The other side.

In the universe, there is a Star Sea area.

hong long!

With a loud noise, a towering silhouette rushed out of the wall of the universe.

I saw this majestic silhouette with two huge curved silver horns stabbing upwards, with long scarlet hair, a layer of azure scales all over the body, black scales on the chest, and six faces on the face. Under the eyes, there are a pair of very small ears hidden under the seemingly pointed ears.

Kam, a Universe Lord of the Prisoners!

Just as he rushed out of the wall of the universe to continue to his destination, his gaze was instantly attracted by a huge and small universe ahead.

"Isn't this the small universe of the founder of Human Race giant axe? I pass by here every time I go to Qingfeng World, but why does it feel wrong to me this time?"

Cam muttered, allowing some confusion in his eyes, and at the same time quickly moved towards the small universe and flew away.

As the distance narrowed, Cam felt more and more that there was something wrong with this small universe, and when he flew another distance, he seemed to have noticed something, and his expression changed suddenly.

As a Powerhouse that often travels in and out of the universe, Cam has passed through this Star Region several times.

When I passed this small universe of the creator of giant axe before, what I felt was full of majesty and vitality. But now, this small universe has no vitality and no pressure.

Cam kept teleporting, and soon appeared not far from the small universe.


In an instant, Cam's six eyes widened, staring blankly at the huge small universe.

I saw mottled cavities and cracks on the surface of this small universe, and Chaos Qi Flow in the universe was pouring in continuously. Through the void, he was able to see the broken world inside.

"The small universe has collapsed!"

"Giant axe has fallen!"

Quickly, Kam reacted with his mouth wide open, The expression of excitement on his face.

"haha, really good! The original ancestor of Human Race was suppressed by Primitive Universe for a long time, and only the founder of giant axe is what really supports, and now even the founder of giant axe has fallen. Doesn’t it mean that the human race will soon be removed from the Peak race!"

Kam suddenly burst into laughter, but it didn’t take long for him to think of something: "But the lord who killed the Golden Horn The guy seems to be the most Powerhouse in the universe."

"Quick! Follow the instructions of the Primal Chaos City Lord to block all the Star Regions around the giant axe-sama mini-universe! Never let anyone enter!"

At this moment, a bunch of Human Race universe Venerable led by the Universe Lord, teleported one after another towards the shattered giant axe small universe.

Detecting the arrival, Cam put on a sinister smile, and then quietly escaped away.


Prison field.

"Cam, what major event can make you so impatient?"

Cam just descended on the top of the prisoner Ancestral Mountain, with a smile The voice floated out, and then a silhouette appeared beside Cam, who was the lord of the lion.

"A major event about Human Race!" Cam looked at the main path of the lion.

"What you are talking about is about beheading the lord of Golden Horn, Human Race is the newest powerhouse in the universe, right? If so, Lord Mozu already knows it." Lord of Ba Shi Response.

"Of course not! When I see Master Mozu, you will know." The urgent voice fell, and Cam flew into the great hall.

"What's the matter!" The Prison Clan Demon Ancestor was a little impatient.

"Master Mozu, what I am here to talk about is about Human Race giant axe! He has fallen!" Cam hastily said when he noticed the tone of the Mozu.


A phantom flashed, an arm with a silver shell and black muscles on its surface, instantly came to Cam, and grabbed it.

At the same time, two beams of red light projected from the eyes of the Prison Demon Ancestor, directly covering Kam, and eagerly said: "giant axe? You said that the creator of the giant axe of Human Race has fallen! Are you sure? Are you kidding? Even among the most powerful powerhouses in the universe, his strength is almost the strongest!"

Although he is only half-footed into the most powerful powerhouses in the universe, he has never competed with The founders of giant axe have played against each other, but through other information channels, they know the creators of giant axe terrifying.

"Magic ancestor, how dare I lie to you. I saw the surface of the giant axe creator’s small universe with cracks and holes, and the world inside it was collapsing, and the Human Race Powerhouse also sent that piece of Star Region is blocked!"

Kam quickly said: "I know this matter is important, so I dare not hesitate, I will come to report to you immediately!"

"If that's the case, the guy giant axe really seems to have fallen!"

The black muscular arm that pinched Cam, slowly retracted, and then laughed out: "Go and spread the news. , Let all races such as Monster Race, insect race, Machine Race, etc. know as quickly as possible!"


After Kam respectfully complied, he and the lord of the Pakistani lions Disappeared in the great hall together.

Soon, news about the fall of the founder of giant axe spread throughout the universe.

Monster Race.

In a Star Region, two huge monsters are floating side by side on a Star River, beside them are twelve Universe Lords of Monster Race.

These two huge monsters are the two most powerful powerhouses in Monster Race's universe, namely Earth Demon Ancestor and Dream Demon Ancestor.

"This news has been verified, Human Race's giant axe has really fallen!" Earth Demon Ancestor's eyes flashed with red glow, and he couldn't hear the excitement in his voice.

"In less than two days, Human Race has caused a sensation in the entire universe twice in succession! First, the guy who killed the lord of Golden Horn came out of nowhere, and then giant axe fell! "Dream Demon Ancestor said.

"What do you think about this?" Earth Demon Ancestor looked towards Dream Demon Ancestor.

"I’m afraid it’s not just us now. Insect race and Machine Race should also start planning. They will find us soon! After all, even if giant axe falls, Human Race still has a universe. The most Powerhouse! They won't go shopping with Human Race alone." Dream Demon Ancestor said leisurely.

"But then again, giant axe has fallen, and now only the guy who has just entered the rank of the most Powerhouse in the universe guards the Human Race, we don't need any fear at all." Earth Demon Ancestor said.

"Be prepared first and wait for my order to attack Human Race immediately!"

Dream Demon Ancestor glanced over the twelve Monster Race Universe Lords beside him, his voice was cold冽.


Insect race territory.

A huge purple sphere with a height of trillions of kilometers is suspended in the starry sky, and its surface has layers of twisted and entwined patterns, like the veins of human beings.

"Queen, this is true! The giant axe of Human Race has fallen! And it has fallen into the dim place of the core area of ​​Qingfeng Realm!"

A universe with a universe The powerful insect race mother empress kneels in front of the insect race empress on the throne and salutes respectfully.

"Haha, that’s great! Although this Human Race has added a new powerhouse, the most powerful powerhouse in the first-level universe, it has fallen into the most powerful powerhouse in the Peak universe!"

insect race empress He laughed, his voice filled with endless charm: "This day is finally here! The territory of Human Race, the emperor has been coveting it for a long time!"

"Queen, what are we next? "The mother of the insect race said tentatively.

"Human Race is the Peak race after all, only our insect race is afraid we can't swallow it in one bite! The emperor will contact Monster Race and Machine Race." The insect race queen has a cold voice.

The Star Region where Machine Race is located.

"Master Father, giant axe has fallen, this is a great time for us to attack Human Race!"

A majestic silhouette made of metal, kneeling on a huge black ellipse In front of the sphere, it is very respectful.

"Monster Race, insect race, they have been contacting me, this day, finally came!" A powerful idea came from the black oval sphere, with excitement.


With the news of the fall of the founder of giant axe spread across the vast universe, whether it is Peak races such as Monster Race, insect race, Machine Race or other races, Discuss and plan one after another.

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