"As you said, I can’t see through."

On the trial stage, Life Sovereign carefully looked at Chu Bei in the sky, showing his eyebrows more The deeper the wrinkle, and then looked towards Death Sovereign and said.

Previously, she was skeptical of what Death Sovereign said, but now she is extremely convinced.

"I just don't know where the Radiant Sovereign provokes him, he is also a poor person." Death Sovereign shook his head and sighed.

"Radiant Sovereign?"

Life Sovereign murmured, and then seemed to know something, subconsciously looked towards Destiny Sovereign Orloff.

As she thought, Orloff's face was extremely heavy at this moment, and the killing intent surged in her eyes.

Destruction Sovereign was silent, but judging from his expression, he was obviously surprised by the previous scene.

"This is where you are going to judge this seat?"

In the sky, Chu Bei put his hands around his chest, and looked at the circular high platform below with a playful look.

The voice with a smile fell, Chu Bei glanced across the Sovereign, then raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

hong long long!

Suddenly, thunder sounded over Youxin Island.

next moment, the clear sky suddenly darkened, and the thunder and clouds roared.

Looking at the rapidly changing sky, all the gods suddenly appeared in shock.

Compared with Middle God and High God, when the mighty God Sovereign looked at the dark clouds, a chill rushed into his heart inexplicably.

But before they can feel the source of this chill carefully, the lightning is intertwined.

Following, accompanied by a high-pitched dragon roar, densely packed Golden lightning intertwined into a Five Clawed Golden Dragon, carrying a terrifying threat from the dark clouds.


Feeling the imposing manner of the five-clawed Golden Thunder Dragon, the subconsciously wriggling throats of the gods made their eyes straight. .

long long long ——

In the deafening rumbling sound, under everyone’s horrified eyes, the ten thousand zhang-long five-claw Thunder Dragon seemed to be instructed by Chu Bei , Opened the ferocious mouth, swooped down!

In an instant, the five-claw Thunder Dragon appeared on the top of the judgment platform, wherever it passed, thunder roared, the rolling thunder fell, and the terrifying draconic power permeated.

On Youxin Island, a mountain range collapsed.

In just a few seconds, the quiet island that was originally equivalent to a continent was turned into ruins.

The chains that originally restrained the trial stand also disappeared in the lightning flash.


The five-claw Thunder Dragon slammed straight into the judgment stand.

In an instant, the invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable judgment stand turned into a pile of rubble.

After destroying Youxin Island and the God Sovereign Judgment Platform successively, the five-claw Thunder Dragon made a dragon roar again, and then soared into the sky and ran across Chu Bei's feet.

Its huge head turned, and its eyes swept down to watch the War God, and the monstrous and terrifying breath filled it.

"Does the Lord of All Heavens Store have any connection with dragon clan?"

"That is true, if there is no connection, how can he kill Bayer God Sovereign, Save Four Divine Beasts clan!"

"Even Four Divine Beasts’ Old Ancestor Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise are all subordinate God Sovereign. And this All Heavens Store The Lord is already comparable to the existence of the four rules of Sovereign. In terms of seniority, isn't he higher than the Old Ancestor of Four Divine Beasts clan!"


Looking at the ten thousand zhang Thunder Dragon in the sky, the gods couldn't help but took a deep breath and glanced in the direction of Clan Redding. Some Middle Gods with a weaker cultivation base made their legs weak in fright directly under this draconic power.

"Sure enough, it is the power above us!"

Fire Element Sovereign, Darkness Sovereign, Wind Element Sovereign, and many other elemental gods Sovereign looked at the five-claw Thunder above his head. Dragon's face became more solemn.

"You violated the rules we once laid down, wantonly slaughter the low-level God Sovereign, and destroyed the trial stand. This crime is unforgivable and should be punishable!"

When everyone was shocked by Chu Bei's methods, a cold and ruthless voice floated in the sky, as if it sounded directly in everyone's mind.

"Master Orloff is going to make a move!"

"It is reported that Master Orloff is the most mysterious and powerful of the four rules of Sovereign! Even the Destruction Sovereign It’s not his opponent!"

"Master Orloff takes the shot, the lord of All Heavens Store is in danger!"

"I just don’t know the origin of the lord of All Heavens Store. It’s so mysterious, just like appear out of thin air."


After discerning the sound of Destiny Sovereign Orloff, countless lines of sight fell on Orloff’s On his body, I saw its black clothed fluttering, flying towards the sky, and facing Chu Bei in a moment.

"The trial is a guise, you are going to avenge Augusta."

Chu Bei looked at Orloff with a playful look, and pointed his hand at Death Sovereign and Life Sovereign. With Destruction Sovereign: "In terms of strength, you are indeed much better than their top three."

"Augusta? I don't have much contact with him." Orloff frowned said solemnly.

"Have you forgotten to be one with Augusta?" Chu Bei laughed.

"How did you know!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Destiny Sovereign Orloff's breath clearly caused waves, and the killing intent that came out of the body became more intense.

"Sure enough, as I thought!" Life Sovereign in the distance took a long breath.

"Elder sister, what is going on?"

Death Sovereign and Destruction Sovereign looked towards Life Sovereign at the same time, with confusion in their eyes.

Life Sovereign stared at Orloff: "There is a race in this world, they are the Bra tribe. People in this tribe are especially rare, although they are far inferior to Four Divine Beasts, Wu Kun, etc. in terms of physical defense alone. Super Divine Beast. But they can divide Divine Soul into two without interfering with each other."

"If I guess right, this Orloff discarded evil and greed and other negative emotions to the second soul. Orloff is the so-called Augusta. Without negative emotions, Orloff ignores world affairs and concentrates on researching, thus becoming the most Powerhouse among the four of us!"

"Does it mean Lord Destiny Sovereign Orloff and the dead? Radiant Sovereign Augusta is the same person?"

"Really? This is impossible!"

"My goodness! It's incredible!"


The Elemental God Sovereign and the other God Sovereign also reacted, and they re-evaluated Destiny Sovereign Orloff in amazement, as if they had met each other on the first day.

"That's all, there is no need to hide it anyway. In this case, I will kill you on the grounds of revenge for Augusta!"

Destiny Sovereign Orloff let out a faint sigh , And then punch towards the void beside him, the void shattered, and a floating ancient armor and a blue long sword appeared in the pitch-black gap.

Shoo, hoo!

In the sound of breaking through the sky, ancient armor and long sword come out.

The former perfectly fits Orloff's body and wraps it in all directions; the latter, with a crisp trembling, fell into Orloff's hands.

Not only that, almost at the same time, the ring on Orloff's left middle finger gave out brilliant rays of light.

"Three...three Supreme Divine Artifacts!"

"This old fellow is too deep to hide!"

"Yes, everyone in the world I thought he had only one Supreme Divine Artifact that defended Divine Soul, and the clinker actually had an offensive Supreme Divine Artifact and a physical defense armor!"

Perceive Orloff's ring, long sword, and flowing breath on the armor. Fluctuations, Life Sovereign, Death Sovereign, Death Sovereign face surprised.

"What? Three Supreme Divine Artifacts!"

Hearing the words of the three rules of Sovereign, the eyes of God Sovereign and High God focused on Orloff’s armor, On the long sword and the ring, there is a terrified look.

Supreme Divine Artifact, as the name suggests, is a Divine Item exercised by Supreme God, with Supreme power.

The fundamental reason why there is an insurmountable gap between the rule Sovereign and the element god Sovereign is because the former possesses the Supreme Divine Artifact.

If you want to get Supreme Divine Artifact, you must complete the supreme mission issued by Supreme God.

For hundreds of millions of years, the Supreme Mission has been released six times.

On the surface, what the gods all know is that the four rules of Sovereign have been completed once, and they have obtained the Supreme Divine Artifact from Supreme God.

As for the other two, it has always been a mystery.

At the moment, it seems that the person who completed the two missions turned out to be Destiny Sovereign Orloff!

They really can’t imagine how powerful Orloff, which has the three Supreme Divine Artifacts of Divine Soul defense, physical defense, and offensive, is now so powerful.

"Perhaps it can already be compared to the legendary Supreme God of illusory, the well-deserved Number One Person!" All the gods looked at Orloff in a daze.

"The benefactor...will he be the opponent of Destiny Sovereign?" Redding Bell looked towards God Sovereign Bloodpeak with worry on his face.

"It's difficult."

God Sovereign Bloodpeak shook the head, let alone Destiny Sovereign has three Supreme Divine Artifacts, even if it doesn’t, I’m afraid the strength is in this All Heavens Store. Above the Lord.

"Yes, it can make this seat move a little bit." Chu Bei looked at Orloff with interest, without any fear on his face.

"You really take yourself too seriously!" Orloff's eyes were cold, and he shot away into a real killing intent moved towards Chu Bei.


Chu Bei's eyes flickered, and the killing intents that had become substantial were shattered a hundred meters away from him.

After that, I saw Chu Bei dancing with his right hand, slashing across in the sky.

Almost at the same time, the ten thousand zhang Thunder Dragon under his feet shrank rapidly into a flash of light.

In the sound of dragon roar, the lightning flashed with the thickness of the fingers condensed to the limit, the space seemed to be cut off, extending a long black gap.

The gods who watched the battle, including Destruction Sovereign, Life Sovereign, Death Sovereign, have yet to find out their Divine Consciousness, and that electric light has struck Orloff's body.


The crisp metal crash sounded.

next moment, the sky collapses.

The hearts of tens of thousands of gods trembled suddenly, feeling that their bodies were no longer theirs for such a brief moment.

Orloff did not do any resistance, he was extremely confident in his supreme armor. But when the ray of electric strikes were on his armor, his face changed. The smile disappeared instantly, replaced by a look of pain.

The distorted expression looks like an ordinary person suffered a heavy hammer.

Pu chi!

Under the impact of terrifying, Orloff retreated several steps, spouting a mouthful of Golden blood. Looking at the armor part of the lightning strikes, there was an extra hole the size of a thumb.

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