
The black beam strikes on Ola's body, causing a loud noise.

Next, Ola let out a scream, his whole body twisted and disappeared into the black beam.

"Damn! I'm not reconciled!"

In Gan Wu Cosmo State's Ola clan, Ola woke up from reality and fiercely punched the void , Let out a roar, with a deep unwillingness and regret on his face.

On the other side, the information on the screen of the smart device worn by everyone in the seventh world zone of the virtual universe has changed.

Ola, who originally ranked second in points, disappeared from the top ten list. Baigui, who was originally ranked first, became second. As for the top name, it became Luo Feng.

"What happened! Why did the first place suddenly become Luo Feng? Where did he get so many points all at once!"

"Ola's name is still Disappeared!"

"My God! Shouldn't Aola be killed by Luo Feng?"

"Luo Feng was originally ranked ninth, think about him before Then look at the current points. Isn’t the difference between the points equivalent to Aola’s previous points?"

"It’s crazy! This Luo from the Black Dragon Mountain Empire All Heavens Store Feng has terrifying to this level!"


In the seventh world zone, Stellar who was originally a contestant but did not know that Luo Feng was fighting with Ola After Level cultivator discovered this shocking change, all of them were shocked and dumbfounded.

Gan Wu Cosmo State, inside a luxurious spaceship.

"Even... it turned out to be such a result!"

A man with braids and a strange jade stone inlaid on his forehead stared at the projection screen with a stiff expression.

"This Luo Feng actually defeated Aola who can control Amplifying Magic! It's incredible!" The short-haired girl was shocked and couldn't help putting down the wine glass in her hand.

"Have you noticed the power he used? I have never touched it before!" a long-haired boy said, with surprise in his voice.

"Liu Long, did he learn the Secret Skill of your Black Dragon Mountain Empire? I am very interested in that power. I wonder if you can get it from your Royal Father? There are many benefits. !" As the eldest son of Cosmos State, the man in a Chinese robe looked towards Liu Long beside him and said.

"His Royal Highness, I can tell you for sure that the tyrannical divine ability he used is by no means the Secret Skill of our Black Dragon Mountain empire. If it is like you think, our Black Dragon Mountain empire in previous years It won’t be out of ten thousand names."

Liu Long respectfully moved towards the man in Huapao and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand: "In my opinion, this should be the same as the All he belongs to. Heavens Store is about."

The man in Huapao glanced at Liu Long, half-closed his eyes nodded: "Go back and learn about this All Heavens Store, and then tell me the relevant information. If it can really help me You must be rewarded for the Qi Method he practiced."

"His Royal Highness, rest assured, I will try my best."

Liu dragon's mouth is smiling, he The reason for the laugh is that Luo Feng defeated Ola, rather than the reward from the man who greedily loves the Chinese robe.

Black Dragon Mountain Empire, in the main hall.

"senior, is this Luo Feng's last move to devour Eight Inch Mirror? It's really amazing!"

The Lord of Black Dragon Mountain didn't hide his excitement at all, and smiled happily .

For countless tens of thousands of years, his Black Dragon Mountain empire finally has a genius to break into the top 100 in a world area of ​​Gan Wu Cosmo State, and he is still on the top of the list of all geniuses directly under the Star Region. You can also directly participate in the real Human Race full Cosmos State Grand Competition.

Looking at Luo Feng in the projection screen, Chu Bei was satisfied and nodded.

Swallow Eight Inch Mirror this move, which he taught to Luo Feng. The principle is to compress the Devouring Power to the extreme to form a beam of light and make a strong blow.

Chu Bei is still very satisfied with the effects previously used in actual combat.

On the other side, in the seventh world area.

"This Aola's points are really impressive."

Luo Feng looked down towards the screen on his wrist. The points on the screen were inexplicably happy.

Participants: Luo Feng

Own empire: Black Dragon Mountain Empire

Points: 20007521

Owned forces: All Heavens Store

World zone: Seventh world zone

Point rules: Kill a player to get all his points. The initial point for each participant is 1 point.

Points ranking: 1

Luo Feng's current points are already 4 million higher than that of Baigui, who originally ranked first.

weng weng!

Fifteen minutes later.

With a roar, the seventh world zone shook violently, and then quickly stood still, and everyone's points were completely frozen.

At this moment, all the knock-out competitions of the Cosmos State primaries are over.

"Little fellows, the pre-selection knock-out competition is now over! Those who successfully enter the next round, I congratulate you."

In a short while, a strong order The trembling sound of Heaven and Earth echoed in the starry sky of Gan Wu universe.

After that, a giant in the Star Sea who makes it impossible to see his face appeared in the sky, and he was the Universe Country Lord.

Hearing the sound, all the cultivators in Subsidiary Country and Star Region immediately moved towards The giant knelt down, with respect on his face.

"Now, the emperor announces the first winners of the Great World districts. They will skip the next race and directly enter the Human Race full Cosmos State Peak race."

The projection of Gan Wu Universe Country Lord appeared in any corner of the Cosmos State, and the body was all around releasing bright rays of light. The thick sound made the space tremble and soul tremble.

"The first world area, the first Arathor, Gan Wu Cosmo State is directly under the Star Region, and Allah Clan."

"The second life area, the first Beta, Gan Wu Cosmo State is directly under the Star Region, Magic Hall."

"The third world area, No. 1 Lucal, Gan Wu Cosmo State is directly under the Star Region, Imperial Family."

" The fourth world district, the first place is Lu Benfeng, Gan Wu Cosmo State is directly under the Star Region, the Imperial Family."


One after another familiar names and influences from Gan Wu Universe Country Lord confided in his mouth, floating in the Cosmos State here.

Behind him, there are several powerful Immortal beings standing respectfully.

Every Immortal also has a divine might that makes one's heart palpitating. Looking at it, there are at least thousands of them.

"The seventh world district, Luo Feng first, Black Dragon Mountain Empire, All Heavens Store."

In the Star Sea, the voice of Gan Wu Universe Country Lord continues to agitate .

"Black Dragon Mountain Empire? How could it be possible! Only a subsidiary empire, occupying the first place in a world area?"

"All Heavens Store? Why this force has never heard of it before I said! There is also this Luo Feng, I have never heard of it before!"

"I can’t think that the Black Dragon Mountain lord actually hides such a trump card. It’s really not a song, amaze the world with a single Brilliant feat!"

"It seems that I have to learn about the Black Dragon Mountain Empire again when I go back, especially this force called All Heavens Store."


Soon, the Powerhouses of the Gan Wu universe were caught up in heated discussions.

Those who have been paying attention to the seventh world area from the very beginning, their expressions have not changed much.

When Luo Feng successfully killed Ola, this result was already doomed.

At the same time, in the main hall of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, the hearty laughter of the Lord of the Black Dragon Mountain reverberated.

"Senior, this time I, Black Dragon Mountain, are really blessed by your master and disciple. Without you, the name Black Dragon Mountain Empire would not have appeared in the mouth of Gan Wu Universe Country Lord. I'm afraid that it will still be forgotten by everyone." After a heartfelt laugh, the lord of Black Dragon Mountain moved towards Chu Bei and hugged cup one fist in the other hand with respect in his eyes.

"The real grand competition hasn't started yet."

Chu Bei moved towards Black Dragon Mountain, the lord nodded gestured, with a smile on his mouth.

After the primaries, Luo Feng continued to enter the killing space for actual combat drills, and those cultivators who did not win the first place in the world zone performed the remaining 900 places out of the 1,000 places. Scramble.


Two days later.

Gan Wu Cosmo State's second round knock-out competition ended, and the remaining 900 places were selected.

"Little fellows, you 1000 people are the best in our Gan Wu Cosmo State selection. You are all qualified to compete on behalf of our Gan Wu Cosmo State and many other Cosmos State geniuses! "

"What you need to know is that this cosmic Peak duel is far more intense than your previous battles!"

"The human race, 1008 Cosmos States, among them Some Cosmos State is larger than our Gan Wu Cosmo State, and there are many more galaxies!"

"The human race genius Peak Warlord will be held tomorrow, while there is still some time. Cultivate and cultivate, and strive to exert the strongest strength on the battlefield! Even if you lose, you will lose beautifully!"

Gan Wu Universe Country Lord wanders from the vast Star Region with a majestic voice and majesty. , Clearly communicated to everyone's ears.


Thousands of Stellar Level cultivators, including Luo Feng, responded loudly.


Another day passed.

Primal Chaos City, this is a city located in the original universe.

For every cosmic Human Race genius Peak battle in the past, each Cosmos State has a certain number of places to watch in Primal Chaos City.

These quotas of Gan Wu Cosmo State are allocated to the empire to which the first place in each world zone belongs, and each empire can only have three quotas.

"senior, this is the first time I have come to Primal Chaos City."

Looking at the visible rules all around naked eye, the black dragon mountain empire has a very excited expression. There is not the calmness that Lord of a Country should have at all.

"My lord, you should know that the universe we live in is the most vast and the most expansive. There are so many races. This vast universe is called the Primitive Universe. Because it is very complete. The universe, so it is very difficult to comprehend the Source Law."

"This initial universe is different. It is in the Initial Phase of the universe's evolution. The law is obvious and it can be easily comprehend. Of course, it is extremely difficult to enter the original universe, and you must be a great contributor."

The Lord of the Black Dragon Mountain hovered beside Chu Bei and told him The difference between the Primitive Universe where their Cosmos State is located and the original universe where Primal Chaos City is located.

Chu Bei faintly glanced at all around in the sky some Chaos Qi Flow occasionally drifting, then glanced at the Black Dragon Mountain lord who was talking excitedly beside him, slightly nod signaled.

Looking around, I saw Heaven and Earth faintly cracked from afar, and even a large number of strange secret patterns flowing on the edge of the cracked space. The pattern floats, just like a loom, weaving Heaven and Earth bigger and bigger.

Obviously, those Universe Space Cracks, which are constantly being repaired, are the operating rules of Universe Source, among which there are various Source Laws.

"I am the No. 166 reception messenger of Primal Chaos City, I don't know who the two are?" At this time, a deep voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a black robed man with azure scales on his head flew down in front of Chu Bei and Black Dragon Mountain, with a professional smile on his face.

"I am the lord of the Black Dragon Mountain empire. I was invited to the Chaos Square to watch the genius Peak battle."

I noticed the breath fluctuation of the envoy before me, the lord of Black Dragon Mountain Unable to take a deep breath, the other party turned out to be a Marquis Immortal who is not weaker than him!

For this reason, the Lord of Black Dragon Mountain did not call himself the emperor, but called myself, this Primal Chaos City is far more terrifying than he thought!

"Two of you, please come with me."

After receiving the envoy moved towards Black Dragon Mountain, the lord made a gesture of please, and took the lead in walking forward.

In the process, the reception messenger also took a look at Chu Bei, and an imperceptible strangeness flashed in his eyes.

With his realm cultivation base of Marquis Immortal, it is really weird that he can't catch this person's breath fluctuation.

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