"The Virtual Universe Company, that is the giant of the entire vast universe! Its status far exceeds the Cosmos State."

Millions of geniuses, even those Universe Country Lords in Chaos Square showed shocked expressions when they heard the words of the azure robe man.

Obviously, they didn't know before that the reward for the first place would be the controller of the next virtual universe company!

This message came too suddenly, making them a little completely unprepared!

To their realm, they all know exactly what it means!

If this number one really falls in their Cosmos State, then in a disguised form, virtual universe companies will be inclined to their Cosmos State!

"Little fellows, listen to the selection rules of this First Stage. Our virtual universe company has prepared more than one million trial spaces for you, one for each person. There is a trial tower in the trial space, the tower There are 7-Layer. Start from the First Layer, and then go through the second level, until you are killed and kicked out of the virtual universe by the creatures in the Trial Tower!"

"In this process, you will Calculate the points based on your scores in the trial space. The top 1,000 advance and the rest are eliminated. Of course, these 1,000 people will be the core member of our virtual universe company absorb regardless of their scores in the next competition."

"As for the top ten, you can directly enter the final 16 finals. A ranking of 11 to 1000 will determine the remaining six places in the next round of battle."

"The first two rounds of the game will be played in this virtual universe. As for the final 16th Finals, in order for you to play your best strength, the battlefield will be changed to the Primal Chaos City of the original universe. Of course, you too Don't worry, Primal Chaos City has enough Powerhouses to ensure your safety."

After listening to the words of the azure robe man, millions of geniuses from 1008 Cosmos State on the square were directly sluggish.

They didn't expect to eliminate more than one million people in just one trial space!

"Do you understand the rules?"

Just when a million geniuses were discussing spiritedly, the azure robe man spoke again, majesty in his majestic voice.


After hearing the sound, the body of a million geniuses was shaken for some reason, and they quickly responded.

"If this is the case, then I announce that this peak war of all-human geniuses has officially begun!"

The azure robe man glanced over millions of geniuses and fell with a smile. , A wave of the right hand.

next moment, just listen to a loud explosion sound, an invisible strange force descends on this circular square.

In an instant, millions of geniuses bloomed with strange rays of light at the same time, and the teleportation disappeared.



Luo Feng appeared on a meteorite, looked towards all around, and there were several tiny stars in the distance.

Up ahead of him, there is a 7-Layer tower floating, which is the trial tower described by the azure robe man. Each trial tower is like a big mountain, with a height of more than ten kilometers and a radius of several kilometers.

trial space.

Luo Feng looked towards his wrist. There was a screen on his wrist, just like the preselection in Gan Wu Cosmo State.

Participants: Luo Feng

Affiliation Cosmos State: Gan Wu Cosmo State

Affiliation Empire: Black Dragon Mountain Empire

Affiliation forces :

Points: 0

Rank: None

The trial space: No. 7520.


1.trial tower can get up to 10,000 points for each floor. The higher the number of floors, the more difficult it is to obtain points. All successes can get up to 70,000 points.

2. Once you die, the trial ends.

3. There are two ways to pass each floor: First, kill all the targets in this layer to get the highest points and be directly transferred to the next layer. Second, if you fail to kill all the targets, but you can persist for an hour alive and not dead, you will still be teleported to the next level, and the number of points you will get is calculated based on the targets you killed.

4. When all the participants in the battle die, the trial is over and the ranking is determined.

During the trial process, the ranking of each participant will change in real time.



After reading the information on the screen, Luo Feng sketched a smile at the corner of his mouth, be eager to have a try.

Especially this point 4, all death trials are over, what does this mean?

In other words, in the eyes of the people who made this trial field, they think it is impossible that someone has finished the 7-Layer trial tower!

After understanding the rules, Luo Feng walked to the trial tower.

Luo Feng just opened the door, and the screen text on his arm changed: [First Layer, ten thousand ominous beast blood-haired mammoth. Every time you kill an ominous beast, you get one point, and you get 10,000 points after you kill them all. 】

Looking at it, the so-called one-story tower is more like a self-contained world, vast and boundless.

This is a dark red land, and the air is full of pungent smell of blood.

hong long long!

As soon as Chu Bei stepped in, there was a rush of hooves and a palpitation roar from the distant land.

After that, I saw densely packed blood-haired mammoths, culled like crazy.

Luo Feng's gaze condensed, looking at the mammoth army coming in, there is no trace of fear on his face.

In the killing space, he once killed an army of 100,000 mammoths, not to mention the 10,000 in front of him.

Along with shouted in a low voice, Luo Feng wrapped his hands in black rays of light, facing the rushing army of mammoths.

At the same time, geniuses from other trial spaces also entered the trial tower and started fighting.

Although there are many of these blood-haired mammoths, they only have the strength of the Planetary Level. Both the strength and the speed are far inferior to these geniuses.

For this, each of them can pass this First Layer.

The difference is that in addition to the 10,000 points that are available, the earlier you pass, the more time reward points you have, and the ranking will be opened up.


Initial universe, Chaos Square.

A group of cosmic Powerhouses carefully watched the projection screen, paying attention to the changes in the ranking of millions of geniuses.

Of course, their focus is still on the top 100 list.

"It is worthy of the Hanhai Cosmos State! This is called Beran, and it immediately rushed to number one."

"It is said that the little fellow of Beran is the younger of Hanhai Cosmos State. The generation is the most Powerhouse, known as Death God, and it is very likely to be the first place in this genius battle."

"The ancient style of Penggu Cosmos State is also as rumored, and the points always follow Burlan. ."

"The third place is the little Prince of Manka Cosmos State, he really has his father’s inheritance!"

"Compared to each other every time The top ten are from those Cosmos States. When will our Cosmos State have such a monster."

"Hanhai, Penggu, Manka, these Cosmos States, in our 1008 Cosmos States In the Cosmos State, the overall strength has always been in the top five, and those country lords are also ranked among the Venerable Peak. They are all half Universe Lords. What is jealous."

"That's true. , I would like to pray that our country will have a genius to enter the top 1000."


The eyes of a group of Powerhouses are on the projection list, discuss spiritedly.

The Universe Country Lords of Hanhai, Peng Gu, and Manka looked at the names on the list with arrogance between their eyebrows.

For the ranking on the list, they seem to have already expected it.

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