"Why Gan Wu Universe Country Lord hasn't shot yet!"

"Is it possible that he will watch Luo Feng, a genius, die?"

"Primal Chaos City Lord seems to have no sign of action! Could it be said that he really acquiesced in Beran's demonization?"

"If this is the case, will it? Too unfair to Luo Feng? Obviously he was about to aspire to the championship, but he was defeated by the demonized Buran!"


Looking at that releases terrifying breath In the fire dragon, a group of Powerhouses on the stands looked towards the direction of Gan Wu area.

But just when they thought Gan Wu Universe Country Lord would make a move, they realized that although the opponent's face was anxious, but his body never moved.

It's as if the teenager named Luo Feng in the field is not their Gan Wu Cosmo State.

"Swallow gigantic beast!"

Facing the huge fire dragon with an Immortal blow that roared above the head, Luo Feng brows tightly knit, followed by Some kind of decision is made.

Immediately, just listening to the shouting loudly in his mouth, he flew out a cloud of black glow between the eyebrows.

Under the control of Luo Feng, this group of black glow expanded dramatically.

In an instant, the cluster of black light turned into a rare beast that was more than two hundred meters long and somewhat similar to a lion.

I saw it was covered with black scales, and the cold glow of the scales made people chill. Apart from this, it also has a pair of wings that are at least three hundred meters wide as if made of steel! And, that seems to be a single horn about to pierce the sky.

Golden marks are wrapped around the black horn, which spreads to the neck, back, and tail.

Looking at it suddenly, the lion-shaped rare beast's body is like a coat of gold and black. The most frightening thing is the pair of dark Golden eyes, like The eye of Heavenly God overlooks everything in the world.

From the appearance of this huge rare beast, it is bound to be associated with words such as brutality and tyranny.

But if he meets his huge eyes, he suddenly realizes that his eyes are somewhat similar to Luo Feng!

"How is it possible!"

"That...isn’t that the Golden Horn lineage in Starry Sky Gigantic Beast!"

Different from the humans on Earth, All the Powerhouses on Chaos Square were experienced and knowledgeable, and they recognized the origin of this gigantic beast at a glance.

"Why did Golden Horned Beast appear here! And it seems to have an extraordinary relationship with that named Luo Feng!" Gradually, the faces of the crowd watching Powerhouse changed.

In the battlefield, the rare beast seemed to be provoked, and a low voice was heard in the mouth, like a deity whispering in this endless Primal Chaos City.


Golden Horned Beast let out a low growl, then confronted the blood purple fire dragon and opened its huge mouth.

hong long!

Amid the loud noise, the sky over the battlefield was dark, and the space around the gigantic beast's mouth became distorted.

This horror of Devouring Power is far beyond the previous pitch-black sledgehammer. It is more like two different degrees of Devouring Power mixed together.

weng weng weng!

Two huge monsters collided.

In an instant, the sky above the battlefield showed the color distribution of the opposing sides.

Half is black, half is blood purple, neither giving way to the other.

The explosive rumbling sound caused by the stalemate has successively caused the collapse of several squares of space.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

As time goes by, when a group of Powerhouses thinks that the two will disappear at the same time, that belongs to the Devouring Power of the gigantic beast Increase again.

Soon, the whole blood purple fire dragon shook frantically, as if it had lost control, and moved towards gigantic beast swarmed, completely swallowed by it.

Pu chi!

At the same time as the blood purple fire dragon was swallowed, Buran who was not far away seemed to be backlashed, and blood spurted out one after another.

In a twinkling of an eye, Buran’s breath was extremely weak and his face was extremely pale.

Luo Feng looked at Buran calmly, without any sympathy on his face, with a wave of his right hand, the huge gigantic beast moved towards Buran suppressed.

"Bold! Hook up with Starry Sky Gigantic Beast, learn the treasures of the opponent's clan, and dare to hurt the emperor dísciple! Act recklessly!"

Seeing the gigantic beast's mouth spray When the black light sphere was about to strike on Berran's body, the Universe Country Lord was full of thick killing intents floating in the chaotic square.


Just as the angry voice of the Universe Country Lord sounded in Chaos Square, the eyes spitting out from the gigantic beast was about to hit the black light sphere of Berran, as if suddenly Suffered like an invisible force, crashed and disappeared.

After that, under countless line of sight, Hanhai Universe Country Lord appeared beside Buran, his cold eyes fixed on Luo Feng's body.

Looking at the Universe Country Lord of Shanghanhai, Luo Feng realized that the situation was not good, and immediately recalled Golden Horned Beast into his body.

"little fellow, what is your relationship with the Starry Sky Gigantic Beast clan! Why do they teach you the Innate Divine Ability! Have you leaked the secrets of our who clan!" Hanhai Universe Country Lord watched. Luo Feng, at the same time a finger pointed, a beam of divine rainbow shot out.

long long long!

Wherever the divine rainbow passed, the void collapsed, as if everything was still.

Although Hanhai Universe Country Lord did not do its best, the energy contained in the divine rainbow is definitely not something Luo Feng can take.

"Hanhai Universe Country Lord actually shot Luo Feng!"

"Could it be that the ability Luo Feng used was really taught by the Starry Sky Gigantic Beast family?"

"But isn't this Luo Feng from Gan Wu Cosmo State's All Heavens Store? is it possible that, this All Heavens Store is also related to Starry Sky Gigantic Beast?"

" Hanhai Universe Country Lord is a Venerable! Even his random blow can easily kill Luo Feng!"


On the battle stage, everyone When Powerhouse saw Hanhai Universe Country Lord attack Luo Feng, his face suddenly changed.

"Han Feng, what reason do you have for a fight between the juniors! Can you not afford to lose!"

At this time, Gan Wu Universe Country Lord Voices filled with deep anger floated over the Chaos Square.

Next moment, I saw it punched out, and a bright fist mark greeted the divine rainbow shot by Hanhai Universe Country Lord.

However, before Gan Wu Universe Country Lord’s fist print hits the divine rainbow, a ray of Darkness rays of light touched the divine rainbow faster.


Black glow collided with divine rainbow.

Almost at the moment of contact, the divine rainbow shot by the Universe Country Lord was swallowed by the black glow.

"Gan Wu Universe Country Lord really made a move!"

"No, it is not Gan Wu Universe Country Lord who blocked the Hanhai Universe Country Lord from attacking! Someone else!"

"What? Who will it be!"

"The breath on that strand of black glow seems to be the same origin as Luo Feng's previous strength, breath have the same origin! Just compared to For the former, the power that Luo Feng used seems too small."


The eyes of countless Powerhouses suddenly focused on the front of Luo Feng. Swallow a ray of black glow attacked by the Universe Country Lord.

After sensing the breath fluctuation carried in the black glow, all faces suddenly showed a look of astonishment.

"Why? The younger one can't beat it, will the old one come out?"

At this time, a playful laugh sounded in Chaos Square, although its voice was not Big, but clear shrouded in everyone's ears.

Immediately afterwards, a youth man wearing a purple robe appeared in front of Luo Feng, with his hands wrapped around his chest, looking at Hanhai Universe Country Lord with a playful look.

"Who is this person! How dare to speak to Hanhai Universe Country Lord like this!"

"He is from Gan Wu Cosmo State! As for the specific identity, I don’t know Now."

"Gan Wu Universe Country Lord hasn't spoken yet, it's his turn to get him."


At this moment, watch the battle stage The eyes of the previous Powerhouses fell on Chu Bei's body, all speculating about his identity.

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