Nan'an District.

"Dad, mom, brother, and his Master appeared! It was his Master just now and injured the rare beast!" Looking at the TV, Luo Hua suddenly exclaimed.

"Luo Feng's Master is so powerful! Even that rare beast can hurt!" Luo Hong Guo sat up from the sofa with a startled butt, and took out a cigarette again. Up.

"You said, will Luo Feng, the Master, drive away the rare beast?" Gong Xinlan straightened his apron.

"If this is the case, then he is the Savior of all mankind!" Luo Hong Guo took a deep breath.

"His method can heal even my leg instantly, and it will definitely defeat that rare beast!" Luo Hua looked expectantly at the TV screen, and tightened his fist.


"many thanks, my lord makes the shot!"

I don't know the origin of Chu Bei's identity, after Hong and Lei Shen made eye contact, they moved towards Chu Bei hugged cup one fist in the other hand and bowed in thanks.

Chu Bei glanced at Hong and Thor lightly, with a smile on his mouth, slightly nod gestured.


In the distance, the Golden Horned Beast roared in pain, it stared fiercely at Chu Bei, and the gaze filled with killing intents wanted Chu Bei takes a big deal.

Amid the huge roar of killing intents, Golden Horned Beast's forehead sharp horn suddenly lit up with the golden secret pattern on the forehead of the extremely angry Golden Horned Beast, and then, its eyes suddenly turned into dazzling Golden.

In just a moment, the severed claws of the Golden Horned Beast began to regenerate and repair at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After that, a more violent and terrifying breath erupted from him.

"Not good! It...its breath has risen to another level!"

Perceived the power of Golden Horned Beast, Hong and Thor brows tightly knit, and the whole body is tight. It looked like a stone, and the heart sank more and more like it was filled with cold lead.

Then, the two couldn't help but cast their eyes on Chu Bei, who was their last hope for the Human Alliance.


Golden Horned Beast killing intent surging, the roar sound falls, a bunch of golden light rushes along its neck and back to its front claws, sharp The claw brushes directly moved towards Chu Bei and waved away.

The void was cut open, and the terrifying golden light instantly appeared in front of Chu Bei.

However, seeing that bunch of golden light was about to pass Chu Bei’s neck, the golden light was like a sudden shock from an invisible force, and it directly changed the direction moved towards Golden Horned Beast. go with.

Even faster and more horrible breath.


Without any reaction time, that beam of golden light penetrated the chest of the Golden Horned Beast, with a deep explosion sound.

Next moment, the huge body of Golden Horned Beast flew upside down again, blood spurting from the wound.

Seeing this scene, Hong and Lei Shen wriggled their throats and eyes opened wide.

They were so close, they didn't even see how the other party made the move.

There is no process, only results!

"Golden Horned Beast is injured again! How did he do it?"

"Anyway, as of now, that mysterious adult has gained the upper hand! "

All the human beings in the Alliance looked at the screen, and their faces showed joy.

wu wu wu ——

At this time, the Golden Horned Beast on the battlefield rose up with purple flame all over the body.

With the roar of terrible anger, I saw Golden Horned Beast open its huge mouth, an incomparable terrifying Devouring Power gushing out, and the space all around was distorted in an instant.

"It was the previous method of swallowing the base of war!"

Noting the distorted space around the Golden Horned Beast, Hong, Thor, and the leader of the alliance, their bodies suddenly changed. trembling.

In their view, this Devouring Power that can swallow a war base is the most terrifying place of this Golden Horned Beast!

chi chi chi chi!

The terrifying Devouring Power spread, and everything it passed was distorted, the void rumbled, and moved towards Chu Bei's direction surged.

"Are you going to compete with this seat for Devouring Power?"

Perceiving the surge of Devouring Power, Chu Bei's gaze brought a touch of playfulness, and then I saw him casually point out a finger.

In the buzzing sound, I saw a little black glow on Chu Bei's fingertips.

Under the eyes of all humans in the world, the black glow rapidly expanded, forming a disc-shaped black halo.

next moment!

The void in front of the black halo exploded directly. To be precise, it was dragged in by the ripples released from the halo.

A more terrifying Devouring Power appeared on the battlefield.

chi chi!

Two strands of Devouring Power are intertwined, and in just an instant, the Devouring Power generated by Golden Horned Beast is sucked in by the black halo.


Golden Horned Beast seemed to be aware of something, his huge pupils enlarged sharply, and besides amazement and surprise, there was more instinctive fear in his expression.

The purple flame outside its body burns more and more vigorously, and the Devouring Power is released again in the huge mouth.

But no matter how it increases the Devouring Power, it looks vulnerable before the black halo.

"Oh my God! I read that right? Golden Horned Beast's Devouring Power has been reverse devouring!"

" is this possible!"

"Is that adult really still a human? How could there be a Devouring Power like the Golden Horned Beast!"

"That adult's Devouring Power is even more terrifying!"

... …

At this moment, the eyes of human beings all over the world are focused on the black halo in front of Chu Bei's fingertips, and their faces show incredible colors.

They couldn't believe what they saw before them, a human being actually released Devouring Power!

Moreover, this Devouring Power also surpasses Golden Horned Beast's Innate Divine Ability.

Seeing this scene, Hong and Thor, who were on the battlefield, looked at each other and their expressions became more and more numb!

Golden Horned Beast's Devouring Power, which they feared most, was destroyed with the same ability.


Fear began to appear in the roar of the Golden Horned Beast, the flame burning outside its body gradually extinguished, and at the same time huge wings were waved.

But when it felt that death wanted to escape, an invisible force appeared out of thin air from above its head, and then crashed down.

The next moment, his wings were broken by this invisible force, and his huge body was imprisoned, unable to move even a little bit.

However, this is only the beginning, and the Devouring Power in the black halo quickly swept its whole body.

wu wu ——

Golden Horned Beast's expression became more and more distorted and painful, and the miserable wailing contained begging for mercy, as if suffering inconvenient pain.

"You ruthlessly slaughtered hundreds of thousands of lives, how can this sin be forgiven!"

Chu Bei's eyes condensed, accompanied by a calm and low voice falling, listening only to the Golden Horned Beast. His body exploded with a bang.

Next, under everyone's attention, naked eye can see a translucent soul flying out of the Golden Horned Beast. Then, it disappeared into the black halo.

At this time, the huge body of Golden Horned Beast also stopped struggling, without any vitality.

"It won't move!"

"Is this dead!"

"The crisis is over!"

Watch The entire Alliance humans, after seeing the huge body of Golden Horned Beast motionless, were taken aback for a while, and when they reacted, they screamed with excitement.


The third high school in Yi'an District.

"Let me just say, Starry Sky Gigantic Beast is not that adult's opponent!"

Wei Wen stared at the purple silhouette in the picture with admiration, very excited.

"Wei Wen, did you say that the adult is also our Earth? He obviously looks so young, but really strong!" Xu Xin rubbed the corners of her lips and looked at Wei Wen beside her. Said.

"This will be known when Luo Feng comes back to ask, I am more curious now, what exactly did that adult teach Luo Feng to." Wei Wen looked envied.

Nan'an Community.

"It's okay, we humans don't need to perish!" Luo Hua stared at the TV with both eyes, and exclaimed in excitement.

"He is not only the benefactor of our family, but also the life-saving benefactor of our entire human being!" Luo Hong Guo took a long breath and pinched the cigarette butt in his hand.

"Yes, if he doesn't show up, my lord, I'm afraid it won't be long before we humans will be swallowed up by that rare beast!" Gong Xinlan said.


At this moment, the eyes of human beings all over the world are focused on Chu Bei, with gratitude in his eyes.

"It's over, everything is over."

Behind the original war base, a group of high-level leaders, including the leader of the alliance, looked at each other and came back to his senses from the shock. Later, weep with joy.

After this, their moods were ups and downs.

From the very beginning, there was hope for the 091 hydrogen bomb, to the failure of the hydrogen bomb, the despair when Hong and Raytheon retreated, and the hope when Chu Bei appeared.

Fortunately, the road was bumpy, and the ending was what they were looking forward to.

The crisis of the entire Human Alliance is lifted!

"My lord, this young Golden Horned Beast is easy to kill, but the scene before its death should have been spread to their clan. I’m afraid, it won’t be long before you will face an adult Starry Sky The chase of Gigantic Beast." Babata glanced at Chu Bei opened the mouth and said, with a little worry in his eyes.

Chu Bei smiled and glanced at Babata, as if he didn't care about what he said at all, but looked towards Luo Feng.

"disciple, this Golden Horned Beast innate talent is acceptable, as a teacher, refining it into your clone."

The calm voice fell, and only Chu Bei pointed with his left hand To Luo Feng, the right hand pointed to the huge Golden Horned Beast.


The huge body of the Golden Horned Beast flew over, and at the same time, Luo Feng flew out of the Divine Soul between the eyebrows and sank into the body of the Golden Horned Beast.

After a while, Chu Bei waved his right hand, and wisps of energy penetrated into the body of the Golden Horned Beast, as if doing some kind of ceremony.

In just a few seconds, the Golden Horned Beast, which had become a corpse, started to move again.

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