"Isn't even the Primal Chaos City Lord his opponent?"

In the vast sea area, those empires murmured to themselves, their expressions were ugly to the extreme. The gazes that looked towards Chu Bei were filled with thick look of dreading.

When the Hanhai Universe Country Lord was bombarded and killed, they placed their hopes on the Primal Chaos City Lord, hoping that the latter would uphold justice for them.

Can anyone think that even the existence of pinnacle standing in the human race is not an opponent of this unknown person!

"Too strong!"

Looking at Chu Bei in the isolated space, the powerhouses in the Gan Wu area looked like a bolt from the blue sky, with a numb expression.

Especially the empire lord who dared to question Chu Bei first, swallowed subconsciously, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

Fortunately, this powerful existence doesn't bother to put him in the eyes, otherwise he might have disappeared in this world.

The original inhabitants of the original universe held breath cold air one after another, looked at each other, looked at each other in blank dismay.

These Powerhouses are all at a loss, as if thunder and lightning strikes like a clay sculpture and wood sculpture.

They never thought that their beliefs would one day become the prey of wanton slaughter in the hands of others.

"Liu Mubai, you senior, is he really a human being?" Gan Wu Universe Country Lord glanced at Liu Mubai, dumbfounded.

His brain seems to have lost the ability to think. He stood there still like a wood, staring at Chu Bei in the battlefield with his two eyes dumbfounded.

"If it weren't human, the Original Universe would have rejected him."

Liu Mubai responded. He was equally shocked. This senior shocked him time and time again, breaking his conjecture time and time again.

He was very fortunate. Fortunately, the first time he met the other party, he didn't make a move, but chose to make good friends.

"Do you think that with his surpassing Primal Chaos City Lord's strength, he will still be suppressed by the original universe?" Gan Wu Universe Country Lord said again.


Liu Mubai frowned: "In my opinion, senior should not be a killer. Otherwise, with his strength, if Really alien, do you think we will survive until this time?"

"You have reached the realm of the founder of giant axe!"

In the battlefield, Primal Chaos City Lord did not Struggling again, he stared at Chu Bei and said.

"Perhaps." Chu Bei responded calmly.

Primal Chaos City Lord is located in True Immortal Peak, and the creator of giant axe, who is still above Primal Chaos City Lord, should probably also be in Immortal King Realm. It’s just that the specific Immortal King will have to wait until Only after contacting did I know.

"Have you heard what the Primal Chaos City Lord said? This mysterious person can be compared to the creator of the giant axe!"

"My God! It's crazy!"

"The founder of giant axe, that is the most Powerhouse of our Human Race, one of the pinnacles of all races in the universe!"

"By the way, he lived a million Over the years, I have only met the founder once. I don’t know when he will leave the customs again."

"His existence is the fundamental reason why our Human Race always has the status of the Peak ethnic group!"


I heard the Primal Chaos City Lord mention the creator of giant axe, and all the Powerhouses including the Universe Country Lords looked towards Chu Bei with astonishment, Once again climbed to a new level.

"Senior, Sir City Lord and his Protector clan for hundreds of millions of years, please let him go."

Black Dragon Mountain Lord Liu Mubai reacted and thought of the current Primal Chaos The environment the City Lord was in, moved towards Chu Bei quickly and pleaded.

"Who should kill and who should not kill, this seat has its own decision!"

After Chu Bei glanced at Liu Mubai lightly, he looked towards Primal Chaos City Lord : "This seat will not kill you, but you are the first to take action on this seat, so you should be severely punished."

The plain voice came out from Chu Bei's mouth, next moment, peng sound exploded, Primal Chaos The City Lord's body exploded.

Looking at it, Primal Chaos City Lord’s incomparably complex and primitive dark red battle armour was all shattered into pieces, bloodstained all over the body, and the tail of the scaly armour protruding from the battle skirt was broken into several pieces, and blood was flowing. Keep going, horrible to see.

Primal Chaos City Lord breath is disordered, his eyes are staring straight at Chu Bei, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything.

"The universe you know is just a corner of the vast Great World that's all! Have you ever been to the depths of the universe sea?"

Chu Bei's eyes are dark, What he said was not only to the Primal Chaos City Lord, but also to all Powerhouses.

"In the depths of the universe?"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, a group of Universe Country Lords in Chaos Square looked at each other and murmured.

Different from the Primitive Universe, the universe sea danger lurks on every side, even if it is stronger than their side universe Venerable, it will fall at any time in the universe sea.

The deeper the universe, the more dangerous it becomes. There are even more rumors. Millions of years ago, even the most powerful powerhouse of a race fell there.

"Are you from the depths of the universe?"

Compared with other Powerhouses, Primal Chaos City Lord clearly understands the horror of the universe.

It is precisely because he knows so much that his expression is even more stunned.

"Sir City Lord, it’s not good, there is Foreign Race Invasion!"

Rather than waiting for Chu Bei to answer Primal Chaos City Lord’s question, a Warrior wearing blue armor He flew from a distance and quickly landed on the Chaos Square, with a look of urgency and anxiety on his face.

"What? Foreign Race Invasion!"

"Bold! I even violated our Human Race, do you want to live!"

"Say, yes Which foreign race!"


Hearing the words of the Warrior, the faces of the Universe Country Lords changed.

I don't know how many epochs have passed. I have never heard of aliens daring to invade Human Race.

"Starry Sky Gigantic Beast lineage! The leader of the team is Golden Horn!"

The blue armor Warrior immediately responded: "The Heavenly River Star system of Penglai Cosmos State has been completely destroyed Now."

"What! The Starry Sky Gigantic Beast clan!"

At this time, all the Universe Country Lords frowned.

If it's other small races, they don't need any scruples at all, but this Starry Sky Gigantic Beast lineage is one of the Peak races in the vast universe just like their Human Race.

"Does the Lord of Golden Horn want to fight us humans? Why does he attack us humans!" A Universe Country Lord asked.

They all know about the Lord of Golden Horn, which is the most powerful powerhouse of Golden Horn lineage, and its status is the same as that of the equivalent to Primal Chaos City Lord in Human Race.

"He wants us to hand over the person who killed the young heirs of his clan! He also threatened that when they hand over that person, when will they stop killing!"

Having said that, blue armor Warrior looked towards Primal Chaos City Lord: "Sir City Lord, but we don’t even know who he is looking for! Please call the shots!"

"First Go take a look."

Primal Chaos City Lord's gaze condensed, and then as both hands danced, Source Law, which belongs to the original universe above it, immediately poured into his body, quickly repairing his injuries.

Next, I saw him take a step forward, and his silhouette disappeared.


A group of Universe Country Lords and other Powerhouses glanced at each other and immediately made a decision, leaving the original universe almost at the same time, moving towards Penglai Cosmos State .

Chu Bei took Luo Feng follow closely from behind, with a little smile on his mouth.

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