Black Dragon Mountain, the Holy Land of the Black Dragon Mountain Star Region, is also the backing of the Imperial Family of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

The formation of Black Dragon Mountain was formed when the founding emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain empire communicated the space in the universe and the world in the body into one.

"It is indeed Holy Land!"

Bo Luo is flying in the sky, he is the official official who received Chu Bei.

Looking around, there is a bright star hanging above the mountain range. It is a star obtained from the vast universe by Immortal existence.

Shrouding The Heavens with one hand, picking off the stars, is talking about Immortal!

"If one day, I can become Immortal..."

Bo Luo looked up towards the stars in the sky, and couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Immortal, for him, is too far away.

Throughout the entire Black Dragon Mountain Star Region, there are about a hundred World Gods. However, according to the probability of World God breakthrough Immortal, one hundred World Gods will also die of old age.

World God lifespan is limited.

Immortal is Eternal Existence.

After flying another distance, Bo Luo hovered over the most majestic mountain range.

This is a huge black mountain range over 100,000 kilometers high. Its entire body is black, just like a Black Giant Dragon with double wings, which is the main peak of Black Dragon Mountain.

Bo Luo took a long breath. Although he has been to this main peak several times, he still feels shocked.

"Bo Luo, what's the matter? Could it be that you have encountered a mysterious unowned planet that is difficult to judge?"

Bo Luo just appeared above the mountain with a majestic voice full of majesty From the depths of the main peak.

"Master Leif, I'm here to ask you to identify whether this bone is worth three trillion Black Dragon coins." Although Bo Luo has an answer in his heart, he still dare not do it privately. Make a decision.

When the voice fell, I saw Bo Luo silhouette flashing, flying to a luxurious palace on the top of the mountain.

A bald aquiline nosed old man is standing on the edge of the cliff in front of the palace. The temperature of the space around him seems to have dropped a bit. Among all the World Gods in the Black Dragon Mountain Star Region, he can rank in the top three. Super Powerhouse-Hargrave!

"What bones are worth three trillion Black Dragon coins?" Hargrave was frowned upon hearing Bo Luo's words.

"My lord, you can see it by looking at it." Bo Luo flew to Hargrave, bowed respectfully first, and then cautiously handed out the nine-color light ball in his hand.

"This...this is an adult whirling beast bone!"

Hargrave took the nine-color light group, and within two seconds of the start, he exclaimed, a flash in his eyes Surprised.

From the current texture and energy fluctuations of this whirling beast bone, if it is well refined, it will be a perfect Immortal magic.

Soon, Hargrave seemed to think of something again. Suddenly, both hands gripped Bo Luo's arms tightly. His expression was very excited, and his words were excited and urgent: "Say, this Where did you get the beast bone! Where is the body of the beast? What about the beast pill!"

"The beast pill?"

Looking at the sudden excitement is like a change Personal Hargrave, Bo Luo shook the head: "This was sent by a person of unknown origin. He found an unowned planet but had no money, so he used this whirling beast bone to pay for the three. Trillions of Black Dragon coins."

After finishing speaking, Bo Luo's eyes appeared curious: "My lord, what's the matter with you? Is there a problem with this whirling bone?"

"Are there many people who know this whirling bone?" Hargrave asked immediately.

Bo Luo nodded: "No less than a hundred people."

"Damn, I'm afraid they all know, and they are already on the way!" Hargrave sighed after receiving an answer. In a sigh of relief.

"My lord, what's wrong with you? Is there anything special about this whirling bone?" Bo Luo became more and more confused.

"You don't know, the most precious place of this beast is not its bones, but its beast pill! A beast pill of adult beasts can directly let World God step into the Immortal realm!"


Hargrave took a deep breath, his eyes glowing: "But the adult beast has the strength of Marquis Immortal itself. How can we World God get its beast pill? The emergence of the whirling bones is a great opportunity for us!"

"My lord, what do you mean is that besides the whirling beast bones, that mysterious person also has a whirling beast pill. "Bo Luo reacted: "But he can have the bones of the whirling beast, he must be terrifying."

"Do you think this adult whirling beast will be killed by him?"

Hargrave let out a sneer: "The adult beast has the strength of Marquis Immortal. Looking at the entire Black Dragon Mountain Star Region, I am afraid that only the god can kill him. If he has the strength of the god, you think he will not be able to get it. Trifling three trillion Black Dragon coins?"

Hearing what Hargrave said, Bo Luo's eyes rolled around. After thinking for a long time, he agreed with nodded. This makes a lot of sense.

"Then why does he have whirling animal bones?" Bo Luo raised his confusion again.

Boundless Starry Sky often has undercurrents of terror, and occasionally powerful existence is strangled by undercurrents every 10,000 years. According to records, there was a Starry Sky Gigantic Beast that was strangled by the undercurrents thirty thousand years ago, and finally its body was divided among the Great Influences. In my opinion, the same is true for this beast, and the unknown guy in your mouth discovered the body of the beast by chance. "

"So your lord, do you think the beast pill is still on him?" "Bo Luo continued to ask.

"I will find out soon, I'm late, I'm afraid I won't have my part. "

The voice fell, Hargrave no longer paid attention to Bo Luo, turned into a divine rainbow and went away.


Biyanxing .

In the great hall of the official office, Chu Bei is sitting leisurely on a chair, sipping a special tea.

As news of the beast bones spread, more and more Many people began to gather around Chu Bei's all around, wanting to see what the mysterious person who found the unowned planet and possessed the beast bones looked like.


rumbling In the sound, several divine rainbows are flying from a distance.

"Look, someone is coming! "

At this time, no one in the hall shouted, and then many people moved towards the east and looked at it.

I saw that the robes of this line of teams were the same. The pattern behind a long sword is particularly conspicuous.

"They are the people of Divine Sword planet! "

Some people with strong eyesight in the crowd screamed.

"The leader is Divine Sword World God! This kind of existence, how can it appear here! Is he looking at a new masterless planet again, ready to buy it? "

Some Powerhouse recognized the person headed by the eastern team, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his expression became more and more shocked.


The surprise of the crowd The cries have not died down, and there are several long rainbow threads on the west side in an instant.

This line of people come, all wearing fiery red daoist robe, and the chest of the robe is printed with a fiery burning ball. The flame pattern.

"That's the person from Huo Yun planet! "

"My God! The leader is Huo Yun World God! How did he come to visit this little Biyan star like Divine Sword World God? "

In the powerhouse, after recognizing the red-haired old man wearing a daoist robe, especially the red-haired old man who led the team, his expressions changed again.

long long long!


After only a few seconds, the rumbling sound started in the distance.

After that, a few long rainbow threads crossed it.

Come, it's very beautiful.

"People from Luoshui Planet! "

"Sure enough, there is not a single man. "

"It is rumored that the people in Luoshui Planet hardly go out, why are they even here? "

"Isn't that the leader of Luoshui World God!" "

This third team, the players are all women, led by a glamorous woman in a white dress.

"Unexpectedly, you two are faster than me. fast! This news is really well-informed! "

The glamorous woman arrived, she glanced at Divine Sword World God and Huo Yun World God successively, Yanran smiled.

"I knew that this good thing is impossible and I am the only one. know. "Divine Sword World God shook the head.

"Unexpectedly, they are here too! At this time, the question of attribution is hard to say. "

Huo Yun World God glanced over all around, sighed in the distance, and the words were somewhat grudgingly with a smile.

Huo Yun World God's words just fell, and there are Dozens of teams have flown from the distant planet, and the leaders of the team are all strong breath, and they release a terrifying power between their gestures.

These team leaders know each other, and they will fight immediately when they meet. He greeted me, and was polite.

"My God! Are my eyes okay? ! "

"Nanliu World God, Heifeng World God, Baili World God, Sima World God, Shangguan World God, Sagong World God...Why are there so many World Gods all at once!" "

"Could it be said that there is really a very good unowned planet appearing? It can alarm so many World Gods together! "

"Throughout our entire Black Dragon Mountain Star Region, World God Powerhouse does not exceed a hundred people. Any one of these World Gods is the owner of a planet or even many planets, but today, at least half of them have gathered here! "


A crowd of people in the great hall have come outside, not just them, more and more Powerhouses are moving by the wind and gathered from a distance.


When these Powerhouses saw dozens of normally seen World Gods gathered together, all of them suck in a breath of cold air, looking at each other and asking, they looked at a loss, like thunder. Electric switch.

Even the Powerhouse, which witnessed the arrival of these World Gods one by one, was dumbfounded. Each of the brains seemed to have lost the ability to direct thinking, standing there like a wood, with both eyes stunned. Staring obsessively at the major World Gods.

Because I don’t know the reason, the scene before them is too sudden and unexpected for them. Let them be completely unprepared.

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