"Fellow Daoist, you have done too much!"

In the bright light group, the voice of Primal Chaos City Lord carrying the anger came out.

"This is the weak are prey to strong! I am stronger than him, so I want to kill him, then kill him."

Chu Bei smiled, Facing the anger of Primal Chaos City Lord, his expression remained unmoved.

"You are too extreme! I will escort you to Jiuxing Prison myself! I will let you out after you think it through!"

As the cold voice sounded, The light that wrapped the Primal Chaos City Lord suddenly burst into a majestic imposing manner, shocking people.

At this moment, the sky above Chaos Square vibrated violently, and all the majestic divine forces in the Powerhouse in the stands were suppressed.

As for those whose cultivation base is still under Universe Level, after feeling the pressure, their bodies trembled uncontrollably, and they couldn't help but want to acknowledge allegiance and bow down.

"Sir City Lord is going to make a move!"

"Is this the breath of the Universe Lord! It's really scary!"

"You said, Will the Lord of All Heavens Store be the opponent of Primal Chaos City Lord?"

"It is impossible! Sir City Lord has lived for hundreds of millions of years, but it is the best Powerhouse of our Human Race! "

"It's just a pity that this All Heavens Store Sect Master is! Such a powerful existence will be imprisoned in Jiuxing Prison."


Perceiving the terrifying power released by the dazzling light group, the faces of the crowd watching the Powerhouse suddenly changed.

On the other hand, Chu Bei, with his hands behind his back, does not seem to feel this terrifying power at all, and he still looks peaceful.

When the Primal Chaos City Lord exerted pressure on him, he used the power of Xiao Hei.

long long long!

The void oscillates. In the rumbling sound, there is energy gushing out of the bright light cluster. It is also interwoven into a huge palm print in the air, but its color is purple.

next moment, in countless stunned eyes, the purple palm prints shattered into the void, and the horizontal shot moved towards Chu Bei's position.

Chu Bei's expression remained unchanged, his eyes condensed, and the black giant palm that wiped out the Universe Country Lord not far away seemed to have been instructed to face the purple palm print.

hong long!

Two extremely large palmprints collided together.

In an instant, an incomparable energy storm swept away, carrying World Destroying Might.

In less than three seconds, the purple giant palm that should have the upper hand in the eyes of everyone was wiped out by the black giant palm with Devouring Power.

After that, the black giant palm appeared in front of the dazzling light group that wrapped the Primal Chaos City Lord, and patted it horizontally.


There was a deep explosion.

The dazzling ball of light exploded, revealing the silhouette that it envelops.

He is aloof and remote, majestic and sacred, still not completely exposed, a little bit of rays of light flowing outside the body, releasing an invincible breath overlooking the ages.

"In front of this seat, you are not qualified to hide your true face!"

At this time, Chu Bei uttered a scream, his voice was loud, as if the emperor was making an order and saying That is the law.

I saw that black giant palm collapsed and turned into a decree, in which a raging black flame burned, and it was attached to the surface of the Primal Chaos City Lord in an instant.

In the next instant, the rays of light outside the Primal Chaos City Lord's body that finally blocked his appearance were swallowed up.

At the same time, Chu Bei releases black rays of light by itself. In the rays of light, there are black threaded fruits hovering and flying, and the breathtaking black glow is scattered, giving people a palpitating sense of direct vision.

At this moment, he is like a fallen Darkness emperor, with Dharma manifestation, divine might surpassing the world, turning everything into Darkness.

"Is this what the Primal Chaos City Lord looks like!"

"After 10,000 years in the original universe, this is the first time I have seen the true face of the Primal Chaos City Lord !"

"How is it possible! What is the origin of the Lord of All Heavens Store! He actually let the Primal Chaos City Lord reveal his true face!"


In an instant, all the eyes of the Powerhouse watching the battle on Chaos Square fell on the Primal Chaos City Lord.

In the battlefield, the Primal Chaos City Lord really appeared. He was a burly and tall man about three meters tall.

He is wearing an extremely complicated and simple dark red battle armour, his feet are on his battle boots, and a scaly tail sticks out from the battle skirt.

When the eyes of the Powerhouses in the square fell on the tall man, they only felt the soul tremble inexplicably.

At first, what they saw was just one silhouette, but then they seemed to see the endless Universe Principle. The magnificent Universe Principle, constantly exuding killing breath, made all the Powerhouse souls completely acknowledge allegiance, without a trace of resistance.

"Where did you come from! Why did I never know you!"

The Primal Chaos City Lord, who wore a dark red battle armour and had a scaly tail, looked at Chu Bei, The cold voice floated in the air again.

His forehead has two fiery-red horns, and there are strange secret lines on his face, which look very vicious. However, his eyes are plain like the vast ocean, like Endless Starry Sky, making people involuntarily peaceful.

"terrifying, too terrifying!"

"Why did I see the Sir City Lord at first glance, it seemed to see the Universe Principle!"

"If so, Universe Lord, it is the law itself!"


A group of Powerhouses stared at the Primal Chaos City Lord who revealed their real body, and their hearts trembled.

Universe Lord, transcends the Venerable realm of the universe, and truly stands in the realm of the most pinnacle group of existence in this vast universe.

"What is the appearance of Sir City Lord......"

"As far as I know, Sir City Lord has three major clones. The clone we see now sits in Primal Chaos City, it is the main killing." When someone was surprised by the appearance of the Primal Chaos City Lord, a Powerhouse said.

"What? Have three major clones! is it possible that they are all in the realm of the Universe Lord!"

A group of Powerhouses were shocked again, and their gazes towards Primal Chaos City Lord became more and more intense. Revered.

"The history of this seat, you are not qualified to intervene."

At this moment, Chu Bei's calm and indifferent words sounded.

Hearing Chu Bei’s words, all around spectators turned their eyes to Chu Bei’s body, and remembered that they were able to see the appearance of the Primal Chaos City Lord because they worshiped the other side. Give.

Thinking of this, all the onlookers became quiet, and a pair of vision kept switching between Chu Bei and Primal Chaos City Lord, and the atmosphere was extremely weird.

As for Primal Chaos City Lord, when he heard Chu Bei's words, his brows frowned and his face became more heavy.

long long long!

Suddenly, all around the Primal Chaos City Lord’s body began to flow with various Source Laws. These laws continued to interweave and spread rapidly, and soon formed and isolated a space, precisely covering Chu Bei. Inside.

next moment, the Primal Chaos City Lord silhouette moved, I saw his shrouded Source Law's right hand sticking out, and it seemed to be slow and heavy moving towards Chu Bei, slapped away, driving the sky The power of terror.


The palm of Primal Chaos City Lord looks only slightly bigger than ordinary people, but it seems to control everything in the world. He splitting heaven and earth apart, Master of Samsara, is horrified Extremely human.

Although his clapping speed is not fast, but at the moment he took the shot, not only the space isolated by him, but the entire primordial universe was suddenly silent.

Even, the Star Sea, which was originally located in the deepest part of the primal universe, was raged by storms and churning waves, suddenly calmed down, as if frozen, like a huge endless mirror.

In his palm, in addition to the circulation of Source Law, there are also Sun and Moon revolves, stars shrouded, Heaven and Earth development, and chaotic evolution.

"Let me see how emboldened you are to look at me like this!"

At the same time, Primal Chaos City Lord was full of majestic voices in the ears of all Powerhouses Sounded from the bank.

"Do you think that the cultivation process has come to an end? It is ridiculous! What you call the Universe Lord is placed in the wider world, and it is also called True Immortal!"

Chu Bei put his hands behind his back, facing the Primal Chaos City Lord, patted a stronger horizontal palm again, his face remained unchanged: "Although True Immortal has already entered the gate of the Powerhouse, it is far from the road of peak cultivation. It’s still far away!"

As the calm voice fell, Chu Bei silhouette moved, and saw him take a step forward and instantly passed the giant palm shot by Primal Chaos City Lord.

In this process, when Chu Bei's body just touched the huge palm print, the palm print carrying the Heavenly Might momentum suddenly disappeared.

To be precise, it was swallowed by the iron bump phantom that appeared strangely behind Chu Bei.

After that, in the eyes of everyone, Chu Bei appeared in front of Primal Chaos City Lord.

I saw his left hand sticking out, and his fingertips stretched out a long black rays of light, which snapped at the neck of Primal Chaos City Lord, and gave him like a chicken. Mention it.

From the point of view of body size, Chu Bei is a circle smaller than Primal Chaos City Lord. Although this scene looks very strange, no one speaks out.

Because everyone who saw this scene was completely shocked in this brief moment, and fell into a sluggish state, which envelops those Universe Country Lords.

They can't believe that the Primal Chaos City Lord who entered the Universe Lord realm will be so easily choked by fate!

weng weng weng!

Primal Chaos City Lord also changed his complexion immediately, but when he wanted to mobilize the Source Law of the entire original universe to fight back, the one who grabbed his neck The black rays of light penetrated directly into his body.

In an instant, its tyrannical breath fluctuation was disintegrated, and the terrifying power it released disappeared, as if it suddenly became an ordinary person.

Primal Chaos City Lord tried to struggle, but suddenly found that there was no divine force in his body that could be mobilized, and those Source Laws could not be mobilized.

At the moment, he couldn't help but think of the previous situation of the Universe Country Lord.

"How...how could it be!"

"Master Primal Chaos City Lord was defeated! Just like the previous Hanhai Universe Country Lord, he was restrained!"

"His Law Source has been swallowed!"

"Even the Innate Divine Ability of the Starry Sky Gigantic Beast clan is impossible to the point where it can instantly suppress the Primal Chaos City Lord!"


"Could it be said that this mysterious person has transcended the Universe Lord and entered a higher level of realm!"

"Do you remember what he said just now? Universe Lord equivalent to True Immortal!"

"What kind of cultivation system is this True Immortal? And the broader world he mentioned, what does that mean!"

… …

Recalling Chu Bei’s previous words, countless watching Powerhouse brows frowned, with confusion in his eyes, he exclaimed.

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