long long long!

Twelve beams of golden glow are dazzling, and the starry sky is cut where they pass. They carry Supreme power, and the fierce aftermath that leaks out alone makes a crowd of spectators. His face was aching.

However, it is such a huge twelve beams of golden glow. When Chu Bei is about to hit, the latter appears out of thin air and a layer of chaotic light barrier in front of him.

chi chi chi!

Twelve golden glow strikes on the chaotic light barrier, like ice submerged in the flaming flame, disappeared in a strange sound.

"Sure enough!"

Starry Sky Gigantic Beast ancestor coldly snorted, that huge body turned into a humanoid form, appeared in front of Chu Bei for an instant, and then punched out.

Different from human fists, the fist of the ancestor of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast is covered with black raised scales, and each scale seems to have a star circulating.

Although this fist may seem ordinary, it is actually terrifying matchless.

Even the Peak Universe Lord can't take it, and can only avoid its edge.

Chu Bei did not evade, his gaze swept across the crowd lightly, only to see a bead flying out between the eyebrows, quickly evolving a new world, including Dream Demon Ancestor, Earth Demon in the field Ancestor, insect race empress, machine race father god and even Zuoshanke, Shihua Island Lord, black universe founder, virtual reality Demon God, etc., are all the most powerful powerhouses.

Afterwards, he stuck out his right hand and patted it with a palm to meet the fist of the ancestor of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast.

hong long!

There was another blast.

At the place of collision, the two energies of destroying heaven extinguishing earth are intertwined to form a huge Darkness energy storm.

"Is this a treasure of space or a small universe of the lord of the Human Race All Heavens Store!"

"Even the most Powerhouse match between the two universes did not appear. The slightest crack!"

A group of alien Powerhouses watching the battle looked at the translucent rippling light film in front of them, all shocked, with terrified look all over their faces.

From the current point of view, whether it is Dream Demon Ancestor, Earth Demon Ancestor, insect race queen, or the most powerful powerhouse in other universes, their positions have not changed at all, they are just wrapped in a layer of ripples.

It's just the existence of this layer of ripples, but it seems to have created another world.

Although a group of isolated powerhouses of other alien races can see everything in the Small World, they seem to be separated by an infinite distance, clearly in front of them, but they can’t touch it, and they can’t even feel that it belongs to the universe. The most terrifying breath of battle collision between Powerhouses.

In the battlefield, the ancestor of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast retracted his fist, opened the distance from Chu Bei, and glanced at the rippling light film all around, his face gradually became solemn.

Dream Demon Ancestor and Earth Demon Ancestor, both of the most Powerhouses in the universe, also frowned. The queen of insect race and the father of Machine Race stayed in the sphere. Although they could not be seen, they were still Being able to guess their expressions is no different from Dream Demon Ancestor and the others.

Although the ancestor of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast didn't give his full punch, the master of All Heavens Store was not struggling to take over this fist. It can even be described as peaceful.

They guessed wrong. The Human Race in front of you is not the newest powerhouse in the universe!

This is the conclusion drawn by Dream Demon Ancestor, the ancestor of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast and the others!

"Your Human Race can hide you so deeply! On the surface, apart from the original ancestor suppressed by the Primitive Universe, there is only one creator of giant axe! In fact, there is such a existence as you. !"

The ancestor of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast stared at Chu Bei coldly with a pair of scarlet eyes, besides Ling Yu's killing intent, there was a kind of hesitation.

Previously, in his opinion, the lord of All Heavens Store is just a newly promoted Powerhouse in the universe. Even if it is a deadly battle, he will not die with multiple injuries, and he will be able to cultivate for a period of time.

Through the fight just now, he has judged the opponent's strength, which is not weaker than him at all.

In this case, if the opponent fights to the death, it is very likely that they will be able to pull him down together.

For this reason, he didn't continue to attack, but pulled a distance first.

As for Chu Bei, his expression became calmer.

Through previous fights, he also judged the realm of the ancestor of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast in the Perfect World cultivation system.

In the case of using the power of Xiao Hei only once, his strength is equivalent to Immortal King One Peak, and the power of this Starry Sky Gigantic Beast is slightly stronger than him, and it should be in the Immortal King 2nd layer state.

And in this Immortal King Realm world, every Third Stage has a hurdle.

For this reason, this is the most Powerhouse in the universe that devours the starry sky. Its strength is roughly equivalent to the third stage of the Immortal King Realm.

The so-called Powerhouse of the newest universe refers to the Powerhouse that has just stepped into the Immortal King Realm, and the creator of the giant axe, the Powerhouse of the Peak universe, is the Immortal King Third Stage.

As for the all around layer that covers the most powerful powerhouse in the universe, it is the Small World evolved from the Heavenly Bead obtained in the Tomb of the God plane.

Not to mention the battles below the Immortal King Third Stage, even the battles above the Ninth Stage can withstand it.

"The owner of the Human Race All Heavens Store actually accepted the attack of the ancestor of the Starry Sky Gigantic Beast!"

"Also see the expressions of the Dream Demon Ancestor and Earth Demon clan , This Lord of All Heavens Store is by no means the newest powerhouse in the universe!"

"tut tut, if this is the case, then it will be interesting. If this Lord of All Heavens Store really stays fast Human Race territory, it is very likely that the most Powerhouse in the universe will be buried, but I don’t know which universe is the most Powerhouse will be so unfortunate."


Some alien universes watching the show Lord seemed to have seen something, and each of his faces was playful.

"Primal Chaos City Lord, the Lord of All Heavens Store is stronger than we thought! Do you think he would be willing to desperately protect our Human Race territory?" There is Human Race Universe Lord looked towards Primal Chaos City Lord said.

"Senior is enough to do this for us, no matter what his final choice is, we must be grateful."

Primal Chaos City Lord looks at the battlefield Chu Bei in the middle, with respect in his eyes, faintly said: "After all, we still don’t know where he came from, and we don’t know much about him."

"You have also seen this. You guys are not the newest powerhouse in the universe. Are you going to watch it all the time?"

In the battlefield, the ancestor of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast pointed Chu Bei, and then his gaze swept across Dream Demon Ancestor, Earth Demon Ancestor, the Queen of Insect Race, and Father God of Machine Race are in the sphere, and their voices are cold.

Dream Demon Ancestor was silent for a while, took a step forward, looked towards Chu Bei and said: "It is not easy to cultivation to our realm. We can divide a small area for you."

Obviously, after witnessing that Chu Bei's strength should not be underestimated, Dream Demon Ancestor changed his original idea. He did not want to take a risk.

A counterattack before the death of the most Powerhouse in the veteran universe, even they can't guarantee a smooth escape.

Chu Bei shook the head, said with a smile: "This seat is here, in the territory of Human Race. You can't get an inch."

"You really can't see it. Is the situation?"

Dream Demon Ancestor's expression became heavy immediately upon hearing Chu Bei's words, coldly snorted and said: "Do you really believe that you can take one of us to bury it?"

"What is meant by burial?"

Chu Bei smiled at the corner of his mouth and looked at Dream Demon Ancestor playfully.

"Since you persist in your own wrong doings, there is only one way left to choose!"

The voice fell, and Dream Demon Ancestor looked towards the purple sphere and black ellipse on the side Sphere: "Are you two guys going to hide in there and watch the show? This way, when dividing the territory of Human Race, you won’t have your share!"

When the voice of Dream Demon Ancestor fell, Two laughs came from the two spheres.

next moment, the two spheres vibrate at the same time, lighting up the dazzling rays of light.

After that, the two figures walked out of the sphere separately.

One of the silhouettes is long and slender, draped in a layer of Golden tulle, and wears a purple crown on top of the head, with multiple tentacles faintly visible on both sides of the crown.

The other silhouette is a humanoid creature with metal all over, even his eyes are made of metal.

long long long!

Void roars, Dream Demon Ancestor, Earth Demon Ancestor, Starry Sky Gigantic Beast, ancestor of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast, Insect Race Queen and Machine Race Father God, the five most powerful Powerhouses in the universe. .

In an instant, the five silhouettes each held a position, precisely surrounding Chu Bei in the middle.

After that, the Heavenly Might burst out one by one, which shook the void chi chi in this Small World.

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