Insect race territory.

A huge purple sphere with a height of trillions of kilometers is suspended in the starry sky. The surface of the sphere has layers of twisted and entwined patterns, like human veins.

xiu xiu!

Star Sea churning, the six streams of light fly into this huge purple sphere.

In the purple sphere, that is a magnificent hall.

After entering the hall, the six insect race empresses covered by a layer of become faintly discernible like transparent gauze, immediately respectfully salute the insect race empress on the throne.

The queen of insect race looked down below, her voice full of endless charm, and slowly said: "Needless to say, I know what you are here for. First, I will try my best to investigate the identity of this person, first the original ancestor, then Giant axe, the creator of the world, now there is another one. The territory of Human Race seems to be a good place!"


Machine Race.

"My Lord Father, what do you think of this message sent by Primal Chaos City Lord?"

Several towering silhouettes made of metal, kneeling down on a huge In front of the black oval sphere, it is very respectful.

"You should ask the guys in Starry Sky Gigantic Beast for this. The death of the Lord of Golden Horn has nothing to do with us. It just surprised me that this Human Race is actually again There is one of the most Powerhouse in the universe!" A powerful idea came out from the black oval sphere.


Throughout the vast universe, not only Peak races such as Monster Race, insect race, and Machine Race, all races are actively discussing the release of Primal Chaos City Lord Of this picture.

While each one was astonished, they were suspicious of Chu Bei's identity.

Human Race, the original universe.

"What's going on outside?" Primal Chaos City Lord looked towards a universe Venerable opened the mouth and said.

"Everything is as you expected."

The universe Venerable looked at Primal Chaos City Lord respectfully: "Now all ethnic groups are talking about the Lord of All Heavens Store. In their opinion, the owner of All Heavens Store is the most powerful powerhouse in the newly-born universe of our Human Race."

"So good!"

I heard the universe Venerable said, Primal Chaos City Lord is satisfied and nodded.

This is the effect he wants, using Chu Bei's strength to frighten other ethnic groups.

As for the selfish calculations of Primal Chaos City Lord, Chu Bei is naturally aware of it, but he doesn't care about that's all.

even more how, this will greatly help him to increase his reputation in the devouring starry sky plane.

Currently, the reputation value displayed on the system panel, whether it is him or All Heavens Store, has exceeded 80, and this value is still rising at a rate visible to naked eye.

The other side.

Starry Sky God Mountain, this country belonging to the Starry Sky Gigantic Beast, is full of sad roars in every corner, continuous.

Swarms of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast hovering above the mountain range, with monstrous killing intents in the roar.

Especially Golden Horned Beast lineage, each eye is filled with bloodshot eyes.

"That damn human actually killed the Golden Horn Old Ancestor!"

"Kill our young children first, and then kill the Golden Horn Old Ancestor, this Human Race doesn't let us go In my eyes!"

"Spin Old Ancestor, you must avenge Golden Horn Old Ancestor!"


In a great hall , Hundreds of Venerable Golden Horned Beasts respectfully looked at the Lord of Annihilation, each with a terrible hatred on their faces.

"The most Powerhouse in the universe! He is not something I can deal with! However, the death of Golden Horn, even if he is the most Powerhouse, will definitely pay the price!"

The lord's face was cold, and Sen Han's voice revealed a terrible killing intent.

The voice fell, his huge body shook, and then disappeared.

When the scene of Chu Bei killing the Lord of Golden Horn spread throughout the universe, Human Race 1008Cosmos State also witnessed this scene through the spread of the picture.

Apart from this, they also witnessed the whole process of the genius Peak battle.

"Very good! Really very good! The champion belongs to our Gan Wu Cosmo State! The status of our Cosmos State will definitely rise in the future!"

"To be more precise, this champion is We belong to the Black Dragon Mountain empire."

"I really didn’t think that this year’s genius Peak Competition champion turned out to be the dark horse Luo Feng who suddenly came out!"

"Think about it now. There is nothing to shock, after all, the Master of Luo Feng is the most powerful powerhouse in our Human Race! Even the Universe Country Lord and even the Primal Chaos City Lord are far from his opponents."

"Speaking of which Yes, even the Lord of Golden Horn of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast was killed by him."

"What do you think of the conditions for recruiting people from the All Heavens Store? I want to join in."



Human Race 1008 Cosmos State is full of hustle and bustle, all of which are fiercely discussing the match between Chu Bei and the genius Peak.

Especially Gan Wu Cosmo State, all the cultivators are excited and shouting with excitement.

Earth, the headquarters of the alliance.

"It won’t be long before Earth will become famous for this genius Peak Battle!"

"It’s really unexpected that Lord Horde leader turned out to be the best Powerhouse in the universe! Now! Think about it, he is really lucky to be the horde leader of our Earth!"

"We must have a good cultivation, we can't discredit the All Heavens Store after we get out of Earth!"


In the alliance building, the leaders of the alliance, Hong, Thor and others looked at the screen of the projection, all with expressions of excitement.

"Xu Xin, Luo Feng, this guy has become the first genius of all mankind! And we still can't fly away from Earth, how long will it take for us to break into the universe?"

On the campus trail of the third high school in Yi'an District, Wei Wen looks up to sky and heave a deep sigh.

"Didn't you say the horde leader, even if it is the worst aptitude, it will be three years at most. That day, it will not be far away." Xu Xin clenched his fists and looked firm.

"Dad and mom, have you seen it? Brother, he became the champion of the peak battle of cosmic geniuses!" In a simple room, Luo Hua pointed at the TV and exclaimed.

"This must be our family's accumulated virtue in the past life, so that Luo Feng can become the dísciple of the horde leader!" Gong Xinlan's eyes fixed on Chu Bei's body on the TV screen, very respectful.


In the next period of time, from time to time, the Universe Country Lord and even those super-level existences who have been closed all year round come to visit Chu Bei, and even There is also the existence of the Universe Lord.

"All universe Venerable, Universe Lord, come to Primal Chaos City!"

In Gan Wu Cosmo State, Chu Bei, Luo Feng, Liu Mubai and the others are accepting Gan Warm hospitality from Wu Universe Country Lord.

At this moment, Gan Wu Universe Country Lord received a letter from Primal Chaos City Lord.

"en? Is there any major event happening!"

Looking at the bloody red letter in the hands of Gan Wu Universe Country Lord, Black Dragon Mountain Country Master Liu Mubai is frowned.

Of all the Cosmos States of Human Race, the red letter represents the most urgent and usually not used. The last time it was used was when Human Race was in full-scale war with the prisoners.

"Senior, do you want to go together?"

Since Chu Bei defeated Primal Chaos City Lord, Gan Wu Universe Country Lord has been extremely respectful to Chu Bei.

Especially after seeing the opponent killed the Lord of Golden Horn, the level of respect has risen to a new level.

"Let's go, check it out." Chu Bei nodded, faintly complied.

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