"This proposal still talks about the past."

In the universe, the ancestors of Tie Mu, the ancestors of Kuimu, the ancestors of shaking the sky, the ancestors of earth wind, etc. are the most powerful in the universe. After hearing the words of Bailing Old Ancestor, they looked at each other, each satisfied nodded, with smiles on their faces.

"Sure enough, the most Powerhouses in these universes are just fighting for the benefits of their own ethnic group that's all!"

"They benefit, and simply won't consider us ethnic groups."

"I still want to start, this is the weak are prey to strong! The strength is naturally the right to speak."

A group of ethnic groups who do not have the most Powerhouse in the universe, their faces are incomparable Ugly.

"Although you are all qualified to send people in, the number of Powerhouses you enter is have nothing common with each other. A group with the most Powerhouse in the universe can send 30 people, and two are 60 people. People, and so on." At this time, Old Ancestor of Zi Yue Holy Land opened the mouth and said again.

"Will you Zi Yue Holy Land also follow this principle?"

I heard the words of Bailing Old Ancestor, Tie Mu ancestor, Kuimu ancestor, shaking ancestor, earth wind The ancestors and other most Powerhouses in the universe frowned.

"Of course not! There is no limit on the number of people in Zi Yue Holy Land." Bailing Old Ancestor said in a tranquil voice.


The ancestor of Tie Mu, the ancestor of Kuimu, the ancestor of Earth-shaking, and the ancestor of Earthwind looked at Bailing Old Ancestor, and their faces were extremely heavy.

"This is what I mean, do you have any comments? It is already the greatest gift to you to allow you to join!"

Rather than waiting for Bailing Old Ancestor to speak, Zi A majestic and majestic voice came from the direction of Yue Holy Land.

Also in this brief moment, a huge silhouette appeared above Zi Yue Holy Land. He was surrounded by the hazy Purple Qi. It was unrealistic and gave people an illusory sense of direct vision.

"Do you think there is a limit on the number of people in my Dongdi Holy Land?"

Just as the voice fell, another powerful voice sounded with a smile in it meaning.

Next moment, a huge silhouette appeared above the East Emperor Holy Land, and it was also difficult to see its appearance.

"Who is the speaker!"

"The ancestor of Zi Yue Holy Land and the ancestor of Dongdi Holy Land!"

"The strongest in the universe Two big existences!"

"It is said that they have surpassed the list of the most powerhouses in the universe and entered a higher level of realm!"


Humanoid huge monsters all around, Powerhouses of all races successively looked towards Zi Yue Holy Land and the two huge silhouettes above the East Emperor Holy Land, each with a look of consternation and heated discussions.

Heard the ancestor of the East Emperor jokingly, Zi Yue ancestor was coldly snorted and ignored it.

"You Two Great Holy Lands are too arrogant, right? You really don't put us in your eyes!"

Tie Mu's ancestor's cold eyes swept across Zi Yue successively The ancestor and the ancestor of the East Emperor said: "Although you two have surpassed the ranks of the most Powerhouse in the universe and entered a higher level of realm, I also know that that realm is oppressed by the Primitive Universe's original will. There is no way to travel in the universe like us, but to stay in your own small universe!"

"In other words, how strong are you? In the end, you can only send out Bailing Lao Er. The most Powerhouse in the universe?"

With an angry shout, Tie Mu's ancestor coldly snorted.

"Even if you can't get out of Holy Land, I can suppress you with divine sense alone!"

With an indifferent voice, the huge dim purple shadow above Zi Yue Holy Land A huge purple palm print suddenly condenses in it.

Afterwards, under the gaze of countless Powerhouses, purple palm prints were photographed, which seemed to come from Zi Yue Holy Land through the starry sky, and appeared above the Vortex River for an instant, and the target was directed at the ancestor of Tie Mu .

Looking at the purple giant palm that suddenly came with a terrifying breath, Tie Mu's ancestor eyes suddenly shrank, without any hesitation, condensed his whole body power and gathered it in the palm of his hand, and also slapped it out with a palm.

hong long!

In an instant, a new space was formed where the collision occurred.

In this space, two giant palm strikes are together, two completely different sources of power are intertwined, and both are releasing the energy storm of destroying heaven and extinguishing earth.

hong long!

Finally, with an explosion, the energy in the purple palm print penetrated into the body of the ancestor Tie Mu.

Then, with a scream of pain, the body of the ancestor Tie Mu exploded and turned into a pile of minced meat.

It's just that this pile of minced meat quickly gathered together again and became the ancestor of Tie Mu again.


The ancestor Tie Mu held steady, his face was a little pale, and after the fiercely cursed cursed, the ancestor looked towards Zi Yue and allowed some jealousy. .

Not only the ancestor of Tie Mu, but also the faces of the most powerful Powerhouses in the universe, such as the ancestor of Kuimu, the ancestor of the earth-shaking, and the ancestor of the earth wind, have also become serious.

"Is this the strength of the ancestor of Zi Yue!"

"It is indeed the super-level existence that created Zi Yue Holy Land! Even if the real body does not come out, just rely on divine sense. Can defeat the ancestor of Tie Mu!"

"The founder of the same Holy Land, I am afraid that the ancestor of the East Emperor also has the same strength!"


When I witnessed the Powerhouse of the various races in the previous scene, when I looked towards the ancestor of Two Great Holy Lands again, there was a look of dreading in his eyes.

"Do you have any comments on what I said before?"

After a long while, Zi Yue's ancestor's indifferent voice once again sounded from the universe.

Only this time, the ancestor of Tie Mu, the ancestor of Kuimu, the ancestor of Earth-shaking, the ancestor of Earthwind and other most powerful Powerhouses in the universe, no one dared to raise objections anymore, but with anger and unwillingness on their faces.

"Very good! Since no one speaks any more, then about this mysterious thing..."

"This seat feels wrong, at least my family enters, the same should not be The limit on the number of people."

However, halfway through the words of the ancestor Zi Yue, he was suddenly interrupted by a smiling voice.

Almost at the same time, the Powerhouses of all races above the Vortex River showed surprised expressions, one by one dumbfounded.

"Who is talking!"

"At this time, I dare to refute the ancestor of Zi Yue! Is he courting death!"

"Does he see Blind? Didn’t you see that the ancestor of Zi Yue was just a wisp of Divine Sense, and he defeated the ancestor of Peak Universe’s most Powerhouse Tie Mu!"


All races The powerhouses turned their heads one after another, and soon a group of silhouettes appeared in their sights, led by a youth man in a purple robe.

At this moment, this purple-robed youth man has his hands behind his back, a calm and composed look.

"Are they talking just now?"

"That is the Primal Chaos City Lord of Human Race!"

"Huh? That purple robe youth is Who? Looking at the appearance of Primal Chaos City Lord, it seems to be very respectful to him!"

"Could it be that he is the creator of giant axe?"

"What a joke! Haven't you seen Human Race giant axe? And it is said that giant axe has died in the Qingfeng world!"

"It is him! Human Race's newest powerhouse in the universe, the owner of All Heavens Store! Oh! No, to be precise, he is just the most Powerhouse in the Human Race universe that has just been revealed! In terms of strength, he is stronger than the creator of giant axe! Because in the recent war, he killed seven universes alone. The most Powerhouse!"

"What? Killed the seven most Powerhouses in the universe! Is this true?"

"The projection battle scene about him has been circulated, I think it is necessary It won’t be long before you will see it! At that time, you will know what I said is true or false!"


At this moment, all the powerhouses in the field looked at Projected on Chu Bei's body, suspecting the latter's identity.

As for those Powerhouses who have seen the Chu Bei battle scene, they all showed expressions of astonishment.

"Human Race? Who are you again!"

Above Zi Yue Holy Land, the icy voice of Zi Yue's ancestor once again floated over, with fierce killing intents in it.

"This seat, the master of Human Race All Heavens Store."

Chu Bei lightly glanced at the direction of Zi Yue Holy Land, his words were calm, and there was no other universe in his eyes. All fears of Powerhouse.

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