hong long!

In the battlefield, at the place of collision and fusion, the void bursts, and the terrifying aftermath moved towards the distance.

Amidst the continuous explosion, the sword glow and the black sledgehammer froze in a stalemate.

The former releases terrifying destructive power, trying to directly annihilate the latter; while the latter is a horrible sucking force that is madly devouring the energy in the sword glow.

"Sure enough, Buran couldn't stop that power!"

In the Peng Gu area, Gu Feng muttered to himself while looking at the bright sword glow that was about to be dilapidated in the battlefield.

But just as the ancient voice fell, there was a crisp sound, the sharp sword glow broke, and it was difficult to maintain the shape of the sword, and it sank into the pitch-black sledgehammer.


Seeing this scene, Hanhai Universe Country Lord clenched his fists, his face was ugly.

long long long!

After destroying the fierce sword glow, the black sledgehammer continued to move towards Berlan.

The current scene is just like the wind flow of the previous broken ancient wind.

"This Luo Feng is already so powerful!"

"What kind of trick is he! Can't even hold the Nine Fantasy Real Body displayed by Buran? "

"From the current situation, the champion is Luo Feng from Gan Wu Cosmo State!"


A crowd of people watching Powerhouse Focusing on the pitch black sledgehammer, he couldn't help but talk.

"We are really going to win!"

In the Gan Wu area, many Powerhouses including Liu Mubai and Gan Wu Universe Country Lord showed excitement on their faces.


"Luo Feng, you forced me!"

However, seeing the pitch black sledgehammer is about to hit When Zhong Bolan, the latter suddenly let out an extremely stern and painful wailing.

Shortly after the wailing sound, I saw deep purple blood bead emerging from Bolan's body.

These blood beads floated on the surface of his body regularly, and burned.

Bran's body trembled violently in the burning sound, as if he was suffering from some inhuman pain.

At the same time, purple blood mist began to sprout up and down his whole body, and a lot of magic lines appeared on his originally smooth and white skin.

When Buran stopped wailing, he seemed to have evolved. In addition to the burning flame, he was also covered with a bloody armor.

Apart from this, his dark eyes have also become purple. Just looking at it makes people feel terrified.

Immediately afterwards, Burlan's whole body sounded with friction, and a fierce and violent breath of terror spread.


"This power breath has reached the ninth rank Universe Level!"

"How did he do it!" "


Feel the horrible energy fluctuations released by Burlan, and watch the powerhouses on the battle stage, including the Universe Country Lord and the others. Sudden change.

"The final winner can only be me!!"

Bolan stared at Luo Feng fiercely, as if he had become an ominous beast.

Even his roar turned into a roar from the ancient Great Desolate, resounding in the battlefield. Terrifying sound waves echoed throughout the square, and countless building rubbles that shook broke into pieces.

At this moment, Buran was like a demon, having lost his normal thinking.

Its roar is full of heart-pounding cruelty and tyranny, which seems to be full of endless destruction and killing. The source of the roar represents the most terrifying disaster in the world.

"I know!"

"Magic, this is magic!"

"Millions of years ago, this was already included in Human Race is banned! Where did he learn it from!"

"The current situation is that these bans are not allowed to be used in this race right now."

"Primal Chaos City Lord hasn't spoken until now. Is he acquiescing?"


When a Universe Country Lord saw the changes in Buran, The other Universe Country Lords woke up one after another, and their expressions became more and more shocked.

chi chi chi!

The flame of blood purple gathered on the surface of Berran's fist, and then fiercely blasted the pitch black sledgehammer that flew over.


In the battlefield, the blood and purple flame intertwined fists collided with the jet black sledgehammer.

This time, the pitch black sledgehammer finally changed. It is still devouring frantically, but the energy contained in the blood purple flame is obviously able to exceed the range it can swallow.

Finally, with a blast, the black sledgehammer exploded and turned into countless black glow and returned to Luo Feng's body.

Luo Feng frowned, immediately opened the distance from Buran, his eyes were full of vigilance.

"Luo Feng! What other means do you have!"

Bolan looked at Luo Feng indifferently. Although his face was pale, his breath was obviously stronger and violent. The energy fluctuations make all around the space chi chi rattle.

"Now Berran, I am afraid that he can only be defeated in Immortal!"

"Magic, really is too terrifying! He actually raised his battle strength to the Universe. Level ninth rank !"

"So what! Don’t forget that demonization is included in the forbidden law! The longer the cultivation, the easier it is to lose your sanity and eventually change completely. Become a demon!"


In the stands, a group of Powerhouses watched the battle while talking, and from time to time paid attention to the movement of the Primal Chaos City Lord in the sky.


In the sound of breaking through the air, a long blood rainbow passed by, and Buran shot out.

In an instant, he appeared in front of Luo Feng, and then he blasted out with a punch.

Luo Feng eyes suddenly shrank, as if he was aware of the crisis, he quickly intertwined his hands, evolving a black whirlpool, and greeted him.


Because of the power gap, the black vortex lasted less than three seconds before being punched through by Berran.

Good at this time, Luo Feng has already taken the opportunity to flash to the other side, otherwise, under this fist of Berlan, undying will also be seriously injured.

"Are you only going to dodge now? But don't forget, I am far ahead of you in speed!"

Berlan let out a contemptuous snort, it was cold Looking at Luo Feng coldly, the magic lines on his skin gradually flickered with blood-colored rays of light, looking very strange.

Gradually, the purple flame of the blood outside his body is burning more vigorously, and his breath is rising again.

"The demonized Buran is infinitely close to Immortal!"

"Senior, can't continue fighting anymore! Otherwise, Luo Feng is in danger!"

"Yes! Stop fighting first and see how Primal Chaos City Lord thinks of demonization!"

Perceived that Beran’s breath is weaker and tyrannical in the battlefield, Liu Mubai, Gan Wu Universe Country Lord looked at each other, allowing some worry on his face.

However, when they were about to stop the game temporarily, Chu Bei moved towards they waved their hands to signal them not to rush, calm down and continue watching.

"Senior, Luo Feng, he..."

"Don't worry! He is the dísciple of this seat, how can this seat watch him get hurt? Even the little fellow Demonized, Luo Feng can also deal with it." Chu Bei glanced at Liu Mubai, and spoke lightly.

"Luo Feng, let's end this!"

In the battlefield, Buran's silhouette flashed and appeared above Luo Feng's head for an instant.

Just as its cold low voice fell, the purplish flame of monstrous blood condensed into a fire dragon, opening its huge mouth and snarling towards Luo Feng.

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