There are two ways to enter the universe from Primitive Universe.

The first method is to enter the space interlayer and then teleport until it reaches the end of the space interlayer, penetrating through the wall of the endless universe. Although the wall of the universe is hard, it can still break and penetrate when the strength reaches the Universe Lord.

As for the second method, it leaves the Primitive Universe through the Toya black hole. This Toya black hole is the strongest black hole in the entire Primitive Universe. The strong tearing and twisting force of the black hole has been destroying the membrane wall. So if you enter the black hole, you can go straight out along the way.

But whether it is the first method or the second method, even the most Powerhouse in the universe requires at least several hours of time! Change to Universe Lord, it will take several days.

Compared with the Primitive Universe, the small universes that are already in the universe are much more convenient. They do not have a so-called space membrane wall.

For this reason, when they saw Chu Bei leading them into the universe instantly from the Primitive Universe, they showed their expressions of astonishment.

These methods of divine ability alone have far surpassed the original ancestors!


At the same time, on the other side.

Due to the arrival of the humanoid huge monster, the originally extremely quiet Vortex River suddenly surged.

Several huge water swirling arms slapped the huge monster, each of them possessed endless power, but none of them could have any influence on the huge monster.

At this moment, in the all around of the huge monster, there are countless densely packed Powerhouses surrounded by three floors and three floors.

The innermost layer is Zi Yue clansman of Zi Yue Holy Land, one by one, they release tyrannical coercion and warn other ethnic groups.

In the universe, countless Powerhouse's eyes are focusing on the huge monster that is still moving slowly.

hong long!

At this moment, the humanoid huge monster suddenly accelerated, and at an extremely terrifying speed, the ruthless impact hit the Vortex River below.

In this brief moment, all around, the water current spiral arm carrying the terrifying power was instantly dissipated by the violent impact, and a large amount of water splashed towards the distance of the universe sea. The starry sky islands that originally floated in the Vortex River were also hit by the super-high-speed impact of this huge monster, like an exploded egg, one after another directly exploded.

"Look! It's completely stopped!"

A group of cosmic Powerhouses exclaimed.

xiū xiū xiū!

At this time, the powerful existences on the periphery began to move towards the humanoid huge monster approaching. The Powerhouses in the field are classified by ethnic groups. Different ethnic groups have huge differences in appearance and are scattered in different directions.

"Give me back!"

With a deep coldly snorted sound, the Zi Yue Powerhouse in the innermost circle released its tyrannical breath, which shocked the others Ethnic group.

"Do you really think Zi Yue Holy Land is the overlord of the universe? This opportunity belongs to the entire universe, not one of you Zi Yue Holy Land!"

Almost at the same time , Another voice full of majesty sounded in the universe, and then an azure robe old man appeared in the sight of the powerhouses.

"That is the ancestor of Tie Mu of the Tie Mu clan!"

"He actually came here!"

"It is rumored that he had a relationship with the Human Race. The ancestor fought for three full years before finally separating out."

"I don’t know if he has surpassed the ranks of the most Powerhouse in the universe and entered the higher realm of illusory!"


Hearing the sound, the eyes of the various ethnic groups focused on the azure robe old man, and after recognizing the origin of the identity of the other party, each face was surprised.

"Brother Tie Mu is right! Could it be that your Zi Yue clan wants to be an enemy of all the clan groups in the universe?"

"Although your Holy Land universe is strong, it can Don't be too arrogant! If you are an enemy of the entire universe, you will definitely not be pleased!"

After the ancestor of Tie Mu, several more silhouettes appeared in the sight of the powerhouses.

"My Heavens! The ancestor of Kui Mu Clan, the ancestor of the Earthquake tribe, the Fire Clan Founder... These are the most powerful Powerhouses in the universe that are hard to be born once in thousands of years, but they are all here! p>"It's so good! With them, you can also put pressure on the Zi Yue clan! Let them know that this universe is not owned by their Zi Yue Holy Land family!"

"Only the more chaotic the situation, The more likely we are to get a share of the pie."

all influence Powerhouse Looking at the Powerhouse that appeared after the first ancestor of Tie Mu, the expressions became more and more shocked.

"Why? Are you Zi Yue clan still not letting go?"

The ancestor of Tie Mu took the lead and stared at Zi Yue Holy Land’s Powerhouse, an extremely terrifying coercion. Tengjiang River poured out.

puff puff puff!

Suddenly, the Powerhouse of the Zi Yue clan turned pale, and vomited blood in his mouth.

"Nine Peaks, what should I do now?"

The Galaxy Lord of the Zi Yue clan, the Lord of the Five Huns looked towards the Lord of the Nine Peaks opened the mouth and said.

"Master Bailing should also be here."

The Lord of Jiufeng glanced at the ancestor of Tie Mu, which browses tightly knit.

"Since you still don't let go, then don't blame me for not giving you Zi Yue Holy Land face!"

The ancestor of Tie Mu is coldly snorted, but he is gaining momentum When preparing to forcibly fly the Powerhouse of Zi Yue Holy Land, a tyrannical existence no less than his emerged in the distance.

"Tie Mu, what is your ability to bully my family junior?"

A voice filled with anger sounded, and then a huge palm print horizontally slapped the ancestor of Tie Mu.

"Lao Bailing, are you going to have a discussion?"

The ancestor of Tie Mu didn't even look at the palm prints from the photo, but directly squeezed out his fist.

hong long!

With a loud noise, the fist and palm collided place, the horrible Source Law exploded. The aftermath of terrifying directly shook all around Powerhouse and flew out.


The other end of the universe.

"senior, that is the direction of Vortex River! It seems that there is the most Powerhouse in the universe fighting!" Universe Lord looked towards Chu Bei said.

"There is the position where the humanoid huge monster is located! The battle must be in that area too!" Primal Chaos City Lord answered.

"I have a good idea in my heart."

Chu Bei said indifferently with a smile, then waved again, and once again disappeared with Primal Chaos City Lord and the others.


Above the Vortex River.

"That's the Old Ancestor of Zi Yue Holy Land!"

"It is reported that its strength is second only to the ancestor of Zi Yue. Like the ancestor of Tie Mu, it is also the peak powerhouse in the Peak universe! "

"Will it be the next Life and Death Battle of the most Powerhouse in the universe? Then, are we safe to stay here?"

"Impossible! To their realm , It is basically impossible to break out of Life and Death Battle, no one wants to fall."


all influence Powerhouse After stabilizing the stability, they started talking.

"I have seen Lord Bailing!"

A group of Zi Yue Holy Land Powerhouses immediately bowed to the white robe silhouette that appeared.

"Lao Bailing, in front of so many ethnic groups, you are it possible that you dare to take this opportunity for yourself?"

Not only Tie Mu The ancestors, the ancestors of Kui Mu Clan, the ancestors of the Zhentian tribe, the Fire Clan Founder, and other most Powerhouses in the universe are all looking at Bailing Old Ancestor coldly.

"Everyone is jesting."

Bailing Old Ancestor glanced across a group of Powerhouses: "Zi Yue's ancestor has confessed that as long as there is a group of the most Powerhouse in the universe, they are eligible. Explore this huge monster."

The Braun Old Ancestor just wandered in the universe with a majestic and majestic voice, and the noise in the field climbed to a higher level.

"What does this mean? If so, won’t it have nothing to do with our race in the end? After all, our race does not have the most Powerhouse in the universe!"

"Yes! There are small universes There is only one powerhouse in the universe, what about other ethnic groups?"

"Isn’t this too unfair to us!"


There are ethnic groups Powerhouse protested loudly.

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