A starry sky in the Black Dragon Mountain Star Region.

Those watching the Universe Level Powerhouse haven’t come back to his senses from their horror. A golden robe silhouette appeared in their sight. This silhouette was suspended on the Star Island of Nolan Mountain. Location.

He is clearly standing there, but he gives a sense of elusiveness that is difficult to capture.

"I have seen the emperor!"

Seeing the appearance of the golden robe silhouette, all the Universe Level Powerhouses were taken aback. After reacting, they immediately flew forward and at the same time He bowed, his face was respectful.

This golden robed man is the emperor of the Carlo Empire, the first Powerhouse, and the only Domain God level existence!

"My lord, did you see the scene about Mount Nolan just now?" There was a tentative question from Universe Level Powerhouse.

"I saw it."

The Emperor Carlo glanced across the Universe Level Powerhouse, slightly nod.

"Then you just watched him destroy the Nolan Mountain clan like this? After all, the Nolan Mountain clan is still within your jurisdiction!" There was Universe Level Powerhouse frowned. His face is a bit ugly.

"The emperor can't stop it."

The Emperor Carlo shook the head, with some helplessness on his face: "He has surpassed the Domain God level."

"What? Above Domain God!"

"This, how is this possible! Could it be that he...he is World God!"

"Look at the entire Black Dragon How many exist in Mountain Star Region, World God?"

"Speaking of World God, I have seen all those from the Black Dragon Mountain Empire! Why don’t I have any impression of him? "


Hearing the words of Emperor Carlo, the faces of the Universe Level Powerhouses changed again, and their faces were terrified.

I can think of it again that the coercion released before the other party left, only a beam of gaze suppressed them from any resistance, and I felt a little relieved.

"When did the emperor say that he is World God? The breath of World God is not as terrifying as him."

The Emperor Carlo's eyes condensed, and he said: "If the emperor guesses right, he does not belong to the Black Dragon Mountain Star Region."

"Your lord, you mean that he... his realm is still above World God!"

Hearing the words of Emperor Carlo again, all the Universe Level Powerhouses were completely stunned, looking at each other in blank dismay.

Above World God, what kind of existence is that? That is the existence of the legendary Immortal!

If it weren't for the words of Emperor Carlo, they would never believe that the person who appeared before might be Immortal!

"Does any of you know how exactly Clan Nuolan provokes that mysterious existence?" Emperor Carlo asked.

For Emperor Carlo’s question, a group of Universe Level Powerhouses shook the head, saying they did not know.

"This matter finished, let them go away. In the dark, the emperor has an intuition that it will not be long before this mysterious Powerhouse will enter our sight again."

The ethereal voice fell, and the silhouette of Emperor Carlo disappeared.

A group of cosmic Powerhouses looked at each other in blank dismay, and they also hid in the starry sky one after another.


The sky above the Union Building.

"Master horde leader, is everything over?" Looking at the closed screen of the distant sky, the leader of the alliance stared at Chu Bei and asked tentatively.

"Didn't you witness it with your own eyes?" Chu Bei smiled knowingly.

"Finally, no more worries, everything can be restored to peace."

It is not just the leader of the alliance, Hong, Raytheon and all the leaders of the alliance took a long breath. The stone in my heart seemed to fall.

"Master horde leader is mighty!"

Humans of the whole alliance reacted one after another, exclaiming, with excitement in the shout.

"Master horde leader, what are you going to do next?" The leader of the alliance looked at Chu Bei respectfully.

"Naturally tell the people outside that this planet is a master."

Chu Bei first glanced over the leader of the alliance and finished patted Luo Feng's arm: "Let’s go, let’s take you to see the wider world for the teacher."

The voice fell, and before Luo Feng could respond, he had been taken by Chu Bei and disappeared. They left together. There is also the intelligent life Babata.


Black Dragon Mountain Empire, Biyan Star.

Although this is a relatively remote planet, it is where the imperial government offices are located.

Anyone in the Black Dragon Mountain empire who wants to purchase ownership of the planet needs to come here.

"This is the coordinates of this planet. All of its sampling, data, etc., have been placed here."

Chu Bei sat on the chair, not too Too high-profile, but follow the procedures of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

"If the interstellar coordinate records, etc. are confirmed to be no problem, you will be rewarded with 100 billion Black Dragon coins." A reception official said.

"According to the rules, I found that an unowned planet has the right of first refusal. I want to buy it." Chu Bei looked at the reception official with a smile on his mouth.

"What? You want to buy this life planet!"

After hearing Chu Bei's words, a group of government officials who were still discussing suddenly showed their faces. A look of shock.

This is not about buying weapons or treasures. A planet with life and civilization is very expensive.

"Not bad." Chu Bei nodded responded.

"Is the owner of All Heavens Store?"

The imperial official looked at Chu Bei: "As the first information provider to discover this unowned planet, of course you have the first A purchase right. But I have to remind you that after we sent the planet’s data to the Empire Headquarters just now, the reply to us over there is that we will give you the highest reward of 100 billion Black Dragon coins."

"So what?" Chu Bei smiled knowingly, waiting for the next words of the imperial officials.

"You should know that depending on the planet, the Empire will award a minimum of 10 billion Black Dragon coins and a maximum of 100 billion Black Dragon coins. Your planet’s reward is the highest, so the purchase price will naturally It is also the most expensive."

Speaking of this, the imperial officials were a little expectant and a little worried: "If you really want to buy this unowned planet, you will need to spend 300 billion Black Dragon coins. "

"My God! What kind of planet did he find? He bought three trillion Black Dragon coins! If we buy it, wouldn't it cost at least ten trillion Black Dragon? Coins!"

"So, planet is not something ordinary people can afford, it must be a Powerhouse above Universe Level 8th-Rank!"

"He looks very strange, he doesn't look like a famous figure in the empire."

"But even if he can't afford it, he will be rewarded with 100 billion Black Dragon coins, which is far richer than us. ."


all around Someone heard the quotation from the officials and exclaimed.

"I don't know what you took out the money?"

The officials looked at Chu Bei with some expectation. If the other party can really come up with the money, then his official path can be Take this directly to ascend.

Of course, he didn't have any hope. After all, those who can spend three trillion Black Dragon coins are all well-known figures in the empire.

"Money, I don't have it in this seat."

Chu Bei moved towards the official shrugged, just when the other party frowned, right hand turns, a group of nine-color halo appeared in the palm, Then said with a smile: "I wonder if this bauble is worth three trillion Black Dragon coins?"

As Chu Bei's voice fell, the officials and all around onlookers all turned their attention to Chu. The nine-color halo in Bei's palm carefully looked at it.

"This...this is a bone of the beast!"

"Look at this bone pattern, it is a beast of adulthood!"

"According to the news Adult whirling beasts have the strength of Marquis Immortal!"


Looking closely, I saw a small bone in the nine-color halo of Chu Bei’s palm. It is releasing brilliant rays of light in nine colors.

A crowd of onlookers quickly recognized the origin of this small bone, their faces were astonished, and they couldn't help exclaiming.

Boundless beast, an existence with the same name as Starry Sky Gigantic Beast in Boundless Starry Sky.

On the way here, a whirling beast attacked Chu Bei in the starry sky.

Chu Bei casually killed it, and took its beast bones and beast pill.

"It's really the bones of the whirling beasts, or the most quintessential one!"

In the hall, some of the powerhouses know about the secrets of whirling beasts. After confirming again, the eyes A strange thing flashed in the middle, and then turned and left.

"You haven't answered my question yet, is it worth three trillion?"

Chu Bei played with the man's bones in his hands and smiled at the officials.

Hearing Chu Bei’s words, the officials came back to his senses from the astonishment, and quickly said: "The owner of All Heavens Store, right? Me?"

"Of course there is no problem."

Chu Bei laughed, and threw the whirling bones to the opponent nonchalantly.

Naturally, he would not worry that the other party would cheat. If so, he would just slap the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

"Thank you for your understanding, I'll be back when I go!"

The official officer cautiously took over the bones and looked towards Chu Bei again. His eyes were full of respect. It's his noble man!

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