The original universe, Primal Chaos City.

"You said, what is the so-called Sir City Lord calling us so eagerly?"

"red letter! This must be a major event related to the life and death of our Human Race! "

"No way! The Lord of All Heavens Store just killed the Lord of Golden Horn? How can other races attack us at this point in time?"

" That’s it! Don’t forget, there is also the real Guardian of our Human Race, the creator of giant axe!"

"Yes, unlike the master of All Heavens Store, the creator of giant axe is truly standing tallest in the universe. Powerhouse this realm pinnacle exists!"


In the city, several divine rainbows crossed, and quickly moved towards the Chaos Square in the center of the city and flew away.

In a short while, the sky above Chaos Square was full of people, each with a strong breath, all without being the Venerable of the universe, as well as the Universe Lord who had been closed all year round.

When these Powerhouses met Chu Bei beside Gan Wu Universe Lord, they cup one fist in the other hand one after another, and said hello very politely.

"Primal Chaos City Lord, what is it so that you rushed us over with the red letter?" a Universe Lord who had just left the border asked.

Primal Chaos City Lord glanced at Chu Bei, then glanced all around Powerhouse, took a deep breath and said: "It's about the founder of giant axe."

"He Hasn't he been in retreat all the time? Could it be that he is going out?" There was Universe Lord frowned.


At this moment, a vague silhouette appeared beside the Primal Chaos City Lord. To be precise, this is a wisp of Divine Sense.

"Giant axe founder!"

I could see the vague silhouette clearly, and the Venerable and Universe Lords of the universe suddenly exclaimed, and their faces were full of surprise.

"Everyone, in an opportunity ten thousand years ago, I got a map of the world of Qingfeng. I want to expand the Human Race and make the Human Race rise to the universe. For this reason, I will tell you Speaking of the beginning of retreat, it is actually entering the world of Qingfeng, wanting to find some Supreme treasure to strengthen the strength of Human Race."

The fuzzy silhouette glanced over a bunch of Humans including Primal Chaos City Lord. Race Peak Powerhouse sighed: "It's just didn't expect. The map I got is half true half false. Now, I'm in the heart of Qingfeng world and I'm having some trouble."

"Qingfengjie? The rise of the universe?" Luo Feng looked towards Chu Bei, with confusion in his eyes.

Perceiving Luo Feng's gaze, Chu Bei laughed and did not answer, but looked towards Gan Wu Universe Country Lord again.

Gan Wu Universe Country Lord was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood Luo Feng's confusion.

"The universe we live in now is called the Primitive Universe. For the Primitive Universe, birth, evolution, rotation, weakness, and disintegration are a cycle. The so-called disintegration is Primitive Everything in the Universe is annihilated! When the Primitive Universe gives birth to a new race again, it will be a new reincarnation."

"Now, we are in the third reincarnation. Before the beginning Two times within reincarnation, naturally some super powerhouses escaped the destruction of the Primitive Universe and survived. But these two powerhouses that survived within reincarnation are not in our new Primitive Universe, they are all in the universe. "

"Our Human Race belongs to the Peak group in this new Primitive Universe, but if it is placed in the entire universe, there is not much right to speak. Therefore, if we want to gain a foothold in the universe, Our Human Race still has to continue to be strong." Gan Wu Universe Country Lord neither too fast nor too slow said, explaining Luo Feng's confusion.

"The vast universe is boundless, so far no powerhouse in the universe can reach its end. The universe is filled with endless Chaos Qi Flow. In the endless Chaos Qi Flow, Primitive Universe is known The largest celestial body. Of course, in addition to the Primitive Universe, there are other small universes." Gan Wu Universe Country Lord continued.

"Small universe?"

Luo Feng looked at Gan Wu Universe Country Lord and browsed frowned.

"At the realm of the creator of giant axe, they can evolve a world, which is called a small universe. Of course, these small universes created by the most Powerhouse in the universe are less than a billionth of the Primitive Universe. A volume is like the comparison between a drop of water and an endless ocean."

Gan Wu Universe Country Lord glanced at Luo Feng and continued: "The more dangerous the place in the universe, the more opportunities. Among them, the most dangerous place. The three dangerous are the three Danger Lands-Qingfengjie, Liuzhongshan, and Universe Boat."

"Are the three Danger Lands in the universe sea."

After listening to Gan Wu Universe Country Lord, Luo Feng's eyes gleamed, it was a yearning and expectation.

Soon, Luo Feng seemed to think of something, and immediately looked towards Chu Bei: "Master, do you also have a small universe?"

Chu Bei smiled without saying anything, just gave A look in Luo Feng's eyes, let him experience it by himself.

The so-called small universe is just to open up a new world. In terms of his current strength after using the power of Xiao Hei to blessing, it is not difficult.

"giant axe senior, since the map is fake, why don't you come back? The danger of Qingfeng Realm, I think you should know better than us." At this time, a Universe Lord said.

The divine sense shook the head of the creator of giant axe: "I'm unfortunately caught in the dark place of the core area."

"What? The dark place!"


When I heard the words of the creator of giant axe, not only the Universe Lord, but the Venerable of the universe all showed a terrified look.

Although very few of them have entered the Qingfeng world, they still have an understanding of one of the three Danger Lands.

The dark place is the most terrifying area in the core area of ​​Qingfeng Realm!

There is an ancient book record that as long as you fall into a dark place, even the most Powerhouse in the universe can't get out. It is a prison of despair!

"giant axe senior, if you are in a dark place, if insect race, Machine Race, and Monster Race know about it, then we Human Race will usher in a catastrophe?"

There seems to be a Universe Lord, so I finished speaking in his mouth. Other Universe Lords and a group of Venerable complexion have greatly changed, which is very ugly.

"Although for hundreds of millions of years, it has been recorded that the seven most Powerhouses in the universe failed to come out of the dark places, but this number is not too large, and it does not explain much. In the most Powerhouse, I am also at the forefront."

The founder of giant axe swept across the universe Lord, seriously said: "Give me some time, I will definitely be able to leave the dark place. Of course. , During this time, you have to be a little low-key when facing other ethnic groups."



One The Universe Lord and the Universe Venerable successively responded to the soundtrack.

As the leaders of Human Race, they all know the grim situation of Human Race today.

Without the founder of giant axe, their Human Race equivalent to lose the strongest foothold.

"There is not much residual energy in this divine sense, you must remember what I said."

The final voice fell, the fuzzy silhouette made by the creator of giant axe divine sense Gradually fade until it disappears completely.

Looking at the disappearing silhouette, a group of Human Race Peak Powerhouses above Chaos Square looked at each other, filled with anxiety.

That is the dim place of Qingfeng Realm!

What if the founder of giant axe can never come back? Without the Human Race where the founder of giant axe sits, how can you talk about the six Peak races?

It only took a few seconds.

The master of the virtual gold of the second only to Primal Chaos City Lord was horrified, with a vibrato in his words, and said: "Giant axe senior's small universe collapsed!"

"What? The universe collapsed!"

"There is only one case for the collapse of the small universe!"

"What happened to giant axe senior!"

"Could it be that giant axe senior has fallen!"

"How is it possible! His divine sense is still explaining things to us just now! Only a few seconds have passed? No, it must be No!"

"Is there really such a terrifying in the dark place!"


The Lord of Virtual Gold has projected a picture, The small universe in the picture is rapidly disintegrating.

A crowd of Peak Powerhouses watched this scene, and they were all stunned.

Including Primal Chaos City Lord, they were also dumbfounded by this sudden situation.

The founder of giant axe has fallen, this is bad news, it is the bad news of the entire human race!

"No, Lord Giant Axe will definitely be fine." The eyes of a bunch of Universe Venerables are filled with anxiety and panic.

They cannot accept this fact, the founder of giant axe who has been in Human Race for thousands of years has fallen!

"Everyone, hold on first! About the giant axe senior, it must be highly confidential! Don't leak it!" Primal Chaos City Lord calmed down first and gave the order.

Hearing the sound, the rest of the Universe Lord looked at each other, repeatedly nodded.

If the creator of giant axe just fell into a dark place, insect race, Monster Race, and Machine Race may be out of fear. The former can really come out of the dark place, but they may launch an attack; but If the founder of giant axe falls, then these Peak Races will inevitably invade the territory of Human Race and divide it up.

"senior, giant axe has fallen, our Human Race is now only you, the most Powerhouse in the universe. If my Human Race is in crisis, please help me."

Primal Chaos City Lord seemed to have thought of something, his eyes fell on Chu Bei, and he solemnly cup one fist in the other hand bowed.

At this time, other Universe Lords and Universe Venerable Powerhouses also reacted and followed the example of Primal Chaos City Lord cup one fist in the other hand, bowing, with pleading eyes.

"Don't worry."

Chu Bei's gaze swept across the crowd, nodded slightly: "At that time, I won't stand idly by."

With Chu Bei's guarantee, Primal Chaos City Lord and the others took a long breath and their anxious expressions eased.

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