"Have you noticed it? The mysterious thing in front of the Lord of All Heavens Store also carries Devouring Power in his mouth!"

On Xiao Hei phantom, his face was surprised.

next moment, under countless pairs of astonished eyes, two Darkness forces collided in the battlefield.

In the breathtaking rumbling sound, the two Devouring Power intertwined with each other, releasing the palpitating Darkness.


"Why does that human have my Starry Sky Gigantic Beast clan's Innate Divine Ability!"

"What the hell is going on!"


Feel the terrifying Devouring Power in the mouth of the iron lump phantom, the five Venerable Golden Horned Beasts behind the lord of Golden Horn looked at each other with incredible faces Luster, his eyes were filled with consternation.


The golden horn lord Senhan’s eyes locked on the little black phantom. After feeling the similar but more terrifying Devouring Power, he roared again. .

It's like making some kind of difficult decision, and the expression becomes more and more ferocious.

One after another black blood beads penetrated from its body and burned blazingly outside the scales. Almost at the same time, the Devouring Power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth in its huge mouth climbed to a level again.

"In front of this seat, your so-called Innate Divine Ability is just a joke that's all. What you do is just a needless struggle that's all."

from start to finish, Chu Bei is very calm, even if the current Lord of Golden Horn burns the essence of the original blood, his mood has not fluctuated.

As the calm voice fell, Chu Bei raised his right hand slightly, and a cluster of black light in his palm sank into Xiao Hei phantom's body.

Suddenly, Xiao Hei phantom released a dazzling divine glow, and suddenly appeared in front of the lord of Golden Horn amidst the buzzing sound.

The lord of Golden Horn seems to be aware of the crisis, eyes suddenly shrank, but at this moment, he has already used the Devouring Power to the extreme and has no hole cards.

chi chi!

In an instant, the terrifying black storm swept across all around phantom black, enveloping the lord of Golden Horn.

After a while, when the Darkness storm disappeared and the Universe Country Lords were able to see the scene in the battlefield again, only the iron lump phantom that had expanded several times in size was left.

As for the Lord of Golden Horn, he has disappeared.

"Old Ancestor's breath disappeared!"

"Old Ancestor was swallowed by that iron lump monster!"

"No...impossible ! Devouring All Living Things is our Innate Divine Ability! How could we lose this ability!"

Five Venerable Golden Horned Beast looked at the battlefield looking at each other in blank dismay, they Although it is impossible to believe the result of their Old Ancestor being swallowed, this is the fact.


After came back to his senses from the shock, five Venerable Golden Horned Beast quickly escaped into the void.

However, before they could escape from the Penglai Cosmos State, the iron bumps of unknown origin appeared above their heads.

A Devouring Power that made them hard to resist and could not resist spewed out, dragging them into Darkness in an instant.

Afterwards, under the gaze of countless Powerhouses, the iron lump gushing out of the terrifying Devouring Power flew back into Chu Bei's body from that mouth.

In the battlefield, everything became quiet again. If it weren't for the distorted void and the disappearing galaxy, why didn't it happen?

"Dead! All Golden Horned Beast including the Lord of Golden Horn are dead!"

"My lord is mighty!"

"This is Coming to the end of our Human Race territory!"


all around Powerhouses who watched the game came back to his senses and exclaimed, all with excitement on their faces Excited, the gaze that looked towards Chu Bei became more admired.

A group of Universe Country Lords glanced at Chu Bei and then at each other, each with a strange expression.

"Publish the image of the battle just now throughout the universe to ensure that all races can see it!"

Just as countless Powerhouses exclaimed with excitement, Primal Chaos City Lord spoke, Instructions were given.

Hearing the words of the Primal Chaos City Lord, even if the Universe Country Lords understood each other’s ideas, they were nothing more than relying on the death of the Golden Horn lord to establish the prestige of the Human Race, thereby frightening other races.


In the vast universe, there are Six Great Peak Races and Three Great Super Influences.

These Six Great Peak Races are Human Race, insect race, Machine Race, Monster Race, crystal race and prison race.

The Three Great Super Influences are Ancestral God, Northern Xinjiang Alliance and Starry Sky Gigantic Beast Alliance.

An hour has passed since Chu Bei killed the Lord of Golden Horn.

Hell Sea, this is a remote starry sky and the hometown of one of the prisoners of Six Great Peak Races.

Among the prison clan, the highest status is the Prison Clan Demon Ancestor, a super-level existence that infinitely approaches the most Powerhouse in the universe.

Looking at it, the central area of ​​the starry sky where the prison clan is located has a continuous mountain range, exuding endless chill.

There are countless stairs on each floor mountain range, and they extend to the end of the star dome.

On each step, there is a powerful prisoner creature, and the monstrous breath envelopes the entire vast and majestic mountain range.

This mountain range is Ancestral Mountain of the prison clan.


A silhouette penetrates the void and flies directly towards the top of Ancestral Mountain.

Recognizing the identity of this silhouette, one by one the powerful prison guards on the stairs bowed respectfully.

"Guess why the lion lord came?"

"Anyway, it must be because of the Human Race Powerhouse beheading the lord of Golden Horn."

"I guess so!"

Just as the guards were suspicious, that silhouette appeared in a great hall on the top of the mountain.

"Ba Shi, why are you here?"

A silhouette appears out of thin air on the throne in the center of the great hall. The long scorpion-like sharp tail extends half a great hall. Under the silver head, a pair of red eyes overlook the lion lord below.

"Magic Ancestor, this is the message screen released by Human Race not long ago, please read it for yourself." After speaking, the lion lord crushed a crystal ball in his hand.

In an instant, the scene of Chu Bei beheading the lord of Golden Horn suddenly appeared in the great hall.

"The Lord of Golden Horn was killed!"

"Who is this person!"

After reading the contents of the screen, the Prison Demon Zubrows tightly frowns.

The lion shook the head: "I’m afraid only the Powerhouse of Human Race knows his identity."

"Damn! I can’t think of Human Race during my retreat. Except for the giant axe guy, another powerhouse in the universe has emerged!"

The voice of the Prison Clan Demon's ancestor became low: "In this way, we want to occupy the territory of Human Race, isn't it even more It's impossible!"


Monster Race.

In a piece of Star Sea, there are two huge monsters awakened from their deep sleep, beside them are twelve Monster Race Universe Lords.

These two huge monsters are the two most Powerhouses in Monster Race's universe, namely Earth Demon Ancestor and Dream Demon Ancestor.

"Human Race, insect race, and Machine Race all have the most Powerhouse in the universe, but our Monster Race has you and me. Didn't expect, now there is one more Human Race!" Earth Demon Ancestor spoke in a cold voice.

"If the Primal Chaos City Lord also takes the last step, then Human Race is the three most Powerhouse in the universe!"

Dream Demon Ancestor frowned: "I really want to No way, where did the most powerful powerhouse in the universe that killed the lord of Golden Horn come out."

"Don’t have to worry too much, this guy has just entered the list of the most powerful powerhouses in the universe that’s All, he is not my opponent of two or two."

Speaking of which, Earth Demon Ancestor looked towards the Universe Lord beside him: "Increase the monitoring of Human Race. If anything happens, I will report immediately. Me!"

"Yes, Lord Monster Ancestor!"

Twelve Monster Race Universe Lords answered at the same time.

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