Penglai Cosmos State, Heavenly River Star Department.

In the starry sky, a huge monster that is more than 10,000 meters long and resembles a lion lies across the Star River.

It is covered with black scales, and the cold glow of the scales makes people chill. Apart from this, it also has a pair of wings that are at least 30,000 meters wide, as if made of steel.

If you say that the most eye-catching thing is the Golden Horn, which is about to pierce the sky above its head, there are ten!

Each Golden Horn is shrouded with shining Golden rays of light, extending to the neck, back, and tail.

Looking at it suddenly, its whole body is like a layer of golden and black armor. The most frightening thing is the pair of dark Golden eyes, just like Heavenly God. Eyes, overlooking everything in the world!


A cold and tyrannical roar came from his mouth, making the starry sky tremble.

"Damn! Is the lord of Golden Horn crazy!"

"Will it destroy our Cosmos State!"

"Don't worry, already Someone went to the Original Universe to invite the Lord of the Kingdom! Even if it is the Lord of Golden Horn, if you dare to attack and kill our Human Race like this, there will be no good results!"


The countless Powerhouses in the Penglai Cosmos State looked at the huge monster that wanted to destroy and kill humans with fear and hatred in their eyes.

chi chi chi!

At this moment, there are several Champion Immortal surrounding the lord of Golden Horn, and they have made the strongest attacks one after another, strikes the lord of Golden Horn.

However, in the sound of the explosion, the rays of light of various terrifying attacks dissipated, and the scales of the Lord of Golden Horn were not damaged in the slightest.

"Those adults are Champion Immortal! The strongest wave of existence in our Cosmos State!"

"These adults can't hurt it in their joint attacks, Even the outer scales did not break open a little bit."

"Maybe only the Lord of the country can deal with him!"

"The Lord of Golden Horn is One of the pioneers of the Starry Sky Gigantic Beast clan, it is also the most powerful Powerhouse of Golden Horn lineage! As far as I know, its realm has surpassed the Venerable realm where the lord of the country is located. I am afraid that even the lord of the country is not its opponent. Ah."


Looking at the unharmed Golden Horn master in the distance, the faces of the Powerhouses in Penglai Cosmos State are extremely ugly.

"A group of Human Race ants!"

In the starry sky, the Lord of Golden Horn glanced at the Champion Immortal Powerhouse all around with disdain, and his mouth was coldly snorted, like a god whispering Reverberating in this galaxy.

As Qi Sen coldly shouted down, the huge sharp claw of the lord of Golden Horn swept past, several fierce rays of light shot out, and appeared in front of the Champion Immortal Powerhouse. .


A crowd of Champion Immortal waved their hands quickly to block, but the attack of the Lord of Golden Horn was obviously not what they could resist, they were directly cut into several pieces, and blood spurted.

"My lord, they... are dead!"

Just as the powerhouse in the distance made a panic sound, the lord of Golden Horn opened his mouth.

long long long!

With the loud roar, the stars all around the lord of Golden Horn gradually dimmed, as if they had been drawn into light.

After that, the entire Heavenly River Star system began to twist, one star after another quickly shrank, flying towards its huge mouth, until it was swallowed.

"No, our home is gone!"

"What is it looking for!"

Penglai Cosmos State, a bunch of Powerhouse face deathly pale, looking at the distorted and disappearing Heavenly River Star series, the expression of fear is like seeing a ghost during the day.


At this time, there were several roars coming from behind the lord of Golden Horn.

In a blink of an eye, seven huge Golden Horned Beast appeared behind the lord of Golden Horn, also carrying terrifying breath.

"Seven heads appear again!"

"They have nine Golden Horns, which are the symbols of the universe Venerable!"

Looking at the new seven The heads of Golden Horned Beast and Powerhouses of Penglai Cosmos State turned pale.

"When to find that human being, when to stop killing!"

The voice of the lord of Golden Horn is cold, carrying the majestic and terrifying sound wave amplitude and impact to all directions.

"Yes, Old Ancestor!"

The seven-headed Golden Horned Beast with universal Venerable strength moved towards the Lord of Golden Horn and nodded respectfully, they looked towards the distant one. Human Powerhouse, with bloodthirsty in his eyes.

"Golden Horn, you did too much!"

Just as the seven-headed Golden Horned Beast was about to kill the human Powerhouse, a misty voice floated from the stars. .

next moment, the starry sky rippled, and several silhouettes appeared.

"The Lord of the Country is back!"

"Huh? Who is the speaker? Even Lord of the Country is standing behind him!"

"That...that is the Primal Chaos City Lord! The ruler of the original universe, our Human Race is the most Powerhouse apart from the creator of giant axe!"

"What? So he is the Primal Chaos City Lord!"

"Those who follow him behind should be the Venerable of my Human Race! Putting it that way, our grudges can be avenged!"


The gang of Powerhouses that survived the Penglai Cosmos State, after recognizing the Primal Chaos City Lord and other Universe Country Lords, all had excitement on their faces.

"Primal Chaos City Lord, you humans kill my offspring first, don't you allow me to kill some ants to vent my anger!"

The Lord of Golden Horn looked at Primal coldly Chaos City Lord, facing the latter’s anger, there was no fear on his face: "Hand over that person, and I will leave!"

"What evidence do you have that I humans killed you Golden The young heir of Horn lineage?" Primal Chaos City Lord looked at the Lord of Golden Horn blankly.

"Look for yourself!"

The lord of Golden Horn is coldly snorted, throws a crystal ball, and then a picture is projected into the starry sky.

In the picture, it is above an ocean, and a Golden Horned Beast with a head size of only two to three hundred meters is fighting with two Planetary Level humans.

Seeing that it severely injured the two Planetary Level humans preparing to kill them, a man wearing a purple robe appeared.

After that, I saw that he obliterated the Divine Soul of the young Golden Horned Beast with a single finger, and refining its body into a clone.

"Could that purple robed man be the main person that Golden Horn is looking for!"

Penglai Cosmos State, the eyes of all the Powerhouses instantly focused on the purple robed man in the picture On the body, exclaimed.

"It's... it's him!"

"It turns out that the person in the mouth of the Lord of Golden Horn is the Lord of All Heavens Store!"

"Can you return Remember, the lord of All Heavens Store once said that he killed a Starry Sky Gigantic Beast. Didn’t expect to refer to this young Golden Horned Beast! The lord of Golden Horn came for this!"


Different from the Powerhouse of Penglai Cosmos State, after a group of Universe Country Lords recognized the purple robed man in the picture, their expressions suddenly startled and their pupils shrank suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the simultaneously looks of these Universe Country Lords were directed at Chu Bei, with shock and consternation in their eyes.

Even Primal Chaos City Lord showed a surprised expression, and then seemed to think of something again. When I looked towards the Lord of Golden Horn again, his face had a playful color and at the same time With allow some sympathy.

"My God! Have you seen it? The purple robed man that Golden Horn was looking for was there!"

Following the gazes of the Universe Country Lords, A group of people from Penglai Cosmos State also saw Chu Bei, and their mouths opened suddenly.

"So you are here!"

"It's great, I will look for it again!"

At this time, the Lord of Golden Horn also After discovering the existence of Chu Bei, there was a coldly snorted sound in his mouth.

Afterwards, the Lord of Golden Horn looked towards Primal Chaos City Lord again, and pointed out the sharp claw and pointed at Chu Bei, coldly said: "The person I am looking for is him. Give him to me. Let it go!"

Hearing the words of the Lord of Golden Horn, Primal Chaos City Lord laughed, and a bunch of Universe Country Lords beside him also showed weird and playful expressions, and their eyes were faint. With allow some anticipation.

After all, when they were in Chaos Square, they saw with their own eyes that even the Primal Chaos City Lord was suppressed by this All Heavens Store Sect Master.

Furthermore, according to Primal Chaos City Lord, the strength of the Lord of All Heavens Store has reached the realm where the creator of giant axe is located!

The founder of giant axe, that is known as the most powerful existence in the universe!

The Lord of Golden Horn is indeed very powerful, but after all, it is located in the realm of the Universe Lord, just like the Primal Chaos City Lord.

In front of the most Powerhouse in the universe, it is still far from enough!

"Golden Horn, I won’t bother about the matter between you and him."

Primal Chaos City Lord smiled and looked at the Lord of Golden Horn, shrugged, after speaking with him A bunch of Universe Country Lords are like watching a play, moving towards the distance and flying away.

"Primal Chaos City Lord, you still pay attention to the overall situation! Don't let the entire human race be an enemy of our Starry Sky Gigantic Beast for the sake of a trifling! I promise on behalf of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast, kill This person, this matter has been revealed."

The Lord of Golden Horn didn't seem to care about Primal Chaos City Lord's playful expression, but instead glanced at him approvingly.

"The so-called heirs in your mouth appear in Earth, and open your mouth is tens of thousands of lives. It kills humans so indiscriminately, don’t you allow me to kill it?"

Chu Bei took a step forward, with his hands behind his back, a peaceful expression, and looked at the lord of Golden Horn jokingly.

The calm state seems to not put the Lord of Golden Horn in his eyes at all.

"The population of your human race is absolutely 100 million, and our Starry Sky Gigantic Beast is no more than tens of millions. Even more how, the human realm that was killed is the highest but Planetary Level, and their lives can be Golden Horned. Beast lineage mention on equal terms?" The Lord of Golden Horn issued coldly snorted, with contempt in his words.

Hearing the words of the Lord of Golden Horn, everyone including the Primal Chaos City Lord and the Universe Country Lord couldn't help being frowned, and his face was extremely heavy and ugly.

"It is useless to say more to a dead person!"

"Kill you, and then inform the entire universe, let all their races know that we Starry Sky Gigantic Beast lineage have revenge , Even if the opponent is the Peak group!"

"At that time, who would dare not put my Starry Sky Gigantic Beast lineage in my eyes!"

Sen Leng's voice When it fell, the lord of Golden Horn roared, and the terrifying sound wave spread far and shook the Boundless Starry Sky.

At the same time, the unusual form above the ten Golden Horns on the top of Golden Horned Beast's head is amazing. There are mysterious laws intertwined, huge phantoms are dancing, and the black river is rushing.

long long long!

next moment, sharp claw, the lord of Golden Horn, photographed, a huge black paw print carrying its Source Law, covering half of the star dome moved towards Chu Bei. The starry sky burst.

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