The other side.

The headquarters of the alliance.

This is a very large area. Except for the extended silver white courtyard wall, there is a tall deep blue skyscraper with engraved Four eye-catching characters-Alliance Headquarters!

This is the highest decision-making place of the Human Alliance.

Outside the alliance courtyard wall, there are armed guards everywhere. This area feels like a rare beast armed to the teeth.

"Master Hong, you are the only thing left."

An armed man followed a black clothed man behind respectfully.

The black clothed man is 1.9 meters tall, with sharp hair and sharp eyes. At first glance, the whole person feels like a long spear trying to pierce the sky!

As for his age, no wrinkles can be seen from his face. He looks like a youth in his twenties. However, that temperament is obviously not something that this age group can have.

The black clothed man is named Hong, the ultimate dojo Hall Master, the strongest man in the league today!

As the black clothed man walked into the door, the high-levels in the great hall cast their gazes instantly.

"Hong, you are still the same, you are late as always!"

A tall man came up and fiercely gave Hong a punch. The tall man is named Thor, the second Powerhouse in the league.

"You all know about the mysterious man who appeared in Yi'an District, right." Hong sat next to Thunder God, opened the mouth and said.

"He has been investigated! I can't find any relevant information about him."

"It can easily obliterate the Black Crowned Golden Eagle, and at least has the strength of the middle level Warlord. . But what puzzles me is that from the surveillance video, the moment after the black-crowned golden eagle was killed, all the broken meat disappeared inexplicably, as if it had suddenly evaporated."

"Jiang Tian is Top Grade Warlord. According to his description, he was hit hard by an invisible force before he even got close to that person! War God can't do it, right?"

"What's more terrifying is through Satellite facial recognition, there is no such person in the alliance, he seems to appear out of thin air!"


In the great hall of the alliance headquarters, the huge projection cloth is on A surveillance video appeared.

The content of this video is exactly the process from Chu Bei's beheading of the black crowned golden eagle to the heavy damage to Jiang Tian.

At this moment, a group of senior leaders of the alliance, including Hong and Raytheon, have spoken out.

"If he really doesn't belong to the alliance, then he is an alien invader! Is it possible that, he comes from another planet?" Some senior officials speculated that his face was very solemn.

"Remember the previously detected energy fluctuation that almost destroyed Earth?" At this time, Hong seemed to think of something and said.

"What? You mean that mysterious external energy that suddenly appears and disappears quickly will have something to do with him!"

"No way! That energy can destroy Earth. Ah, how could you have a relationship with a person?"

When he heard Hong's words, the faces of the high-level people in the hall suddenly changed, and all of them showed consternation.

"Although I am known as the most Powerhouse in the league, I know that the path of cultivation has just begun." Hong shook the head said again.

"Hong is right. Above our realm, there is a higher realm! It's just that we haven't stepped into that's all." The Thor nodded on the side obviously agrees with what Hong said. .

"What do you mean, that mysterious person might really be stronger than you?" a senior officer said.

"Leave aside his strength for the time being, what we have to do now is to find this person as quickly as possible!" Another senior officer said.

"Take the Luo Feng who was taken away as a clue! If you find him, don't beat the grass to scare the snake. It can easily damage Jiang Tian's existence, which is definitely not something ordinary Fighters can deal with. "Another high-level suggestion.


Nan'an District.

A community composed of a large number of tube buildings and a low-rent housing community built by the government. Luo Feng has lived here since he was a child and has lived for 18 years.

In a room on the 32nd floor of a residential building, two figures appear out of thin air.

As soon as he entered the house, Chu Bei frowned because of two kinds of crying in the house.

When I heard the cry, Luo Feng was naturally the most anxious.

The expression of excitement that was originally due to worshipping Chu Bei's door became extremely difficult to look at in an instant.

There are four people in their family. Apart from him, they are his parents and a younger brother.

The two cries floating in the room are from his mother and his younger brother.

"Mom, what's the matter with you? Why are you crying?"

Without any hesitation, Luo Feng immediately ran to the balcony.

Looking intently, I saw a middle-aged woman lying on the side of a wheelchair, crying with the boy in the wheelchair.

"Brother, you're back."

In the wheelchair, the thin and morbidly fair-skinned teenager saw Luo Feng and wiped his tears, with a cry in his words.

"Luo Hua, what happened at home? Where is our dad?" Luo Feng asked immediately.

"Our dad...he was taken away by Zhang Family Young Master, and they beat our dad." Luo Hua cried.

"Which Zhang Family Young Master? Why did they beat our dad? Take him away!" Luo Feng brows frowned.

"It seems to be called Zhang Haobai. He said that our dad broke their jade and asked us to pay compensation. Our dad said that he did not do it, so they beat our dad and dragged our dad. I'm gone." Luo Hua said in a terrible voice.

"Zhang Haobai! You are courting death!"

After listening to what Luo Hua said, Luo Feng clenched his fists and exposed his veins, and anger appeared in his eyes.

The coldly shouted voice fell, Luo Feng turned around and was about to leave.

"Feng'er, where are you going? Come back to me! I have already called the police!" The middle-aged woman hurriedly took Luo Feng's arm.

"My dad must have been wronged! They dare to beat my dad, I must let them pay back a hundred times!" Luo Feng was furious.

"We can't beat them, you must not go."

The middle-aged woman sobbed, and quickly pointed at Chu Bei, and said: "Feng'er, who is this? "

Seeing what the middle-aged woman said, Luo Feng first suppressed his anger, and then introduced Chu Bei.

"Master, this is my mother."

After Luo Feng pointed to the middle-aged woman, he pointed to the thin teenager in the wheelchair: "He is my younger brother Luo Hua. When he was young, he was crushed by a car and his legs were crushed from the thigh down, and he has been living in a wheelchair ever since."

When introducing the thin teenager, Luo Feng's eyes flashed clearly. After a touch of distress and pity.

"Feng'er, when did you have a Master? Are you an Xtreme Dojo adult? You haven't eaten yet, I'll cook for you now."

Hear Luo Feng's name for Chu Bei, Gong Xinlan greeted Chu Bei very politely.

"No need."

Chu Bei smiled and stopped Gong Xinlan who was going to cook, then looked towards Luo Hua in the wheelchair, and waved his sleeves.

next moment, a ripple wrapped Luo Hua's legs, and then the rays of light bloomed.

"It hurts, itching!"

Suddenly, Luo Hua hugged his legs and screamed in pain.

"Hua'er, are your legs... conscious!"

Gong Xinlan was taken aback for a moment, then he immediately squatted down and hugged Luo Hua’s legs and couldn’t wait. Asked.


After that, with a crisp sound, Luo Hua stood up from the wheelchair involuntarily.

"Okay...Okay! Mom, brother, my legs are healed! Haha, I can walk!" Luo Hua walked back and forth two steps, exclaiming in excitement.

"Here, what happened? It's God who sees my house is too pitiful, is it blessing us?"

Gong Xinlan stepped forward and hugged Luo Hua tightly, After crying for joy, he immediately folded his hands and closed his eyes, as if thanking God.

Luo Feng was equally overjoyed, but he fell on his knees in front of Chu Bei: "Master, dísciple did not expect you to have such a divine ability! Many thanks you heal my younger brother’s legs and let him He can get out of the wheelchair."

Hearing what Luo Feng said, Gong Xinlan and Luo Hua also awakened, and they knelt down in front of Chu Bei one after another, thanking them again and again.

"Get up, for me, it's just easy."

Chu Bei held up the three in front of him, and then looked towards Luo Feng: "Let's go, use You can bring your father back with your current strength."

"en!" Luo Feng complied heavily nodded, and the anger rose in his eyes again.

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