"It really is dead."

Hearing the report of the tall man, Regatta Nuoranshan shook the head and couldn't help sighing.

He seems to have guessed the result, his face is heavy: "Killing everyone on this planet is an explanation to Bo Luo. Then, go to the Black Dragon Mountain Empire to buy this planet."

"Everything is up to you!" Hearing this, Puda bowed again.

"Puda Elder, what are you going to do now?" Thousands of Nuo Lanshan Guards waited for Puda's instructions.

"Didn't you hear what the old Clan Leader said, kill everyone on this planet."

Puda looked back and glanced at the behind Norlan Mountain Guard, voice Leng Li: "Follow my instructions, scatter around, kill all human beings, and leave no one behind!"

"Yes, Elder!"

In a uniform voice, battleship Countless streamers flew out, moving towards different directions like a meteor shower.


Because the Powerhouse of Nolan Mountain on the high-altitude battleship was not deliberately hidden, all their actions and even conversations were all captured by the alliance monitoring system , Spread all over the world through the media.

"This...so many Powerhouses!"

"Are they going to kill us!"

"Master Savior, can he handle it alone?"


Looking at the densely packed streamer, the whole league suddenly fell into panic again.

"Where is this planet's most powerful powerhouse? Come out quickly and die!"

At this moment, Puda's voice floated from high in the sky, with a sound The terrifying breath fluctuates and shakes the void.

The two Elders who are also Universe Level Powerhouse beside them did not speak, but their expressions were cold, and a powerful force came out, giving people a suffocating oppression.

"My lord, we..."

The leader of the alliance immediately looked towards Chu Bei, his expression was extremely nervous, and his eyes were filled with deep concern.

When he thinks about it, Chu Bei is the Universe Level Powerhouse. Maybe the opponent will have nothing to do with him, but in the face of Nolan Wei who counted before, he is not sure whether the others will be okay.

However, the leader of the alliance has not finished speaking, and the silhouette of Chu Bei has disappeared.

In this brief moment, a huge black hole appeared in all the video images.

These black holes seem to be all over the corners of Earth, it is like a Devouring Power with terrifying, all around the void becomes distorted.


In the next second after these black holes appeared, mournful scream began to sound in every corner of the world.

These shouts are extremely painful, as if they are suffering from inhuman torture, and they sound so pitiful.

"Look! Those who want to invade our homes have all been sucked in!"

"Haha, this must be the horde leader's method!"

"This is the best! Actually want to kill us all, this is their fate!"

"Master horde leader is mighty!"

I saw satellite surveillance came back. In the picture of, the thousands of Nuolan Mountain Guards flying out of the battleship before landing, they were sucked in by the black hole that appeared later.

The moment they were attracted by the black hole, the bodies of these Nolan Mountain Guards cracked and twisted, followed by the sound of mournful scream.

These screams didn't last long. The Nuolan Mountain Guards were dragged in and disappeared.

"This...what's going on!"

"What exactly happened!"

"What the hell is the black hole? Why do you have such a terrifying The Devouring Power!"

On the battleship, the three Universe Level Powerhouse eyes shrank of Nuolan Mountain clan looked at each other, showing a state of astonishment.

At the same time, vigilance appeared in the eyes of the three of them, looking all around.

They have lived for tens of thousands of years, and their knowledge is so extensive, but this is the first time they have seen such a weird scene.

The nearly 1,000 guards of their Nolan Mountain Clan were all swallowed by the strange black hole that appeared out of thin air at that moment, including 36 Stellar Level ninth rank Peak. Powerhouse!

"Old Clan Leader, you...did you see it?" Puda took a deep breath and looked at the man on the screen very respectfully.

At this moment, Regalia Nuolanshan on the screen was silent. Like the three of Puda, his faces showed a thick terrified look.

"Clan of Nuolan Mountain of the Karo Empire, right? This seat just happened to be free, so I will go to your place for a visit."

Just in Puda ready to ask. At that time, a calm voice drifted away from in the sky.

next moment, a youth man wearing a purple robe appeared in front of him.

"It's...It's you!"

The eyes of the Puda trio were immediately focused on Chu Bei's body, and the subconsciously distanced from each other, their faces rose with vigilance With look of dreading.

They didn't know how the other party appeared in front of them, but there was no energy ripple at all, and there was no sign.

Chu Bei glanced at the Puda trio in disdain, without paying any attention, his gaze fell on the body of Yu Ting Nuo Lan Shan on the screen, coldly snorted and said: "Your clan style of doing things, I don't like it, so there is no need to exist."

Sen Leng's voice fell, and a sharp beam of light shot from Chu Bei's eyes, directly smashing the screen.

"Domain...Domain God!"

Perceiving that short moment of unmovable pressure bursting out of Chu Bei's body that suffocated them, the faces of Puda's three Universe Level Powerhouses It was pale for a while, and only fear was left in the gaze looking towards Chu Bei again.

Even if it is a generation of Clan Leader Nolan Mountain in their clan, a ninth rank Universe Level Powerhouse is impossible to suffocate them, but the person in front of them can do it, then there is only one possibility !

The strength of the person in front of you is still above the ninth rank Universe Level, and has entered the realm of Domain God!

"How could this little masterless planet have a Domain God!"

The Puda trio looked at Chu Bei in a daze. They were already numb, and they didn't even have a baby. Raise any resistance to it.

The most Powerhouse of their Carlo Empire is Domain God. They dare not imagine that the most Powerhouse of this unowned planet will also be Domain God.

If you know this, let alone them, the entire Nuolan Mountain clan is afraid that they dare not fight the idea of ​​this masterless planet.

"Master Domain God, we didn't mean to trespass on you..." To Chu Bei's indifferent gaze, Puda seemed to remember the current situation and spoke quickly.

It's just that the begging for mercy was only halfway through, and a giant palm swept across.

Perceiving the terrifying pressure contained in the giant palm, the hearts of the three Universe Level Powerhouses of Puda sank suddenly. They tried to mobilize power within the body for the final struggle, but they suddenly found that everything had been imprisoned.

In the next moment, a black hole appeared in the giant palm in their sight, and the Cave entrance was like a beast's mouth that people wanted to eat, carrying an irresistible Devouring Power.


With three screams, the giant palm swept past and disappeared in the sky.

The three Universe Level Powerhouses in Nuolan Mountain disappeared together.

In the rumbling sound, the sky fell silent for a while, leaving only two huge battleships.

After that, Chu Bei waved his hand and the two battleships landed on the huge open space in front of the Alliance Building.

"Dead, all dead!"

"Three Universe Level Powerhouses, that's it!"

"That guy from Babata said, Does the Universe Level Powerhouse already have a status that cannot be underestimated in the empire? But why, in the hands of Lord horde leader, is still the same as the ant?"

"putting it that way, our Lord horde leader Doesn’t it have surpassed the Universe Level!"


I witnessed the process of the three Universe Level Powerhouses in Nuolan Mountain being destroyed by one slap, including Hong and Thunder God. The high-ranking officials had a dumbfounded expression, and their eyes were full of astonishment and surprise.

"Babata, you have more knowledge than us. Tell me, what is the strength of my Master?" Luo Feng swallowed his throat and looked towards Babata beside him and couldn't help but ask. Tao.

His mind also reverberated with the previous scene of Chu Bei raising his hand to kill the three Elders in Nuolan Mountain!

That are three Universe Level Powerhouses!

For Luo Feng’s question, Babata shook the head: "From the time we met until now, I don’t think he has shown true strength. Even when he just killed Universe Level Powerhouse, he even hit one percent. The strength of is useless, I can’t judge it."

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