"You still know how to look for support, but unfortunately, you know too little about this seat."

Chu Bei calmly looked at Bo Luo with a corner of his mouth. With a smile: "The Elder of the clan you are waiting for will look for you soon."

Hearing Chu Bei's indifferent words, Bo Luo was stunned at first, and then reacted. Hurriedly said: "No...no! You can't kill me! I am already the life-long Elder of Clan Nolan Mountain. If you kill me, the old Clan Leader will definitely not let you go!"

However, The tone barely fell in his mouth, an extremely terrifying energy has spread all over his body.

Next moment, accompanied by a screaming scream, Bo Luo's body exploded and became nothingness.

"My lord, have you solved all these invading aliens?"

Hong and Lei Shen looked at each other, and after an exchange of eyes, they looked at Chu Bei asked respectfully.

Chu Bei glanced across Hong and Thor, and gestured slightly.

Hearing this, Hong and Lei Shen's faces were delighted, and the leader of the alliance on the side stepped forward again: "My lord, is this Nolan Mountain Clan?"

"Black Dragon Mountain Empire The Three Large Clans of a Subsidiary Country Carlo Empire. The Carlo Empire, like the Galactic Empire where Earth is located, is also the primary civilization of the universe."

Chu Bei glanced over the leader of the alliance with a calm expression: "However, The Kahlo Empire is far stronger than the Galactic Empire, ranking among the top three in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire’s 500-plus Subsidiary Country. Its powerhouse, the number one in the Empire, is beyond the Universe Level and has entered the realm of Domain God."

"My lord, what is the powerhouse of Nuolanshan clan? We killed them, do they know?" The leader of the alliance seemed to have thought of something, and asked again.

Chu Bei's expression remained unchanged, and said: "The first Clan Leader, Universe Level ninth rank. Their people will be here soon."

"Universe Level Powerhouse!"

In the conference hall, a group of senior executives have heard of the concept of Universe Level, and are well aware of the terrifying of this realm Powerhouse.

For this reason, when they learned that the cultivation base of the first-generation Clan Leader of Nuolan Mountain clan is already the Universe Level ninth rank, they all felt chills, sucked in a cold breath.

In their opinion, the reason why Chu Bei can easily kill Starry Sky Gigantic Beast and Bo Luo and the others is precisely because the opponent may be the reason for the Universe Level Powerhouse.

Now, the Clan Leader of the Nolan Mountain clan is also the Universe Level Powerhouse, and it is the existence of Peak among them. How can they not worry about it.

"Since I take the place of your horde leader temporarily, I will protect your safety. Don't worry."

Chu Bei glanced over the leaders of the alliance and other high-level officials, and gave one After a relaxed look, he said: "Although you have begun to pay attention to cultivation now, with your current Qi Method of cultivation, it is difficult to enter Planetary Level as heavenly ascension."

Having said this, Chu Bei cleared his throat: "I need to improve the strength of the Alliance humans."

"My lord, what do you mean by this?" The leader of the alliance vaguely guessed something, his expression changed. Got a little excited.

"I want to establish a force similar to extreme dojo and War God Palace in all corners of the world, and its name is All Heavens Store. All Heavens Store will sell all kinds of cultivation items. Anyone who repairs Fighter can walk into the All Heavens Store and cultivation by purchasing relative treasures." Chu Bei continued.

"All Heavens Store? My lord, what are they selling in it?" Hong and Lei Shen asked tentatively, with an expression of be eager to have a try.

Chu Bei nodded: "It won’t take long for you to know. As long as you frequent it, it will take three years or a month to enter the Planetary Level."

" What? You can enter Planetary Level as long as a month!"

"My God! This is crazy too!"

"If it's true, it's like My aptitude is not good. Wouldn’t it be possible to enter Planetary Level in only three years? It’s incredible!"


When Chu Bei said the words, Dang even Caused an uproar.

On the top floor of the building, excitement rose in the eyes of the high-ranking members of the alliance.

Even Hong and Thor, two Powerhouses that are already Planetary Level, can’t wait to get up. They are eager to see All Heavens Store.

At the same time, the humans of the Alliance in front of the screen are boiling at this brief moment, and the noise is everywhere.


The third high school in Yi'an District.

On the campus avenue, a crowd of students danced.

"Xu Xin, did you hear that? Our horde leader wants to create a force called All Heavens Store, everyone can patronize and buy the corresponding baby for cultivation!" Wei Wen clenched his fist and looked. towards Xu Xin beside him, extremely excited.

"Well, I must patronize All Heavens Store! Become a Powerhouse!" Xu Xin's eyes were firm.

"Luo Feng is now the dísciple of Lord horde leader. At that time, we must let him guide us." Wei Wen laughed heartily up.

Nan'an Community, Luo Feng's home.

"Mom, my legs are already healed. When All Heavens Store is established, I will check it out immediately!" In the room, Luo Hua clenched his fists and looked expectantly.

"The era of national martial arts training has really come! If it really takes three years to become a Planetary Level Powerhouse, then it is very good!" Luo Hong Guo squeezed the cigarette butt in his hand.


On this day, the leader of the alliance issued a notice for Chu Bei that there will be an All Heavens Store wherever there are people in the world.

2nd day, All Heavens Store was established, and the total number of large and small is no less than 10,000.

As for the headquarters of this plane's All Heavens Store, it is located in the continent Central Region, next to the alliance headquarters building.

3rd day, all All Heavens Stores are open, and each one is overcrowded.

On the fourth day, a global warning occurred in the alliance monitoring system, and a large-scale invasion of external energy occurred.

Since the Earth Alliance successfully created the All Heavens Store in every corner, in just three days, the All Heavens Store was on the right track.

But on the fourth day, the All-Union Level 1 alarm sounded.

Different from the invasion of Bo Luo and the others, the energy that invaded Earth has not been hidden, and it is exposed completely unscrupulously.

"What's the matter with this alert!"

"Could it be that there is another crisis?"

"I'll go! Really recently It’s not peaceful!"

"Do you think it might be related to the Nolan Mountain clan!"

"Look at the sky, two battleships have appeared!"



The alarm sounded, and the hearts of the Alliance humans suddenly tightened, one by one, instinctively put down the busy things in their hands, and looked around.

Soon, they cast their eyes on the sky far away.

I saw two extremely huge battleships appearing from the void there, and each battleship stayed in a small spaceship with hundreds of advances.

Flying on the battleship deck in front, there are three men in gray robes. Behind them are thirty black clothed silhouettes side by side. Behind those black clothed silhouettes are thousands of azures. robed man.

In Nolan Mountain clan, different identities wear different colors of gowns.

Like the three men in gray robes headed by that, their cultivation base has reached Universe Level, which is the Top Grade Elder of Clan Nuolan Mountain.

As for the thirty black clothed silhouettes, they are all nine-star Peak star Powerhouse.

Thousands of azure robed man at the bottom, the cultivation base is Nolanwei below the star ninth rank on the planet 8th-Rank.

"Damn it! It must be them! The people of Nolan Mountain, really are here!"

The Alliance humans stared at the battleship high in the sky, and their expression suddenly became nervous. stand up.

"Three Universe Levels, thirty-six stars ninth rank Peak, six hundred stars above First Rank and below ninth rank, 400 planetary orders."

and At the same time, in the conference hall of the alliance headquarters, Babata revealed the strength distribution of the two-handed battleship.

"Are there three Universe Level Powerhouses here all at once!"

Hearing what Babata said, the leaders of the alliance, Hong, and a group of high-level officials, their faces became solemn.

Although they knew that the people from Nuolan Mountain Clan would arrive soon, they were well prepared, but in any case they didn't expect three Universe Level Powerhouses to lead the team.

In this way, there is no point in repairing those laser cannons.

Even Planetary Level Powerhouse is not afraid of laser cannons, let alone the terrifying existence of Universe Level.

"Everyone immediately enters a state of alert!"

The leader of the alliance glanced at the huge battleship full of people above his head, immediately gave instructions, and the voice spread throughout the alliance.

"I don't know if Lord Horde leader can solve these people."

A group of senior leaders of the alliance subconsciously glanced at the direction of Chu Bei, and there was a look of worry on their faces.

In front of these interstellar fleets from Nolan Mountain clan, they there's no resistance, and everything can only be hoped for far away on this mysterious horde leader!

Far away in the sky.

"Puda Elder, according to the location mark sent back by Bo Luo, this planet is right!"

"We have successfully connected to this planet's network, and What Bo Luo described is exactly the same. It is indeed an ownerless planet. Moreover, the silhouette of Golden Horned Beast appeared four days ago, but it is a pity that Golden Horned Beast was killed and only the corpse was left."

In the battleship, there is Stellar Level Powerhouse using the intelligent system to grab the relevant information and data of Earth, and immediately report to the tall man in the middle of the three Universe Level Powerhouses.

"I see."

The leading man named Puda gestured slightly, his eyes condensed, said solemnly: "Bo Luo's breath has disappeared."

"What? Bo Luo breath disappeared!"

"Could it be that he...he is dead!"

"It was the Universe Level Powerhouse on this planet. Is it!"

"Damn! He doesn't put our Nuolanshan clan in his eyes!"


If Da, thousands of Nolanwei's expressions startled, with surprise. After reacting, the expressions on their faces became extremely heavy.


Puda hovered on the bow of the battleship, and with a hum, a screen appeared in front of him, and a man appeared on the screen, it was Nolan The old Clan Leader of the mountain clan.

"Old Clan Leader!"

Puda salutes respectfully. The man on the screen is the second-generation Clan Leader of Nuolan Mountain, Regalia Nuolan Mountain.


Region Nolan Mountain is slightly nod, looking at Puda with his eyes, "have you arrived at that planet?"

"Yes , Old Clan Leader."

After Puda replied, he said: "Bo Luo's breath has disappeared."

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