The starry sky, the mountain top.

There is an independent mountain here, which seems to be a phantom at first glance, but it is real at first glance.

I saw countless gigantic beast carvings on the surface of the peak body, almost containing all races of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast.

At the foot of this independent mountain, there are twelve Starry Sky Gigantic Beast universe Venerable guards, representing the 12 Peak bloodline of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast.

"The Lord of Annihilation!"

The twelve guards moved towards the Lord of Annihilation respectfully salute, and at the same time they automatically let go.

"Xuan Mie pays homage to the ancestor!"

The Lord of Xuan Mie came to the foot of the peak and lowered his head to show respect.

long long long ——

Just as the sound of the Lord of Annihilation fell, there was a burst of rumbling sound from the huge mountain.

next moment, a soft body of imaginary reality slowly appeared, and at the same time a huge head protruded from it. This is a head similar to a dragon's head, except that there are twelve sharp horns on the top of the head.

Twelve sharp horns surround the top of the head like a crown.

"The ancestor, the giant axe of Human Race has fallen in the Qingfeng world! Now there is the owner of All Heavens Store who has just entered the rank of the most Powerhouse in the universe." The Lord of Annihilation said.

"I already know. As for the death of Golden Horn, the owner of All Heavens Store will pay the price."

The ancestor of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast raised his eyelids slightly, his eyes seemed to be Penetrating through everything, taking a look at the Lord of Annihilation, a voice sounded as if from every inch of space: "Assemble all the Universe Lords and Venerables, and prepare to follow me to the territory of Human Race."

——— —

The original universe, Primal Chaos City.

Today's Primal Chaos City has become the true core of the human race, and all the Universe Lords and the Universe Venerable are gathered here.

"Damn it! How did the news of the fall of giant axe senior spread so quickly." A Universe Lord said, his face was very ugly.

"I checked, someone from the prisoner was behind the scenes." Another Universe Lord said.

"It’s useless to discuss these now."

Primal Chaos City Lord’s voice sounded: "Except for Monster Race, insect race, Machine Race, prisoners, who have been coveting me Human In addition to the Peak ethnic group in the Race territory, other ethnic groups may have already begun to stir. This will be the biggest catastrophe in the history of my Human Race!"

"There is also the Starry Sky Gigantic Beast alliance. I will take this opportunity to get rid of my Human Race. Everyone is ready to fight at any time!"

Hearing the words of the Primal Chaos City Lord, the universe Lords looked at each other, their faces There is an anxious look on it.

After that, one by one couldn't help but look towards Chu Bei, who was always calm and composed on the side, and stopped talking.

Monster Race, insect race, Machine Race, Starry Sky Gigantic Beast alliance, all have the most Powerhouse in the universe, especially Monster Race has two of the most Powerhouse in the universe.

In other words, among the invading army this time, there are at least five of the most Powerhouses in the universe, and all of them are the most established Powerhouses.

Their Human Race only relies on the owner of the All Heavens Store who has just stepped into the list of the most Powerhouses, how can they resist these five most Powerhouses in the universe?

When the founder of giant axe was in town, he faced the same problem, but because his strength was already at the Peak level, even if he faced the five most Powerhouses in the universe, he would be able to win at least two of the most Powerhouse Yellows in a deadly battle. Companion on Springs Road.

For this reason, these aliens dare not take risks.

But now, giant axe has fallen, they are sure to kill Chu Bei to carve up the territory of Human Race without falling.

"Senior, if it is true that time, if you can do nothing, don't worry about us."

Primal Chaos City Lord looked towards Chu Bei, sighed a long sigh "Maybe this is the fate of our Human Race."

Chu Bei glanced at the Primal Chaos City Lord, laughed, nodded, and did not say much.

"You all tell the other clansman of the catastrophe that Human Race will face next. They have the right to know." Primal Chaos City Lord glanced across 1008Universe Country Lord and gave instructions.


"Have you heard that? The founder of the giant axe of Human Race died in the world of Qingfeng!"

"True The fake?!"

"His small universe is already broken! Can this be fake?"

"Human Race just added a new one not long ago The most powerful powerhouse in the universe, called the lord of All Heavens Store, has greatly increased its prestige! But in less than a day, the founder of giant axe has fallen?"

"The territory occupied by Human Race is the most in Primitive Universe. In the core Central Region, other Peak races have been coveting them with red eyes, but they have been obsessed with the strength of giant axe, and they have been slow to take any action. Now, the fall of giant axe depends on this newcomer All Heavens, which has just entered the ranks of the most Powerhouse. How does the owner of the Store guard and defend the territory of Human Race?"

"Isn't it, nowadays, insect race, Monster Race, Machine Race, Prison Race, Starry Sky Gigantic Beast, etc., all have actions! moved towards Human Race."

"putting it that way, will a large-scale battle be about to break out soon? This is a big drama, and you can’t miss it. !"


On this day, the Primitive Universe was in great turmoil, and the vast army of countless races moved towards the territory occupied by Human Race.

Of course, most of them are from the theater-going ethnic group.

Because the weak races also know that the division of the Human Race territory will only be related to those Peak races, and if they dare to get involved, they will be immediately exterminated.


At the same time, the territory of Human Race.

With the instructions of the Primal Chaos City Lord, the 1008Cosmos State quickly spread the matter to all human beings.

"What? The founder of our giant axe of Human Race has fallen! What happened!"

"My God! Are other aliens going to attack our Human Race? Listen? As the Lord of the Country means, this situation is very serious!"

"Can the Lord of All Heavens Store block the five most powerful Powerhouses in the universe? Is my Human Race really going to perish!"

"! It will be okay!"


After learning about the fall of giant axe and the attack of alien races, all humans in the universe Soon he fell into a panic.

Earth, the Union Headquarters Building.

In the conference hall, a group of high-level executives started a meeting urgently, all with extremely solemn expressions.

Their mood just experienced the carnival joy of winning the crown from Luo Feng and Chu Bei being the most Powerhouse in the universe, and now they have suddenly fallen to the bottom.

"Look! There is a virtual live projection!"

At this moment, an executive pointed at the huge screen in front of the conference table.

I saw a vast universe in the picture, to be precise, a vast territory in the vast universe.

This huge territory is divided into 1,008 small territories, which are connected to each other by the mysterious Changhong visible by naked eye, like a whole.

And the surface of this whole has a hazy mask, which seems to be isolating this territory from the outside world.

"Is this the site of our Human Race in the universe!"

The leader of the alliance seems to have guessed something, looking at the scene in the screen, his eyes are full of shock.

"Those are..."

At this moment, Hong, Thunder God and the others opened their mouths wide, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

In the screen, a black army is pouring towards the territory of Human Race.

Human territory, primordial star.

"All Universe Lords gather! Ready to fight!"

The majestic voice of the Primal Chaos City Lord floated in the 1008 Cosmos State.

In a blink of an eye, the Ten Six Paths silhouette appeared on the primordial star.

These sixteen people, the cultivation base have all entered the Universe Lord realm, and together represent the highest battle strength of Human Race.

xiū xiū xiū!

After that, a few divine rainbows crossed again, and all the Venerable Powerhouses of the 1008 Cosmos State arrived, located behind the sixteen Universe Lords.

"Finally here!"

"War! Defend the territory of my family to the death!"

"Even if you die, you will never retreat!"


"Yes! Even if we are defeated, we have to bring these alien races! Let them know that our Human Race can't be bullied!"

"If you pull one, you won’t lose, if you drag two, you will still make money. That's it!"


A crowd of Human Race Peak Powerhouses are looking at Xinjiang Foreign Domain that is getting closer and closer, and their faces are fierce, and their eyes rise. Fighting intent, not afraid of life and death.

"Face the enemy!!"

"Defend the territory of my family! I will stand up to the death of my Human Race!"

With Primal Chaos City Lord shouting Loudly, he was the first to fly away from the primordial star.

During this process, his size continued to grow. When it passed through the light film that wrapped the Human Race territory, his size was no smaller than 1008Cosmos State. Any piece of territory in the world.

Immediately afterwards, sixteen Universe Lords and thousands of Universe Venerable also flew away from the primedial star.

The same is true of their size, as large as the stars. In front of them, they are extremely small.

As for Venerable, it has no effect at this level. All they can do is stay in their respective Cosmos State and watch the virtual The picture of the universe projection always pays attention to the direction of the battlefield situation.

Perhaps because the size of Primal Chaos City Lord and the others is large enough, they are located in the vast universe at the moment, and it does not seem so abrupt. Tiny.

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