hong long long ——

In the universe Star Sea, the overwhelming army flocked to the territory of Human Race from all directions, and the entire Primitive Universe was roaring.

An ancient spaceship arrived first, with two huge monsters on its bow, and their behind stood in an orderly manner with nearly a thousand silhouettes.

These two huge monsters are naturally Earth Demon Ancestor and Dream Demon Ancestor, Monster Race’s two most powerful powerhouses in the universe!

Following the spaceship of the Monster Race army, a huge purple sphere with a height of trillions of kilometers flew over, with layers of twisted and entwined patterns on its surface, like a human vein.

In the rumbling sound, thousands of streams of light flew out of the sphere, and the head was six insect race mothers covered with a layer of become faintly discernible like transparent gauze.

As for the powerhouse insect race queen in the universe, the insect race still stays in the purple sphere.

The third thing that comes is a huge black elliptical sphere. Behind him, there are several towering silhouettes made of metal. Each breath is extremely powerful, and the weakest is the universe Venerable. .

The fourth one arrived was a huge mountain. The mountain was surging, and a soft body of virtual reality appeared slowly. At the same time, a huge head protruded from it, which resembled a dragon's head, with feet on top of it. Twelve sharp horns.

This is the ancestor of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast. Behind it, the Universe Lord standing side by side in various branches, especially the Lord of the Golden Horn lineage, is full of monstrous killing intents.

The fifth one came is a terrifying creature with a silver body, a human-like appearance, and a long scorpion-like sharp tail!

This is the demon ancestor of the prison clan, behind him is the prison clan army, you can see the lion lord and Kam.


hong long long!

The loud noise shook the Star Sea, and more and more ethnic groups descended on the territory of Human Race all around.

Especially those Peak races, one by one looked at the territory of Human Race with fiery eyes, and their faces were full of greed.

"Monster Race, Machine Race, insect race, Prison Race, Crystal Race, Northern Border Alliance, Starry Sky Gigantic Beast, these Peak races are here!"

"Human Race is dead!"

"Although there are many races coveting the territory of Human Race, the ones that can really shake Human Race are probably the only Monster Race, insect race, and Machine Race that have the most powerhouse in the universe! Even the demon ancestor of the prison clan is only half a foot into the list of the most Powerhouse."

"It's not just these Peak tribes, but Zaishanke, Shihua Island Lord, Heizhou Founder The most powerful powerhouses in the universe, such as the heroes and the imaginary Demon God, have also come! But they never participate in ethnic wars. They want to come just to join in the fun."


Human Race Territory all around, the weak and small groups rushing to watch the play glanced over the Peak groups and looked towards the loner who hovered alone, discussing spiritedly.

These loners, all of them are born from a special life, and have a long cultivation. They have become the most powerful powerhouse in the universe. They have very ancient origins and powerful strengths.

Even races like Monster Race, Machine Race, and insect race, which have the most Powerhouse in the universe, are unwilling to provoke loner, after all, the latter has nothing to do with it.

"Primal Chaos City Lord, giant axe has fallen, so don’t struggle. Don’t say this king is ruthless, now this king gives you a chance to leave this piece with your Human Race army Territory!"

On the ancient spaceship of Monster Race, Dream Demon Ancestor drifted away with an icy voice with a majestic voice.

Just as the voice of Dream Demon Ancestor fell, the ancient spaceship shook, exuding endless pressure, and all around the starry sky became distorted. The stars in the distance began to tremble even more under such pressure, and the inside changed drastically.

Facing the Heavenly Might pressure of Dream Demon Ancestor, Human Race Universe Lord's face condensed, slightly difficult to look.

As for Thousand Venerable, his body trembled directly, his face became pale, and his breathing became short of breath.

"Human Race territory, inviolable!"

"Death in battle, do not retreat!"


Seventeen Universe Lords including Primal Chaos City Lord shouted at the same time, their eyes swept across the alien army with cold eyes, and they burst out in a tyrannical imposing manner to resist the coercion of Dream Demon Ancestor.

With the resistance of Universe Lords such as Primal Chaos City Lord, Thousand Venerable's expressions suddenly improved.

"Primal Chaos City Lord, don't you see the current situation clearly? Useless struggle will only increase casualties that's all!"

"If you persist in your own wrong Doings, your Human Race will no longer exist!"

The purple sphere where the queen of insect race is located, and the black oval sphere where the father of Machine Race is located, one after another dreary and cold voice came out.

After that, these two huge monsters broke out a terrifying pressure no weaker than Dream Demon Ancestor.

Under the coercion of the three Universe Level Powerhouses, the imposing manner of the 17 Universe Lords of Human Race disappeared.

Peng sound Low muffled sound, Primal Chaos City Lord and the others are like strikes struck by a wave of invisible gravity, their body trembles, and they retreat uncontrollably.

As for those universe Venerable, blood spurts out of the mouth, and the breath is very disordered.

"Giant axe has fallen, what do you Human Race simply can't be considered!" Dream Demon Ancestor sneered, taking a step forward, and the coercion became more and more terrifying.

"Is this the strength of the most Powerhouse in the universe..."

The Venerable face of the universe is deathly pale, staring at Dream Demon Ancestor unwillingly, with extremely painful expressions.

However, just when they felt that Divine Soul was about to dissipate under this pressure, a warm current invaded their bodies.

Under this warm current, the pain of the whole body disappeared in an instant, replaced by the fullness of Essence, Qi, and Spirit, an indescribable sense of comfort.

next moment, the starry sky rippled, and a youth man in a purple robe appeared in front of them.

The purple robed man turned his back to them, with his hands behind him, and chaotic fog surged outside his body. It was these chaotic fog that blocked the combined coercion of the three powerhouses in the three universes for them.

"Senior, you..."

Looking at Chu Bei, who is now shooting, the faces of the Human Race Peak Powerhouse, including Primal Chaos City Lord, are surprised. At the same time Gratitude filled his eyes.

"Who is this human?!"

"With this level of strength, is he the newly promoted Human Race in the universe recently known as the most powerful Powerhouse in the universe!"

"Yes, that's him! The Lord of All Heavens Store!"

"But even if he is there, the Human Race territory is impossible to keep. After all, no matter how strong he is, he is only one person. Yes, the other races have the most Powerhouse in five universes! Even more how, he is just the newest Powerhouse in the universe, let alone five, I’m afraid I can’t beat even one."

"If I am Primal Chaos City Lord will definitely abandon this territory. After all, judging from the current situation, this territory must be unstoppable, so it is better to save your life first, so there may be a chance to turn over in the future."

"Speaking of which is not the pride of these Human Races! I would rather die to guard the territory!"


A crowd of people coming to watch the show After seeing Chu Bei, they showed surprises one after another, and then started talking.

The gazes of the cosmic loners, such as Zuoshanke, Shihua Island Lord, Heizhou Founder, and Demon God, also fell on Chu Bei's body, with curiosity in his eyes, and he looked carefully.

"After taking over as giant axe, is the new Human Race Guardian?"

Dream Demon Ancestor's eyes condensed, a bunch of Divine Consciousness hit Chu Bei, but soon it wrinkled Frowning, his Divine Consciousness was gone forever.

Almost at the same time, the insect race queen in the huge purple sphere and the black ellipsoid Machine Race Father God both played a wisp of Divine Sense, trying to figure out the details of Chu Bei.

"You killed the Golden Horn of my family!"

Suddenly, a cold heavy voice sounded in the starry sky.

next moment, the temperature of all around drops instantly, and a chill fills up.

Immediately afterwards, the head of the ancestor of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast swayed like a dragon's head, and the twelve sharp horns above his head shot out a bunch of golden glow to Chu Bei.

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