In other words, the power of the source mentioned by system must be related to this ladder and that door!

Chu Bei came back to his senses, stepped to keep up with Hong Meng.

Under the gaze of countless line of sight, just as Chu Bei and Hong Meng stepped onto the stairs, the entire chaotic void trembled suddenly, and a strange buzzing sound suddenly sounded.

This kind of sound seems to come from the Nether Nether Lands Mansion, which makes the scalp numb. If an ordinary god is here, it will probably turn into fly ash in less than half a second, and even if it is stronger than Sovereign, it will not survive this sound wave.

However, this very terrifying sound wave broke directly with a sneer when it approached Hong Meng and Chu Bei.

At this moment, the long ladder and the door at the end vibrated, sending out a terrifying roar.

long long long!

When Chu Bei and Hong Meng were completely standing on the first step, the Tianhe River, which was originally flowing slowly below, suddenly rioted and suddenly turned into a churning river, crash-bang water. The slap of the waves is shocking, and the waves of the water nests that are brought up from time to time are like huge mouths that people want to eat.

The bright rays of light on both sides have also changed, and they suddenly evolved into a vast and boundless territory.

This is a scarlet world, the pungent bloody smell lingers, a bit disgusting.

The land that can't be seen at the end is all blood dyed into red.

Immediately afterwards, a piece of chaotic phantoms flooded at the end of the territory. They seemed to have gone mad and received some order. They moved towards Chu Bei and Hong Meng crazy and culled them. Come.

"This...what's going on!"

"How did the good-natured void suddenly become the battlefield of Asura!"

"Those who were obscured What is the chaos wrapped in? Does it mean that Lord Hong Meng also has enemies?"

"Lord Hong Meng and the Lord of All Heavens Store, what exactly do they want to do?"

"Speaking of which, what is behind that door!"


A group of powerful gods looked dumbly at the scene in the sky, on the ladder that day When the golden lights on both sides turned into a brand new world, one by one immediately held their breath, and their eyes were filled with deep consternation.

"in the wider world there are people more talented than oneself, does it mean behind the door..."

Death Sovereign remembered Chu Bei once said to her If he passed, he looked at the door at the end of the ladder in a daze, as if he had lost his soul.

Chaos in the sky, Hong Meng seems to have experienced such a scene countless times, without the slightest fluctuation in emotion on his face.

As for Chu Bei, he frowned. Of course, he was not afraid of these dark shadows wrapped in chaos, but the ladder was not as it appeared on the surface.

"these all are the lowest level Chaos Beast!"

Hong Meng glanced at Chaos Beast, who was culled in all directions, and moved towards Chu Bei after a few words , The sleeve robe waved.

In an instant, tens of thousands of Chaos Beast screamed at the same time, and the blood light broke out all over the sky. The scarlet blood made the earth darker red.

If these Chaos Beasts are placed on the Magnolia continent, even if it is the weakest one, it will have an absolute Overlord level.

But in the eyes of Chu Bei and Hong Meng these two people, they can't be considered at all, just like ants.

As Chaos Beast shattered, this world also shattered and became a golden glow guarding the ladder again.

In a short while, the Tianhe below the ladder became quiet again, flowing slowly.

hong long!

But just when Hong Meng and Chu Bei set foot on the second step, a scene similar to the previous one was staged again.

However, the world at this time is misty, Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, just like Human World Immortal Realm.


Looking at the changing world in front of him, Chu Bei couldn't help but raise a smile: "It seems that every time you step on a ladder, you have to experience It’s a world."

"Yes, this process is really a bit cumbersome."

Hong Meng laughed and shrugged: "There are a hundred steps in this ladder, and the front is ninety and eighth. -Rank, Fellow Daoist just looks good. For the last two ranks, I need Fellow Daoist's help."

hong long long!

Just when the gods were feeling that the world where Hong Meng and Chu Bei lived in the screen was like the Immortal Realm, the void suddenly roared.

next moment, violent wind erupted, the clouds and mists are blown away, and the earth trembles.

I saw countless giants wrapped in hazy air, rushing like a tsunami, as if heaven falls and earth rends are about to come.

This world is shaking, as if it is about to break at any time.

"These are Primal Chaos Giant."

Hong Meng dressed in a hunting robe, after quietly speaking to Chu Bei, the terrifying power went away, the terrifying Qi of Slaughter is like a turbulent ocean wave.

In an instant, these tens of thousands of Primal Chaos Giant were swallowed.

At the end, in the dazzling blood light, these giants were crushed into meat sauce, destroying both body and soul.

The world that evolved from the 2nd-Rank ladder disappeared, and Hong Meng and Chu Bei stepped onto the 3rd-Rank ladder.

With a bang, a new world appeared.

The black mist is shrouded, and you can't see your fingers, in the sky, there is the sound of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves. In the Darkness, a pair of scarlet eyes were faintly visible.

This is a kind of weird and unknown existence. Through the chaos, it can be vaguely seen that they are humanoid in shape, with six pairs of wings behind.

However, these creatures just hiding the sky and covering the earth swept towards Hong Meng and Chu Bei. The former's gaze was condensed, and the terrifying gaze was as vast as the sky and the sea, like Hongyu.

Immediately, the blood-colored eyes in Darkness dimmed, and the translucent body shattered and burst one by one, and the third world disappeared.


Similar scenes repeat themselves again and again.

Hong Meng and Chu Bei stepped up on the ladder, breaking one world after another.

Of course, this process is all done by Hong Meng, and Chu Bei from start to finish is a spectator.

But even if you have already reached the fiftieth level, the life and death of the creatures in that world is just that's all in Hong Meng's eyes.

"Lord Hong Meng is really strong! If it is us, I am afraid that the first step will not be passed!"

"Although the Lord of All Heavens Store did not make a move , But judging from his peaceful expression, he obviously didn’t put those creatures in his eyes."

"By the way, is this ladder naturally formed in the chaos like Lord Hong Meng or someone created it? What?"

"If it is the latter, it is really too terrifying! First Rank is a world, how terrifying is the strength of the creator? Maybe it is still above Lord Hong Meng!"


Many Powerhouses in the five worlds looked at the images revealed in the sky, exclaiming, and their eyes were filled with surprise.

Over time.

Hong Meng and Chu Bei went up the ladder.

Eighty 8th-Rank, 89th-Rank, Ninety-rank...

The higher the ladder, the stronger the creatures in the world evolved, even if they are as strong as Hong Meng. Become serious.

At the 92nd ladder, there was already a Quasi-Immortal Emperor in the world!

However, due to this realm, every Third Stage is a Heavenly Retribution. This single Quasi-Immortal Emperor only fleeed after supporting it for a few rounds in the hands of Hong Meng.

Ninety 3rd-Rank, 2nd layer realm Quasi-Immortal Emperor appeared, defeated!

Ninety 4th-Rank, the Quasi-Immortal Emperor of the Third Stage appeared, and lost!

Ninety 5th-Rank, Quasi-Immortal Emperor appeared in Fourth Stage, defeated!


Finally, when Hong Meng led Chu Bei to the 99th level, he stopped the stature, stared at the front, his face calm, and he looked like he was in What are waiting for.

"Hong Meng, give up, we are quite strong, you can't beat me."

The calm and indifferent voice sounded, the 99th steps bloomed with divine glow, and a new world took shape.

Looking ahead, this is an endless Boundless Starry Sky, there are films of Star Region ups and downs, Inverted Galaxy, but whether it is Star Region or Star River, there is no life, as dead.

A misty and deep voice sounded, echoing in the empty space, shocking the soul.

I saw a silhouette emerge above Star River. This is a man wearing a purple robe. His gaze fell on Hong Meng's body. There was a smile between the corners of his mouth, and his gestures could arouse the star below. The trembling of the River and all around the Star Region.

The most fascinating thing is the white rock behind him. This rock seems to be connected to the purple robed man, which is continuously providing a mysterious power support for it.

"Zifeng, this time is different than usual! I advise you to give way!"

Hong Meng and purple robed man are like fighting thousands The same old acquaintances who have dealt with thousands of times.

"Different from usual?"

The purple robed man glanced across Hong Meng, then stayed on Chu Bei's body for a while, frowning: "It was always you in the past If you come alone, you have brought someone here. Is he the detached person among the five worlds you created?"

"You think that the five worlds I created are so short During the years, can anyone come to the side to fight with me?" Hong Meng smiled and looked at the purple robed man.

"Who is he! Was he also born in this chaos?" Hearing Hong Meng's words, the purple robed man frowned deeper.

"Don't worry about that many, just ask if you let me give up? No, I will blow your head today!"

Hong Meng twisted his neck, it looks like that With the stubbornness of allowing some old guns.

When he arrived at this realm, no one in Primal Chaos Space could keep pace with him.

Before Chu Bei appeared, the only person who could really communicate with him was Zi Feng, who was comparable to him but blocked his way.

For hundreds of millions of years, every time he came here, he would ask about the identity of the other person, the hundred steps behind it, and the rippling round door.

However, for his problems, the other party always smiled at him, which is really disgusting.

"Hong Meng, you know, this is my mission."

The purple robed man smiled at Hong Meng, then glanced at Chu Bei, said with a smile: "Besides, this hasn't been hit yet, how do you know I can't stop you?"

"You will regret it!"

Hong Meng coldly snorted, then looked towards Chu Bei: "Fellow Daoist, I hope you can help me to blow up this old fellow!"

"What I promised you, I will do it naturally."

Chu Bei nodded gestured, and then fixed his gaze on the purple robed man, to be precise, on the white stone behind the opponent.

In fact, even if Hong Meng doesn't speak, he will attack the purple robed man.

The reason for this is all because of that white stone, the source of the power of the system mission!

Just judging from the breath of this purple robed man, the opponent's strength is not weaker than that of him and Hong Meng, the 8th layer quasi-Immortal Emperor Realm!

For this, from another level, helping Hong Meng is also helping himself.

After all, the white stone is the task of system, and it is related to the opening of his next level of authority!

Of course, like Hong Meng, he is also very curious about the origin of the identity of this purple robed man.

Why does an 8th layer Quasi-Immortal Emperor stay here?

Where does that round rippling door lead?

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