Because of Chu Bei’s attack before, Augusta knew that Chu Bei’s strength was not inferior to him.

Therefore, the first shot was a Xeon sword, but he didn't expect that even so, this sword was still easily broken by the opponent.

At this brief moment, he fully realized the gap between himself and the owner of All Heavens Store.


After came back to his senses, Augusta did not hesitate at all. Her body sank into the void, the golden light flashed away, and escaped into the void turbulence.

"Where can I escape for those who want to kill."

Looking at the direction Augusta was going away, Chu Bei didn't have any anxious color on his face, he was careless. Raising hands brought Linley, Hogg and Lina to follow Augusta in the Void Turbulence.

After that, Chu Bei punched out, with the sound of dragon roar in the fist print, and appeared behind Augusta in an instant.

"Damn it!"

Radiant Sovereign Augusta looked back at the huge fist print that was almost pasted to the back, and then felt the violent breath fluctuation contained in it, and his face suddenly turned pale .

With a loud roar, the divine force burst out from the instinct of the whole body, Augusta's speed climbed again, and it was played to the extreme.

"Heaven Realm, here comes!"

In the escape, Augusta seemed to have noticed something, and the ugly expression was instantly overwhelmed with joy.

With a loud bang, both of his hands entangled the golden glow and tore the void through the gap.

Beyond the gap, it is a huge island. The central area of ​​the island has a circular high platform restrained by many chains.

At this moment, there are ten silhouettes sitting on and off the high platform, with only one chair available.

High platform all around, there are tens of thousands of silhouettes. The closer to the high platform, the stronger the breath of the gods.

"Four Lords of Rule Sovereign, the time has come. Since the Lord of All Heavens Store has not yet appeared, he must surely know that he is guilty. Please also four adults, directly attack him, and give Let's explain." To the northeast, Luke knelt down in the direction of the trial stand, with a respectful look on his face.

"This guy again! The benefactor's beheading of Bayer can be passed to the rule Sovereign's ears so quickly, it must have nothing to do with this guy!"

"Yes , You shouldn’t have let him go! If you kill him, you will not only get another God Sovereign grid, but you won’t put the Lord of All Heavens Store in danger."

Redding After Bell and Blood Peak looked at each other, killing intent rose in the eyes looking towards Luke.

"That's all, then the old man will come and find the owner of the All Heavens Store..."

Destiny Sovereign Orloff got up from the chair and stopped halfway through the conversation. Lived, looked up towards the sky.

Almost at the same time, the other Sovereigns on the trial stage and the gods who came to watch the play also followed Orloff looked towards the sky.

I don't know when, a gap appeared in the sky at Yaoyao, and a bright light and shadow passed through the gap at an extremely fast speed, and it had reached the top of the judgment platform in an instant.

"That...that's Lord Radiant Sovereign Augusta!"

"I thought he was so busy, but finally came."

"Unfortunately, Although Lord Radiant Sovereign is here, the Lord of All Heavens Store has not yet come."


Look at the appearance of the people, Sovereign on the trial stand and the crowd The expressions of the gods changed one after another.

"Master Orloff, save me!"

At this time, an anxious voice spread rapidly in the sky, echoing over the entire Youxin Island.

"What's the matter! Lord Radiant Sovereign, he is asking Lord Destiny Sovereign for help!"

"Master Augusta's breath is wrong, it's very messy! He is on the run, someone is chasing him !"

"How is it possible! He is the strongest Sovereign under the four rules of Lord Sovereign! Who else in this world can hurt him? Let alone kill him!"


Hearing Augusta's cry for help, the gods opened their mouths and their faces were full of incredible expression.

They couldn't believe their ears, they doubted what they had just heard.

Destiny Sovereign Orloff's brows suddenly condensed. He seemed to perceive something, but before he could take a shot, a dragon roar came from the sky, resounding through Nine Heavens.

Next moment, accompanied by Augusta's screaming wailing and loud peng sound, Augusta's body exploded and turned into blood and blood flowing in the sky.

"This...what the hell happened!"

"No, impossible! How could Master Augusta be like this!"

"Except for the four rules of Sovereign , Who else can hurt Radiant Sovereign!"


Looking at it like a golden blood rain, feeling the light breath contained in it, the middle of the judgment platform all around God, High God, and even God Sovereign held breath cold air one after another, all at a loss, like thunder and lightning, like a clay sculpture and wood sculpture.

Just as the gods looked at the sky with their heads upright, a dazzling group of golden light appeared in their sights, and a group of four people in the golden light walked out slowly.

"Hogg, I...I'm still alive, I never thought I could see you again. Very good, really very good!"

"Child, is this my child" Unexpectedly, he has grown up so much!"

Radiant Sovereign died, Lina recovered her memory, waiting to see Hogg and Linley, the thin body slightly trembled.

"Lina, you have recovered!"

Looking at the six pairs of white wings that disappeared behind Lina, Hogg hugged him immediately.


Linley called softly, and walked up tremblingly.

At this time, the tens of thousands of gods on Youxin Island finally saw the appearance of the Chu Bei entire group.

"Who is he! Is he the one who killed Lord Radiant Sovereign!"

"I haven't seen this person, maybe only those God Sovereign masters know his identity."

"Every...Lord of All Heavens Store! No, impossible!"

"What? He is the lord of All Heavens Store who evaded judgment!"

"Isn't he just a middle-ranked God Sovereign? How could it have killed Master Augusta? That's the best powerhouse under the rule of Sovereign!"

"Wrong, something must be wrong! or This Lord Radiant Sovereign is fake, or the owner of the All Heavens Store is not a median God Sovereign at all!"


Including the ten Sovereigns on the trial stand, The faces of all the gods were filled with consternation.

Especially Luke, the whole person seems to be a thunderbolt on the blue sky, and he seems to have been poured cold water from head to toe, and his whole body is numb.

It's not just him, Blood Peak, Redding Bell, etc., who have seen Chu Bei before, all have sluggish expressions, dumbfounded, standing there like a wood without moving, shocked. His eyes stared at Chu Bei in the sky madly.

In the underworld, they witnessed Chu Bei beheading Bayer. They took it for granted that Chu Bei’s realm should be the median God Sovereign. After all, the number of Sovereigns is really too small.

For this reason, when they learned that the four major rules Sovereign was about to try Chu Bei, they came immediately and wanted to ask for love.

Unexpectedly, the master of All Heavens Store turned out to be on stage by beheading Radiant Sovereign Augusta!

Everything came so suddenly and unexpectedly, making them completely unprepared, until now the brain has not reacted, it is really shocking!

"Able to kill Augusta, putting it that way, doesn't he also have the strength to kill us! So, isn't his strength already comparable to the four rules of Sovereign!"

On the trial stand, the six elements Sovereign, Darkness Sovereign, Fire Element Sovereign, Wind Element Sovereign, looked at each other in blank dismay, and then stared at Chu Bei vigilantly. The whole body was as tight as a stone, and the hearts were sinking. It fell like it was filled with cold lead.

"My God! It turns out that the person who helped us transform the Transmission Formation is the owner of All Heavens Store!"

"Who would have thought that I would have been with the legendary All Heavens The Lord of Store has passed by once!"

"But then again, what did he call our underworld at that time!"


The underworld is coming Part of Middle God reacted one after another, and his mouth was full of noise.

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