
The first fighter that flew into the sea area of ​​Golden Horned Beast was a King Level fighter. According to the induction procedure, once Golden Horned When Beast attacks, it will immediately self-destruct, regardless of the distance.

hong long long!

next moment, a loud bang sounded from the sky above the Pacific Ocean.

The two atomic bombs carried in the first King Level fighter exploded!

Suddenly, a small sun appeared in the sea, covering the Golden Horned Beast.

Naked eye can be seen, a huge mushroom cloud soared into the sky, and a terrifying shock wave swept the sea below.

Under the explosion of this formidable power, those rare beasts with weaker strength in the sea directly exploded, and the red blood infested the sea.

However, when the firelight disappeared and the surveillance picture sent back by the satellite became clear, the Golden Horned Beast was especially present, without the slightest scar on his body.

The energy produced by the explosion of an atomic bomb with an equivalent of 20,000 tons is dispensable as if a gust of wind blows through it.

After only a few seconds, the second fighter came.

This time, the Golden Horned Beast did not directly launch an attack, but saw its huge wings spread out, and its huge within both eyes were curious, as if it had developed a keen interest in fighters.

Until this second fighter was about ten meters away from it, it stretched out its claws to grab it!

hong long!

Another loud noise.


In the mushroom cloud, the Golden Horned Beast made a roar, but it didn't sound like it was caused by pain, it was more like a comforting sound.

The third, fourth, and fifth fighter planes...

There was a loud noise after another.

Mushroom clouds rose to the sky one by one.

A powerful nuclear bomb exploded in the area where the Golden Horned Beast is located.

At this moment, the eyes of human beings all over the world are staring at the live broadcast screen in front of them, and all of them hang their hearts and are extremely nervous.

Especially those high-level warfare bases, because among the nineteen fighters, the elite fighters and ace fighters are nothing more than cannon fodder. They simply didn't expect these fighters to injure the Stellar Level Golden Horned Beast.

Their real killing move is the Great Desolate-class fighters caught in the cannon fodder, carrying all the real guys currently stocking 091 hydrogen bombs in their alliance!

Look at the Golden Horned Beast at the center of the explosion again. Its dark Golden eyes are filled with excitement.

The flow of ultra-high temperature particles produced by the successive explosions of the atomic bomb gave its huge body a kind of irritation.

This kind of stimulus made its body growth accelerated and it was very comfortable.


Seeing another fighter flying in, the Golden Horned Beast greeted him without hesitation and let out a cheerful cry.

This is a deep blue triangle fighter, which is the killing move of the Human Alliance, the Great Desolate fighter.


The fighter plane is like lightning, appearing beside Golden Horned Beast.

At this moment, the leaders of the alliance, Hong, Thor and Peak Fighters, as well as leaders of various countries, high-level military officials, etc. all watched nervously.

Success, this doomsday catastrophe passed safely.

If it fails...

Their humans will fall into a nightmare and suffer the crazy revenge of Golden Horned Beast!

"It will be successful!"

"Yes, this is the 091 hydrogen bomb equipped with all our reserves!"

In the war base, one The high-levels held their breath, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

At the same time, dozens of kilometers away from the sea where Golden Horned Beast is located, the Meteorite Black Star flew out of the clouds.

"The energy loaded by that fighter is far more than the previous fighters. You humans are really smart. First use the previous fighters to confuse it, and wait for it to relax completely before using the current killing move. "

In the cabin of the Meteorite Black Star, Babata gave a thumbs-up evaluation.

In front of him, there is a display screen, and what is playing on the screen is the image of the battlefield.

From start to finish, Chu Bei, who was sitting on the side, did not speak, but calmly looked at the display, as if he were watching a movie.

It seems that this so-called end of the world has no effect on him at all.

Above the Pacific Ocean.

Golden Horned Beast glanced at the fighter that was less than ten meters away from him, recalled the comfort of the previous fighter explosion, and couldn't help but let out a happy shout.

Afterwards, it directly spread its huge scaled wings and hugged the fighter.

Seeing this scene, a group of high-level officials in the war base suddenly showed excitement.

"It is its own courting death!"

"Very good, this is already equivalent to its body, it will definitely succeed!"

"Kill it!"

A group of high-level officials, including Hong and Thor, clenched their fists.

In this brief moment, humans all over the world are watching the live broadcast nervously.

Although they don’t understand the difference between the nineteen fighters, they can tell from the expressions of the high-level alliances that the current fighter determines the survival and demise of human beings. It's the moment of life and death.

hong long!

A shocking blast sounded several times more than before.

Next, mushroom clouds bloomed dozens of times more than before.

At this moment, everything above the sea seems to be frozen!

Where is the Golden Horned Beast in the center of the explosion, I immediately realized that this explosion was different from the previous one, and it was instinctive to retreat immediately.

However, it hugs the fighter plane in front of it, no matter how fast it is, it cannot completely escape to the Safety Sector domain.

During the loud noise, the video transmitted by the surveillance satellite turned into a white glow, and nothing was seen.

"It exploded!"

"My God! This time formidable power is even scarier than before!"

"This kind of scary Under the explosion, maybe that rare beast should be skeleton doesn't exist anymore!"


In the deafening rumbling sound, all the humans in the Alliance looked at the white explosion in a dumbfounded manner. center.

crash-bang ——

Under the impact of the churning and terrifying of the sea, the rare beasts in the sea are burned into nothingness by the high temperature, and more directly by the powerful shock wave Shocked to death.

Gradually, the sound of the explosion disappeared, and the fire and smoke disappeared.

When the Alliance humans were able to see a scene in the picture again, only the blood stained red, apart from this, was nothing, and even the two Sovereign level rare beasts did not know. Whereabouts.

"Gone! Did we succeed?"

In the war base, the leaders of the alliance and other high-level officials looked at the empty picture nervously and muttered to themselves.

"Haha, it's dead!"

"That rare beast really does the skeleton doesn't exist!"

"The crisis of the doomsday is lifted!"

"The Alliance Army is mighty!"


Humans around the world came back to his senses, screamed, and danced.


However, the excitement of all mankind has not disappeared. A loud roar resembling the ancient Great Desolate resounded over the Pacific Ocean, terrifying The sound wave shook the sea water hua hua below.

The roar is full of heart-pounding cruelty and tyranny, and it seems to be full of endless destruction and killing.

The source of the roar seems to represent the most terrifying disaster in the world.

After a while, a silhouette appeared in the originally empty picture.

The dark scale armor covers the whole body, and the neck and back extend to the tail section. There are golden marks on the scale armor, just like black golden armor.

Its head is still high, and the sharp horn is still sharp, but its abdomen has a huge wound of more than ten meters, and blood is flowing.

But if you look closely, you can find that the muscles at the wound are squirming and repairing automatically.

This huge silhouette is the Golden Horned Beast who was in the center of the explosion before. Now it roars, and the huge within both eyes are full of killing intents.


At the war base, a group of high-level officials looked at the Golden Horned Beast who reappeared on the screen. They were all dumbfounded, all dumbfounded.

"That's the 091 hydrogen bomb, or all our reserves!"

"It is clearly in the center of the explosion, why can it be alive!"

came back to his senses, the leader of the alliance took two steps back, face deathly pale.

The other high-level officials are also trembling, unable to accept this fact, with despair in their eyes.

Golden Horned Beast is still alive, this equivalent to pronounce the genocide of Earth humanity!

"That rare beast is not dead!"

"putting it that way, the crisis has not passed yet!"

"Can it be said that this catastrophe we humans Can't you really get through it?"


Soon, humans around the world fell into panic again, each embracing their relatives and staring at the screen unwillingly.


Sea churning, Golden Horned Beast moved towards the base of war with a terrible anger.

"My lord, it's not good, the other end is rare beast moved towards us!"

"Hurry up!"

Look at the video In the picture, the huge silhouette that is getting closer and closer, the faces of the high-level people appear in fear.

Without much hesitation, after the instructions were given, all the Alliance forces in the war base immediately took the vehicle moved towards the back and retreated.


In just a few seconds, Golden Horned Beast appeared in the sky above the war base, and the sharp Sen Han's eyes swept down below, and his mouth was low. The voice echoed in the air.

After that, I saw it open a huge mouth.

Amid the roar of the wind, Heaven and Earth went dark, and the space around Golden Horned Beast all around began to twist.

next moment, the already empty war base flew away, and the huge mouth moved towards Golden Horned Beast flew away.

A similar scene was staged again and the base of the war was swallowed by the Golden Horned Beast.

"The rare beast started to attack!"

"The previous explosion completely angered him!"

"The base is gone, no more !"

"Fortunately, the leader, they run fast."


All humans of the Alliance looked at the nearest screen in a daze, one by one The face is as gray as death

Over the sea, Golden Horned Beast did not leave immediately after devouring the war base, but looked towards a more distant area, and the huge within both eyes appeared human-like Joking.

"Not good! It found us!" A high-level voice made a fearful voice.

xiū xiū xiū!

Starting from the sky-splitting sound, several aircraft are about to leave.

However, these aircrafts hadn't fly far yet, and the Golden Horned Beast swung its claws to shoot out a few brilliant rays of light, and they shot down those aircrafts.

At this moment, all the leaders of the alliance became more and more panicked.

"Can we only wait to die now."

A group of high-ranking alliance leaders looked at each other in blank dismay, looking at the Golden Horned Beast diagonally above with horror. , The eyes are more unwilling.

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