The sky is far away, Starry Sky Battlefield.

Chu Bei stands with his hands behind his hands, his eyes without any emotions are looking straight ahead.

Behind in Chu Bei, the iron bumps that were previously only phantoms are completely consolidated.

The size of the iron lump is several times larger. He raised his right arm, and the front end of his right arm extended far beyond the giant hand. There is a silhouette in the palm of the giant hand, which is the Supreme of Destiny. God!

At this moment, the destiny Supreme God seems to be imprisoned by an unshakable force. He is motionless, swinging his head with all his strength and looking towards the direction of destroying the Supreme God, the Supreme God of death, and the Supreme God of life. There was pleading in his eyes.

Obviously, the fate of the predicament Supreme God is seeking the help of the other three Supreme Gods.

Destroy Supreme God, Death Supreme God, and Life Supreme God looked at each other. They naturally understood the meaning of Destiny Supreme God, but none of them responded.

The power that the owner of All Heavens Store reveals at the moment is really too terrifying!

The other party is like a person suddenly changed. They only felt this coercion from one person. That is the Lord Hong Meng who created them, and this is Heaven and Earth. controller!

They don't understand why, the owner of All Heavens Store suddenly became Lord Hong Meng's existence!

But what is certain is that the current owner of All Heavens Store is definitely not something they can provoke!

Perceiving the expressions of the other three Supreme Gods, the destiny Supreme God shook the head, and allow some helplessness appeared on their faces.

He didn't know that the Breath had suddenly undergone the Heaven and Earth turning upside down, the Lord of All Heavens Store had risen to a level far surpassing them and even comparable to Lord Hong Meng.

Chu Bei looked at Destiny Supreme God expressionlessly. When the opponent shot, he once again used the power of Xiao Hei.

"Fate Supreme God, he...he is defeated!"

"How could this be the result!"

"No...impossible! That is Supreme God, the rules of Heaven and Earth! Just one thought can obliterate our supreme existence!"

"The owner of All Heavens Store has really surpassed Supreme God. Is it?"

"It's incredible! First Radiant Sovereign, then Destiny Sovereign, and now Supreme God! This All Heavens Store master really subverted my perception!"



Although the many God Sovereigns are not as thorough as Supreme God, they can also see the situation in the field superficially.

Fate Supreme God is imprisoned by the lord of All Heavens Store!

Such a result shattered the cognition of all the gods in the field!

"there is always someone who is better than us ... how much we have to go..."

Death Sovereign looked at Chu Bei's silhouette in a trance, muttering Talking to myself, like losing my soul.

Destiny Sovereign Orloff was completely stunned, his eyes lost.

He thought that the previous attack on him by the other party was already the strongest killer move, but from the point of view, the previous attack on him by the other party may really be casual.

It is ridiculous that at first, he hasn't even put the other party in his eyes!

"I waited for endless years, and finally waited."

Huo Ran, as gray energy emerged from the sky far away, one silhouette came out.

This person is wearing a simple linen gown, with long hair casually dangled, and looks rough, but from the looks of it, he is a middle age person with relatively distinct facial features.

As soon as its voice fell, the four supreme planes, the seven elemental gods plane, and the material planes like the Magnolia continent all trembled, and the silhouette of this person was projected from the sky.

In an instant, all the heavenly planes belonging to this Great World boiled up, and the clamor of discussion filled every corner of each plane, all wondering the origin of the identity of this middle age person.

Substance plane, Magnolia continent.

"Look at the sky! Who is that person!"

"It's not just him, there are many others!"

" What place? Who are those people!"

"Huh? That youth looks familiar!"


With a Azabu middle age person appeared in Heaven Realm, and a huge projection appeared in the sky dome of Magnolia continent.

In the projection screen, first there is only the appearance of the middle-aged man, and then the Sovereign and gods who are watching the battle are also revealed in the screen.

Everyone on the Magnolia continent stopped what they were doing at this moment, and involuntarily raised their heads to look up at the sky, each with a dazed face and amazement.

All Heavens Store, core area.

"Hillman Uncle, that...that's the big brother! And Daddy! Daddy is not dead! Huh? Who is the person next to Daddy?"

"He came back to life, Survived! Wharton, then...that is your mother!"

"Really? Very good! My mother and father are all fine!"

"Does this have anything to do with the Boss?"


Hillman and Wharton looked away from the middle age person of the linen, when they saw Linley and Hogg , Lina, suddenly showed an expression of excitement.

The Forest of Darkness.

"Lord Beirut, what is your expression? Do you know those people?" The three purple rats looked at Beirut respectfully.

"The four rules of Sovereign, the six elemental gods Sovereign! And the three people who must treat them respectfully. If I guess it’s right, it should be Supreme God! As for the middle- Aged man ……"

Beirut took a deep breath, and his eyes were filled with deep consternation.

"What? Supreme God! They are Supreme God!"

"Lord Beirut, what the hell is that? I also saw the Lord of All Heavens Store! What is going on? What's the matter?"

"Why even the legendary Supreme God appeared!"

Three purple rats exclaimed, but when they asked Beirut again, the latter Just shook the head.

In front of Supreme God, his small subordinate God Sovereign is no different from ants. How can he know about the existence of that level?

Not only the Magnolia continent, but the underworld, hell, God World of life, the seven elemental gods plane, and the many material planes, are all frantically discussing the scene presented by the projection in the sky at this moment.


Heaven Realm.

A group of gods who watched Azabu middle age person up close, each with a dull expression, very trance.

"Meet Lord Hong Meng!"

In the sky, destroy the Supreme God, the Supreme God of death, and the Supreme God of life immediately moved towards Azabu middle age person.

Because of the destiny Supreme God was imprisoned by the giant hand protruding from the iron lump, he could only watch the linen middle age person, but he could also see the respect in his eyes.

"Lord Hong Meng? That man...what kind of existence he is! Even Supreme God has to salute him!"

The gods including the Sovereign, Looked at the middle age person of the linen idiotly as if he had lost his soul.

The performance of the three Supreme Gods has subverted their cognition. They think that this Supreme God represents the rules of the world and is already the most Supreme existence!

Who would have expected that there are even more powerful characters above Supreme God!

"Lord Hong Meng, save me."

Fate Supreme God is struggling in the giant hand, but he can only use the Rule Power to avoid the restraint of the giant hand.

The linen middle age person glanced lightly at the Supreme God of fate, and seemed to hesitate for a moment, then shook the head without any indication.

After a long silence, the linen middle age person lowered his head and scanned the gods below.

"Little fellows, are you curious about my identity?"

A smiling voice floated from the air, penetrated all the planes, and filled all the planes. corner.

When facing the gaze of the middle age person on the linen cloth, all the gods dare not come out, but there is expectation in their eyes.

"My name is Hong Meng, I am the creator of this space."

The voice of the linen middle age person rang in all the planes of the Great World here, and the voice fell, he looked Towards Chu Bei: "Fellow Daoist, please!"

Chu Bei slightly nod, follow the linen middle age person as he steps out of the Heaven Realm, and when they reappear, they have come to a chaotic space in.

"Fellow Daoist, that is where I live now." Azabu middle age person pointed his finger forward.

I saw five Star Regions suspended in the center of endless chaotic energy.

The four Star Regions on the periphery have only one color at first glance. The Star Region in the middle is a fusion of the four colors of the outer Star Region.

"Primal Chaos Era, I am the only life in this space, and this place gave birth to me."

Azabu middle age person looked at Chu Bei as if he had found a friend , There seems to be endless words: "In that era, I was boring by myself. At a certain moment, divine light flashed, I started to create Creation of the World. The largest piece was regarded as the main world, and the other four, It’s an affiliated world."

"The world where Fellow Daoist was previously is one of the affiliated worlds. As for the four Supreme Gods, I created the world to manage that world."


The burlap middle age person took Chu Bei to walk in the chaos and mist, and the low and steady voice echoed in the five worlds for a long time.

"Hong Meng? It turns out that this world we are in was created by him!"

"It's crazy! How terrible he must be with these methods!"

"You said, since there are four worlds similar to ours, can we escape from this World and go to the other world?"

"As long as you are strong enough, naturally Yes! Didn’t you see that Lord Hong Meng and the Lord of All Heavens Store, are you walking in the Five Great Worlds?"

"It’s incredible! Then what is the Lord of All Heavens Store? Isn’t he created by Lord Hong Meng?"


Heaven Realm and the gods of the plane looked at the sky, where two roads appeared side by side. silhouette Walking in the chaos in the sky, there are five huge Star Regions all around them. All kinds of brilliance in the Star Region are shining and extremely gorgeous.

The gods held their heads high and their eyes did not blink. At this moment, there was no words to describe their inner shock.

Including the Supreme God of Destiny, the four Supreme Gods looked at each other in blank dismay, with the same surprised expression on their faces.

Before, they thought that there was only one world, but they did not realize that in addition to this, Lord Hong Meng also created four worlds!

"I wonder who Fellow Daoist is?" The voice of the middle age person of Azabu sounded again.

In this brief moment, many people on the plane focused their eyes on Chu Bei.

Compared with this unfamiliar linen middle age person, they still have some knowledge of the owner of All Heavens Store, and naturally they are also very curious.

This kind of curiosity even surpasses the curiosity of the four Supreme Gods and Hong Meng!

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