"Fight again!"

In the battlefield, Luo Feng shouted and fists danced.

hong long long!

Amid the crackling sound, Ola was extremely flexible and avoided Luo Feng's fists, and moved towards Luo Feng with a fatal attack as soon as he caught the opportunity.

However, Luo Feng can always meet with his fists at dangerous moments, and he forces Ola to retreat.

In the end, there was only a series of air explosions, but in fact, there was no physical contact between the two of them.

In this way, the battle lasted for a quarter of an hour, and Ola backed away, pulling away from Luo Feng.

"You are very strong!"

Ola glanced at Luo Feng approvingly. In fact, he praised Luo Feng for his mysterious Devouring Power on both fists.

Although his speed surpasses the opponent, the gap is not too big, which causes him to often take the lead in launching a fatal blow, but the opponent can quickly block it with fists.

In terms of power alone, the power on the opponent's fist made him jealous, so he had to avoid it.

The repeated process this week made him very depressed and helpless.

"My latest mind-power weapon was originally meant to be used against the ghosts. Didn't expect to use it in advance."

After a while, Ola His eyes condensed, and as the cold voice fell in his mouth, a round Moon Wheel appeared in the two palms of his hand, and the two round Moon Wheels seemed to influence each other and spin crazily.

Clang clang——

In the crisp sound of impact, I saw Ola throwing both hands, and the two round Moon Wheels were spinning around each other, the speed soaring rapidly.

Shoo, hoo!

In the sound of breaking through the air, two round Moon Wheels marked shatter void, and they appeared in front of Luo Feng in an instant.

"A little means."

Luo Feng is frowned, he can feel that the two round Moon Wheels of the other party contain a kind of original avenue.

Just like twin stars in the universe that revolve around each other, they contain strange mysteries.


Luo Feng did not hesitate, and immediately clenched his fists to face the round Moon Wheel that swept first.

However, because the power fluctuations carried by the round Moon Wheel were too terrifying, and the speed was so fast, they directly broke away from the Devouring Power on Luo Feng's fist.

Fortunately, Luo Feng immediately noticed the crisis, and avoided it.

It’s just that after successfully avoiding the first round Moon Wheel, the second round Moon Wheel followed, still swept from a different direction.

Luo Feng didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately stepped back into the void. If he was cut, he would really lose it.

"Look when you can last!"

Not far away, Ola controlled the Double Round Moon Wheel and continuously attacked Luo Feng.

Just watching his expression, the use of the Double Circle Moon Wheel is obviously a great consumption for him.

"Look, Luo Feng has been crushed and beaten, and the situation is very clear!"

"Look at this, then Luo Feng can't last long."

"As I think, the final victory belongs to Aura!"

"As long as Luo Feng is killed, Aura can securely rank first in the Ranking List!"


"Speaking of which, what kind of weapon Aura uses, it's so powerful!"


The outside world, people who have been paying attention to the battlefield situation have sent out one after another. sound.

Gan Wu Cosmo State, inside a luxurious spaceship.

"His Royal Highness, who is the pair of round Moon Wheels?" The short-haired girl looked towards the youth in gorgeous robes, her eyes filled with confusion.

"If I guess it is right, it should be Amplifying Magic." The robe youth said.

"What? This Ola can control Amplifying Magic!"

"Sure enough, from the very beginning, this battle is doomed! Before that, I actually had a This is the illusion that Luo Feng can win."

Hearing the three words Amplifying Magic, a group of boys and girls in the spaceship exclaimed, with surprise on their faces.

Amplifying Magic, contains two source laws of gold and space, and is one of the nine magics of Spirit Reader Master.

For Stellar Level, it is incredible to want to use Amplifying Magic.

Amplifying Magic, the form is divided into Ninth Stage, and the First Layer alone needs to have enough perception of Metal Source Law, and the consciousness is strong to be able to control successfully.

Even a genius like Ola has studied for several years before he was considered the Initial Mastery ten days before the Grand Competition pre-selection.

This realm, even if it only masters First Layer, can almost be said to be invincible.


Black Dragon Mountain Empire, in the main hall.

"Senior, I really didn't expect that this little fellow, Ola, can control Amplifying Magic at Stellar Level. Do you think Luo Feng can reverse the current disadvantage?" Black Dragon Mountain Lord looked towards Chu Bei asked tentatively.

"The little fellow is indeed a little capable, but it's a pity that he found the wrong opponent." Chu Bei smiled indifferently, seemingly not worried that Luo Feng would be out.

"Luo Feng, everything should be over!"

In the battlefield of the seventh world zone, Ola suddenly uttered a shouting loudly, and then slammed her hands together, seemingly exhausted The strength of the whole body.

Next moment, the two round Moon Wheels overlapped together, and a dreamy long sword shrouded the faint golden light.

long long long!

The psychedelic golden sword formed by the overlapping of two round Moon Wheels vibrates, a sharp breath is transmitted from the tip of the sword, directly torn the void, and ripples spread out.


In an instant, the golden sword shot at Luo Feng, because it was too fast, the whole turned into a bright golden rainbow.

Even because it was too dazzling, people who watched the game from the outside world could not clearly see the scene in the field through the screen.

"It is worthy of being Amplifying Magic, only First Layer is terrifying!"

"No, that should already be approaching the second layer form!"

"So, under this sword, Luo Feng will definitely die!"


Just when everyone believed that Luo Feng would die under the golden sword , The latter's body all around began to show a lot of black light spots.

At the same time, Luo Feng's palms of both hands were up and down to make a round shape: "Eight Inch Mirror!"

As Luo Feng's coldly shouted sound fell, his body The black spots around him suddenly poured into the area where his hands overlapped in a circle.

In an instant, the circular area made by Luo Feng's hands formed a black light film, just like a mirror made of photons.


Amidst the buzzing sound, a breathtaking black beam shot out from the mirror, forming a light path towards the golden sword.


The collision between the two caused a loud noise.

After a short stalemate, small cracks began to appear on the body of the bright golden sword.

"Look at it!"

"How come! Ola's Amplifying Magic has cracks!"

"Not only that, it is also distorted !"

"What kind of energy is the black beam!"


The expression of the person who has been following the battlefield situation changed instantly, his eyes Surprise appeared in the light.

However, the discussion of the crowd has not yet subsided, and an even more shocking scene happened.

The black beam seems to be filled with even greater energy, and its terrifying Devouring Power actually distorts the void.

Only hearing a buzzing sound, the Golden long sword, which was originally a slightly distorted golden long sword, was completely submerged in the black beam and disappeared.

After the black beam swallowed the Golden long sword, it did not dissipate, but instantly extended to Aura's body.

Perhaps due to the excessive consumption of spirit strength by Amplifying Magic, Aura looks very weak at this moment, but in the face of the terrifying black beam, he still tried his best to display the fastest movement method.

However, it is unbelievable that the black beam is like a pair of eyes. It actually bends with Ola, and the speed is even faster.

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