hong long!

Hong Meng took a step, passed the last step, and appeared in front of the ripple gate.

Chu Bei holds his hands behind and stands side by side with Hong Meng. Although the expression on his face is indifferent, his heart is the same as Hong Meng, which has already caused waves.

He is also very curious, ripples the world behind the gate!

"Lord Hong Meng's battle is over!"

"Is that white haired old man defeated?"

"Is the owner of All Heavens Store He was defeated by the Lord of All Heavens Store!"

"So, isn't the strength of the Lord of All Heavens Store still above Lord Hong Meng?"

"My God! What is he coming from!"


Just as all the gods in Heaven Realm stared at the sky screen, Hong Meng put out his hands, It lay flat on the rippling round door.


The crisp sound of the door opened.

next moment, a gap stretched out, and all the gods of the Five Great World were gazed to look at the reason, the picture in the sky was shattered with a rumble.

"This...what's going on!"

"Why is it missing!"

"What's in that door!"

Five Great World’s concentrating gods complexion greatly changed, it’s hard to see the extreme.

At the same time, at the end of the Chaos Domain of the Cooling Dragon Plane, the rippling round door on the ladder that day has been completely pushed open by Hong Meng, and he has even stepped half of his foot into the door.

"That...that is..."

At this moment, all powerhouses in different time and space are dumbfounded.

They stared blankly at the rippling door that was pushed open. Although they could only see a corner of it through the door, it was enough to make their hearts tremble and shocked.

That is an endless ocean, to be precise, it is a world intertwined with a force that is beyond their level.

They look dimly, they can only guess what the world looks like through the corner they see.

However, the breath revealed in this corner alone is enough to make them feel suffocated.

If it is said that the deepest feelings at the moment are Hong Meng and Chu Bei who have already stepped into the door.

Because of the location of the two of them, they can see a wider field of vision than those Powerhouses in different time and space, and this is even more shocking!

"Sure enough! My path to cultivation is still long!"

Looking at the endless mysterious world ahead, Hong Meng burst into laughter, he seemed to be lost The man found the way forward all at once.

long long long ——

At this moment, the vast and vast area shook.

In the distance, there are palaces ups and downs. These palaces are made of unknown materials, and the breath contained in them makes Hong Meng a little trembling.

"Fellow Daoist, I'll go first!"

Hong Meng's eyes are shining with golden light, and during his steps, he has stepped on the mysterious energy that resembles the ocean, gradually far.

At this moment, Hong Meng seems to have found a new place to live, and the heart that has been silent for hundreds of millions of years is burning again.

In the chaotic realm where he was born, he is the creator of the world, an invincible existence!

But here, his power between Heaven and Earth becomes Ping Ping strange, a mysterious power that is indescribable as if it existed in this world since ancient times and suppressed its life.

[Because of the host’s current cultivation base, unable to enter the chaotic universe]

Just when Chu Bei was also preparing to enter the misty world in front of him, the system sound was in his mind It sounded abruptly.

Hearing the system tone, Chu Bei looked at the front somewhat grudgingly, he really couldn't go as far away as Hong Meng.

Because there is an extra layer of light film in his all around, I don't know whether this vast area is repelling him or the system is preventing him.

"You shouldn't let Hong Meng pass. With his aptitude, I am afraid it will start to mess up soon."

The white haired old man glanced at Hong Meng looked at Chu Bei again in the direction he was going, and after the sigh fell, he disappeared with Zifeng.

"Are the chaotic heavens?"

Chu Bei calmly looked at the rippling round door that was gradually closing, and repeated the name of the system.


Everything is back to the original state.

A ladder, a closed rippling round door.

"dísciple Ye Fan, see the Master!"

Looking at Chu Bei walking towards him, Ye Fan immediately moved towards Chu Bei cup one fist in the other hand and bowed.

"What? This mysterious person is Ye Fan's Master!"

When Ye Fan made this claim, other Powerhouses along the river showed their consternation. The expressions on each of them have an incredible color.

Among them, there are some Quasi-Immortal Emperors who are hostile to Ye Fan without any hesitation. They immediately disappeared from the river of years, as if they were afraid of being missed by Chu Bei.

"I have seen Senior Chu!"

Perceiving Chu Bei's gaze, the beginningless, fierce person moved towards Chu Bei and bowed almost at the same time, with an extremely respectful expression.

"Go ahead, your road is still long."

Chu Bei moved towards Wu Shi, fierce person nodded.

"Master, where is the back of that door?"

Ye Fan pointed at the rippling round door above the ladder, and couldn't help but ask.

Wuji, fierce person, and other different time and space Powerhouses along the Long River all showed expectant expressions, waiting for Chu Bei's answer.

"With your current strength, you will soon be eligible to enter the world behind that door. There, you can really see as a teacher, rather than separated by time and space barriers."


Chu Bei is still in a profound state. After all, his eyes swept across the Powerhouse along the Long River and said: "You have finished reading it, and you should leave."

The voice fell. Chu Bei waved his hand, and layers of white glow scattered.


In an instant, the years and years churning up, dragging Powerhouses away from time and space one by one.

"Master, dísciple will enter the world behind that door as quickly as possible."

Ye Fan moved towards Chu Bei again and bowed, then stepped on Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron disappeared in the long river of years.


Heaven Realm, above the shattered Youxin Island.

"Look, the Lord of All Heavens Store is back!"

Looking at the youth man who suddenly appeared above his head, a God Sovereign exclaimed.

"Why don't you see Lord Hong Meng!"

The three Supreme Gods looked at each other, with doubts in their eyes.

"He has left here."

Chu Bei glanced across the three Supreme God indifferently said.

"Leave? Could it be that door?" The three Supreme Gods suspiciously asked.

Chu Bei laughed without saying much, and then walked to Linley: "Let’s go, it’s time to return to the Magnolia continent."


Three days later.

"Master, are you looking for a problem with the discipline?" In the courtyard, Linley hurried to Chu Bei's residence.

"Disciple, I've been here for the teacher long enough, it's time to leave." Chu Bei looked at Linley.

"Master, where are you going?"

Linley seemed to have been prepared, and asked calmly.

"The world behind that door." Chu Bei said with a smile.

Linley took a deep breath: "Master, dísciple will definitely go."

"Okay, the teacher is there for you!"

Chu Bei laughed out loud, and immediately under Linley's watch, stepped into the wheel of time and space.

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