"Alive... Alive!"

"Impossible! Isn't it dead yet!"

Just let go of your heart and start cheering All mankind, when they saw Golden Horned Beast move, their faces turned pale again and again.

"My lord, Golden Horned Beast is not dead yet?"

After seeing the strength of Chu Bei, Hong and Raytheon were called the first and second Powerhouse in the two alliances. It has changed, and when confronted with Chu Bei, he has obviously become more respectful and cautious.

"It's dead. Now what you see is just a clone of my discipline."

Chu Bei's voice is not loud, but it is clearly transmitted to every human in the world Ears.


Hong and Lei Shen looked at each other.

Just as they and Fighters around the world were confused, with a squeak, the huge Golden Horned Beast turned into a beam of light and flew into Luo Feng's body.

"many thanks Master!"

Soon, Luo Feng felt the magical effect of the so-called clone, which is like having a second life, and this clone can follow The main body is cultivation together.

"In that case, Golden Horned Beast is still dead, right!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the entire Alliance humans took a long breath, seemingly tight Shenxian relaxed again.

"My lord, your battle has just ended, why don't you take a break, we will arrange a banquet for you." Hong and Lei Shen hurriedly stepped forward and said respectfully.

In the Pacific Ocean War, Golden Horned Beast was defeated and its body was refining into Luo Feng's clone by Chu Bei with Great Divine Ability.

The Alliance humans who witnessed this scene reacted and fell into a state of excitement and carnival, and shouts of joy can be heard from every corner.

The other side.

continent Central Zone.

This is a very large area. Except for the extended silver white courtyard wall, there is a tall deep blue skyscraper with engraved Four eye-catching characters-Alliance Headquarters!

Outside the walls of the Alliance Courtyard, there are armed guards everywhere, and it feels like a rare beast armed to the teeth.

At this moment, the Conference Hall on the top floor of the skyscraper is full of people.

"All-Union projection."

The leader of the alliance glanced at the secretary beside him. After giving instructions, he got up from his seat and walked towards Chu Bei's location.

At this time, every corner of the league wherever there is a screen, this scene in the Conference Hall was broadcast live.

"Look at it, you guys!"

"Those are the league leaders! And the Savior!"

"Are they in a meeting?"

"The doomsday crisis has just been lifted. I think the leader should have something to say to us."


At this moment, the eyes of all mankind Focused on the screen, one by one was attentive, with anticipation on his face.

"My lord, I solemnly express my gratitude to you on behalf of the entire human race. Without you, I am afraid that under the destruction of the Golden Horned Beast, humanity will soon be completely destroyed."

The leader of the alliance came to Chu Bei. Although he has expressed his gratitude to Chu Bei countless times, this time he is in front of the entire alliance of humans and also represents the entire alliance of humans.

Chu Bei did not speak, but moved towards the leader of the alliance and the camera was slightly nod, faintly smiled.

"My lord, not long ago, we detected an incomparable terrifying energy invading Earth, and then you appeared in our field of vision. Moreover, your appearance is not in our alliance resident book "

Hong got up, cautiously probed: "My lord, is that energy related to you? And your origin, should it come from outside of Earth?"

"Yes! The first question and the second question, you guessed it right." Chu Bei smiled.

As Chu Bei's voice spread through the media to every corner of the world, everyone in the alliance was stunned.

"What do you mean? Isn't Lord Savior our Earth people!"

"Is there really an alien civilization in this world!"

"But He looks like us Earth people!"

"The energy in Master Hong's mouth should be the previous earthquake, right? It is also related to him!"


After the Alliance human came back to his senses, there were bursts of consternation in their mouths.

"My God! This adult comes from outside of Earth! It's incredible!"

The third high school in Yi'an District, Wei Wen and Xu Xin looked at each other , At the same time opening his mouth wide, looking at each other in blank dismay.

"Hong Guo, Luo Feng, he has worshipped an alien as his teacher, nothing will happen, right?" Gong Xinlan swallowed saliva and said, fiddled with the apron in his hand.

"Mom, don't worry about it. Although this adult comes from the vast universe, his other identity is also the Savior of all human beings in Earth." Luo Hua said.

Not only all corners of the alliance, but in the conference hall, all high-level officials including the leader of the alliance also looked at Chu Bei dumbfounded, in utter astonishment.

Even Hong, who asked this question, couldn’t help holding breath cold air after hearing Chu Bei’s answer in person.

If there is no change in the facial expressions in the field, except for Chu Bei, the person involved, there will be Luo Feng and Babata who already know this.

"My lord, can you tell us what we don't know?" Hong said again.

If you ask him to be specific, he doesn't know what to ask, but there is a lot of fog in the dark, and the same goes for other high-levels.

"You are now Planetary Level 8th-Rank, how much do you know about this cultivation system?" Chu Bei looked at Hong calmly.

"According to some ancient literature, the so-called Warrior, Warlord and War God can actually be called apprentices on the path of cultivation. The apprenticeship is at Planetary Level, and it’s actually only up to Realm is truly embarked on the road of cultivation. Planetary Level is followed by Stellar Level, followed by the most powerful Universe Level." Hong said seriously.

"Do you think that the Universe Level is over?"

Before Chu Bei could speak, Babata on the side couldn't help but say: "Domain after Universe Level God level, and then World God level. Above that World God, there is a more powerful Immortal!"

"What about after Immortal?"

Looking at Babata Chu Bei smiled knowingly with the little expression that despised everyone, and then asked.

"My lord, listen to what you mean, is there a higher level above Immortal?" Hearing Chu Bei's words, Babata was surprised.

"As you know, Immortal, the cultivation is actually only halfway through, and it's still far from the end point." Chu Bei said.

"My lord, you...are you kidding me!"

Hearing this, Babata's pupils dilated, staring at Chu Bei straightly, but the latter did not More to say.

After hearing the conversation between Hong, Babata, and Chu Bei in the conference hall, as well as the global human beings, they all showed a state of consternation.

They have a new understanding of the cultivation system!

In the past, the War God Powerhouse, which was unattainable to them, turned out to be just a so-called apprentice!

"When you are strong enough to be able to escape from Earth, escape from the Milky Way, escape from this Star Region, and go to the wider world, everything will be known." Chu Bei said in a tranquil voice.

"A larger world?" The leader of the alliance and a group of high-level officials looked at each other.

"You are just viewing the sky from the bottom of a well, this vast universe is much larger than you think!"

I noticed Chu Bei's gaze. Babata cleared his throat: "According to your statement, the galaxy in which Earth is located is the Milky Way. But the vast universe has thousands of trillions of such galaxies."

" Your Milky Way, Beta Galaxy and a total of eight adjacent galaxies, in the vast universe, united to form the Silver Blue Empire, a country of primary civilization." Babata said methodically.

"Silver Blue Empire?!"

The first time I heard this strange term, a group of high-ranking alliance leaders looked at each other in blank dismay.

"In the division of the universe map, this silver-blue empire is only a part of the Black Dragon Mountain Star Region. The ruler of the Black Dragon Mountain Star Region is a medium-sized civilized country in the universe. It is the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. As for the Silver Blue Empire, it is a Subsidiary Country of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire."

"It stands to reason that every planet will have a horde leader. But you planet, It's a masterless object. It can also be said that your planet has not been discovered by those scouts Powerhouse of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire." Babata continued.

"planet horde leader?"

In the conference hall, all the senior leaders including the leader of the alliance were stunned, staring at Babata, waiting for his next words .

"In the vast universe, every planet is clearly marked and tradable. As long as you can afford the price, you can buy it from the empire and become the horde leader of that planet." Babata explained .

"Listen to you, sooner or later, our Earth will be discovered by those scouts Powerhouse and become a master?" the leader of the alliance asked.

"Don't have to wait too long, the energy fluctuation that the previous Starry Sky Gigantic Beast last erupted should have attracted the attention of the scouts." Babata said.

"If there really is a so-called horde leader, then if he wants to kill us, we have to wait for death?"

Hong and Lei Shen seem to have thought about it for a long time. In the future, I can't help but ask about the confusion in my heart.

"Anyone who can afford to buy a planet is at least a Stellar Level Powerhouse above 8th-Rank. As for you ants, is there any difference between resisting and not resisting?" Babata issued A sneer.

Hearing what Babata said, the faces of all the senior leaders including the leader of the alliance became serious.

If what the other party says is true, then this is tantamount to an unknown security hazard.

If the horde leader is kind, but if it is bloodthirsty, it is definitely a terrifying disaster.

Although Babata's voice is not loud, it has spread to all corners of the world through the media.

"putting it that way, our Earth belongs to the Black Dragon Mountain Star Region and is controlled by the Black Dragon Mountain Empire?"

"My God! My perception I was completely knocked over!"

"Will there be a horde leader in Earth in the future? Just ask him to be a good person!"

"It really seems to go to the world outside Earth Take a look!"


For a time, all corners of the alliance, all kinds of sounds intertwined, and the noise was endless.

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