chain extending to a huge Heavenspan pillar in the distance.

This round high platform has not existed for many years. It has a name, and its name is God Sovereign Trial Platform.

You know its meaning from the name. Only when God Sovereign makes a mistake, this trial stand will open.

Even the most powerful High God is not qualified to stand on stage. The person responsible for the trial is the Sovereign of the four rules of fate, destruction, death, and life.

"Then the Lord of All Heavens Store is here? Where's the others!"

"I have been here for two hours, and I haven't even seen the Lord of All Heavens Store yet. Yes. I now seriously doubt whether he hid because of fear."

"How is it possible, he is not stupid. How terrifying is the divine ability of the Four Rules of Sovereign, if he comes here? Justification, there is still a glimmer of hope of survival. If you hide here, it is tantamount to taking his charge directly, I am afraid he will not survive at most three days!"

"Then you say, this distance Destiny Sovereign gives It’s less than a quarter of an hour before the three hours of the game. What about the owner of All Heavens Store?"

"What anxious, those Sovereigns have not arrived yet!"


God Sovereign trial stand all around, a group of powerful High Gods are looking at the empty high platform, one by one browses tightly frowns.

"Look! Lord God Sovereign is here!"

"That is God Sovereign Bloodpeak of hell! The guy behind him is Four Divine Beasts clan!"

"According to the avenue news, Redding Bell in Four Divine Beasts clan has also become God Sovereign."

"He didn’t rely on the Lord of All Heavens Store to give him Is it the Divine Spark of Bayer God Sovereign."


One after another divine rainbow swept from different directions, all carrying extremely terrifying breath.

On the arrival of these divine rainbows, those High Gods who were originally located at the nearest God Sovereign trial stand moved towards the rear one after another.

Only God Sovereign can make these High Gods so fearful and respectful!

"Unexpectedly, I would be the first to arrive."

At this moment, a loud laughter floated from Youxin Island, before the gods could find a voice. The source of, there is an extra silhouette on the high platform that was originally empty and empty.

This is a middle-aged man wearing a blue robe, with a wind blade hovering faintly outside of its body, unleashing fierce power, and inadvertently cut open the void of his all around.

"Wind Element Sovereign!"

Seeing the appearance of the man in the blue robe, the gods were taken aback first, and then exclaimed.

"Ground Sovereign is here too!"

"There are also Fire Element, water element, Wind Element, Darkness Sovereign!"

In a short while, Six Paths silhouette is added to the round high platform.

"The seven element gods, plane Sovereign, are now behind Radiant Sovereign!"

"This is the first time I have seen so many Sovereigns at the same time!"

"Who isn't! Thanks to the Lord of All Heavens Store for giving this opportunity!"

Looking at the Six Paths silhouette on the high platform, a group of gods made a joke.

"This Lord of All Heavens Store is really Interesting, a trifling mid-level God Sovereign, does he really think he can escape the control of those four guys?"

Darkness Sovereign whole body Shrouded by the black mist, his eyes swept all around: "If I stand in my position, I really want to bring this owner of All Heavens Store under his command. After all, he destroyed the Holy Church on the Magnolia continent."

"Judging from this formation, the chance of him surviving is zero."

The Fire Element Sovereign, whose whole body is covered with flame, glanced at Darkness Sovereign and said.

Time passes by every minute and every second.

When Destiny Sovereign gave instructions to approach three hours, three more silhouettes fell on the high platform.

The appearance of these three people made the six Sovereigns on the high platform stand in awe, and bowed in unison, cup one fist in the other hand and greeted them with respect in their eyes.

They are a middle-aged man wearing a black robe that gives people a gloomy feeling, a very beautiful woman in a green robe, and a white haired old man in a white robe.

"Destruction Sovereign, Life Sovereign and Destiny Sovereign!"

Yuantai all around, after the recent group of God Sovereign recognized the identities of these three people, they exclaimed one by one. sound.

"Huh? Three rules of Sovereign have appeared, where are Death Sovereign people!"

"There is no trace of soul breath between Life Sovereign and Destiny Sovereign, presumably theirs The law and mystery have reached the Great Perfection realm. It is said that Death Sovereign is the first life in the underworld. As far as Innate Divine Ability is concerned, it may not be weaker than Life Sovereign and Destiny Sovereign."

"Don’t guess, Not to mention the four rules of Sovereign, the strength of the elemental Sovereign is far from what we can imagine!"


"Since it's here, let's take a seat first. "

The indifferent voice was uploaded from the high platform, and it was Destruction Sovereign who spoke.

The voice of Sen Han with Supreme's majesty just drifted away, and the all around the judgment platform disappeared immediately, and it became quiet.

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