"What happened to Huo Yun just now!"

"It must be him!"

At this time, there is World God reacted one after another, creded out in surprise.

One by one, he pointed his finger towards Chu Bei with a panic in his voice.

All this, the only person who might have attacked Huo Yun was this mysterious person who seemed to be no different from ordinary people.

"This seat did not intend to kill, but your words and deeds really angered this seat!"

Chu Bei glanced coldly across the World including Hargrave God, Sen Leng's voice sounded again, reaching the depths of everyone's mind.

If it were someone else, the Huo Yun World God had already invaded the Sea of ​​Consciousness to search for the soul.

In the light of the memory loss, in the worst it is directly become the living dead.

bang bang bang!

As Chu Bei's indifferent voice fell, another ripple was like a breeze blowing over the World Gods in the field.


Different from Huo Yun World God, they were too late to scream. When the breeze ripples across the World Gods, their expressions were instantly twisted and squeezed When he got up, it was as if he had suffered unbearable inhuman torture for a moment.

After that, bursts of mournful screams burst out of their mouths.

next moment, their bodies are like being subjected to powerful strikes, like a cannonball flying upside down, shattering the void, carrying a densely packed Space Crack.


When witnessing the scene where the World Gods including Hargrave fly upside down, the complexions of the crowds onlookers in the temple instantly changed to gray.

These onlookers at Powerhouse seem to be a blow from the blue sky, and they seem to have been poured with cold water from head to toe, and their whole body is numb.

Everything happened so suddenly and unexpectedly that they caught them off guard.

"Did I have hallucinations? Oh my god, that's a bunch of World Gods!!!"

After a Powerhouse suck in a breath of cold air, he exclaimed, Like thunder and lightning.

"Master of All Heavens Store, did you just shoot it?" Bo Luo squirmed his throat, dumbfounded.

His brain has lost the ability to think. He stood still in place like a wood, staring at Chu Bei faintly with both eyes, moving his lips and asking tentatively.

Chu Bei glanced at Bo Luo lightly, without saying anything.

It was Bo Luo. When she met Chu Bei's gaze, she stood up shiver coldly, and his forehead shook out of cold sweat uncontrollably, and the whole person seemed to fall into In fear.

In the first second, he only felt a power that made him unable to resist any resistance enveloped him. This feeling was like a sharp blade resting on his neck, as long as If you dare to have a little thought, you will find a strange place in your head, which is too terrifying!

"What is the origin of that man! The scene just now must be related to him!"

"Master Hargrave is the top three super-level existence, even he was The invisible force flies, it seems that the injury is not light!"

"Moreover, it doesn't seem to take much effort to look at him!"

"It gives me the feeling , This bunch of World God adults are like ants in front of him. My God, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I really couldn’t believe it!"

"I’m afraid even if the Lord of the Kingdom is here, I can’t do that.”


A crowd of onlookers gradually came back to his senses from consternation, and only the gaze that looked towards Chu Bei once again remained. With fear and reverence, there is no lack of suspicion in the noise.

In the distance, those World Gods who were blown away also stabilized their stature, with blood hanging from the corners of their mouths, and their breath was extremely weak.

They looked at each other, their eyes were filled with shock.

After an exchange of eyes, they gathered together and flew back to the top of the hall.

It's just different from the previous ones, their arrogant attitude that originally belonged to World God disappeared, replaced by a vigilant grave expression.

They stared at Chu Bei, their whole body tense like a stone, their hearts sinking as if they were filled with cold lead.

"If you dare to ask this seat about the beast pill again, the previous person will be your fate!"

Chu Bei glanced across the World God coldly Although the sound is not loud, it rang directly in the hearts of Hargrave and the others, like the sound of Nine Heavens thunder.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Hargrave and other World God looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one dared to speak.

Judging from the other party's words, it was the mysterious person in front of him who severely injured them in an instant, and it was the other party who killed Huo Yun World God.

This time, all of them looked away!

The strength that makes them difficult to resist, even in the body of the Black Dragon Mountain empire, they have not felt it.

In other words, the opponent's strength is even higher than that of their country master.

The strength of their lord is Marquis Immortal, and the opponent's strength may already be in Champion Immortal!

In this way, the matter of whirling animal bones has been concluded.

The opponent was not lucky enough to pick up the corpse of the whirling beast, but actually killed an adult whirling beast!

Thinking of this, Hargrave was afraid of waiting for the World Gods, and at the same time secretly rejoicing that they provoke Champion Immortal and actually survived safely.

Champion Immortal, even if it is placed in Gan Wu Cosmo State, it is also the existence of Peak, which has the prestigious name!

The Galactic Empire is a primary civilized country with several millions planets like Earth; the Black Dragon Mountain Empire is a medium-civilized country with tens of thousands of Subsidiary Countries like the Galactic Empire; and Gan Wu Cosmo State, it is an advanced civilized country with more than 13,000 Star Regions!

Just like this Black Dragon Mountain Star Region, it is one of them.

Throughout the entire Gan Wu Cosmo State, there are more than one million World Gods. This Universe Country Lord is even the legendary universe Venerable.

Although in Gan Wu Cosmo State, even Immortal is tens of thousands, Champion Immortal is very rare.

"Fellow Daoist was able to buy a planet in my Black Dragon Mountain Star Region. It was a great blessing for the empire. It should have been received by a good student, but I was neglected by my stupid subordinates. ."

Just when a crowd of World Gods was still immersed in the strength of Chu Bei, a misty, uncapable but majestic voice sounded in the field, echoing in everyone's ears.

After that, a silhouette appear out of thin air.

This is a middle-aged man. Wearing a golden robe and a golden crown on his head, he releases a supreme power, as if he has been in a high position for a long time.

"The country... Your lord!"

"You are out!"

See the middle-aged man clearly, including Hargrave in The crowds of World Gods inside were taken aback for a moment, and then each and every one of them bowed and saluted with a respectful look on their faces.

"My God! It's really the Lord of the Lord!"

"It's really a blessing to see the Lord of the Lord again with my own eyes!"

"The Lord of the country was Marquis Immortal before the retreat. Now that he has left the customs in the past ten thousand years, he must have entered the Champion realm!"

"If this is the case, then our Black Dragon Mountain empire In the Subsidiary Country of Gan Wu Cosmo State, the status can be improved again!"


In the hall, a crowd of onlookers quickly reacted. One by one, the middle-aged man knelt on the ground and moved towards the air, and kowtowed, his eyes full of admiration.

"Often the demise of a country is not because of the Monarch of the entire Country, but a group of subordinates without long eyes."

Chu Bei glanced at the Black Dragon Mountain country faintly. Lord: "This time, I will let you go. If there is another time, your Black Dragon Mountain empire will no longer need to exist."

"Arrogant! You unexpectedly..."

"Sagong, shut up!"

Hearing Chu Bei's unabashed threatening words, Sagong World God immediately spoke out, but just as he spoke, he was stopped by the Black Dragon Mountain Lord. live.

"Fellow Daoist's words, the emperor took note. In the future, rules will be set to restrain them."

After drinking Sagong World God, the lord of Black Dragon Mountain is very polite The moved towards Chu Bei embraced cup one fist in the other hand.

"It's so good." Chu Bei lightly complied, slightly nod gestured.

"Fellow Daoist, you must have entered the Venerable list."

As the voice of the leader of the Black Dragon Mountain falls, the crowd behind the World God screams All of them were silent for a moment.

"What? Respect...Venerable!"

"How is this possible!"

The World God including Hargrave, in After hearing the words of the Lord of the Black Dragon Mountain, their expressions suddenly changed, all of them staring at Chu Bei with rounded eyes, his eyes full of incredible colors.

Universe Venerable, what kind of concept is this?

The landlord of Gan Wu Cosmo State is this realm!

That is an advanced Cosmos State! Supreme Existence!

If they heard this, they would definitely snort disdainfully, but it happened that they came from the mouth of their monarch, so the truthfulness would be quite high.

"Universe Venerable?"

In the hall, a crowd of Stellar Level onlookers looked at each other in blank dismay, with confusion in their eyes. Obviously they are this realm for the universe Venerable There is no concept yet.

Babata looked at Chu Bei with his head held up in a daze, motionless, like a wooden person.

When he first met Chu Bei, he knew that the other party was not simple, especially after the other party made several moves, he became more determined that the other party is the same powerful existence as the previous owner.

But he would never think that the other party would be a universe Venerable!

His former owner can compete with the Black Dragon Mountain Lord in terms of strength, but in the eyes of Venerable like Gan Wu Universe Country Lord, that is no different from ants.

As for Luo Feng, he felt that all around everyone looked towards Chu Bei that strange and worshipful gaze, and his mood was inexplicably comfortable.

After all, he is Chu Bei’s Direct Disciple!

"Universe Venerable? Maybe."

As for the Lord of Black Dragon Mountain, Chu Bei is just laughed.

According to the correspondence between the cultivation system of the swallowing sky plane and the Perfect World cultivation system, the World God level equivalent to Evading Oneness Realm, and the Black Dragon Mountain master with Marquis Immortal is equivalent to Sixth Stage Supreme.

As for the so-called universe Venerable, it is equivalent to Supreme Great Perfection.

Now, without relying on the power of Xiaohei and All Heavens Departmental Store, his own strength is the 17th Peak, and he is also equivalent to Supreme Great Perfection, which is only one step away from True Immortal. foot.

"Fellow Daoist, do we need to do anything for you on the unowned planet you bought?"

From Chu Bei's words, after confirming the guess, Black Dragon The attitude of the Mountain Lord towards Chu Bei is obviously becoming more respectful.

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