"Sure enough, you old fellows are here! Immortal's temptation is really too big!"

Just then, together The helpless but smiling voice came from a distance, echoing across Biyan Star.

The majestic voice is still reverberating, a bald aquiline nosed old man appeared in the sight of everyone, and it was Bo Luo, a government official who followed him behind him.

"That...that's Lord Hargrave of Holy Land!"

"The World God of the entire Black Dragon Mountain Star Region ranks among the top three existences! He actually came too! That’s it!"

"No, he is responsible for this piece of the unowned planet. If he has a planet he likes, he can just take it down. Why would he come here in person? What does the Immortal temptation in his mouth refer to?"

"I'm afraid he has the same purpose as other World Gods! I just don't know what their purpose is."

... …

Countless Powerhouse’s gazes focused on Hargrave, and all kinds of discussions were intertwined.

"Hargrave, although you are stronger than us, we will not give you face in this matter." A World God laughed.

"Of course I know that I don't have such a big face yet. This opportunity depends on ability."

Hargrave stroked his beard, and gave the World God a smile. After responding, his gaze narrowed and fell on Chu Bei in the great hall: "Do you just want to buy the ownerless planet guy with three trillion Black Dragon coins from the beast bones? I announce that the transaction is established!"

"Master of All Heavens Store, Hargrave has announced. From now on, the planet you found is yours."

Just as Hargrave’s voice fell At that time, Bo Luo flew to Chu Bei and raised his fists in congratulations.


Chu Bei glanced at Hargrave blankly, slightly nod.

When these World Gods arrived, he knew the position of World God in the Perfect World cultivation system, which is basically equivalent to Evading Oneness Realm.

"My friend, since you have a whirling beast bone, you must have a whirling beast pill too."

Hargrave played with the whirling beast bone in his hand, his eyes fixed on Chu Bei.

Hearing Hargrave's words, the expressions of other World Gods in the sky also changed. His eyes fell on Chu Bei, with hope in his eyes and expectation on his face.

"It has been used up."

At Hargrave’s gaze, Chu Bei smiled knowingly. He now knows why there are so many World Gods gathered here. That's it.

It turns out that the source of all this is because of him.

"Using it?"

Hargrave frowned, his face became heavy, and he stared at Chu Bei and said: "The Posao Beast Pill is not a mortal thing. You can't use it. Isn’t he?"

"Yes! Even if you just stepped into Universe Level Peak, swallowing the beast pill will kill you immediately!"

"Quickly say, the beast pill is here Where!"

"Hand over the beast pill, I can give you a great opportunity, and accept you as a disciple!"


All World God spoke successively, seeming not to believe what Chu Bei said.

"I know now, the feelings, these World Gods are all rushing to him!"

"Accurately speaking, it should be the whirling beast pill rushing to him It came."

"But then again, what is the magical effect of this whistling beast pill? It can attract so many World Gods to come!"

"I didn't do it before! t expect, but at this time I understand a little bit. It seems that the record in my family is true! World God Powerhouse can directly enter the Immortal realm by swallowing the beast pill!"

"What? Such a miraculous effect! Immortal, this is really a big temptation!"

"So, wouldn't the man's whirling beast pill be hidden? After all, for World God, this But it’s an opportunity to become Immortal!"

"Yes, if I change to be me, at all costs, I will also get a beast pill."


In the great hall, a crowd of onlookers seemed to understand, their eyes cast on Chu Bei's body, some of them seemed to be watching a play, some of them were sympathetic.

Their thoughts are the same as those of World God in the field. The opponent is just a guy who has been lucky enough to meet the body of a whirling beast, but unfortunately because they have got something they shouldn't get, they are destined to have a big trouble.

"I repeat, there is no beast pill anymore."

To the gazes of the previous World Gods, Chu Bei's expression did not change at all, but his voice became a little bit. Deep, with a little coldness.

This is also true. After killing the beast, he directly refining the energy in the beast pill and poured it into Luo Feng's body.

Under the nourishment of the Pseudan Pill, Luo Feng now has entered the Stellar Level and is not far from the Universe Level.

"Bold! Do you know who we are? How dare to speak like this!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Huo Yun World God immediately shouted, shouting like a thunder Floating, the horror sound wave shook the void buzzing.

"Since you are so uninterested, then I will search for your soul myself!" Huo Yun World God said, and then took a step forward.

As the voice of Huo Yun World God dreary ice-cold fell, its within both eyes spewed out purple flame moved towards Chu Bei. Where flame goes, everything is distorted.

At these moments when the purple flame was in the air, the hearts of the Powerhouses in front of the great hall trembled inexplicably. They retreated from instinct, and there was a look of fear on their faces.

"It's Huo Yun World God! Just a ray of purple fire in my eyes can suppress the divine force in my body. It's difficult to mobilize. It's terrifying!" There was a Stellar Level cultivator panicked.

"Is this the way your Black Dragon Mountain empire treats guests?"

When Huo Yun World God did it, Chu Bei had no smile on his face. heavy down.

He came to this world, and even when he bought planet, he followed the rules and procedures, but the clinker took him as a soft persimmon because of greed.

Along with coldly snorted, a ripple that is difficult to catch shoots out from Chu Bei's eyes, and the rushing purple flame is blasted away in an instant.

Watching the flame dissipate, Huo Yun World God's body trembled suddenly, and a chill was inexplicably surging in his heart.

However, before he could make a discovery, he suddenly found an invisible force that made him difficult to resist.

In an instant, his body was impossible to move even a little bit, and the divine force throughout his body felt imprisoned and difficult to move.

What made him more frightened was that the divine force in his body was swelling at a multiplied speed of terror.

hong long!

Another loud noise.

Before Huo Yun World God had time to scream, his body suddenly exploded.

At that moment, he could even see his soul torn and twisted in the pieces of meat.

But everything before and after this is all in the light of calcium carbide.

When other World Gods reacted, the area where Huo Yun World God was originally located has become empty and there is nothing left.

"This...what happened to this!"

"Huo Yun World God, what about the others? Could it be that what I just saw is true!"

"Dead, Huo Yun World God Lord, is he dead!"

"Impossible! He is World God, the entire Black Dragon Mountain Star Region's top 100 Super Powerhouse!"



There is still an explosion in the ears, and the expression of a number of cultivators in the great hall is startled, looking blankly at the location of the original Huo Yun World God, looking at each other other in blank dismay, his eyes are filled with disbelief.

They can’t believe the scene they saw before is true, the famous Huo Yun World God is just such an unfathomable mystery peng sound, exploded!

Not only the onlookers at Stellar Level and Universe Level, but the World Gods including Hargrave were all stunned, as if they had lost their souls.

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