long long long!

In the universe, a bunch of Universe Lords teleported at super long distances several times before finally chasing to the far side of the humanoid huge monster that had slowed down.

"God! This...this is a humanoid creature!"

A group of Universe Lords resisted the terrifying roar and tried their best to look. When the outline of this huge monster was clearly seen, eyes Suddenly shrank, terrified look.

"How is it possible..."

The Universe Lords were stunned, and their expressions were a bit sluggish.

They dare not imagine that a huge monster that is larger than a small universe and allows some to be a humanoid creature!

It is important to know that even the most Powerhouse in the universe, trying to make its Divine Physique bigger, is at most as big as the small universe created by itself.

Moreover, maintaining such a body type consumes divine force, let alone maintains it without much divine force fluctuation.

"No, it is absolutely impossible to be a creature, there is no such terrifying Powerhouse!"

"It must be a Rare Item, a Rare Item like Universe Boat. Only Universe Boat is It's a ship, it's just like a human."

After regaining consciousness from the shock, the Universe Lords still didn't want to believe that this behemoth was a creature.

If such a Powerhouse really exists, let alone them, even the most Powerhouse in the universe must be an ant in front of him, right?

"Since it is a Rare Item, let it stop first!"

After a while, a group of Universe Lords looked at each other, and after making an exchange of eyes, they opened them at the same time Secret Skill attacked and blasted towards the humanoid huge monster in the distance.


However, the joint attack strikes of these Universe Lords did not affect this huge monster in the slightest.

"Come again!"

Seeing this, a group of Universe Lords attacked again.

long long long!

Until hundreds of times, the Universe Lord finally chose to give up.

"No, this matter must be reported to the ancestors first!"

The Universe Lords from different small universes hesitated for a moment. While following the huge monster, they used Secret Skill to Sound transmission within the clan.

"The Vortex River is in front! It will pass by the Vortex River!"

As time went on, the faces of the following Universe Lords suddenly changed.

In addition to the three major Danger Lands in the universe, there are many second-class dangerous places, and this Vortex River is one of them.


The vast universe has gone through changes, from vigorous development to extinction, and then to rebirth, repeating itself again and again.

Today's Primitive Universe is the third era of reincarnation.

In the Primitive Universe of the previous two eras, a few of them went to Powerhouse to detach themselves from reincarnation and establish a new mini-universe in the universe.

As the years change, countless Powerhouses have gradually grown in these small universes.

For this reason, in the universe, in addition to the Primitive Universe, there are also many small universes, as well as the Two Great Holy Lands universe.

Zi Yue Holy Land, one of the Two Great Holy Lands universe.

In the vast territory, can be seen everywhere one after another silhouette is flying.

The appearance of these silhouettes is very distinctive. Some have eight sides and twenty-four arms, some have four sides and sixteen arms, some have three sides and eight arms, and the most common one has two arms.

In this Zi Yue Holy Land, the most important ethnic group is the Zi Yue ethnic group, and these distinctive features are all Zi Yue clansman.

But because they have different characteristics, they are divided into four levels. The eight sides and twenty-four arms are the rarest, the bloodline is the purest, and the potential is the greatest.

Of course, this division is only for the weak of the Zi Yue group. Once you become the Universe Lord, there is no hierarchy divided into high and low, after all, they are all super Powerhouses.

"Huh? Isn't that the Lord of Jiufeng? Didn't he look for treasure in the universe? How come back!"

"I have seen the Lord of Jiufeng!"

When a group of Zi Yue clansman who was cultivation saw a silhouette, they immediately bowed and saluted with respect.

The being called the Lord of the Nine Peaks, after looking at a crowd of clansman nodded, he continued moving towards one direction and flew away.

"Nine Peaks, is what you said is true?"

After a long while, in a great hall, a terrifying existence with breath surpassing the Lord of Nine Peaks opened.

"See it with my own eyes!" The Lord of Jiufeng answered.

"In this way, that huge thing will really be a great opportunity!"

The existence that released the most powerhouse horror breath in the universe glanced at Jiufeng’s The Lord said again: "You first take Fenglong, Star River, and Wuhun to take this opportunity! Don’t let other cosmos races get involved! I’m going to report this to the Lord Zi Yue and see if he has He directed, and then arrived immediately."


The master of Jiufeng complied, and he left quickly.


At this moment, not only in the Zi Yue Holy Land universe, those Universe Lords who immediately knew about the humanoid huge monster all informed the small The most Powerhouse in the universe.

After one hour.

"I heard that the universe has a major event! Did you know?"

"It is said that a great opportunity appeared!"

"Yes , That looks like a mysterious universe state with a humanoid shape! Its size is bigger than a small universe! No one knows where it came from."

"But it seems to have been taken by the Zi Yue clan. Occupied!"

"Why? This great opportunity does not belong to their group!"


In the universe, there are big opportunities Powerhouses in the small universe are all talking fiercely about the humanoid huge monster.


Primitive Universe, Human Race territory.

In Primal Chaos City, the Primal Chaos City Lord and a group of Universe Lords respectfully surround Chu Bei.

At this moment, Primal Chaos City Lord is telling Chu Bei about the kind of humanoid huge monster he has learned.

"Senior, what do you think about this?"

The voice fell, and the Primal Chaos City Lord stared at Chu Bei, waiting for instructions from the other party.

"Humanoid Universe Boat? Interesting."

Chu Bei got up from the chair, seeming to think of something, and his face was allowing some playfulness.

"Since you all believe it is a chance, then I will naturally seek a benefit for Human Race." Chu Bei's mouth was smiling.

"Senior, but this opportunity has been taken by the guys from Zi Yue Holy Land. It is rumored that the strength of Zi Yue Holy Lord has surpassed the most terrifying powerhouse in the universe to an unimaginable point." The Universe Lord spoke.

"Do you think this seat will be afraid of the so-called Zi Yue Holy Lord?"

Chu Bei looked towards the Universe Lord who opened his mouth and smiled even more.


The Universe Lord seemed to remember something, and he was speechless.

Although Zi Yue Holy Lord is strong, their Human Race Guardian easily killed the seven most Powerhouses in the universe not long ago!

"Let’s go, let me take a look at this huge monster like a humanoid."

With a smiling voice, Chu Bei all around lit up with a black glow, A group of people including Luo Feng, Primal Chaos City Lord, etc. disappeared immediately following Chu Bei.

"Master, is this the Universe Sea?"

In the blink of an eye, the scene in Luo Feng's sight changed into Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

The previous moment was Primal Chaos City, and this next moment, all around, was hazy.

Sweeping around all around, Chaos Qi Flow is filled with mist-like Chaos Qi Flow. The endless Chaos Qi Flow produces tremendous pressure.

If it weren't for the chaotic rays of light released by Chu Bei, the air pressure in the cosmic ocean alone might be enough to wipe out its Divine Soul.

Looking at the familiar vast universe, the Universe Lords including Primal Chaos City Lord suddenly showed a look of astonishment. Their faces were full of surprise, and the look towards Chu Bei healed. Fat worship.

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