"Have you seen it! Lord Hong Meng has reached the 99th step!"

"Who is that purple robed man? He seems to be very familiar with Lord Hong Meng Looks like! But it seems that they are hostile!"

"Can be Lord Hong Meng's opponent, what is the background of this person!"

"Maybe only in their realm In order to truly understand this Great World."


Peak Powerhouse in the five worlds created by Hong Meng, looking at the picture revealed in the sky , One by one sighed.

"Look! Lord Hong Meng, they are fighting!" At this moment, someone exclaimed.

I saw that in the vast Star Sea evolved from the 99th ladder, there are three silhouettes intertwined. To be precise, two figures are besieging the other silhouette.

Their battlefield is constantly shifting in the Star Sea, but wherever they go, just the aftermath will smash a piece of Star Region after another.

hong long long ——

Boundless Starry Sky trembled under the clash of the three.

The dazzling rune shrouded their bodies, and the dense patterns indicate that their Taoism is extremely mysterious but different.

They are all Powerhouses standing in the peak of the monastic road, and they have their own way.

Hong Meng's shot is simple and straightforward, but every fist swing will be accompanied by Primal Chaos Qi, terrifying to the extreme.

Chu Bei squeezed the fist marks, sometimes separated from the iron bumps, and sometimes integrated together. Every time a fist is dropped, various unusual form patterns will appear in the burst of fist marks.

As for the purple robed man, behind the white stone rays of light shrouded and his body all around, every time he dances with his hands, he will draw a large amount of white rays of light as an attack.

"Hong Meng, you really found a good helper!"

I have to say that the purple clothed man is very strong, and there is a power of watching the world. .

He walks in the brilliant light and rain, and every step of each step he will break the Star River below, making the endless sky tremble.

Unfortunately, his opponent is also very strong!

Whether it is Hong Meng or Chu Bei, they are not weaker than him.

Under the attack of these two people teaming up with one after the other, his various Supreme treasures were used, but even so, he still couldn't get rid of the situation of being suppressed.

From the very beginning, he fell into a passive position. The offensive of these two men was really too fierce.

The two came up with a ruthless move, leaving no room for effort.

Therefore, he did not dare to hide himself, and directly used the strongest source of power to resist.

In Boundless Starry Sky, the three broke one Star Region after another.

The battle is getting fiercer, the purple robed man keeps retreating, and Hong Meng and Chu Bei are closely following each other.

crash-bang ——

I don’t know when, the battlefield of the three people has come to the top of a long blue river. The river water has all kinds of weird runes and ups and downs, which contains endless The power of time.

This is a long history!

The three of them went all the way down the long river of time, and even broke down the space-time barriers on both sides of the river.

Along the Long River, one silhouette after another emerges, and they are all powerful to the extreme Powerhouse.

Among them, the peak wave of people, although their strength cannot be compared with Hong Meng, Zifeng, and Chu Bei, they have also entered the Quasi-Immortal Emperor this realm.

"He...their breath, Quasi-Immortal Emperor level!"

"I'm afraid I have already entered the Sixth Stage!"

"My God! What era of Powerhouse are they! There are three Quasi-Immortal Emperors on the Sixth Stage at the same time!"

"Sure enough, we are an era of decline! As the era of this era! Number One Person, I even stayed at Immortal King Realm!"


Along the long river over the years, Powerhouses from different eras looked at the three silhouettes of fierce fighting over the long river. Feeling the breath revealed on their bodies, each complexion greatly changed, with horror, and more respect.


Suddenly, a long bell came from an area along the Long River.

Immediately afterwards, a man with a big clock hung over his head appeared. He seemed to be invincible, letting the disordered Space-Time Power beat him.

The big bell is majestic, dispersing Chaos Energy, and every time it shakes, there is time ripples spreading, and it drops hundreds of millions of fairy lights, enveloping the silhouette of the man.


The bell hasn't dissipated yet, the sound of rolling thunder sounded.

In the long river, Nine Heavens lightning flash is shining, a great cauldron emerges and falls down Myriad Things Origin Energy.

Above the tripod, there was a man with a heroic posture, upright eyebrows, and sharp eyes. He fell into a silhouette and came to the man holding the clock, standing side by side with him.


The long river trembles, the waves hit the sky, and a woman walks out of it. She wins the snow with black clothed, dancing with black hair, peerless grace and elegance, walking on the waves. For an instant, she appeared next to the man who stepped in.

"Wu Shi, Ye Fan, fierce person!"

"Why did these trio appear too!"

"Look at it, here and There are quite a few of them who have feuds of life and death! Shouldn’t they just fight?"


The man with the clock, the man with the tripod and the black clothed woman III As soon as people appeared, they became the focus of many Powerhouses along the coast of the river. After the surprise, they all discussed spiritedly.

As for Wu Shi, Ye Fan, fierce person and their opponents, they don’t have time to pay attention to the comments of people around them. Their eyes penetrate the mist and chaos and cast on Hong Meng, Zifeng, and Chu Bei. Three people on the battlefield.

"I saw your Senior Chu again."

Wu Shi stared at the battlefield of the Hong Meng trio, and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Where is Senior Chu in time and space! Where is his cultivation base suppressed by Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection." The fierce person's gaze fell on Chu Bei's body, his beauty With a color that allows some consternation.

"Master...Master." Ye Fan murmured softly, with a smile of joy on his face.

At the same time.

"Zifeng, do you want to continue to hold on? What's the point of this! If you really blow you up, what else will we do in the future?"

Boundless Starry Sky, in the battlefield above the long river of years, Hong Meng's triumphant laughter lingers.

"What's the ability to find a helper? There is ability to stand alone!" Upon hearing Hong Meng's provocative words, Zifeng was flustered and exasperated.

However, the facts are in front of him, this battle is really difficult for him to fight.

Faced with the two Powerhouses of the same realm, it was uncomfortable for anyone to leave it.

In the battlefield, Zifeng stepped on the river of time to counterattack while retreating.

At the same time, more and more Powerhouses have emerged along the Long River, and the weakest one has the strength of the 8th layer Immortal King.

crash-bang ——

In the hands of Hong Meng, Zifeng, and Chu Bei, the years of churning, the bright avenue rune collapsed, and the years Breath.

Powerhouses that were alarmed along the long river evaded one after another. Some of them stepped into the supreme almighty of the Immortal Emperor Realm. They walked down the long river and tried to observe the three 8th layer Quasi- from close range. The battle of Immortal Emperor.

"What is that river? It seems to carry Power of Time!"

"How come so many Powerhouses pop up along the banks of the river!"

"The guys don't belong to this time and space! They were alarmed by Lord Hong Meng's battle!"


Panlong, this plane time and space, five worlds Powerhouse looked up at the sky.

Because the high-altitude projection screen moves with the movements of Hong Meng and Chu Bei, they not only witnessed the whole process of the battle, but also saw the long river of years and the differences between the two banks. Time Space Powerhouse.

At the moment, even if it is better than Death Sovereign and Life Sovereign, looking at the countless different time and space Powerhouses on both sides of the strait, I feel inexplicably small.

Destroy the Supreme God, the Supreme God of Life, and the Supreme God of Death. Although their expressions are not so exaggerated, they are also full of consternation.

hong long!

I don't know how long it has passed. Finally, with a low buzzing sound, Zifeng flew upside down from the battlefield.

The white rock behind him is getting brighter and brighter, shrouded with mysterious rune, as if to stabilize the stature.

However, although the energy contained in this stone is strong, it can never resist the two powerful forces that Hong Meng and Chu Bei poured out at the same time.

Finally, Zifeng was blasted into the long river of years, and the rushing river tornado struck the strikes on the time-space barriers along the coast.

Those nearby Powerhouses that hadn't reacted to them were thrown upside down by the tornado, their limbs shattered. Fortunately, these powerhouses are powerful enough to regenerate their limbs in a moment.

But even so, those affected Powerhouses in different time and space also showed a look of dreading, and they were far away from the battlefield of Hong Meng Chu Bei and Zifeng.

Their battle is really too terrifying!

Even if it is as strong as the Peak Immortal King and as strong as the Third Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor, it is difficult to survive the aftermath of this battle.

In the battlefield.

The long river surging over the years, Zifeng rushed out of the river.

Ran Goose, he just emerged, and Hong Meng and Chu Bei joined hands to strike.

hong long long!

The terrifying battle is once again staged.

Time passes by every minute and every second.

Finally, peng sound, Zifeng's body burst open. It was also because he was strong enough that the blood in his body had not yet started to splash, and gathered together again.

When they arrived at this realm, it was already difficult for people of the same level to kill each other.

"Zifeng, don’t be stubborn anymore, so many people are watching. Although you can’t kill you, it’s not pretty if you were beaten so embarrassed, right." Hong Meng’s mouth was filled with news. With a deep sarcasm.

Zifeng glanced at Hong Meng coldly, coldly snorted.

"Really stubborn old fellow!"

The persuasion again failed. Hong Meng's face became heavy, and he seemed a bit angry, and then turned his head and looked towards Chu Bei: "Fellow Daoist Please do it harder!"

The voice fell, Hong Meng's own imposing manner took the lead, and the terrifying aura formed a light film all around the battlefield, even though it was as strong as the ordinary Quasi -Immortal Emperor all looked back.

Perceiving the imposing manner of Hong Meng climbing to the extreme, Chu Bei nodded, there is no change in the expression on his face, and there is no mood swing.

But at this brief moment, a golden disc appeared above his head, the disc facing downwards, gushing endless blue-green rays of light, and finally dotted with his between the eyebrows.

Looking at it, you can see that within the Golden Disk, there are millions and millions of creatures from different planes worshipping, permeating the strength of Faith.


Ancient Tree of Enlightenment and Enlightenment Tree appeared behind Chu Bei. From the moment the two ancient trees appeared, the long river underneath resonated, and the avenues of Hanoi were flying like butterflies.

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