"Fellow Daoist, together!"

In the battlefield, Hong Meng looked towards Chu Bei, his voice fell, and the whole person turned into a rainbow of light, wrapped in thousands Star Region compressed to the extreme and hit Zifeng.

At the same time, Chu Bei's silhouette also moved, raising his hand and banging it down, simple and direct.

Different from Hong Meng, Chu Bei's goal is very clear. He is to take away the white stone behind Zifeng.

"Really two lunatics!"

Zi Feng tugged at the corner of his mouth and cursed.

The reason why he guards this 99th step is nothing more than accepting bribes that's all entrusted by others. In ten thousand years, his agreed time will come, and it is time to leave.

Billions of years ago, he was shocked when he first played against Hong Meng! In any case, he didn't expect that there is an existence comparable to him in this Primal Chaos Space!

Fortunately, the strength of this Hong Meng is equal to him, otherwise, he had just been entrusted to guard the ninety ninth rank and he would have been breached. That would be really shameful.

Unexpectedly, in these endless years, he blocked Hong Meng time and time again. When he saw that he was about to retreat, he didn't know where to find a helper, and his strength was still faint. on!

Zi Feng sighed faintly. When Hong Meng and Chu Bei were thoroughly serious, he knew that he had no retreat.

Without hesitation, he also displayed the strongest divine ability. The endless running rune was condensed into ribbons, and moved towards Hong Meng and Chu Bei blasted away.

However, what made Zifeng Divine Soul tremble was that the attack he condensed his own essence had not touched the bodies of Chu Bei and Hong Meng, and was swallowed by the iron lump.

Zi Feng hasn't reacted from the astonishment yet, the attacks of Hong Meng and Chu Bei have come close to him.

"Start lightly..."

At the playful gaze of Hong Meng and Chu Bei, a chill rose in Zi Feng's heart, but before the words were finished, a series of violent The attack hit his face.

Boom, boom, bang!

The powerful attacks of Chu Bei and Hong Meng poured down on Zifeng's body.

In an instant, Zifeng's whole body was wrapped in gorgeous rays of light, and in the rays of light, the ups and downs of the Star Region compressed to the extreme could be seen vaguely.


"Say, tap it!"

"You two lunatics!"

… …

In the rays of light, Zifeng’s body can be seen shattering and bursting again and again, reorganizing and healing again and again.

The screaming scream drifted away, full of anger and unwillingness.

"It's terrifying!"

Along the long river of years, the different time and space far away from the Powerhouse looked at the scene in the light sphere in a daze, and could not help but let out a sigh.

"Damn! Don't touch my source stone! I found such a piece after a million years of searching!"

Suddenly, purple maple flustered came out of rays of light and exasperated voice, you can hear the pain in his shout.

[The host gains the power of the source, the mission is completed]

When Chu Bei grabbed the white stone behind Zifeng, the system sound sounded in his mind.

In an instant, Sen white stone appeared directly in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the rays of light releasing Sen white suddenly flooded the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The system interface has changed, and a new page has been added.

This page presents a cone-shaped instrument. Next to the instrument is a line of four eye-catching characters. [Source strength of Heaven]

Behind the characters is a lonely one The number '1' means that the number of droplets in this appliance is also 1.

Although this droplet is small and pitiful, its extension seems to have a film, which is condensed and not melted. It is releasing dazzling rays of light, which seems to be very different from the Nassen white stone. Link.

System did not elaborate on this, and Chu Bei naturally did not have too much attachment.

"Hong Meng, you stop me! Isn't it okay if I let you go!"

At this moment, the shining rays of light came out of Zifeng's compassionate sky sound.


With a blast, Hong Meng stopped, and then smiled at Zifeng who burst and healed again: “Old Partner, it’s better to know the times so early!”

Zifeng stared at Hong Meng. After coldly snorted, he looked towards Chu Bei: "Return the source sky stone to me!"

"The stone has been refined by this seat." Chu Bei held his hands behind said in a tranquil voice.

"Impossible! That is the source of heaven stone! Even if you and me, the energy in it is impossible to refining it directly, at most it is to borrow that's all!"

I didn’t believe what Chu Bei said, but when he shot a wisp of Divine Consciousness and swept Chu Bei, his face suddenly changed: "How...how could it be! It's really gone!"

"Old Partner, Isn’t it just a broken stone? If it’s gone, it’s gone. Besides, isn’t this being refining by Fellow Daoist? What's so distressing, at worst, go find the same one again.” Hong Meng slapped Zifeng on the shoulder. , I am in a good mood.

"You know what a fart! When you get out of this World, you will know the meaning of the stone!" Zi Feng directly exploded at Hong Meng.

The panting with rage cries fell, and Zifeng stared at Chu Bei fiercely again: "What about after my level? If you want to open the door, you have to pass the last First Rank. Okay! That guy is more than a little bit better than me! Even if you two go together, they are not his opponents!"

Hear the sound, Hong Meng frowned, originally with a smile His face became solemn again. On the contrary, Chu Bei seemed extremely calm, as if he didn't care about what Zifeng said.

hong long!

With a loud noise, this Boundless Starry Sky, together with the 8th layer Quasi-Immortal Emperor Purple Maple, disappeared.

"Are these little fellows so curious? Still not willing to leave."

Hong Meng glanced at the Powerhouse in different time and space on both sides of the river. Muttered, and didn't pay much attention to it.

"The last First Rank is left!"

Looking at the last step in front of you, and the rippling door that is only one meter away from you, Hong Meng took a deep breath, He was a little nervous unexpectedly inexplicably.

For hundreds of millions of years, every time he came here, he was caught by Zifeng. Today, he has finally passed the 99th level!

"Fellow Daoist, please!"

Hong Meng moved towards Chu Bei made a please gesture.

Chu Bei nodded responded to Hong Meng's gaze.

hong long long!

Just when Hong Meng and Chu Bei stepped on the last step, the entire ladder trembled violently and shook wildly.

Followingly, the Tianhe River rioted below, and violent ominous beasts swept out of the river bottom, carrying an incomparable terrifying breath, and a weird neighing sound came from the mouth.

Not only Tianhe, the golden light on both sides also began to move towards the middle, and there are countless golden creatures faintly walking out.

Looking at this scene, Hong Meng was stunned. In any case, he didn't expect that there are still living things in the Tianhe River and the golden light on both sides.

long long long ——

The roaring Tianhe and the brilliant golden light began to overlap and interweave.

Finally, a new world of one party is formed.

There is no continent, no stars, no Star River, and no Star Region in this world, and there is only a vast expanse of white space.

I stared at it, and from time to time I could see the ancient beasts of chaos in this white world.

The breath of these ancient beasts is extremely powerful, far from what Chaos Beast in the previous ladder can compare, and the weakest one has the strength of True Immortal Peak.

"Unexpectedly, there are people who can walk to this step."

Suddenly, a golden light avenue rises and falls, and a silhouette at the end of the avenue steps forward.

Looking at the sound, this is an old man with plain hair and beard all white. He is walking on the golden light avenue, and as its calm voice falls, he has come to the end of the avenue.

"There are quite a lot of people."

The white haired old man's mouth is smiling, his eyes first sweep across the powerhouse along the long river of years, and finally fall on Hong Meng and Hong Meng. Chu Bei's body.

"My power is suppressed by...!"

"This, how is this possible!"

"Who is he!"

As soon as I met the white haired old man's gaze, the powerhouse of different time and space along the banks of the long river trembled suddenly.

An unspeakable invisible force seemed to shoot out from the eyes of the white haired old man, pierced through the barriers of time and space where they were in an instant, and then penetrated into their bodies.

Under this power, their infinite power is suppressed, and it is difficult to mobilize them, as if they suddenly became an ordinary person.

Some elementary Quasi-Immortal Emperors on both sides of the Long River all showed incredible expressions. They couldn't believe that when they arrived at their realm, there were people who could suppress them with just a ray of light!

"Could it be that he...he has stepped into the real Emperor Realm!" a Quasi-Immortal Emperor exclaimed.

"Even if it didn't, I'm afraid it wouldn't be much worse." Another Quasi-Immortal Emperor took a deep breath.

"Hong Meng, I told you everything, even if you pass my level, you will not be able to open the door."

At this time, on the golden light avenue A silhouette appeared again, it was the purple maple that had guarded the ninety ninth rank.

"What? Are you going to make another move?" Hong Meng frowned upon seeing Zifeng coming.

"no no no, of course not! I am defeated, how am I embarrassed to continue to stop you."

Zi Feng spoke quickly, then stepped aside, said with a smile: "I will just watch a play this time. With Bai Lao's strength, it is more than enough to deal with the two of you."

"You still have some conscience."

Hong Meng Glimpse After looking at Zifeng, and then looking at the smiling white haired old man, he tilted his head and looked towards Chu Bei beside him: "Fellow Daoist, the trouble seems a bit big."

Chu Bei no The answer was just laughed.

"Since the day you were born, I have noticed you. It is because of your existence that I personally guard this big domain."

The white haired old man stroked it. Stroking his beard, his eyes fell on Hong Meng's body: "From now on, this decision is correct."

"This big area? Are there many similar spaces?"

Hong Meng tightly frowns, staring at the white haired old man: "Also, who are you?! Why guard here? What is behind the door!"

"Wunai The guardian of this big domain, you can call me Bai Lao. As for guarding here, it's just that the outside is messy enough, and I don't want you to add chaos." The white haired old man sighed faintly.

"Outside? It means behind the door, right?" Hong Meng asked tentatively.

"There is my guard here. If you can't get out, please dispel this idea."

The white haired old man did not answer Hong Meng's question directly, accompanied by the lightness in his mouth. The voice fell, and he raised his right hand.

In the next moment, the brilliant golden light of this new New World surged, and those powerful chaos hidden in the sky ancient beast neighed with fear, and immediately flee.

weng weng weng!

A giant hand is formed, sweeping the void, and the target is Hong Meng.

The golden ripples swelled like waves, spreading far away.

At this moment, the Powerhouse in the different time and space along the long river of years suddenly shuddered, and the biting chill was inexplicably rising, a sense of long-lost fear that came out of instinct spontaneously.

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