Looking at the battlefield, the giant hand shot by the white haired old man slapped Hong Meng, and the Powerhouse watching the battle along the long river was palpitating.

Fortunately, the energy that made their heart palpitations didn't come from moved towards them, otherwise they would be suppressed and unable to move their power within the body. They would only end up as nothingness.

However, even if the giant hand did not target them, at this moment, they felt that the soul and the physical body were about to be separated, which was extremely painful.

"It's really tricky!"

On the battlefield, Hong Meng, who was facing the swept giant hand, frowned and had a grave expression.

No one felt more deeply about the energy fluctuations contained in that giant hand.

Even if he is better than him, under this coercion, his breathing becomes quicker.

"Fellow Daoist, I'll go first!"

Hong Meng turned his head and glanced at Chu Bei. After making a decision, his body turned into billions of brilliant rays of light, Facing the giant hand.

Looking intently, you can see that there are endless Star Region circulations in the gorgeous rays of light made by Hong Meng, and various world rules are intertwined, terrifying.


Just as the gorgeous rays of light hit the giant palm, a muffled sound rang.

next moment, the endless power of the Star Region in the gorgeous rays of light that Hong Meng transformed into the giant's hands, was the first to be forced back to its original form.

After that, a silhouette flew out, tearing a pitch-black gap in this space.

"Lord Hong Meng was blown away!"

"Lord Hong Meng is our creator! Is there anything stronger than him in this world!" "

"What the hell does that white haired old man come from?"


Looking at Hong Meng who was shot flying by a giant hand, including three Supremes The five Great World Peak Powerhouses including God showed incredible expressions at the same time.

In their eyes, Hong Meng is invincible, and they cannot accept what they see before them.

"Fellow Daoist, or let's shoot together. This old fellow is more difficult than I thought." Hong Meng stabilized the stature, and looked at Chu Bei a little embarrassingly.

Before he thought about taking the lead in breaking this giant palm and then working with Chu Bei to deal with this white haired old man.

Clinkable, the white haired old man alone can no longer block the 1st move.

[Host Cooling Dragon Plane mission completed]

[Seventeenth level commodity permission open]

[Task reward: host cultivation progress to 17th level Peak]

[Xiaohei’s power use right once]

[Twenty-level commodity use right once]

[If the host wants to open ten Level 8 permissions, you need Go to the plane to devour the starry sky]


In the battlefield, Chu Bei meets Hong Meng's helpless gaze with some pleading gaze, just about to speak, the system sound is in his mind Sounded in.

Almost at the same time, he felt the enhancement of his own strength, which was the change from Level 6 Peak to Level 17 Peak!

As far as the cultivation system in Perfect World is concerned, the 17th-level Peak has been equivalent to Supreme Peak, and it is only a step away from True Immortal!

"You have to use the power of Xiaohei again."

Feeling the breath released by the white haired old man, Chu Bei knew that his current strength couldn't compete, he muttered Talk to yourself.

"Fellow Daoist, what do you mean?"

When I heard Chu Bei's self-talk, Hong Meng brows slightly wrinkle, my face was puzzled.

Chu Bei smiled knowingly, and did not respond to Hong Meng. He appeared directly in front of the giant hand that was hovering in the air and was about to wave it again, and then a finger pointed.


With a loud noise, the brilliant giant hand exploded, turning back into the dazzling golden light and blending into the sky.

At this moment, all Powerhouses in different time and space were dumbfounded, and when they reacted, they were full of panic.

The reason why they lose one's head out of fear like this is not because Chu Bei shattered the giant hand that the white haired old man waved, but because the moment the former pointed, they The suppressed forces in the body rioted, but these forces no longer belong to them, but rushed to the mysterious man uncontrollably!

"This...what's going on!"

"My power is passing!"

"How can this happen! That person treats us What did you do!"


Along the river over the years, hundreds of thousands of different time and space Powerhouses simultaneously showed the expression of lose one's head out of fear, one by one like suddenly It's the same as something terrifying.

They looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally turned their eyes to Chu Bei's body, the eyebrows filled with panic.

Previously, when the white-haired man on the golden light avenue shot, the power in their bodies was suppressed and could not be mobilized.

Although they are frightened in this situation, at least they can perceive the existence of power within the body, only because they are temporarily suppressed by a more fearful force.

At the moment, the invisible force that suppressed them from the white haired old man seemed to shatter.

But they didn't have time to be happy, the power in their bodies was like a summon inexplicably, and they got out of their bodies uncontrollably.

They really can't imagine how there can be such a existence in this world!

At their realm, they have already communicated with Heaven and Earth and can mobilize the power of Star Region at any time.

The power they own has been incorporated into the skeleton, into the blood essence, and into each cell. It can be said that every part of their body contains endless power.

But now, what they can't believe is that the inexhaustible power they thought was inexhaustible, but shua~ shua~ shua~ passed away.

"Ye Fan, Senior Chu’s cultivation base has risen again! It is not weaker than that guy!" After Wu Shi glanced at Chu Bei and the white haired old man in the battlefield, his eyes fell on Ye Fan murmured in his mouth.

At this moment, along the banks of the long river, only the strength of their three people has not been deprived.

Naturally, he doesn't think it is because of his own strength, but the Senior Chu who displays such divine ability deliberately let them go.

"Master really can't see through."

Ye Fan's mouth was smiling, and then he moved towards Chu Bei bowed in the direction of Chu Bei, with an extremely respectful expression.

Seeing this, Wu Shi and fierce person also bowed one after another to show respect.

"Fellow Daoist, you...you..."

Looking at the giant hand that shattered and dissipated, Hong Meng finally came back to his senses from the trance and looked towards Chu again When Bei, his mouth was wide open, full of surprise.

The exaggerated expression is like just knowing Chu Bei and looking at a monster. It doesn't look like the creator of the world.

"Your strength is clearly equal to mine, how come you suddenly..."

Zi Feng stared at Chu Bei with an incredible face, and just wanted to ask why the other party was able to smash the white When the haired old man attacked, his expression changed in general.

Because at this time, the power in his body also rioted, let him suppress it in every possible way, but could not keep it all, a lot of power began to rush to Chu Bei.

"What you see is not necessarily everything. Even now, it is the same."

The plain voice fell, Chu Bei shifted his gaze away from Zifeng Opened, and landed on the white haired old man, his eyes condensed.

next moment, the golden light avenue at the feet of the white haired old man trembles, and then bursts with a bang, turning into a rain of light and dissipating.

At this moment, the space where the white haired old man all around can be clearly seen twisted, and the terrifying power in his body, like the Star River, also became riot.

It's just that unlike other Powerhouses, his power is still in his body, it's just a little disordered that's all.

The white haired old man took a step forward, and the broken golden light avenue condensed under his feet again. He stared at Chu Bei, his brows gradually frowned, becoming more solemn.

The same is true for Chu Bei, silent, but calmly facing the white haired old man's eyes.

At this moment, he seems to have become the center of this big domain, with infinite terrifying suction.

Not only the power of the Powerhouse in other time and space, but also the energy contained in the brilliant golden light in this world has been stripped, all compressed to the extreme, shrouded all around in his body.

long long long!

The white haired old man shot again.

At this moment, this world is still, there is no sound, and there is no energy fluctuation.

In the eyes of countless different time and space Powerhouses, it was just that the white haired old man appeared in front of Chu Bei while walking on the golden light avenue, his body became illusory, and it seemed to be integrated with this world. .

The white haired old man turned his palm into a fist and hit it straight out.

"There is no need for this."

Chu Bei did not evade, his eyes opened and closed, and as the faint voice fell, he lifted his right hand lightly.


Fist and palm touch.

The white haired old man's powerful punch was taken away by that careless palm.

While watching the battle, Powerhouse thought that the white haired old man would attack again. The body of the white haired old man burst open, but he soon healed together.

The process from crushing to healing is actually between the sparks of calcium carbide.

While watching Powerhouse in different time and space along the river of years, although they are not qualified to participate in such a battle, they can understand a little bit.

"The white haired old man fell in the wind!"

Quasi-Immortal Emperor exclaimed, as if he had forgotten the disappearance of power within the body.

"Is it the real Emperor."

The white haired old man pulled away from Chu Bei, as if he had confirmed the guess in his heart, sighed faintly, and then shook the head, Seems to give up something.

After that, the white haired old man waved his hand, and the bright golden light became dim.

The world dissipated, the ladder reappeared, along with the rippling round door.

"The battle is over...Is it over!"

"The white haired old man is defeated!"

"What realm are they!"


"haha, the power is back, I can leave!"


Looking at the dissipated world, Powerhouse's expression stagnated.

After the reaction came, his eyes switched back and forth between Chu Bei and the white haired old man.

When they discovered that the lost power reappeared in their bodies, they all screamed in excitement, without the posture that Supreme Powerhouse should have.

"This is the pass... I passed the last First Rank..."

Hong Meng was a little trance, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

In this scene, the reversal was too fast, which made him somewhat completely unprepared.

In the face of Zifeng, who was guarding the ninety ninth rank, he and the Fellow Daoist beside him also besieged for a long time before forcing the opponent to surrender.

Unexpectedly, when facing this last step, his white haired old man was clearly crushed by his strength, he passed so easily!

"Fellow Daoist, many thanks!"

Suppressing the excitement and shock in my heart, Hong Meng took a deep breath, moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand .

Before, when the white haired old man made a move, he knew that he was not the opponent of the opponent, and he had no hope at that time.

In his opinion, even if he joins hands with this fellow fellow of unknown origin, it is absolutely impossible to pass the white haired old man.

However, what made him unpredictable was that the Fellow Daoist beside him still had some reservations in the battle with Zifeng, and did not do his best.

It can even be said that what the opponent retains is not a little bit. It can also be said that in the previous battle, he was just playing that's all.

Looking at the rippling door in front of him, Hong Meng didn't even bother to pay attention to why Chu Bei is so powerful!

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