"What! The battle just started, Lord Orloff vomited blood!"

"How is it possible! Isn't the armor worn by Lord Orloff the Supreme Divine Artifact? Why are you still hurt!"

Looking at the golden blood spurting out of Orloff’s mouth, tens of thousands of gods complexion greatly changed, looking at each other in blank dismay, with dismay in their eyes The color.

"Is the master of All Heavens Store already so powerful!"

Destruction Sovereign, Life Sovereign, Fire Element Sovereign, and many other Sovereigns can’t help but be surprised Screaming, they couldn't believe what they had seen before.


If you say that there is no greater inner fluctuation than Destiny Sovereign Orloff.

He stared at Chu Bei with cold eyes, and the armor outside his body released a black glow. He couldn't accept that the Supreme Divine Artifact on his body was pierced by the opponent!

"Now do you think this seat is qualified to use you to move your muscles and bones?" Chu Bei looked at Orloff calmly, with a smile in his words.

"It seems I really underestimated you!"

Thinking of the power contained in the thunderstorm just now, Orloff's face became more dignified and began to become serious.

The tens of thousands of gods watching the battle below seemed to have noticed the changes in the atmosphere of the battlefield, and all of them became quiet, their eyes constantly switching on the two figures facing away.

chi chi!

As Orloff’s icy voice fell, with it as the center, the bright golden glow spread out, covering the entire Heaven Realm in an instant.

"Augusta exists so that I can not be affected by worldly disputes and pursue the path of cultivation! I can’t remember how many tens of thousands of years have not been injured, in order to show that you treat me For the damage I cause, I will kill you with the newly developed powerful moves!"

Orloff steps towards Chu Bei, each step falls, and the sky of the Heaven Realm moves as if imprisoned by it. Live the same.

"It sounds like Interesting, I'm still a little interested, let's take action."

Looking at Orloff approaching step by step, Chu Bei's mood still remained unchanged, the corners of his mouth raised. Always smiling.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Orloff's eyes staring at Chu Bei grew colder.

When the coldly snorted fell, Orloff held both hands on the hilt of the long sword at the same time, the sword body trembled, and the sharp sword glow shattered the chaotic space around it.

The gods watching the battle below took a deep breath. They knew that long sword represented the offensive Supreme Divine Artifact!

Fortunately, Orloff stepped into the void turbulence before taking the shot, using it as a new battlefield.

“hong long long ——”

Heaven Realm roared, the endless golden glow converged in an instant, and appeared in the new battlefield along with Orloff, and Melted into his body.

In an instant, the gods who were still watching the Heaven Realm only felt that a vacuum appeared in the all around thousands of miles, and there was no flow of energy.

"Wu Kun ten swords!" A strange low voice sounded from Orloff's mouth.

In this brief moment, the faces of Death Sovereign, Life Sovereign, and the element gods Sovereign changed, and they looked towards Destruction Sovereign one by one.

If you say that the most ugly face is Destruction Sovereign, he didn't expect anyway, this Orloff research killer has actually studied him!

In the battlefield of Void Turbulence, a huge silhouette appeared in front of the long sword held by Orloff in both hands. It was ten thousand zhang long.

This is a huge serpent race-like monster that circulates around, vaguely visible with black scales on its body and sharp claw with flashing cold glow. The most conspicuous thing is the huge symmetrical wings.

"This...isn't this the main body of Destruction Sovereign!"

"My God! Destiny Sovereign is actually performing Destruction Sovereign's ultimate move!"

"As far as I know, Master Destruction Sovereign is just Wu Kun seven swords, Master Orloff has three more swords!"


Looking at the battlefield, Orloff The huge monster evolved from the tip of the sword in front of him, and all the God Sovereigns also reacted, all exclaiming.

Looking at it, whether it is its scales, sharp claw, or wings, they all resemble black steel. The most weird thing is that its pupils are white in one eye and red in the other eye.

"This move is the result of my battle with Utrede, after a hundred thousand years of exploration. Its Innate Divine Ability is Wu Kun Seven Swords, and I am on his Seven Swords Three more swords have been added!"

Speaking of this, Orloff paused, his eyes still fixed on Chu Bei's body, and his voice became low: "This killer move has never been used in a battle since it was researched out. Today, I will sacrifice the sword with you!"

Sen Han's voice fell, Orloff danced his sword with both hands, and the huge Divine Beast in front of him also swayed.

In the buzzing sound, Wu Kun divides into ten.

Behind them, hundreds of millions of sword images are followed, covering the turbulence and void.


The first black kun swung its tail covered with black scales, carrying hundreds of millions of sword images like a flood that covered the void where Chu Bei was.

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, the second black kun turned into a Heavenspan sword glow and slashed straight down.

Followingly, the third, fourth, fifth...

Each time the sword in Orloff's hand is swung, a black kun blasts towards Chu Bei The location.

long long long!

The battlefield roars and collapses continuously.

The original location of Chu Bei has been shrouded by a huge black light sphere. On the surface of the light sphere, there are ten black frogs surging, and the terrifying blood mouth is constantly spitting out terrifying sword glow. The breath of destroying heaven and extinguishing earth is injected into the light sphere.


Orloff held the sword in both hands, slashing with force.

At the moment when a cold syllable of the word was spit out in his mouth, ten black kunks were simultaneously transformed into a sword image, blooming with divine glow, and cut from different directions.


The black light sphere exploded, millions and millions li, the void battlefield shook suddenly and collapsed at the same time.

At this moment——

The terrifying space turbulence is rampant, and tens of thousands of material plane barriers are torn apart.

Even the Heaven Realm of the four highest planes is the same. The complexion pale of the gods, the space around them is instantly frozen, unable to move even a little bit.

"What a terrifying lunatic!"

Destruction Sovereign looked at the gray battlefield that had crumbled, and took a deep breath.

Obviously he is Wu Kun's deity, but the move displayed by Orloff is far above him. It's a great irony!

"What a horrible trick!"

"It is worthy of being the first of the four rules of Sovereign!"

"By the way, is this battle over? Is the Lord of All Heavens Store dead?"


A frowns of gods, staring blankly at the broken battlefield, but due to the gray chaos They were unable to see Chu Bei's situation clearly.

"It's gone, I can see it!

"My God! Under that kind of attack, he was all right! This... how is this possible! "

"Does the owner of All Heavens Store also have defensive Supreme Divine Artifact!" "


next moment, the chaos dispersed, tens of thousands of gods re-see the scene on the battlefield, each of them suddenly stagnated, and their whole bodies were numb.

I saw that the black light sphere exploded, and the terrifying sword glow was still raging, tearing apart the shattered void.

However, it was one of the All Heavens Store in the center of the explosion. The Lord is the same as before, without the slightest injury on his body.

For him, the ten swords of the black kun do not exist at all.

In front of his body, there is a The iron lump whirling, although its size is not large, it can actually swallow the violent sword glow with its mouth open and closed.

Judging from its expression, it is still very enjoyable, just like these sword glows. The food is average!

"It's incredible! "

Life Sovereign looked at that silhouette on the battlefield, her expression was a bit trance, this was the result she didn't expect.

It was Death Sovereign, and the expression on her face did not change much. , It seems that all this is in her expectation.

"It's really unimaginable, my lord, he is actually so powerful! "

Hogg muttered to himself. He vaguely remembered the scene when the Lord of All Heavens Store first appeared in Wuzhen.

At that time, he thought that the other party was just a Sacred Domain. Powerhouse, but unexpectedly it is already at the same level as the four rules of Sovereign.

Even, it may be above them!

"Just the ultimate move you researched ? Formidable power is not enough! ”

Chu Bei’s mouth was grinning, and with a wave of his right hand, the turbulent flow of all around and the sharp sword glow quickly dissipated.

Orloff remained silent, still being Holding the long sword with both hands, it's just that there is no longer the previous calmness on the face, but extremely solemn, and the eyes are full of vigilance.

The ten swords of Wu Kun are indeed his strongest move!

But he never expected that even though it was the strongest killer move, he still couldn't hurt the owner of All Heavens Store at all!

Also, look at the calm and composed of the other party. As he looked like, simply didn't put his strongest killer in the eyes.

"Then it's my turn to take the shot. "

With a playful voice coming down, the iron lump body in front of Chu Bei shook, and suddenly there was a giant elephant shaking Nine Heavens.

At the same moment, Five above Chu Bei The body of the Clawed Golden Dragon continued to swell and soon covered the sky.

Sound of Great Dao, wind, clouds, thunder fall!

In an instant, the weather in the entire Heaven Realm Everything has changed, the clouds are overwhelming, and the thunder is rolling.

"Manipulating the weather, this is the innate talent of our Azure Dragon One family! However, we can only control and affect one area, and the benefactor changed the weather of the entire Heaven Realm in one thought! "

"Does it mean that adults are really our ancestors?" "

Looking at the changing sky, Redding Bell and the other Powerhouses in the clan have their faces changed in shock. They looked at each other in blank dismay, and their gazes towards Chu Bei became more and more admired.

long long long ——

In the rumbling sound, Chu Bei carried his hands behind his back, overlapped with the iron bumps, and stood above the head of the Five Clawed Golden Dragon.

With its carelessly raising its hand, accompanied by a long and continuous dragon roar, the Five Clawed Golden Dragon opened its huge mouth and sucked it sharply.

In an instant, the endlessness in the void battlefield The turbulence and spatial energy of the turbulence condensed into the Golden Dragon’s mouth, and formed a beam of light after being compressed sharply.


The beam shoots out, and the target is directed at Destiny Sovereign Orloff.

Perceiving the terrifying breath oncoming, Orloff’s pupils shrank suddenly. He wanted to escape, but he leaned back but seemed to be restrained by an irresistible terrifying force. Unable to move even a little bit .


Finally, Orloff felt the approach of death, and there was a fear in his eyes, which came out of instinct. .

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