trial field 1949.

A black clothed youth, he looks handsome but has no expression on his face. The whole person is like an Iceberg with a blood-colored long sword on his back.

He is in the center of the mammoth army, just dancing casually, there are slices of terrifying wind blades swept away, this is a large-scale attack.

This black clothed youth is Berran of Hanhai Cosmos State, and he is currently at the top of the list.

Trial field No. 2354.

A long haired man wearing a gray cloak, his hands folded while his silhouette flashed.

Whenever the coldly shouted sound in his mouth fell, the ground under his feet would shake violently, and then one after another giant hands of earth formed, and then slapped at the mammoth army.

As the long haired man dropped his giant hands again and again, piles of minced meat were scattered all over the sky, extremely bloody.

The long haired man comes from Penggu Cosmos State. Its name is ancient style. It has understood Wind Element and Earth Law, and ranked second in points.

No. 7456 trial field.

A tall man covered in battle clothes is rampaging across the mammoth army like a bull. Although it seems rude and simple, every explosion will sweep away with terrifying energy waves.

The strong man named Manhu, from Manka Cosmos State, ranks third in points.


In the millions of trial towers, one genius baleful aura rushed into the sky, each displaying the superb Great Divine Ability, killing and killing the army of mammoths.

Looking at it, the Cosmos State that appears on the Top 100 Ranking List is all the most powerful among the 1008 countries.

Among them, the three Cosmos States of Hanhai, Penggu, and Manka even made the list.

"Look! The top ten lists have changed!"


"Gan Wu Cosmo State, Luo Feng?!"

"How is it possible? Since the Peak Genius War was held, this Gan Wu Cosmo State is no longer the top ten, the top 100 have never been Never entered!"

"The competition has just begun, this is only First Layer. I can only say that this is called Luo Feng, the ultimate move is biased towards a wide range!"

... …

"Swallow Meteor Missile!"

In the 7520Trial Tower, Luo Feng rose into the air, his hands staggered into a cross, gathered Devouring Power to form a one-meter diameter Black Sphere.

Along with the sound of his mouth falling, the Black Sphere instantly ejected hundreds of stray bullets. These stray bullets struck the blood-haired mammoth, whose huge body was suddenly twisted, horribly painful. The wailing sound filled the entire first floor of Trial Tower.

It is precisely because of this large-scale meteor missile that Luo Feng directly jumped to sixth place.

"Your Black Dragon Mountain Empire really surprises me!"

Gan Wu Universe Country Lord looked at the conspicuous word Luo Feng on the top ten list and couldn't help but look towards After seeing the Chu Bei and Black Dragon Mountain Lords, there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

Not only Gan Wu Universe Country Lord, but other empire country Lords also have incredible expressions.

Among all Cosmos States, their Gan Wu Cosmo State is at the mid-level. For this reason, they never thought that they could cultivate a monster that could squeeze into the top 100.

But now, this guy named Luo Feng from the Black Dragon Mountain Empire has not only entered the top 100, but has also jumped into the top ten!

"The competition has just begun. This Luo Feng is only in the top ten for the time being."

"That said, the blood-haired mammoth of the First Layer is just the strength of the Planetary Level. Points. The level of ranking is nothing more than to see who kills fast, and it is impossible to determine the final strength of the participants."

"Wait for the Third Layer, Fourth Layer, and even the 5th floor, that is what really opens up points. Place."


In the Gan Wu area, those country lords who are hostile to Black Dragon Mountain lord Liu Mubai made discordant voices, including the Champion Immortal. Sharp edge.


Hearing the belly of behind, Gan Wu Universe Country Lord frowned: "Regardless of whether the game is over or not, even if it is in the top 100 in the process, then It’s also something that our Gan Wu Cosmo State has never had before, let alone the top ten! Shouldn’t this be a lucky thing!"

Faced with the rant of Gan Wu Universe Country Lord, The originally discordant voice disappeared.

"Fellow Daoist, I wonder if you can tell me about the inheritance of your All Heavens Store? I am very interested in your All Heavens Store." Gan Wu Universe Country Lord looked towards Chu Bei, face With a smile on it.

"It has just been established recently, and there is no so-called inheritance. It is just a cultivation method written by the seat." Chu Bei responded calmly.

"That power should be Devouring Power? It's a bit like the innate talent of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast."

Gan Wu Universe Country Lord raised his own doubts: "Could it be that you and Starry Sky Gigantic Beast has ever dealt with?"

"Is it counted as dealing with killing a cub?" Chu Bei looked at Gan Wu Universe Country Lord with a playful look on his face.

"Since you don't want to say it, the emperor won't ask any more."

Gan Wu Universe Country Lord thought Chu Bei was entertaining him, his face was slightly difficult to look like:" I hope you will always be able to surprise the emperor with this discipline."


As time goes by, Buran of the Hanhai Cosmos State is the first to enter the second level. .

Soon, the ancient styles of Penggu Cosmos State and the wild tigers of the wild card Cosmos State entered one after another.

After their three people, other cream of the crop entered one after another, and Luo Feng ranked sixth.

The second level of Trial Tower is misty and misty. Compared with First Layer, it is even more vast.

In the violent gust of wind, the clouds and mist were blown away, and the earth trembles. It is an endless black armor beast, whose strength is far above the mammoth, equivalent to the strength of the star First Rank.

Like First Layer, this second level is still not difficult for millions of geniuses.

For this reason, there is no change in the overall ranking.

The same is true for Third Layer.

However, when it comes to Fourth Layer, the strength of ominous beast has reached the star 8th-Rank.

Faced with such a rare beast Legion, those geniuses who did not have large-scale killer moves were eliminated one after another.

As for the 5th floor of the Trial Tower, the black mist shrouded, and the fingers could not be seen, in the sky there was the sound of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves.

In Darkness, a pair of scarlet red eyes became faintly discernible. It is a strange creature, almost translucent in human form, behind it has two pairs of wings.

Although there are only a hundred of these strange creatures with wings, they are all the strength of the ninth rank peak of stars.

"It's a black bat wing!"

"It seems that the game is about to end."

"This time, if you want to break through, just rely on it Large-scale killer moves are not good!"


On Chaos Square, countless line of sights can see the appearance of the creatures on the 5th floor in the projection, and a flash of surprise flashes in their eyes. .

hong long long!

Amid the loud noise, more and more geniuses entered the 5th floor, but under the fierce attack of the black bat wings, these geniuses were quickly eliminated from the game.

800,000, 500,000, 300,000, 100,000, 50,000...

Only a quarter of an hour has passed, and a genius who can still struggle on the 5th floor There are already less than 10,000 people.

"This Buran is really strong! Since First Layer, it has always maintained the first place!"

"The ancient style of Penggu Cosmos State, the wild card of Cosmos State The same is true for the tiger. He sits second and third."

"This Luo Feng from Gan Wu Cosmo State really makes people to be startled! I thought it would be the 5th floor, but he won’t be able to hold on for long. Unexpectedly, the ranking has risen instead of falling, ranking fourth, and it is already close to the wild tiger!"

"Unexpectedly, we have all gone! This Luo Feng is really a bit strong!"


A crowd of Universe Country Lords looked at the projection, one by one they focused on the name Luo Feng, the biggest dark horse in this genius war!

Gan Wu universe area.

"Good, good, very good!"

Gan Wu Universe Country Lord said three good words in succession, grinning without concealing the grandiose smile, and his expression was very proud .

Up to now, Luo Feng has successfully killed all the black bat wings, passed the 5th floor trial tower, and entered the Sixth Layer.

Judging from the current points, even if Luo Feng can't break through the Sixth Layer, his points have properly entered the top one thousand, or even the top one hundred!

If you can continue to maintain this momentum and break through Sixth Layer, then it will be the top five!

"Senior, this ranking is something I can't even think of!"

Liu Mubai glanced at the ranking of the list, and then looked towards Chu Bei, he was very excited and lost. It's self-control.

The other Universe Country Lords are also in a dumbfounded state, looking at each other with excitement in their eyes.

Although this Luo Feng does not belong to their empire, it represents their entire Cosmos State.

In the Sixth Layer of Trial Tower, there is only one creature, and that is a puppet made of unknown materials. Its strength has reached the Universe Level First Rank!

The appearance of this puppet directly reduced the number of geniuses from 10,000 to less than 1,000.

Of the thousand people who passed, 90% of them did not kill the puppet, but survived for ten minutes in the puppet's hands.

At this time, no one underestimated Luo Feng at all the Powerhouses in Chaos Square, including the Universe Country Lord, and treated him like Burlan, Gufeng, and Wild Tiger. Super enchanting.

Seventh Layer is also the last layer of Trial Tower. It guards a creature of Universe Level 5th-Rank!

Whether it is Buran, Gufeng, or Savage Tiger, when they saw this creature, they couldn't help frowning, their expressions were extremely ugly.

Luo Feng is the same, he immediately fell into a bitter battle.

As for other geniuses who have broken into the Seventh Layer one after another, the small number of people who killed the 6-Layer puppets on their own can barely fight.

As for those geniuses who have only lasted ten minutes, when facing the Universe Level 5th-Rank creatures, they had no power to fight back. They couldn't hold them in just a few rounds and were finally eliminated.

Time passes by every minute and every second.

Ten minutes later.

There are only eight people who have not been eliminated.

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