"Hong, Raytheon, the alliance is the strongest of the two of you. Is there any way you can do it?"

At this time, the leader of the alliance speaks, and he will finally His hopes are pinned on the two strongest people in the world.

"Hong, I don't think you and I will have a day to fight side by side." Thor said, with a smile on his mouth.

"Yes, it's a pity that the ending this time has been predicted, ten deaths without life."

Hong looked towards Thor, with a smile on his face, seeming to recall that year During the Great Nirvana period, the two were fighting together on the brink of life and death.

"Golden Horned Beast!"

Lei Shen and Hong both spoke at the same time.

next moment, the two took off into the air and moved towards the Golden Horned Beast diagonally above to kill.

chi chi!

During the flight, there were flashes of lightning around Thor's body, and the lightning snake circulated.

Looking at Hong's body all around again, a little white radiance and dazzling appeared.

"Look at it!"

"That...that is the first Powerhouse Hong and the second Powerhouse Thor!"

"They are going to join forces to deal with that Is it mysterious rare beast!"

"In front of this scary rare beast, can two adults win?"


The eyes of human beings all over the world are once again Focusing on the screen, looking at the two famous silhouettes that appeared in the screen, allowing some expectation again appeared in each of his eyes.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Hong and Thor quickly appeared in the sky where Golden Horned Beast was, facing away from it.


Golden Horned Beast glanced at Hong and Thor and let out a roar.

It has a disdainful expression on its face, and its playful gaze is like looking at two ants.

On the battlefield, Hong and Thor smiled at each other, and there was a sense of relief in the laughter.

After that, the white radiance of the forest all around became brighter, and the lightning around Thor's body became denser, and the chi chi current kept beating.


"Domain! This...how is this possible! They actually own the field!"

In the Meteorite Black Star, Babata looked at the screen The picture in the middle, eyes suddenly shrank, exclaimed, with a look of astonishment.

"What is a realm?"

Luo Feng frowned, looking at Babata in a daze.

The Chu Bei on the side is as calm as ever, and his expression has not changed from start to finish.

"Domain! This planet is just a planet. How come two possessing fields suddenly appear, and they are only Planetary Level Fighter! This is incredible, it is simply impossible. !"

Babata's eyes switched back and forth between Hong and Thunder God, his pupils getting bigger and bigger: "A planet can have a fellow with a domain, it's already very impressive, this is actually right now. Two appeared at the same time."

"Explanation!" Luo Feng stared at Babata.

"Master, this area is a unique area with the caster as the center. In this area, the caster's own strength will increase, but the enemy will be weakened and restrained. When the domain cultivation reaches the extreme, it will become a world of its own."

Babata stared at Hong and Thor in the screen, and continued: "Not to mention Planetary Level, even in Stellar Level Powerhouse, there are only Only a very small number of people can have their own domain. As for the domain of Planetary Level, the probability is almost one in a billion!"

"Then they hope to defeat Golden Horned Beast How old is it?" Luo Feng asked the question he cared most.

"They have one Planetary Level 7th-Rank and one Planetary Level 8th-Rank, and they also have domains. But even so, the probability of winning is zero."

Babata half He squinted his eyes and said: "A Stellar Level can't be defeated by two Planetary Levels together. Even more how this Stellar Level still has the horrible Innate Divine Ability Golden Horned Beast!"



In the battlefield, Hong and Lei Shen simultaneously shouted.

The shout fell, and a black long spear appeared in Hong's hand. In Thor's hands, a purple black sword appeared.

At this moment, all humans in the Alliance completely held their breath, staring at the screen very nervously, staring at the two stalwart silhouettes.

hong long long!

As soon as they took action, Hong and Lei Shen began to explode their strongest killer moves, and two different fields instantly enveloped Golden Horned Beast.

At this moment, Hong's body is intertwined with the long spear in his hand, reaching the point of Human and Spear Unity.

As for Thor, it also turned into a ray of azure lightning with the knife in his hand.

In the sound of breaking the air, the two brought out two streaks of divine light and rushed towards the huge Golden Horned Beast from two directions.

Golden Horned Beast was suspended in the air. When it was shrouded in the double realm, there was a flash of surprise in those dark Golden eyes.

Obviously, it was surprised by the domain of Hong and Thor.

No matter it didn't expect, these two existed in its eyes but ants, and they would have realms!

However, astonishment is astonishment, and there is no trace of fear on its face.

This is indeed the case...


The huge body of Golden Horned Beast shook first, and then opened his mouth, and the space all around in front of him instantly became distorted.

After that, in the low explosion sound, the domains of Hong and Thunder God exploded and disappeared.

A loud roar again.

Golden Horned Beast glanced at Hong and Thor with disdain, and shot both front paws at the same time.

ka-cha, ka-cha!

The muffled sound is accompanied by two crisp cracking sounds.

Human and Spear Unity’s Hong and Person and Blade Unite’s Thor, when they hit the huge claws of Golden Horned Beast, they flew out at the same time, and they shattered instantly with one shot and one knife.

"Master Hong and Thor-sama are injured!"

"The best Powerhouse in our alliance, can't even resist a rare beast attack!"

"How could this happen!"


Looking at Hong and Thor who spurted blood from their mouths on the screen, the faces of human beings all over the world paled.

The leader of the alliance and a group of high-level officials, their faces are also ugly to the extreme, and there is a look of worry in their eyes.

"Is this the Stellar Level."

In the battlefield, Hong and Thor wiped off the blood from the corners of their mouths, and again looked towards Golden Horned Beast, allowing some loneliness.

The battle strength of Stellar Level is really too terrifying, and it is simply not on the same level as them.

The opponent's seemingly random attack is fatal to them.

"Hong, do you remember the fusion move?"

"Of course."

After hesitating for a while, Hong and Thor reached some kind of Unanimous decision.

Immediately, the two were nodded, and purple light and azure light bloomed out of the body.

Next, the two rays of light collided together, triggering a more terrifying energy wave.


The two rays of light merged as the distance between Hong and Thor approaches.

next moment, a wave of energy far exceeding their previous single number hit the Golden Horned Beast.


Feeling the energy fluctuations after Hong and Thor merged, Golden Horned Beast's expression changed slightly, but it was just surprised, and there was still no fear.

I saw it opened its huge mouth and sucked violently, and a terrifying Devouring Power gushed out, instantly devouring the energy brought by the combined attack of Hong and Thor.

Following, amid the roar of killing intents, the two huge sharp claws of Golden Horned Beast lit up with black glow and moved towards Hong and Lei Shen respectively.

The energy fluctuations on his paws are several times higher than the previous ones.

At this moment, humans all over the world stared at the screen dumbfounded, and their pupils shrank sharply.

Although they are not on the battlefield, they can also judge the current situation.

The current Hong and Thor are on the verge of death.

However, seeing sharp claw is about to strike on Hong and Thor, when humans around the world closed their eyes and couldn't bear to look any further, a huge mysterious spaceship suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

Immediately afterwards, a youth man wearing a purple azure robe appeared. He hovered in the air with a slight smile on his mouth.

I saw him a finger pointed, the sharp claw of Golden Horned Beast was directly cut open, the huge bullet flew out, and blood spewed.

There was a sound in the ears, and humans around the world could not help but open their eyes, and they were all startled at this look.

"Look! Hong and Lei Shen are fine, they are still alive!"

"Very good! That mysterious rare beast was injured and both front paws were cut off Broken!"

"Where did that flying saucer fighter come from? And that youth!"

"Could it be that all of this has something to do with him!"


Seeing a scene in the video, the expressions of human beings all over the world changed suddenly, and after came back to his senses, excitement and joy appeared on his face again.

This sudden change, although extremely unexpected, made them a little completely unprepared, but the ending is what they expected very much.

The mysterious rare beast that was so powerful that Hong and Raytheon could not deal with it together was injured, even more serious than the previous 091 hydrogen bomb explosion.

"He...he is the mysterious man who appeared in Yi'an District!"

"He saved Hong and Thunder God!"

"Also cut I broke the legs of the Starry Sky Gigantic Beast!"

Seeing clearly the appearance of the purple youth on the battlefield, all the senior leaders, including the leader of the alliance, changed their complexions, and their faces were full of thick consternation.

Their expressions were as if they had been hit by a thunderbolt in the blue sky, and as if they had been poured cold water from head to toe, completely numb.

"Didn't expect that his strength is still above Starry Sky Gigantic Beast! Is it also the so-called Stellar Level?"

Hong and Thor clearly recognized Chu. Bei, after looking at each other, held breath cold air almost at the same time, like a clay sculpture and wood sculpture.

Not long before the appearance of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast, they detected that Earth was invaded by a huge energy.

This energy has exceeded the limit of their monitoring, enough to destroy Earth.

Fortunately, before this force caused incalculable consequences, it immediately converged and disappeared.

Just after this force invaded Earth, this mysterious person entered their field of vision, without any action, and silently suppressed the two Warlords with no difficulty.

The third high school in Yi'an District.

On the campus square, the students who had been staring at the curtain wall in trepidation began to get excited, all talking about Chu Bei in the battlefield.

"Xu Xin, did you see it? That rare beast was injured! Isn't the person who injured it the same adult who rescued you and took Luo Feng away."

Wei Wen stared at the purple silhouette in the picture, and his eyes were filled with adoration: "putting it that way, isn't that adult stronger than Hong and Thor? He is. The real first powerhouse of mankind!"

Speaking of which, Wei Wen couldn't help but look up to sky and heave a deep sigh: "Luo Feng, this kid is too dog shit luck, really envied! Why don’t I have such a good life?"

"Look! Luo Feng came out of that fighter too! Huh? Who is the boy next to him? Why haven’t I seen it before?" Xu Xin looked at Following a scene in the video, his mouth opened slightly, with surprise.

"Should you not be more curious about where the fighter came from?!" Wei Wen looked at Xu Xin beside him and said.

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