"Look there, Delevingne's name has disappeared from the front page of the list!"

"My God, was he killed by someone!"

"No, he didn't die, he just ranked 11th! He was squeezed out of the top ten!"

"It's a guy named Luo Feng!"

"Heavens! He actually came from the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, a subsidiary empire!"

"Crazy! Top ten, this is never before!"



The name of Luo Feng successfully broke the curse of the top ten geniuses directly under the Star Region.

Of course, at this brief moment, Luo Feng completely entered the sight of everyone.

Gan Wu Cosmo State, Imperial Capital star.

"Liu Long, this time your Black Dragon Mountain Empire showed up because of this Luo Feng!" On the spaceship, Chen Yu of the Peng Yu Empire said with some envy.

"But then again, this force called All Heavens Store, is it the Number One Influence of your Black Dragon Mountain Empire?" The short-haired girl pointed to Luo Feng who was flying in the picture and looked at Liu Long Asked.

"Don't hide it from you, if it weren't for him, I don't know that our empire still has such a power."

For the short-haired girl's question, Liu Long smiled and his expression was a little embarrassed. .

"What? You haven't heard of it before!"

When Liu Long was heard, a group of young men and women twitched their mouths.

Since Chu Bei announced the ownership of Earth in the Black Dragon Mountain Star Region projection, coupled with the words of the Lord of Black Dragon Mountain, the empire immediately sent people to complete everything between Earth and the vast universe. Contact, which includes the entry of the virtual universe.

The Union Headquarters Building.

"Have you seen it? Luo Feng has already made the top ten in Sector 7 world!"

"It's really the Direct Disciple of Horde leader! I believe you can't do it anymore. How long will more people know the name of Earth, after all, Luo Feng came out of us."

"When I reach Stellar Level, I must join the Peak genius battle, even if it’s just a game. Stepping stone."

"Yes, I don’t care about the results, but the focus is on participation!"


Hong, Raytheon and a group of high-level alliance leaders discussed fiercely with expressions. excitement.

"Xu Xin, why did you say that the horde leader only saw Luo Feng? Is my innate talent that many worse than Luo Feng?"

The third high school in Yi'an District, on the campus avenue, Wei Wen looked towards Xu Xin beside him, with envy in his words: "This is only a few days ago, he has entered Stellar Level, representing All Heavens Store in the entire universe. ."

"Yes, the gap between us and him is getting bigger and bigger."

Xu Xin muttered to herself, not knowing what was thinking in her head: "Let's go. , Go to the All Heavens Store to buy some treasures, hurry up on cultivation."


Virtual universe, Gan Wu universe continent, seventh world zone.

On the silent and bloody desolate desert, Luo Feng alone stands silently.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed something and looked up towards the east, his eyes condensed.

I saw an azure light flying fast like lightning, and then quickly slowed down, revealing its silhouette.

This is a green-haired youth with an azure wheel-like weapon on its feet, and its edges are as sharp as a blade.

"You are Luo Feng? The only one who broke into the top ten is not directly under the Star Region?"

The green-haired youth is looking at Luo Feng, his eyes flashing with strange rays of light , Faintly excited.

"Kill you, get your points, and I can surpass the Baigui guy and become the first place."

The green-haired youth continued to talk while licking After licking his lips, his eyes became fierce, bloodthirsty.

"People who thought the same way as you before are already out."

Luo Feng looked at the green-haired man jokingly, with a smile on his mouth and no fear in his expression. .

Of course, he also has the same ideas as the opponent, after all, the opponent's current points are ranked second.

As long as you kill the opponent to get points, he can be firmly seated on the first throne.

At the same time, the outside world has been paying attention to the cultivator in the seventh world district. When they saw the scene of Luo Feng and the green-haired man, they instantly boiled.

"Look! Luo Feng and Ola are up!"

"haha! One ninth and second, there is a good show this time!"

"You said, who will win the two of them?"

"Nonsense, it must be Ola! He has a dazzling aura since he was born, even if he is directly under our control The Star Region is also the monstruous talent genius of the cream of the crop."

"Luo Feng is not simple. These days it is just gods block then kill gods if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas Ah, like a lunatic."

"Tut tut, anyway, no matter who wins, Hyakki won't be able to keep the first place."


Not only the people who have been following Sector 7, but even those who were paying attention to other districts, have heard the movement and cast their eyes.

After all, in previous knock-out competitions, the fight between the top ten is almost impossible unless one of them is sure to kill the opponent.

Gan Wu Cosmo State, on a spaceship.

"Liulong, your Black Dragon Mountain empire is really unfortunate. Finally, a Luo Feng came out. He broke into the top ten but met Ola. He was destined to stop here. It's a pity." Youth shook the head sitting in the first seat let out a sigh.

"His Royal Highness, maybe this is the life of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, haha." A group of boys and girls taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

"I can only blame him for the idea."

Liu Long took a long breath, his expression a little sad and lonely.

Black Dragon Mountain Empire, main hall.

"Senior, I have heard of this Ola, it is an enchanting character directly under Ola Clan in the Star Region. Not long ago I also heard that he skipped grades to kill a Universe Level deed."


The Lord of Black Dragon Mountain looked at the scene in the projection, his face was a little difficult to look, and his eyes were helpless.

"Don't worry, this discipline of this seat is farther than you think." Chu Bei smiled at the corner of his mouth, but he taught Luo Feng a lot of secrets about swallowing fruits.

As of now, none of the opponents Luo Feng has encountered can force him to use secret skills.

Along the way, what he used was just carrying the simplest straight punch that's all with Devouring Power.

Although Chu Bei behaved calmly enough and full of confidence in Luo Feng, but the black dragon mountain lord on the side, the worry on his face has not diminished in the slightest. It all stems from this green-haired youth called Aola. The brilliance on the body is too dazzling.


Virtual universe, seventh world zone.

xiū xiū xiū!

On the desolate desert, there are several silhouettes running across from time to time.

Perhaps it was because Ola was too famous, or the appearance of the dark horse Luo Feng became the focus. In short, when these silhouettes recognized the two, they stopped flying and hovered in the distance to watch.

With the passage of time, this area centered on Luo Feng and Aola quickly swarmed all around with theatergoers, many of whom were among the top 100.

"It's really interesting. If they both sides suffer, it will be fine."

"Haha, I think the same as you."

Someone laughed.

Hearing the sound of all around, the green-haired youth named Ola swept across the crowd of onlookers in the distance, and a killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"Before you start, let's solve these noisy people. I don't want to be taken advantage of by them after the battle."

Sen Leng's voice fell. , Ola's whole person seems to be a knife condensed with baleful aura.

"Do you think I will be weak after the battle?"

Luo Feng said with a smile, but his tone barely fell, and his tone changed suddenly: "But these The guys who watched the show are all points, you can really kill them first."

"When you kill them, you will feel my terrifying firsthand!"

Pull coldly snorted, and look towards all around the onlookers.

The voices of Luo Feng and Ola echoed and spread, and the audience in the distance suddenly trembled with fright.

However, before they can react, the silhouettes of Luo Feng and Aura have arrived, and the speed is fast to the extreme.


After the first two were killed by Luo Feng and Ola respectively, a group of watchers came back to his senses from panic.

"Flee, run away!"

"Naola and Luo Feng, this is to kill us first!"

"Already killed Come here!"

After reacting, one after another silhouette flew crazy towards all directions, looking very panicked.

Since Luo Feng and Ola started the killing, less than one minute, only the two of them were left in this desolate area.

"Finally quiet!"

After Ola looked at the empty all around, his eyes returned to Luo Feng.

As soon as Aola's voice fell, his body directly burst out with dazzling golden light, a large amount of golden light formed a golden air current, and quickly rushed to the opposite Luo Feng.

Faced with Ola's attack, Luo Feng did not evade. Just like the previous battle, his right hand clenched his fist with a layer of black glow on the surface of his fist, and greeted him.


With a sharp sound, the golden airflow was swallowed by the black glow and disappeared.

"Is this your method? It's weird!"

Ola stared at Chu Bei's right fist, as if feeling the breath of black glow, his brows gradually frowned Up.

Luo Feng ignored the words in Ola's mouth, and his left hand also squeezed into a fist. He deceived him and quickly slid in front of Ola, and then threw both fists.

hong long!

But when the fists were about to hit Aola, there was a low explosion, and Aola left an afterimage directly on the spot.

With this blow, Luo Feng failed with both fists.

"No wonder you can enter the top ten, you really have some strength."

Ola speaks again. He has appeared ten meters away, allowing some vigilance between his eyebrows.

Just now, he felt the terrifying energy contained in Luo Feng's fists at close range, which was a kind of terrifying pulling force.

If he didn't avoid it in time, he intuitively told him that it is better than he has already left this World zone and eliminated.

Luo Feng frowned not far away, his expression became serious.

I have to say that this Aola is much stronger than the ninth rank he has encountered before. Although the realm is the same, the strength is different.

The terrifying speed shown by the other party alone is enough to attract his attention.

"The power of your fists is terrifying, but the speed is not fast. Just avoid your fists."

Ola said his analysis After speaking, its silhouette moved again and moved towards Luo Feng.

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