hong long!

Amidst Orloff's horrified scream, the destroying heaven extinguishing earth-like beam of light came in an instant and appeared in front of Orloff.

However, when the light beam was about to penetrate the Orloff that was restrained, the void in front of Orloff was distorted.

In the buzzing sound, only a layer of golden rays of light appeared abruptly, and then formed ripples that wrapped Orloff.

Next moment, there was a loud noise, and the beam of light strikes Orloff's body. To be precise, the strikes are on the ripples of the latter's body.

The terrifying aftermath of the explosion spread, instantly flooding the entire shattered void battlefield, until it spread across the Heaven Realm through countless material planes.

"Master Orloff is okay!"

"Is he taking it?"

"As I expected, Master Orloff can't hurt this The lord of All Heavens Store, and the lord of All Heavens Store wants to hurt Lord Orloff, but it is also impossible!"

"So, they are equal in strength?"

… …

Looking at Orloff unharmed by the golden ripples, the gods who watched the game exclaimed.


"This breath is...Supreme God!"

Different from other gods, Death Sovereign, Death Sovereign, Life Sovereign At the moment the bright ripples appeared, the expressions of the three suddenly changed, and then they looked at each other, their eyes filled with utter astonishment.

In addition to the three rules of Sovereign, those elemental gods Sovereign also changed their complexions, looking at each other in blank dismay, staring at Orloff blankly.

If the expression changes the most, nothing is the Destiny Sovereign Orloff wrapped in bright ripples.

He was taken aback for a moment, and after reacting, he instantly looked respectful.

"Many thanks, Supreme God of fate!" Orloff took a deep breath and quickly moved towards Void cup one fist in the other hand.

"What? Supreme God!"

"Could it be said that the reason why Lord Orloff was safe is because of Supreme God!"

"It turns out Supreme God really exists!"

"Where is Lord Supreme God? Why can't I find it!"


I heard Orloff The expressions of the gods in Heaven Realm froze for an instant, and they immediately turned their heads and looked around, as if looking for something.

"Let’s stop here, from now on, God Sovereign will no longer fight between God Sovereign. Violators, deprive Divine Spark."

Suddenly, a light and fluttering voice floated from the sky. When it opened, it couldn't find its source, but it seemed to be everywhere, flooding every corner of Heaven Realm.

This sound is not loud, but with Supreme majesty, it is heart-shaking.

As everyone was immersed in the information content of the sound, the entire Heaven Realm suddenly shook.

Followingly, the endless bright rays of light diverging from the sky and the earth, the bright rune in the sky densely packed intertwined and flickered, and finally gathered in the sky above Orloff’s head, forming a seemingly no more than sixteen seventy-seven Years old black clothed youth.

"I have seen the Supreme God of Destiny!"

Destruction Sovereign, Death Sovereign, Life Sovereign and a group of elemental gods Sovereign immediately moved towards black clothed youth bowed, just like Orloff , The expression is extremely respectful.

"He... is he the Supreme God who created the destiny of Heaven Realm!"

"Is Supreme God a human, too!"

"No, Supreme God It is the rule between Heaven and Earth! They can appear in any posture."


Looking at the black clothed youth, a crowd of gods who watched the battle came back to his senses Later, he quickly moved towards the black clothed man and bowed down, very pious.

"Are you letting this seat stop?"

Unlike others, even in the face of Supreme God, Chu Bei's expression has not changed, let alone Respectfully.

"What do you mean?"

Fate Supreme God looked towards Chu Bei, his eyes condensed, and the void collapsed.

weng weng weng!

At this time, the three supreme planes of Hell, God World and Underworld simultaneously generate rhythms.

Like Heaven Realm, endless bright runes emerge from the three supreme planes, and soon these runes are intertwined with three silhouettes.

In an instant, they also came to Heaven Realm, hovering between the destiny Supreme God and Chu Bei.

"That is the destruction of the Supreme God, the death of the Supreme God, the life of the Supreme God!"

"The four Supreme Gods appeared at the same time! I am afraid that all of this is attributed to the All Heavens Store Lord!"

"When you come to Heaven Realm this time, you can see the four Supreme Gods, no regrets!"


Including the three The rule Sovereign and the six element Sovereign included, a group of powerful gods immediately moved towards the three silhouettes and bowed down sincerely.

The three Supreme Gods lightly glanced at the gods, and signaled slightly.

"Beta, you are still so anxious! Is it possible that you still want to take action against these little fellows?" Supreme God of Life is a girl with a double ponytail on his head.

"An Qi, you don't need to care about my business!" Fate Supreme God glanced coldly at Life Supreme God.

Obviously, even if they are both Supreme God, the relationship between them is far and near.

"Let's just be a theater." Destroy Supreme God said, with a smile in his words.

Chu Bei glanced across the three newly arrived Supreme Gods, and the expression on his face remained unchanged.

"Before, when he took action against this seat, where were you?"

Chu Bei's gaze fell on the destiny Supreme God again, and he asked very calmly.

"Why? Are you dissatisfied?"

Fate Supreme God is coldly snorted, a ray of golden glow points out.


With a deep roar, the Five Clawed Golden Dragon evolved in front of Chu Bei exploded, turning into a flood of light and rain and dissipating.

"My God! The Five Clawed Golden Dragon, who can seriously hurt Lord Orloff, is so fragile in front of the Supreme God of fate!"

"That's Supreme God! It represents Heaven! The rules between and Earth!"

"Also, although the owner of All Heavens Store is strong enough, he still lives in the rules. How could he be the opponent of Supreme God!"

"I hope the Lord of All Heavens Store can wake up in time. Seeing the appearance of Supreme God of Destiny, he seems to be angry."


Including The gods including Sovereign looked at the collapsed Five Clawed Golden Dragon and took a breath of cold.

"In the eyes of the guys below, you are invincible, you are the Sovereign of Heaven and Earth! But do you think so?"

Five Clawed Golden Dragon collapsed, Chu Bei remained unmoved, expressionless: "The sky is so big, have you really jumped out again? Let alone your four little fellows, even if Hong Meng is here, this seat is not afraid!"

"Is the owner of All Heavens Store crazy! He dared to speak to Supreme God like this!"

"Who is Hong Meng in his mouth? Could it be a Is the strength still above Supreme God?"

"What is the origin of the Lord of All Heavens Store! How many secrets does he have!"


All the Sovereigns couldn't help being frowned when they heard Chu Bei's words, with confusion between their eyebrows.

It is the four Supreme Gods. When they heard the name Hong Meng, their body trembled suddenly, and a respectful look appeared on their faces.

"Bold! Lord Hong Meng can you mention it!"

Fate Supreme God took the lead in reacting and then became angry, turned into billions of golden light and shot at Chu Bei. Although the other three Supreme Gods didn't make a move, they didn't have any intention to stop them either.

At the moment the Supreme God of Destiny took action, the shattered battlefield was healed again, to be precise, a new battlefield was replaced.

There is no turbulence here, there are just endless rays of light, and the floating road rune.

It seems that this world was opened up by the Supreme God of fate, a brand new Heaven and Earth!

In the battlefield, hundreds of millions of golden light instantly enveloped the area where Chu Bei was located.

hong long long!

The sound of terrifying explosions echoed from the battlefield, and the avenues of rune were intertwined, releasing mysterious breath fluctuations.

"This power fluctuation, if we change us, I am afraid it will instantly turn into ashes."

"I don’t know what’s going on with the Lord of All Heavens Store. Got it."

"The battle of Supreme God is beyond our imagination."


A crowd of Sovereigns looked at the golden The new battlefield flooded with glow, one by one held their breath.

"Linley, my lord, he..."

"Master, he will be fine. Has his Senior shocked us less along the way? Before he took action, who Can you think that he can beat Radiant Sovereign and Destiny Sovereign? This time, he will definitely be fine!"

Before Hogg finished speaking, Linley interrupted, even though he said so , But judging from both of his hands tightly pulling on the corners of his clothes, he was obviously still very nervous and worried.

After all, Chu Bei’s opponent this time is the rule between Heaven and Earth, one of the legendary Supreme God!

"Don't worry, this so-called Supreme God is not in the eyes of the teacher."

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in the mind of thousands of gods.

Hearing the sound, Linley's hanging heart was relieved.


With a sharp ear tremor, the billions of golden glow that had evolved from the Supreme God of fate disappeared, and the battlefield opened up was shattered.

From development to completion, this one after the other is only a few seconds.


In the shattered world filled with golden light, suddenly a huge hand waved.

Looking intently, the misty and chaotic surging in the palm of the giant hand, releasing a weird and majestic breath.


There was another muffled sound.

The swept giant hand seemed to have hit something, and it made a low muffled sound.

The bright golden glow dissipated, and in this brief moment, the entire Heaven Realm was quiet.

All the gods who watched the battle held their heads up, their mouths were wide open, and their eyes were full of incredible colors.

Especially when I saw the existence that the giant hand was holding, all of them were numb, and there was only a deep consternation in his eyes.

They can’t believe what they see is true!

Not only these Middle Gods and High Gods, but also the Elemental God Sovereign, Rule Sovereign, and even the three Supreme Gods who are also on the battlefield, their expressions have stagnated in this brief moment.

It's stronger than them, and it seems to have become a wooden person, staring at the front with both eyes dumbfounded.


Redding Bell took a long breath, dumbfounded, as if she had lost her soul. God Sovereign Bloodpeak next to him is the same, his facial expression freezes.

"Father, I'll just say that Master will be fine..." Linley muttered to himself as he looked at the crumbling world above his head.

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