"Who is that person! Good terrifying!"

In the virtual universe, the sudden and strong voice made the space tremble, making soul tremble, and some people had doubts on their faces .

"Gan Wu Universe Country Lord! The most powerful existence!"

In countless Subsidiary Countries including the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, all cultivators immediately moved towards respectfully and excitedly The giant knelt down.

They didn't expect, this time they could actually see the legendary existence, and they established Gan Wu Cosmo State, possessing an existence that people can't imagine the divide ability-the leader of Gan Wu Cosmo State.

"Fellow Daoist, you should know the lord of our Cosmos State?" The lord of the Black Dragon Mountain empire looked towards Chu Bei, and his face also showed respect to the lord of Gan Wu.

"This seat is here for the first time." Chu Bei shook the head with a calm expression.

"Little fellows, regarding the pre-selection of Gan Wu Cosmo State, first 100 worlds will be divided into the virtual universe. Each world will be divided into 200 million participants. The 200 million people will be Fight each other in the same world, kill others to earn points. The more you kill, the more points you have. When the time expires, if the points are ranked in the top 1000 in the world, it will be eliminated through the pre-selection. Each world is selected. 1,000 people, 100 worlds, and a total of 100,000 people."

Gan Wu Universe Country Lord’s powerful and majestic voice once again resounded in everyone’s ears: "At the same time, every world No. 1 in the points, no need to go to the next elimination game, you can directly win 100 of the top 1,000 places. As for the remaining 900 places, others will compete in a battle."

Half After a quarter of an hour.

The great hall of Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

"Master, dísciple is allocated to district seven." Luo Feng said.

"It's almost time, get ready to prepare." Chu Bei nodded motioned.

hong long!

Shortly after Luo Feng entered the virtual Universe World, a thrilling bang announced the genius battle of Human Race Peak, and all the Cosmos States were at the same moment. The pre-selection begins!

As a grand event for the entire human race, from the Venerable existence such as Gan Wu Universe Country Lord to the ordinary citizens of the universe who can enter the virtual universe network, all of them are very concerned.

Of course, every Powerhouse and citizen of Cosmos State pays more attention to the pre-selection of their own Cosmos State.


Virtual universe, Gan Wu universe continent, seventh world zone.

Luo Feng is looking at everything all around. This is no different from the real world, except that there is an arm guard screen on his wrist with densely packed text on the screen.

Participants: Luo Feng

Own empire: Black Dragon Mountain Empire

Points: 1

Own faction: All Heavens Store

World zone: Seventh world zone

Point rules: Kill a player to get all his points. The initial point for each participant is 1 point.

Points ranking: 189566602

hong long!

Suddenly, there was a loud noise not far from Luo Feng.

Looking through the sound, I saw two lights and shadows intertwined, fighting in midair.

"Did you kill it so soon?"

Luo Feng muttered to himself, but the voice fell in his mouth, and a streak of divine light swept over from the west.

This is a burly robust man whose whole body is made of force battle clothes to form a Battle Armor, helmet, and combat boots, each holding an axe in both hands.

"I ran into it, I can only say that your luck is really bad! I hope that next time, your luck will be better."

The robust man moved towards Luo Feng grinned With a smile, the words of contempt fell, and his body dashed forward, and the axe in his left hand drew an arc, tearing the air directly towards Luo Feng.

"You are not qualified to say such things to me."

Luo Feng sneered, right hand squeezed a fist, a little black glow appeared on the surface of his fist, and greeted him in a simple and neat manner. .


Just when Luo Feng's fist touched the sharp axe in the robust man's hand, the axe ka beng uttered, twisting and breaking.

"This...how is this possible..."

Looking at the twisted axe in his hand, the burly robust man has his mouth wide open, and his eyes are filled with disbelief and consternation.

However, he hadn't finished what he wanted to say, and the fist wrapped in black glow hit his head.

next moment, pu' sound, burly robust man The whole person was sucked into the black glow fist and disappeared.

At this time, the arm guard screen on Luo Feng's arm vibrated, and the information on the screen changed.

Participants: Luo Feng

Own empire: Black Dragon Mountain Empire

Points: 2

Own faction: All Heavens Store

World area: seventh world area

Points ranking: 111111602


Black Dragon Mountain Empire, main hall .

Chu Bei and the Lord of Black Dragon Mountain sat in the great hall, sipping tea while watching the scene in the seventh world area.

In the past few minutes, Luo Feng met three more people, but the battle ended in an instant.

Moreover, the third person's points have reached 3.

As a result, Luo Feng's points directly became 7, and the ranking also successfully entered the 1,000th place, ranking 947th.

"Unexpectedly, within a few minutes of the opening, Luo Feng is already within a thousand names. If you continue at this speed, there is hope for a hundred or ten."

Black Dragon Mountain The country lord burst into laughter, and he didn't even want to pay attention to other Black Dragon Mountain geniuses, and put his mind on Luo Feng's body.

Chu Bei's expression has not changed at all, it seems that this result is normal in his opinion.

This Peak genius battle is just a self-tempering against Luo Feng.


Gan Wu Cosmo State, Imperial Capital star.

On a gorgeous cosmic spaceship, there is a group of young men and women eating food with wine glasses and watching the seventh world area virtual through the outside scene.

"Haha, have you seen it? The top ten are all directly under the Star Region of our Cosmos State!"

A man with a height of three meters in a luxurious robe is holding a wine glass Said loudly with a smile: "Chen Yu, your Pengyu Empire's achievements are also good. There are three of your empires in the top 100."

"His Royal Highness Xie Shizi praised, although we are not directly under the Star Region, But it is also ranked in the top ten among the affiliated empires." A man with a braid and a strange jade stone inlaid on his forehead smiled.

"Look, there are even Black Dragon Mountain Empire among the 100!" At this moment, a short-haired girl exclaimed, with an incredible voice in her voice.

"Fuck, really! What is the origin of that named Luo Feng!"

The man in the luxurious robes also noticed the existence of Luo Feng, and then looked towards his side One of the red-clothed men: "Liu Long, aren’t you Young Marquis from Black Dragon Mountain? Tell us about it!"

"Actually, I was quite shocked. I didn’t expect him to be so powerful. As for what I know about him, I know very little. But he has a Master, and even my Royal Father is very kind to him." The red-clothed man named Liulong replied.

"Anyway, this Luo Feng gives you a face to the Black Dragon Mountain empire."

"Yes, the performance of your Black Dragon Mountain empire in the past was not eye-catching at all. Ah!"

"But in my opinion, that Luo Feng is about to end."

A group of young men and women teased the red-clothed man.

As time goes by, the weaker ones have been eliminated one after another, and the ones who survived have 10 points less.

Gradually, the battle has become more intense!

Those who are ranked a thousand or so away are still running towards this goal.

As for the top 100, they all rushed for the first place.

After all, this first place means that you can directly skip the next elimination link and directly enter the finals of all universes.

It also symbolizes a kind of glory, the glory won for one's power and empire!

"Senior, your discipline's ability seems to be a little bit incomprehensible."

With the conversation with Chu Bei, the owner of Black Dragon Mountain feels that Chu Bei is deep and unmeasurable. , The gradually nickname changed from Fellow Daoist to senior.

It was less than an hour before the end of the preliminary round. In this process, Luo Feng beheaded all the way, no matter how powerful opponents he encountered, he would solve the battle in one minute.

All of this stems from the terrifying divine ability released from his body. No matter how powerful the opponent's spells are, it is just one method, swallow, swallow, swallow!

As of now, Luo Feng's name has successfully appeared on the top ten list in the seventh world district.

To be precise, after killing the last person, he jumped to the ninth place.

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