As for the War God above the Warlord level, it is extremely rare. There are no more than a hundred people in the entire alliance.

Everyone of these beings can easily walk in the rain of bullets. The speed is fast as lightning, and the response is incredible. Anyone can destroy a building with one punch or kick.

"My name is Jiang Tian, ​​I don't know who my friend is?"

When I saw Chu Bei just moved towards myself laughed, he didn't even stretch out his hand, Jiang Tian's face was a little hard to look.

After a long silence, Jiang Tian spoke again, but this time there was some anger in his voice.

"You only need to know that I am not hostile to you."

Chu Bei put his hands around his chest, smiled at Jiang Tian, ​​and still did not tell his origin.

"You killed the black crown golden eagle just now?"

Jiang Tian didn't ask any more, browse tightly knit, and went straight to the subject.

When the black golden crown eagle appeared, he noticed it, but due to the long distance, he couldn't arrive immediately.

When he arrived, all he saw was the body of the black-crowned golden eagle exploding, and then disappeared inexplicably without seeing the bones.

Just as he didn't know why, a silhouette suddenly appeared in his sight.

The guy who is so different from ordinary people that he can't see through is Chu Bei.

"Just do it casually, don't be too nervous." Chu Bei said casually.

"You can kill the black crown golden eagle, you must be a Warlord fighter. If I guess right, you should have been favored by Great Influence. I don't know where you belong, my friend. Where is the power?" Jiang Tian asked again.

"I don't belong to any power."

Chu Bei's face brought on some playful colors: "There is no point in asking about my information. Because I won't tell you."

Hearing what Chu Bei said, Jiang Tian and Li Yuan, the leader of the Alliance Army, looked at each other and their faces became more heavy.

After the two exchanged their eyes, nodded, it was as if they had made some kind of unanimous decision.

"My friend, your strength can no longer be treated by a normal person. For this reason, we need to figure out your origin. Since you are unwilling to cooperate, then we can only aggravate you for the time being. You took it away."

Jiang Tian and Li Yuan said at the same time, and then they kicked their right foot on the ground and rose into the air, reaching out and grabbing Chu Bei together.


However, before Jiang Tian and Li Yuan were within one meter of Chu Bei, a low rumbling sound sounded.

next moment, these two people are like being hit by some kind of heavy blow, like a cannonball hitting the ground, creating a large circular crater.

Almost at the same time, a bitter and painful wailing sounded, and the sound of the skeleton's fragmentation could be heard vaguely.

"This...what happened..."

"Good point, why did Jiang Tian and Li Yuan get injured!"

"Is it because Because of that mysterious lord? I haven’t seen him make any move!"

"Quickly, go and see how the two adults are!"


Looking at the two figures in the deep pit, Xtreme Dojo and the other Fighters of the Alliance suddenly appeared in horror, and once again looked towards Chu Bei's eyes full of fear.

The group of students who witnessed this scene changed their faces one by one, like a thunderbolt in the blue sky, and like being poured with cold water from head to toe, their whole body numb.

In this scene, what happened was so sudden and unexpected that they were completely unprepared.

Jiang Tian and Li Yuan, two Warlord-class Powerhouses, were so seriously injured without any signs!

Especially the former, which is about to enter the powerful existence of Divine Grade!

"My God! What the hell is that adult? If he really did it, isn't he a War God?"

Wei Wen held breath cold air, expression The astonishment was hard to add, like a person with a clay sculpture and wood carving.

Luo Feng and Xu Xin are also dumbfounded. Their brains seem to have lost the ability to think. They stand still in the same place like a wood, staring at Chu Bei in the sky with both eyes stunned.

"I have a fate with you and give you an opportunity."

Chu Bei's eyes returned to Luo Feng's body: "Follow me."

The flat voice fell, and Luo Feng's body surface was rippled for a while, and then the silhouette disappeared.

Of course, Chu Bei in the sky also disappeared.


"Luo Feng is gone!"

After a while, Wei Wen, Xu Xin and a group of students reacted come.

One by one looking at the empty place where Chu Bei Luo Feng was originally, his mouth opened wider.

"Quickly...Connect me to Hall Master! I have important things to report!"

"Call the highest commander immediately!"

Also At this brief moment, the seriously injured Jiang Tian and Li Yuan crawled out of the pit, their weak voices with anxiety.


Yian District, Central Building, 108-story sky garden.

Luo Feng glanced at the cliff-like glass wall on the right, and couldn't help but shudder. If it fell down, it was designated as a pile of meat sauce.

"My lord, why do you want to bring me here?"

Forcibly suppressing the panic in his heart, Luo Feng swallowed and looked at Chu Bei with anxious expression.

"Don't be nervous."

Chu Bei smiled and looked at Luo Feng: "I said, I have a fate with you, and I brought you here to give you an opportunity. "

"Opportunity?" Luo Feng muttered curiously.

"The little girl I just saved is your crush, right?" Chu Bei looked at Luo Feng with a smile on his face.

"Cough cough, my lord is jesting."

Hearing Chu Bei's ridicule, Luo Feng blushed: "Does this have anything to do with the opportunity that the lord said?"

"If I didn't make a move in time, what would happen to the little girl?" Chu Bei asked rhetorically.


Hearing Chu Bei's question, Luo Feng's expression condensed, and he could not help but clenched his fists.

If it hadn't been for this adult to take action, Xu Xin would have been buried under the sharp claw of the black crowned golden eagle.

"Only when you are strong enough, you have the ability to protect the person you want to protect. If it wasn't me before, but you solved the black crown golden eagle, maybe that little girl I have already embraced you." Chu Bei smiled even more.

Nodded recognized by Luo Feng: "My lord, of course I want to be a Fighter, a powerful person like you, and I am moving towards this goal. It's just..."

"It's just that the speed of cultivation by one person is too slow, there is no resources and no guidance, right?" Chu Bei expressed Luo Feng's aspirations.

Luo Feng once again nodded, and sighed, it seemed somewhat grudgingly.

"Why don't you come into my door?" Chu Bei smiled sorrowfully, no longer circumstance, and went straight to the subject.

Luo Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then he was excited: "My lord, want to accept me as a disciple!"

"You have a destiny with me, you can get my inheritance." Chu Bei continued.

"dísciple Luo Feng, see the Master!"

Luo Feng responded quickly and immediately moved towards Chu Bei, bowing and bowing.

"To enter my door, I need a brief ceremony."

The voice fell, Chu Bei right hand moves, and a ring appeared in his palm: "disciple, drop a drop of blood into the ring In."

"Yes, Master!"

After Linley took over the agent ring, at Chu Bei's instruction, without the slightest hesitation, the bite of the index finger dropped a drop. Blood enters the ring.

[Host signed a Level 1 agent for Luo Feng successfully]

[10 Level 8 product permission opening progress 15%]

[Level 1 agent package Distribute]

When the signing is over, the system tone sounded in Chu Bei's mind.

"Luo Feng, since you have already called me Master, then I will give you an entering sect gift as a teacher."

Chu Bei clicked on the agent package, which It is also a Medicinal Pill with crystal clear and near-transparent.

"It smells so good!"

Luo Feng took the Spirit Pill, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it, and after a glance with Chu Bei, he threw it into the mouth.

"Master, what do you eat for the discipline? I seem to have a lot of majestic energy in my body."

After a long while, Luo Feng moved his muscles and bones and opened up. Looking at it, his face was filled with excitement.

After swallowing this Medicinal Pill, he felt that every cell, every skeleton, and every piece of meat in his body poured into a very terrifying energy.

"Master, my body seems to have changed, with a peculiar ability!" After a few more seconds, Luo Feng exclaimed.

Inexplicably, he has the ability to fly.

Moreover, he also controls a mysterious power that can absorb everything that can be seen. After swallowing these things, the power in his body has faintly increased.

It's just that for him now, this kind of swallowing has an upper limit, and he has to digest it slowly.

"The Medicinal Pill you previously ate was to devour Spirit Pill, and the extra power in your body was Devouring Power. As you develop more of it, you can devour everything in Heaven and Earth!" Speaking of which, Chu Bei a finger pointed.

Suddenly, the location of his fingertips was distorted in the void, and a huge gap was cracked. There were countless stars outside the gap, and endless Power of Stars crazily poured into Chu Bei's fingertips.

"Can you even swallow the void!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Luo Feng was shocked, and his body began to tremble slightly. After he came back to his senses, his excitement was overwhelming. .

"Many thanks to the opportunity given by Master!"

took a deep breath, Luo Feng moved towards Chu Bei again and kowtowed.

"Cultivation next to my teacher for the next period of time." Chu Bei was satisfied and nodded.

Luo Feng heavily nodded, said: "Master, before that, dísciple wants to go back and talk to his parents so that they don’t worry about it."

"Let’s go with you as a teacher "

The voice with a smile fell, and the silhouettes of Chu Bei and Luo Feng disappeared.

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